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<%@ WebHandler Language="C#" Class="GetImg" %>
using System;
using System.Web;
public class GetImg : IHttpHandler
public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context)
string gu_id = context.Request["F"];
string strImgsrc = "";
string subFileName = "";
Guid OutPutGuId;
bool isValidGuId = Guid.TryParse(gu_id, out OutPutGuId);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(gu_id) && gu_id != "0" && isValidGuId) //不為空
OT.BLL.OTB_SYS_Document otb_document_bll = new OT.BLL.OTB_SYS_Document();
OT.Model.OTB_SYS_Document otb_document_model = new OT.Model.OTB_SYS_Document();
otb_document_model = otb_document_bll.GetImgSrc(gu_id); //代入GUID傳回Src
strImgsrc = otb_document_model.FilePath;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(strImgsrc))
subFileName = otb_document_model.SubFileName == null ? "jpeg" : otb_document_model.SubFileName.Substring(1);
HttpResponse txt = context.Response;
txt.ContentType = "image/" + subFileName;
OT.Web.Ap_Code.BasePage.mo_Log.Error("GUID:" + OutPutGuId.ToString() + ",DB內找不到該GUID");
catch (Exception ex)
OT.Web.Ap_Code.BasePage.mo_Log.Error("OrigtekGetImg.ashx Error Message:" + ex.Message + "\nGUID:" + gu_id + "\nFilePath:" + strImgsrc);
public bool IsReusable
return false;