using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Data; using System.Drawing; using System.Linq; using System.Xml.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; using System.Windows.Forms; using System.Data.Sql; using System.Data.SqlClient; using System.Xml; using System.Configuration; using System.IO; using ManagementSystem.Utility;
namespace ManagementSystem { public partial class CashFlowForecast : Form { //程式內共用物件
public string strFrmStatus = ""; //表單狀態
public string strPKey = ""; //程式內的Key值
public string strOwnerForm = ""; //呼叫的Form Name
public string strKey = ""; //程式內加密的Key值
public string strActiveUserID = ""; //取得登入作用的使用者帳號
public string strAccountingBookID = ""; //取得作用中的帳本
SqlConnection sqlConn = UtilityClass.GetConn(MainForm.strAccountingBookID); SqlTransaction sqlTran; SqlDataAdapter sqlAdapter = new SqlDataAdapter(); SqlCommand sqlCmd = new SqlCommand(); int intStartCount = 0; //當下Gridview所有的資料筆數
Int32 intAssetsCount = 0; //記錄本次資金餘額
public CashFlowForecast() { InitializeComponent(); }
#region 自定義程式
public void SetupStatus() //畫面載入設定
{ try { strActiveUserID = MainForm.strActiveUserID; strAccountingBookID = MainForm.strAccountingBookID; strKey = MainForm.strKey;
if (MainForm.strKey == "") { //設定Toolbar初始狀態
tsbAdd.Enabled = false; tsbSave.Enabled = false; tsbDelete.Enabled = false; }
StatusChange("NONE"); LoadAssets(); LoadRest(); UtilityClass.SetGridColor(dgvCashFlow); } catch (Exception ex) { ErrorHandler.WriteErrorLog("CashFlowForecast.cs", ex); } }
private void CleanForm() //清除畫面
{ dgvCashFlow.Rows.Clear(); } private void CleanToolbar() //清除工具列
{ //設定Toolbar狀態
tsbSearch.Visible = false; tsbAdd.Visible = true; tsbAdd.Enabled = true; tsbEdit.Visible = true; tsbEdit.Enabled = true; tsbDelete.Visible = false; tsbDelete.Enabled = false; tsbSave.Visible = false; tsbOK.Visible = false; tsbCancel.Visible = false; }
private void UnLockForm() //解除限制唯讀物件
{ dgvCashFlow.ReadOnly = false; }
private void LockForm() //限制唯讀物件
{ dgvCashFlow.ReadOnly = true; }
private void SearchEvent() //查詢事件
{ }
private void EditEven() //修改事件
private void StatusChange(string strStatus) //變更主畫面狀態
{ switch (strStatus.ToUpper()) { case "NONE": CleanForm(); CleanToolbar(); LockForm(); dgvCashFlow.AllowUserToAddRows = false; ((MainForm)ParentForm).SsStatus.Items["tsslStatus"].Text = ""; strFrmStatus = ""; intStartCount = dgvCashFlow.Rows.Count; break; case "SEARCH": UnLockForm(); dgvCashFlow.DataSource = null; Application.DoEvents(); tsbSearch.Visible = false; tsbAdd.Enabled = false; tsbEdit.Enabled = false; tsbDelete.Enabled = false; tsbOK.Visible = true; tsbCancel.Visible = true; ((MainForm)ParentForm).SsStatus.Items["tsslStatus"].Text = "搜尋"; strFrmStatus = "SEARCH"; break; case "ADD": UnLockForm(); dgvCashFlow.AllowUserToAddRows = true; tsbSearch.Enabled = false; tsbAdd.Visible = false; tsbEdit.Enabled = false; tsbSave.Visible = true; tsbCancel.Visible = true; tsbDelete.Enabled = false; ((MainForm)ParentForm).SsStatus.Items["tsslStatus"].Text = "新增"; strFrmStatus = "ADD"; break; case "MODIFY": UnLockForm(); tsbSearch.Enabled = false; tsbAdd.Enabled = false; tsbEdit.Visible = false; tsbSave.Visible = true; tsbCancel.Visible = true; tsbDelete.Enabled = false; ((MainForm)ParentForm).SsStatus.Items["tsslStatus"].Text = "修改"; strFrmStatus = "MODIFY"; break; case "DEL": UnLockForm(); tsbSearch.Enabled = false; tsbSave.Visible = true; tsbCancel.Visible = true; tsbDelete.Visible = false; ((MainForm)ParentForm).SsStatus.Items["tsslStatus"].Text = "刪除"; strFrmStatus = "DEL"; break; } UtilityClass.SetGridColor(dgvCashFlow); }
private int CheckSelected() { int intCheckCount = 0; foreach (DataGridViewRow row in dgvCashFlow.Rows) { DataGridViewCheckBoxCell Selcell = (DataGridViewCheckBoxCell)row.Cells["cDel"]; //選擇狀態列
if (Selcell.Value != null) { if (Selcell.Value == Selcell.TrueValue) { intCheckCount += 1; } } } return intCheckCount; }
private void GoDel() { if (CheckSelected() == 0) { if (MessageBox.Show("刪除的資料將無法還原,請問您是否繼續刪除的動作?", "提示", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) == DialogResult.Yes) { //進行刪除的動作
} } else { MessageBox.Show("請先選擇要刪除的資料!", "提示"); } } private Int32 CountAssets(string strAccountingSubjectID) { try { Int32 intCount = 0; string strDebit = ""; string strCredit = ""; string strAssetsList = "Select AccountingID, AccountingDate, AccountingOrder, Debit, Credit, ProjectNumber, ProjectCName, Memo From OTB_FNC_AccountingJournal Where AccountingBookID = '" + strAccountingBookID + "' And AccountingID like '" + DateTime.Now.Year.ToString() + "%' And AccountingSubID ='" + strAccountingSubjectID + "' Order by AccountingID ASC"; DataTable dtTemp = UtilityClass.GetSQLResult(strAssetsList).Tables["Result"]; foreach (DataRow dr in dtTemp.Rows) { strDebit = UtilityClass.DecryptDES(dr["Debit"].ToString(),strKey).Replace(",",""); if (strDebit == "") strDebit = "0"; strCredit = UtilityClass.DecryptDES(dr["Credit"].ToString(),strKey).Replace(",",""); if (strCredit == "") strCredit = "0"; intCount = intCount + Convert.ToInt32(strDebit) - Convert.ToInt32(strCredit); } return intCount; } catch { return 0; } }
private void LoadAssets() { try { intAssetsCount = 0; string strXMLPath = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["XMLFilePath"].ToString() + this.Name.ToString() + ".xml"; if (File.Exists(strXMLPath)) { XDocument xmlContent = XDocument.Load(strXMLPath); foreach (XElement xmlData in xmlContent.Descendants("Accounting")) { intAssetsCount += CountAssets(xmlData.Element("SubAccounting").Value.ToString()); } }
DataGridViewRow dgvRow = new DataGridViewRow(); dgvRow.CreateCells(dgvCashFlow); dgvRow.ReadOnly = true; dgvRow.Cells[1].Value = DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString(); //預估日期
dgvRow.Cells[4].Value = "實際餘額"; dgvRow.Cells[7].Value = UtilityClass.MarkNumber(intAssetsCount.ToString()); //實際餘額
dgvCashFlow.Rows.Add(dgvRow); } catch (Exception ex) { ErrorHandler.WriteErrorLog("CashFlowForecast.cs", ex); } }
private void LoadRest() //整理餘額資料
{ try { string strIncome = ""; string strExpand = ""; string strSQL = "Select * From OTB_FNC_CashFlowForecast Where AccountingBookID = '" + strAccountingBookID + "' Order by ForecastDate"; DataTable dtTemp = UtilityClass.GetSQLResult(strSQL).Tables["Result"]; if (dtTemp.Rows.Count > 0) { foreach (DataRow dr in dtTemp.Rows) { strIncome = ""; strExpand = ""; DataGridViewRow dgvForcastRow = new DataGridViewRow(); dgvForcastRow.CreateCells(dgvCashFlow); dgvForcastRow.Cells[1].Value = DateTime.Parse(dr["ForecastDate"].ToString()).ToShortDateString(); ; //預估日期
dgvForcastRow.Cells[2].Value = dr["CustomerName"].ToString(); //客戶名稱
dgvForcastRow.Cells[3].Value = dr["InvoiceNo"].ToString(); //發票號碼
dgvForcastRow.Cells[4].Value = dr["Memo"].ToString(); //備註
strIncome = string.IsNullOrEmpty(dr["ForecastIncome"].ToString()) ? "" : UtilityClass.DecryptDES(dr["ForecastIncome"].ToString(), strKey); //預估收入
strExpand = string.IsNullOrEmpty(dr["ForecastExpand"].ToString()) ? "" : UtilityClass.DecryptDES(dr["ForecastExpand"].ToString(), strKey); //預估收入
dgvForcastRow.Cells[5].Value = strIncome; //預估收入
dgvForcastRow.Cells[6].Value = strExpand; //預估支出
intAssetsCount = intAssetsCount + Convert.ToInt32(string.IsNullOrEmpty(strIncome) ? "0" : strIncome.Replace(",", "")) - Convert.ToInt32(string.IsNullOrEmpty(strExpand) ? "0" : strExpand.Replace(",", "")); dgvForcastRow.Cells[7].Value = UtilityClass.MarkNumber(intAssetsCount.ToString()); //實際餘額
dgvForcastRow.Cells[8].Value = dr["ItemNo"].ToString(); //專案名稱
dgvForcastRow.Cells[10].Value = dr["ProjectCName"].ToString(); //專案名稱
dgvCashFlow.Rows.Add(dgvForcastRow); } } } catch (Exception ex) { ErrorHandler.WriteErrorLog("CashFlowForecast.cs", ex); } }
private void ReLoadRest() //重新整理餘額資料
{ string strIncome = ""; string strExpand = ""; string strAmount = ""; try { if (dgvCashFlow.Rows.Count > 0) { foreach (DataGridViewRow dr in dgvCashFlow.Rows) { if (dr.Index == 0) { strAmount = (string)dr.Cells[7].Value; } else { strIncome = ""; strExpand = ""; strAmount = (string)dgvCashFlow.Rows[dr.Index - 1].Cells[7].Value; strIncome = (string)dr.Cells[5].Value; //預估收入
strExpand = (string)dr.Cells[6].Value; //預估支出
intAssetsCount = Convert.ToInt32(string.IsNullOrEmpty(strAmount) ? "0" : strAmount.Replace(",", "")) + Convert.ToInt32(string.IsNullOrEmpty(strIncome) ? "0" : strIncome.Replace(",", "")) - Convert.ToInt32(string.IsNullOrEmpty(strExpand) ? "0" : strExpand.Replace(",", "")); dr.Cells[7].Value = UtilityClass.MarkNumber(intAssetsCount.ToString()); //實際餘額
} } } } catch (Exception ex) { ErrorHandler.WriteErrorLog("CashFlowForecast.cs", ex); } } #endregion
#region 事件觸發及問題處理
private void CashFlowForecast_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { SetupStatus(); }
private void tsbExit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.Close(); }
private void tsbClean_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { SetupStatus(); }
private void tsbSearch_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { }
private void tsbCancel_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { SetupStatus(); }
private void tsbAdd_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { StatusChange("Add"); CashFlowForecastEdit actForm = new CashFlowForecastEdit(); actForm.strFrmStatus = "ADD"; actForm.Owner = this; actForm.StartPosition = FormStartPosition.CenterParent; actForm.ShowDialog(); }
private void tsbEdit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { StatusChange("Modify"); UnLockForm(); }
private void tsbDelete_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { StatusChange("Del"); }
private void tsbSetup_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { XMLSetting frmSettingForm = new XMLSetting(); frmSettingForm.Owner = this; frmSettingForm.strOwnerForm = this.Name.ToString(); frmSettingForm.strXMLName = this.Name.ToString(); frmSettingForm.StartPosition = FormStartPosition.CenterParent; frmSettingForm.ShowDialog(); }
private void dgvCashFlow_CellBeginEdit(object sender, DataGridViewCellCancelEventArgs e) { string strValue = ""; if (dgvCashFlow.Columns[e.ColumnIndex].Name.ToString() == "cIncome") { strValue = (string)dgvCashFlow.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells["cIncome"].Value; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(strValue)) { return; } else { dgvCashFlow.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells["cIncome"].Value = strValue.Replace(",", ""); } }
if (dgvCashFlow.Columns[e.ColumnIndex].Name.ToString() == "cExpand") { strValue = (string)dgvCashFlow.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells["cExpand"].Value; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(strValue)) { return; } else { dgvCashFlow.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells["cExpand"].Value = strValue.Replace(",", ""); } } }
private void dgvCashFlow_CellEndEdit(object sender, DataGridViewCellEventArgs e) { //數字呈現方式調整
string strValue = ""; if (dgvCashFlow.Columns[e.ColumnIndex].Name.ToString() == "cIncome") { strValue = (string)dgvCashFlow.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells["cIncome"].Value; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(strValue)) { return; } else { strValue = strValue.Replace(",", ""); dgvCashFlow.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells["cIncome"].Value = UtilityClass.MarkNumber(strValue); } }
if (dgvCashFlow.Columns[e.ColumnIndex].Name.ToString() == "cExpand") { strValue = (string)dgvCashFlow.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells["cExpand"].Value; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(strValue)) { return; } else { strValue = strValue.Replace(",", ""); dgvCashFlow.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells["cExpand"].Value = UtilityClass.MarkNumber(strValue); } } }
private void tsbSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) //存在判斷刪除狀態的問題
{ string strItemNo = ""; string strIncome = ""; string strExpand = ""; string strSQL = ""; try { foreach (DataGridViewRow dr in dgvCashFlow.Rows) { strItemNo = (string)dr.Cells["cItemNo"].Value; DataGridViewCheckBoxCell Delcell = (DataGridViewCheckBoxCell)dr.Cells["cDel"]; //刪除狀態列
if (Delcell.Value == Delcell.TrueValue) { //判斷刪除被選取
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(strItemNo)) { strSQL = "Delete OTB_FNC_CashFlowForecast Where ItemNo = '" + (string)dr.Cells["cItemNo"].Value + "'"; UtilityClass.RunSQLNonReturn(strSQL); } } else { //進行更新
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(strItemNo)) { strIncome = (string)dr.Cells["cIncome"].Value; strExpand = (string)dr.Cells["cExpand"].Value; strSQL = "Update OTB_FNC_CashFlowForecast Set "; strSQL += " ForecastDate = '" + dr.Cells["cForecastDate"].Value.ToString() + "',"; strSQL += " ForecastIncome = '" + (string.IsNullOrEmpty(strIncome) ? "" : UtilityClass.EncryptDES(strIncome, strKey)) + "',"; strSQL += " ForecastExpand = '" + (string.IsNullOrEmpty(strExpand) ? "" : UtilityClass.EncryptDES(strExpand, strKey)) + "',"; strSQL += " CustomerName = '" + (string)dr.Cells["cCustomerName"].Value + "',"; strSQL += " InvoiceNo = '" + (string)dr.Cells["cInvoiceNo"].Value + "',"; strSQL += " Memo = '" + (string)dr.Cells["cMemo"].Value + "',"; strSQL += " ProjectNumber = '" + (string)dr.Cells["cProjectNumber"].Value + "',"; strSQL += " ProjectCName = '" + (string)dr.Cells["cProjectCName"].Value + "'"; strSQL += " Where ItemNo = '" + (string)dr.Cells["cItemNo"].Value + "'"; UtilityClass.RunSQLNonReturn(strSQL); } } } MessageBox.Show("儲存成功", "提示"); SetupStatus(); //截入初始狀態
} catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("儲存有誤", "提示"); ErrorHandler.WriteErrorLog("CashFlowForecast.cs", ex); } }
private void tsbOK_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { switch (strFrmStatus.ToString()) { case "MODIFY": //修改
EditEven(); break; } }
private void dgvCashFlow_RowValidating(object sender, DataGridViewCellCancelEventArgs e) { string strErrorMsg = "";
try { //進行資料檢查
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty((string)dgvCashFlow.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells["cForecastDate"].Value)) { strErrorMsg = "請輸入預估日期"; } else { if (!UtilityClass.IsDate((string)dgvCashFlow.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells["cForecastDate"].Value)) { strErrorMsg = "預估日期格式不對"; } else if(Convert.ToDateTime((string)dgvCashFlow.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells["cForecastDate"].Value) < Convert.ToDateTime(DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString())) { strErrorMsg = "預估日期應大於今天"; } }
if ((string)dgvCashFlow.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells["cMemo"].Value == "") { strErrorMsg = "備註不能等於空白"; }
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty((string)dgvCashFlow.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells["cIncome"].Value) && string.IsNullOrEmpty((string)dgvCashFlow.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells["cExpand"].Value) && e.RowIndex != 0) { strErrorMsg = "估預收入及支出不能同時等於空白"; }
if (strErrorMsg != "") { dgvCashFlow.Rows[e.RowIndex].ErrorText = strErrorMsg; e.Cancel = true; } } catch (Exception ex) { ErrorHandler.WriteErrorLog("CashFlowForecast.cs", ex); } }
private void dgvCashFlow_RowValidated(object sender, DataGridViewCellEventArgs e) { dgvCashFlow.Rows[e.RowIndex].ErrorText = ""; ReLoadRest(); } #endregion
} }