You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

28 lines
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(function ($) {
$datatype = { Table: 1, Json: 2, Xml: 3, JqGrid: 4 }; var $defaults = { containerid: null, datatype: $datatype.Table, dataset: null, columns: null, returnUri: false, worksheetName: "My Worksheet", encoding: "utf-8", worksheetOptions: "<x:DisplayGridlines/>" }; var $settings = $defaults; $.fn.btechco_excelexport = function (options) {
$settings = $.extend({}, $defaults, options); var gridData = []; var excelData; return Initialize(); function Initialize() {
BuildDataStructure(); switch ($settings.datatype) {
case 1: excelData = Export(ConvertFromTable()); break; case 2: excelData = Export(ConvertDataStructureToTable());
break; case 3: excelData = Export(ConvertDataStructureToTable()); break; case 4: excelData = Export(ConvertDataStructureToTable()); break
} if ($settings.returnUri) return excelData; else
} function BuildDataStructure() {
switch ($settings.datatype) {
case 1: break; case 2: gridData = $settings.dataset; break; case 3: $($settings.dataset).find("row").each(function (key, value) { var item = {}; if (this.attributes != null && this.attributes.length > 0) { $(this.attributes).each(function () { item[] = this.value }); gridData.push(item) } });
break; case 4: $($settings.dataset).find("rows > row").each(function (key, value) { var item = {}; if (this.children != null && this.children.length > 0) { $(this.children).each(function () { item[this.tagName] = $(this).text() }); gridData.push(item) } }); break
} function ConvertFromTable() { var result = $("<div>").append($("#" + $settings.containerid).clone()).html(); return result } function ConvertDataStructureToTable() {
var result = "<table>"; result += "<thead><tr>"; $($settings.columns).each(function (key, value) {
if (this.ishidden != true) {
result +=
"<th"; if (this.width != null) result += " style='width: " + this.width + "'"; result += ">"; result += this.headertext; result += "</th>"
}); result += "</tr></thead>"; result += "<tbody>"; $(gridData).each(function (key, value) { result += "<tr>"; $($settings.columns).each(function (k, v) { if (value.hasOwnProperty(this.datafield)) if (this.ishidden != true) { result += "<td"; if (this.width != null) result += " style='width: " + this.width + "'"; result += ">"; result += value[this.datafield]; result += "</td>" } }); result += "</tr>" }); result += "</tbody>"; result +=
"</table>"; return result
} function Export(htmltable) {
var excelFile = "<html xmlns:o='urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office' xmlns:x='urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:excel' xmlns=''>"; excelFile += "<head>"; excelFile += '<meta http-equiv="Content-type" content="text/html;charset=' + $defaults.encoding + '" />'; excelFile += "\x3c!--[if gte mso 9]>"; excelFile += "<xml>"; excelFile += "<x:ExcelWorkbook>"; excelFile += "<x:ExcelWorksheets>"; excelFile += "<x:ExcelWorksheet>"; excelFile += "<x:Name>";
excelFile += "{worksheet}"; excelFile += "</x:Name>"; excelFile += "<x:WorksheetOptions>"; excelFile += "{worksheetOptions}"; excelFile += "</x:WorksheetOptions>"; excelFile += "</x:ExcelWorksheet>"; excelFile += "</x:ExcelWorksheets>"; excelFile += "</x:ExcelWorkbook>"; excelFile += "</xml>"; excelFile += "<![endif]--\x3e"; excelFile += "</head>"; excelFile += "<body>"; excelFile += htmltable.replace(/"/g, "'"); excelFile += "</body>"; excelFile += "</html>"; var uri = "data:application/;base64,"; var ctx = {
worksheet: $settings.worksheetName, table: htmltable, worksheetOptions: $settings.worksheetOptions
}; return uri + base64(format(excelFile, ctx))
} function base64(s) { return window.btoa(unescape(encodeURIComponent(s))) } function format(s, c) { return s.replace(/{(\w+)}/g, function (m, p) { return c[p] }) }