You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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<asp:ListItem Value="Rpt" Text="報告"></asp:ListItem>
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<%# DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "[\"ProgramName\"]")%></a>
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var PageTag = 'Menu';
var User;
var Json = {
List: [],
Area: {},
Session: []
var UrlAspx = PageTag + '.aspx/';
var Method = {
GetMenu: 'GetMenu',
GetSession: 'GetSession'
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* 函數名稱:CallPageMethod(UrlAspx, MethodName, JsonData)
* 目的:使用Ajax呼叫後台Method
* 作者:Gary
* 時間:2015/05/20
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success: callback,
error: function (res, status) {
if (status === "error") {
var errorMessage = $.parseJSON(res.responseText);
function GetSessionDone(msg) {
User = msg.d;
var ModuleID = document.getElementById('ddlModuleList').value;
CallPageMethod(UrlAspx, Method.GetMenu, {
strModuleID: ModuleID,
}, GetGetMenuDone);
function GetGetMenuDone(msg) {
var Json = JSON.parse(msg.d);
var JModule = Json.Module;
var JProgram = Json.Program;
var JModuleWord = {};
$.each(JModule, function (Index, JObj) {
JModuleWord[JObj.ModuleID] = JObj;
$.each(JModule, function (Index, JObj) {
var Sort;
if (JObj.ModuleIDSort) {
Sort = JObj.ModuleIDSort.split('/');
Sort = Sort.splice(1, Sort.length);
var Parent = '';
$.each(Sort, function (SubIndex, Value) {
var First = (Parent === '');
if ($('#li' + Value).length === 0) {
Parent = Parent || $('ul.accordion');
var a = $('<a>', {
'class': 'havechild', href: 'javascript:void(0);', text: JModuleWord[Value].ModuleName, click: function () {
if ($(this).hasClass('active')) {
$('#ulSub' + Value + ',#li' + Value + '>ul').css('display', 'block');
else {
$('#ulSub' + Value + ',#li' + Value + '>ul').css('display', 'none');
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Parent = (First) ? $('#li' + Value) : $('#li' + Value);
else {
Parent = Parent || $('ul.accordion');
if ($('#li' + JObj.ModuleID).length === 0) {
var $li = $('<li />').attr('id', 'li' + JObj.ModuleID).appendTo(Parent);
var $a = $('<a />').html(JObj.ModuleName).css('cursor', 'pointer').click(function () {
$.each(JProgram, function (Index, JObj) {
var a = $('<a>', {
href: 'javascript:void(0);', text: JObj.ProgramName, click: function () {
var Li = $('<li>', { html: [a] });
$('#ulSub' + JObj.ModuleID).append(Li);
//$(document).ready(function () {
// //console.log('hi')
// var accordion_head = $('.accordion > li > a'),
// accordion_body = $('.accordion li > .sub-menu');
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// (event) { // Click function
// // Show and hide the tabs on click
// if ($(this).attr('class') != 'active') {
// accordion_body.slideUp('normal');
// $(this).next().stop(true, true).slideToggle('normal');
// accordion_head.removeClass('active');
// $(this).addClass('active');
// }
// });
// runModule();
//hidValue 是用來判斷Drop Down List 是否為點選。
//用意是避免IE瀏覽測當選到DropDownList時會直接縮滑動畫面。 by Gary 2013/12/31
// $('#ddlModuleList').live('click', function () {
// });
function runModule() {
var o = document.getElementById("ddlModuleList").value;
parent.OpenPageTab(o, 'ModuleDefault');$('#hidValue').val("false");