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  114. <li><a href="#theme_installation" title="Theme Installation">Template Installation</a></li>
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  116. <li><a href="#fonts" title="Fonts">Fonts</a></li>
  117. <li><a href="#theme_options" title="Source File (CSS)">Source File (CSS)</a></li>
  118. <li><a href="#theme_options1" title="Source File (JS)">Source File (JS)</a></li>
  119. <li><a href="#theme_sources" title="Customize">Sources and Credits</a></li>
  120. <li><a href="#theme_options2" title="Customize">Customization</a></li>
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  132. <h1 style="text-align: center">RedBiz - Business & Consulting Multi-Purpose Template</h1>
  133. <p style="text-align: center">created: 13/03/2018</p>
  134. <p class="download-info"> <a href="" class="btn btn-large">24/7 Support: Send Us a message from our profile</a> </p>
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  137. <div id="intro">
  138. <p class="highlight hero-unit">Thank you for purchasing my template. If you have any questions that are beyond the scope of this help file,<br> please feel free to mail us <b></b></p>
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  142. <section id="theme_installation">
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  144. <h3>Template Installation</h3>
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  149. <h5>FTP Upload:</h5>
  150. <ul>
  151. <li>Open up your FTP manager and connect to your hosting</li>
  152. <li>Browse to required directory (Normally public_html)</li>
  153. <li>Upload the files inside <strong>RedBiz</strong> folder.</li>
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  160. <h3>Pages</h3>
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  181. <li>team-single.html</li>
  182. <li>partners.html</li>
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  184. <li>services-2.html</li>
  185. <li>services-3.html</li>
  186. <li>service-detail.html</li>
  187. <li>cases.html</li>
  188. <li>projects-grid.html</li>
  189. <li>projects-masonry-3-column.html</li>
  190. <li>projects-masonry-4-column.html</li>
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  192. <li>project-detail-2.html</li>
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  194. <li>blog-grid-classic.html</li>
  195. <li>blog-list.html</li>
  196. <li>blog-list-sidebar.html</li>
  197. <li>blog-post.html</li>
  198. <li>shop-grid.html</li>
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  202. <li>shop-single.html</li>
  203. <li>shopping-cart.html</li>
  204. <li>faq.html</li>
  205. <li>faq-2.html</li>
  206. <li>404.html</li>
  207. <li>under-construction.html</li>
  208. <li>feature-boxes.html</li>
  209. <li>pricing-lists.html</li>
  210. <li>testmonials.html</li>
  211. <li>progress-bars.html</li>
  212. <li>accordions.html</li>
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  287. <h3>Sources and Credits</h3>
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  290. <h6>I've used the following images, icons or other files as listed.</h6>
  291. <ol>
  292. <ul>
  293. <li>Icons are used from Font Awesome, (Find all icons used in website in icomoon/demo.html file.)</li>
  294. <li>Photos are used from,,,</li>
  295. <li>All Plugins are well commented with the Provider's Name and information.</li>
  296. </ul>
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  299. <section id="theme_options2">
  300. <div class="page-header">
  301. <h3>Customization</h3>
  302. <hr class="notop">
  303. </div>
  304. <h4>How to Change Logo</h4>
  305. <img src="assets/img/logo-change.png" alt="">
  306. <h4>How to Change Map marker(pin) position in Contact Page</h4>
  307. <img src="assets/img/map-prev.png" alt="">
  308. <h5>File Location: js/map.js (Line 186)</h5>
  309. <img src="assets/img/map-code.jpg" alt="">
  310. <img src="assets/img/map-code.png" alt="">
  311. <h5>You have to enter the key obtained from google map api. <a href="" class="btn btn-medium">Click here for the key</a></h5>
  312. <img src="assets/img/mapp.jpg" alt="">
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