var msgs, iCuryIndex = 0, iTipsCount = 0, online_Users = [], Ann = { div: $('div.notice-box'), ul: $('div.notice-box').find('ul'), li_class: 'li-list', active: 'li-active', fadeOut: 500, timer: null }, AnnList = [], /**上線登陸註冊信息 * @param {String} islogin 是否登入 */ fnRegister = function (islogin) { var orgid = UserInfo.OrgID, userid = UserInfo.MemberID, username = UserInfo.MemberName; //上線
msgs.server.register(orgid, userid, username, islogin); }, /** * 查看公告明細 * @param {String} id 公告guid * @param {String} flag 是否包含關閉按鈕 */ fnOpenAnn = function (id, flag) { getHtmlTmp('/Page/Pop/AnnounceInfo.html').done(function (html) { var oAnnInfo = Enumerable.From(AnnList).Where(function (item) { return item.AnnouncementID === id; }).First(); oAnnInfo.CategoryName = i18next.t('common.Announcement');// ╠common.Announcement⇒公 告╣
oAnnInfo.CreateDate = newDate(oAnnInfo.CreateDate, 'date'); var sHtml = $('<script type="text/x-jsrender"/>').html(html).render(oAnnInfo); layer.open({ type: 1, //0(信息框,默认)1(页面层)2(iframe层)3(加载层)4(tips层)
title: oAnnInfo.CategoryName, //title: false, //不显示标题栏
area: '640px;',//寬度
shade: 0.75,//遮罩
closeBtn: flag ? 0 : 1, shadeClose: true, //maxmin: true, //开启最大化最小化按钮
id: 'layer_Announce', //设定一个id,防止重复弹出
offset: '100px',//右下角弹出
anim: 0,//彈出動畫
btn: flag ? [i18next.t('common.Gotit')] : [], btnAlign: 'c',//按鈕位置
content: sHtml, success: function (layero, index) { layero.find('a').each(function () { if (($(this).attr('href') || '').indexOf('net/upload/file') > -1 && (($(this).prev().attr('src') || '').indexOf('icon_jpg') > -1 || ($(this).prev().attr('src') || '').indexOf('icon_pdf') > -1)) { $(this).attr('target', '_new'); } }); layero.find('.layui-layer-title').css({ 'text-align': 'center', 'padding': '0 30px 0 20px', 'font-size': '20px', 'font-weight': '600' }); slimScroll(); }, yes: function (index, layero) { CallAjax(ComFn.W_Com, ComFn.GetCount, { Params: { read: { AnnouncementID: oAnnInfo.AnnouncementID, CreateUser: UserInfo.MemberID } } }, function (res) { if (res.d === 0) { CallAjax(ComFn.W_Com, ComFn.GetAdd, { Params: { read: { AnnouncementID: oAnnInfo.AnnouncementID, CreateUser: UserInfo.MemberID, CreateDate: newDate() } } }); } }); setTimeout(function () { fnGetAnnouncements(); }, 60000); layer.close(index); } }); }); }, /** * 查看公告明細 * @param {Object} tips 提示資料 */ fnShowTips = function (tips) { getHtmlTmp('/Page/Pop/AnnounceInfo.html').done(function (html) { var oTips = {}; oTips.CategoryName = i18next.t('common.SystemTips');// ╠common.SystemTips⇒系統提醒╣
oTips.CreateUserName = ''; oTips.CreateDate = ''; oTips.Description = ''; var saTips = JSON.parse(tips); $.each(saTips, function (idx, _tips) { oTips.Description += '<p class="tipslink" data-from="' + _tips.SourceFrom + '" data-parm="' + _tips.Params + '"><a style="cursor: pointer;"><span style="font-size: 14px;">' + (idx + 1) + '. ' + _tips.EventName + ' </span></a><span>' + _tips.Important + ' ' + newDate(_tips.StartDate, true) + '~' + newDate(_tips.StartDate, true) + '</span></p>'; }); var sHtml = $('<script type="text/x-jsrender"/>').html(html).render(oTips); layer.open({ type: 1, //0(信息框,默认)1(页面层)2(iframe层)3(加载层)4(tips层)
title: oTips.CategoryName, area: '640px;',//寬度
shade: 0.75,//遮罩
closeBtn: 1, shadeClose: true, id: 'layer_Tips', //设定一个id,防止重复弹出
offset: '100px',//右下角弹出
anim: 0,//彈出動畫
btn: [i18next.t('common.Gotit')], // ╠common.Gotit⇒知道了╣
btnAlign: 'c',//按鈕位置
content: sHtml, success: function (layero, index) { layero.find('.tipslink>a').click(function () { var sFrom = $(this).parent().attr('data-from').replace('_Qry', '_Upd'), sParm = $(this).parent().attr('data-parm'); openPageTab(sFrom, sParm); layer.close(index); }); layero.find('.layui-layer-title').css({ 'text-align': 'center', 'padding': '0 30px 0 20px', 'font-size': '20px', 'font-weight': '600' }); slimScroll(); } }); }); }, /** * @param {Object} tips 提示資料 */ fnAttendanceTips = function (tips) { getHtmlTmp('/Page/Pop/AnnounceInfo.html').done(function (html) { var oTips = {}; oTips.CategoryName = i18next.t('common.EiptemTips');// ╠common.EiptemTips⇒考勤未打卡提醒╣
oTips.CreateUserName = ''; oTips.CreateDate = ''; oTips.Description = ''; var saTips = JSON.parse(tips); $.each(saTips, function (idx, _tips) { oTips.Description += '<p class="tipslink" data-id="' + _tips.NO + '" data-user="' + _tips.Owner + '"><a style="cursor: pointer;"><span style="font-size: 14px;">' + (idx + 1) + '. ' + _tips.Title + ' </span></a> <a class="a-url" data-i18n="common.CancelTips">取消提醒</a></p>';// ╠common.CancelTips⇒取消提醒╣
}); var sHtml = $('<script type="text/x-jsrender"/>').html(html).render(oTips); layer.open({ type: 1, //0(信息框,默认)1(页面层)2(iframe层)3(加载层)4(tips层)
title: oTips.CategoryName, area: '680px;',//寬度
shade: 0.75,//遮罩
closeBtn: 1, shadeClose: true, id: 'layer_Tips', //设定一个id,防止重复弹出
offset: '100px',//右下角弹出
anim: 0,//彈出動畫
btn: [i18next.t('common.Gotit'), i18next.t('common.CancelAllTips')], // ╠common.CancelAllTips⇒取消所有提醒╣
btnAlign: 'c',//按鈕位置
content: sHtml, success: function (layero, index) { layero.find('.a-url').click(function () { var oTips = $(this).parent(), sTipsId = oTips.attr('data-id'); fnDeleteEipTips(sTipsId).done(function () { oTips.remove(); }); }); layero.find('.layui-layer-title').css({ 'text-align': 'center', 'padding': '0 30px 0 20px', 'font-size': '20px', 'font-weight': '600' }); slimScroll(); }, yes: function (index, layero) { layer.close(index); }, btn2: function (index, layero) { var saIds = []; layero.find('.tipslink').each(function () { saIds.push({ NO: $(this).attr('data-id') }); }); fnDeleteEipTips(saIds); } }); }); }, /** * 公告實現輪播 */ fnAnnouncementTimer = function () { if (Ann.ul.find('li').length > 1) { Ann.ul.animate({ marginTop: "-5.7rem" }, 1000, function () { $(this).css({ marginTop: "0rem" }).find("li:first").appendTo(this); }); } }, /** * 彈出公告訊息 * @param {Object} list 公告list */ fnShowAlertAnnouncement = function (list) { if (list) { $.each(list, function (index, item) { if (!item.IsAlert) { fnOpenAnn(item.AnnouncementID, true); return false; } }); } }, /** * 顯示一般輪播公告 * @param {Object} list 公告list */ fnShowSlideAnnouncement = function (list) { //加載公告
var saLi = []; AnnList = list; $.each(list, function (idx, item) { var sFontColor = item.FontColor || '#000', sTitle = item.Title; if (sTitle.length > 27) { sTitle = sTitle.substr(0, 27) + ' . . .'; } saLi.push($('<li />').addClass(Ann.li_class).attr('data-guid', item.AnnouncementID).append($('<a/>', { html: sTitle, click: function () { fnOpenAnn(item.AnnouncementID, false); } }).css('color', sFontColor))); }); if (saLi.length > 0) { Ann.ul.html('').append(saLi); Ann.div.show(); } else { Ann.div.hide(); }
if (Ann.timer) clearInterval(Ann.timer); Ann.timer = setInterval(fnAnnouncementTimer, 5000); Ann.ul.find('li').mousemove(function () { clearInterval(Ann.timer); }).mouseout(function () { Ann.timer = setInterval(fnAnnouncementTimer, 5000); }); }, /** * 獲取當前公告信息 */ fnGetAnnouncements = function () { if (!UserInfo.MemberID) { return; } g_api.ConnectLite(Service.com, 'GetAnnlist', {}, function (res) { if (res.RESULT) { AnnList = res.DATA.rel; fnShowSlideAnnouncement(AnnList); fnShowAlertAnnouncement(AnnList); } }); },
fnShowAbsenceNotification = function (saAttendances) { getHtmlTmp('/Page/Pop/AnnounceInfo.html').done(function (html) { let btnwords = i18next.t('common.Gotit'); if (!btnwords) btnwords = "知道了"; var oTips = {}; oTips.CategoryName = i18next.t('common.EiptemTips');// ╠common.EiptemTips⇒考勤未打卡提醒╣
oTips.CreateUserName = ''; oTips.CreateDate = ''; oTips.Description = ''; var Days = '';
$.each(saAttendances, function (idx, _sad) { let CardDate = new Date(_sad.CardDate); Days += CardDate.formate("yyyy.MM.dd (EEE)") + ','; }); oTips.Description = '<span style="font-size: 18px;"><p>您於' + Days + '</P><p>刷卡紀錄異常,請盡快辦理請假程序。</p><p>如有疑問,請向管理員詢問,謝謝!</p></span>'; var sHtml = $('<script type="text/x-jsrender"/>').html(html).render(oTips); layer.open({ type: 1, //0(信息框,默认)1(页面层)2(iframe层)3(加载层)4(tips层)
title: oTips.CategoryName, area: '680px;',//寬度,
shade: 0.8,//遮罩
closeBtn: 1, shadeClose: true, id: 'layer_Attendances', //设定一个id,防止重复弹出
offset: '100px',//右下角弹出
anim: 0,//彈出動畫
btn: [btnwords], btnAlign: 'c',//按鈕位置
content: sHtml, success: function (layero, index) { slimScroll(); }, yes: function (index, layero) { g_db.SetItem("AbsenceFromLastWeek", "True"); layer.close(index); }, }); }); }
/** * 獲取上週未刷卡/遲到/早退,周一僅提醒一次。 */ fnGetAbsenceFromLastWeek = function () { let DayOfWeek = new Date().getDay(); let HadNoticed = g_db.GetItem("AbsenceFromLastWeek"); if (!UserInfo.MemberID) { return; } if (DayOfWeek !== 1) { g_db.SetItem("AbsenceFromLastWeek", ""); } else if (!HadNoticed && DayOfWeek === 1) { g_api.ConnectLite(Service.com, 'GetAbsenceFromLastWeek', {}, function (res) { if (res.RESULT) { let AbsenceList = res.DATA.rel; if (AbsenceList.length > 0) fnShowAbsenceNotification(AbsenceList); else g_db.SetItem("AbsenceFromLastWeek", "True"); } }); } },
/** * 獲取所有提示 */ fnGetTips = function () { CallAjax(ComFn.W_Com, ComFn.GetList, { Type: '', Params: { tips: { IsRead: 'N', Owner: window.UserID, OrgID: window.OrgID }, sort: { CreateDate: 'desc' } } }, function (res) { if (res.d) { var saList = $.parseJSON(res.d), myHelpers = { dtformate: function (val) { return newDate(val); }, setIcon: function (type) { var sIcon = 'icon-bell'; if (type === 'fa-check') { sIcon = 'fa fa-check'; } else if (type === 'fa-times') { sIcon = 'fa fa-times'; } return sIcon; }, setBgcolor: function (type) { var sBgcolor = 'success'; if (type === 'fa-check') { sBgcolor = 'green'; } else if (type === 'fa-times') { sBgcolor = 'red'; } return sBgcolor; } }; $.views.helpers(myHelpers); iTipsCount = saList.length; if (iTipsCount > 0) { var sHtml = $('#temp_tips').render(saList);//angularJS
$('.tips-count').text(iTipsCount > 100 ? '99+' : iTipsCount); $('.tipscount').text(iTipsCount); $('#alltips').html(sHtml).find('.tips-item').on('click', function () { var saUrl = $(this).attr('data-url').split('|'), sPrgId = saUrl[0], sParam = saUrl[1]; parent.openPageTab(sPrgId, sParam); fnRemoveTips(false, $(this)); });
$('.stop-prevent').off('click').on('click', function (e) { var that = this; if ($(that).hasClass('tips-delete')) { fnRemoveTips(false, $(that).parents('.tips-item')); } else if ($(that).hasClass('tips-clearall')) { fnRemoveTips(true); } return false; }); $('.tips-has,.tips-count,.tipscount').show(); $('.tips-empty').hide(); } else { $('.tips-empty').show(); $('.tips-has,.tips-count,.tipscount').hide(); } } }); }, /** * 移除頁面提醒 * @param {Boolean} clearall 是否清空全部 * @param {HTMLElement} otips 當前資料物件 */ fnRemoveTips = function (clearall, otips) { var fnSet = function () { $('.tips-count').text(iTipsCount > 100 ? '99+' : iTipsCount); $('.tipscount').text(iTipsCount); if (iTipsCount) { $('.tips-has,.tips-count,.tipscount').show(); $('.tips-empty').hide(); } else { $('.tips-empty').show(); $('.tips-has,.tips-count,.tipscount').hide(); } }; if (clearall) { var saIds = []; $('#alltips .tips-item').each(function () { saIds.push({ NO: $(this).attr('data-id') }); }); fnDeleteTips(saIds).done(function (res) { if (res.d > 0) { iTipsCount = 0; $('#alltips').html(''); fnSet(); } }); } else { fnDeleteTips(otips.attr('data-id')).done(function (res) { if (res.d > 0) { iTipsCount--; otips.remove(); fnSet(); } }); } }, /** * 刪除提醒資料 * @param {HTMLElement} tips 要刪除的消息ID * @return {Function} ajax物件 */ fnDeleteTips = function (tips) { return CallAjax(ComFn.W_Com, ComFn.GetDel, { Params: { tips: typeof tips === 'string' ? { NO: tips } : tips } }); }, /** * 刪除EIP提醒 * @param {HTMLElement} tips 要刪除的消息ID * @return {Function} ajax物件 */ fnDeleteEipTips = function (tips) { return CallAjax(ComFn.W_Com, ComFn.GetDel, { Params: { clocktips: typeof tips === 'string' ? { NO: tips } : tips } }); }, /** * 重組數組 * @param {Array} tipsusers 人員列表 * @return {Array} 人員組合ID */ fnReleaseUsers = function (tipsusers) { var saUsers = []; if (tipsusers && tipsusers.length > 0) { $.each(tipsusers, function (idx, user) { if (user) { saUsers.push(window.OrgID + user); } }); } return saUsers; }, /** * 刪除提醒資料 * @param {Array} data 提示資料 * @param {Array} tipsusers 人員列表 * @return {Object} ajax */ fnAddTips = function (data, tipsusers) { return CallAjax(ComFn.W_Com, ComFn.GetAdd, { Params: { tips: data } }, function (res) { if (res.d > 0) { if (tipsusers) { var sTipsUsers = fnReleaseUsers(tipsusers); parent.msgs.server.pushTips(sTipsUsers); } } }); }, /** * 取得樹狀圖清單資料 * @param {String} sModid 模組ID * @return {String} 當前模組下所有程式清單html字串 */ getListMenu = function (sModid) { var saProgramList = g_db.GetDic('programList') || [], sectionData = new Array(2), Menuli = '<ul class="nav nav-pills">', //左邊清單列表
Listli = '<ul>', //右邊清單列表
subStyle = ''; //設定模組樣式Class
//set Menu
$.each(saProgramList, function (i, program) { if (program.ParentID === '' && program.ModuleID === sModid && program.ShowInList.toLowerCase() === 'y') { Menuli += " <li id=\"" + program.ModuleID + "\" class='menu-layer-one onmenu active' onclick=\"setTreeMenu('" + program.Module + "'); setMenuStyle('" + program.ModuleID + "');return false;\"> "; Menuli += " <a href='#' data-toggle='tab' class='menu-layer-one' data-i18n=common." + program.ModuleID + "></a></li> "; } //功能清單中的管理模組頁簽標題轉換
else if (program.ParentID === '' && program.ModuleID !== sModid && program.ShowInList.toLowerCase() === 'y') { Menuli += " <li id=\"" + program.ModuleID + "\" class='menu-layer-one drophide' onclick=\"setTreeMenu('" + program.ModuleID + "'); setMenuStyle('" + program.ModuleID + "');return false;\"> "; Menuli += " <a href='#' data-toggle='tab' class='menu-layer-one' data-i18n=common." + program.ModuleID + "></a></li> "; } //功能清單中的進出口頁簽標題轉換
$.each(saProgramList, function (e, program) { if (program.ParentID === sModid && program.ShowInList.toLowerCase() === 'y') { var subModule = '<ul>'; var moduleid = program.ModuleID; $.each(saProgramList, function (i, program1) { if (program1.ParentID === moduleid && program1.ShowInList.toLowerCase() === 'y') { var sub2Module = "<ul>"; var sub2moduleid = program1.ModuleID; $.each(saProgramList, function (m, program2) { if (program2.ParentID === sub2moduleid && program2.ShowInList.toLowerCase() === 'y') { var sub3Module = "<ul>"; var sub3moduleid = program2.ModuleID; $.each(saProgramList, function (m, program3) { if (program3.ParentID === sub3moduleid && program3.ShowInList.toLowerCase() === 'y') { if (program3.FilePath === '#') { sub3Module += " <li id=\"" + program3.ModuleID + "\" class='layer-four folderType'>"; sub3Module += " <a>" + program3.ModuleName + "</a></li> "; } else { sub3Module += " <li id=\"" + program3.ModuleID + "\" class='layer-four ProgramType' onclick=\"if('" + program3.FilePath + "'!='#') parent.openPageTab('" + program3.ModuleID + "');if('" + program3.FilePath + "'=='#'){setTreeMenu('" + program3.ModuleID + "');}\"> "; sub3Module += " <a href='#' data-i18n=common." + program3.ModuleID + "></a></li> "; }//功能清單中系統管理子層(系統架構、參數管理、組織結構)的底層標題
} }); sub3Module += '</ul>'; if (program2.FilePath === '#') { sub2Module += " <li id=\"" + program2.ModuleID + "\" class='layer-three folderType'>"; sub2Module += " <a data-i18n=common." + program2.ModuleID + "></a>" + sub3Module + "</li> "; }//功能清單中的頁簽標題轉換
else { sub2Module += " <li id=\"" + program2.ModuleID + "\" class='layer-three ProgramType' onclick=\"if('" + program2.FilePath + "'!='#') parent.openPageTab('" + program2.ModuleID + "');if('" + program2.FilePath + "'=='#'){setTreeMenu('" + program2.ModuleID + "');}\"> "; sub2Module += " <a href='#' data-i18n=common." + program2.ModuleID + "></a>" + sub3Module + "</li> "; }//功能清單中系統管理下層的標題
} }); sub2Module += '</ul>';
if (program1.FilePath === '#') { subModule += " <li id=\"" + program1.ModuleID + "\" class='layer-two folderType noborder'> "; subModule += " <a data-i18n=common." + program1.ModuleID + "></a>" + sub2Module + "</li>"; }//功能清單中系統管理的子層標題轉換
else { subModule += " <li id=\"" + program1.ModuleID + "\" class='layer-two ProgramType' onclick=\"if('" + program1.FilePath + "'!='#') parent.openPageTab('" + program1.ModuleID + "');if('" + program1.FilePath + "'=='#'){setTreeMenu('" + program1.ModuleID + "');}\"> "; subModule += " <a href='#' data-i18n=common." + program1.ModuleID + "></a>" + sub2Module + "</li>"; }//功能清單中我的工作下層的標題
} }); subModule += '</ul>';
if (program.FilePath === '#') { Listli += " <br class='clear'><div class='map-menu-list'><li id=\"" + program.ModuleID + "\" class='layer-one folderType' > "; Listli += " <a data-i18n=common." + program.ModuleID + "></a>" + subModule + "</li></div>"; }//功能清單中我的工作及系統管理的轉換
else { Listli += " <br class='clear'><div class='map-menu-list'><li id=\"" + program.ModuleID + "\" class='layer-one ProgramType' onclick=\"if('" + program.FilePath + "'!='#') parent.openPageTab('" + program.ModuleID + "');if('" + program.FilePath + "'=='#'){setTreeMenu('" + program.ModuleID + "');}\"> "; Listli += " <a href='#' data-i18n=common." + program.ModuleID + "></a>" + subModule + "</li></div>"; }//進出口頁面父層
} }); Menuli += '</ul>'; Listli += '</ul>';
sectionData[0] = Menuli; sectionData[1] = Listli; return sectionData; }, /** * 設定左邊清單點選樣式 * @param {String} sModid 模組ID */ setMenuStyle = function (sModid) { //先透過foreach迴圈清除所有的onmenu樣式
$('#sectionMenu ul > li').each(function () { $(this).removeClass('onmenu'); }); //設定當前點選到的樣式
$('#sectionMenu').find('#' + sModid).addClass('onmenu'); }, /** * 模組清單設定 * @param {String} sModid 模組ID */ setTreeMenu = function (sModid) { var oMenu = getListMenu(sModid); $('#sectionMenu').html(oMenu[0]); $('#sectionList').html(oMenu[1]).find('.folderType').each(function () { var oNext = $(this).next(); if (oNext.length > 0 && [0].tagName !== 'BR' && oNext[0].className !== 'clear') { $(this).after('<br class="clear">'); } });
refreshLang(); };
/** * 開啟畫面 * @param {String} programId 當前程式ID * @param {String} parameters 參數 * @param {String} title 當前程式名稱 * @return {Boolean} 是否停止 */ function openPageTab(programId, parameters, title) { var noAuthPrgs = ['NotView', 'Index', 'Test_Calendar'];// ╠common.Index⇒首頁╣
if (!g_db.GetDic('programList') && noAuthPrgs.indexOf(programId) === -1) window.location.href = '/Page/Login.html';
var sTitle = "", //頁簽標題
sUrl = "", //網址
sGrouptag = "default", //頁簽屬性,相同屬性者共用同一個頁簽
sOperation = "", sTabTemplate = "<li aria-controls='#{controls}' id='li_" + programId + "'><a href='#{href}' role='tab' data-toggle='tab' aria-expanded='true' id='#{id}'><i class='fa fa-times-circle' aria-hidden='true'></i><span data-i18n='{i18nkey}'></span><i class='fa fa-refresh' aria-hidden='true'></i></a></li>", //頁簽預設內容
sPara = parameters === undefined ? '' : parameters;
switch (programId) { case "Calendar_Test"://首頁
case "Index"://首頁
case "Profile"://個人主頁
case "NotView"://沒有檢視權限
if (programId !== 'Profile') { sTabTemplate = "<li aria-controls='#{controls}' id='li_" + programId + "'><a href='#{href}' data-i18n='{i18nkey}' role='tab' data-toggle='tab' aria-expanded='true' id='#{id}'></a> </li>"; //沒有刪除和刷新的頁簽
} sUrl = '/Page/' + programId + '.html'; sTitle = programId === 'NotView' ? 'Index' : 'common.' + programId; sGrouptag = programId; sPara = ''; //清空參數,因為sUrl已經帶參數了
var saProgramList = g_db.GetDic('programList') || [], oProgram = {}, saCorrects = Enumerable.From(saProgramList).Where(function (item) { return item.ModuleID === programId; }).ToArray(); if (saCorrects.length > 0) { oProgram = saCorrects[0]; }
sOperation = oProgram.ModuleID; sTitle = title === undefined ? "common." + oProgram.ModuleID : title; sUrl = oProgram.FilePath; //頁簽
sGrouptag = oProgram.grouptag !== '' ? oProgram.grouptag : sGrouptag; break; }
if (!sUrl) { showMsg(i18next.t("message.Permissions")); // ╠message.Permissions⇒您沒有檢視權限,請聯繫系統管理員╣
return false; }
if (programId.indexOf('ngn_') > -1) { var link = document.createElement('a'); link.target = '_blank'; link.href = sUrl; link.click(); return false; }
var tabs = $("#tabs").tabs();
var id = "tabs-" + sGrouptag; //導航Id(程式Id)
var li = sTabTemplate.replaceAll('#{href}', "#" + id).replaceAll('#{id}', sGrouptag).replaceAll('{i18nkey}', sTitle).replaceAll('#{controls}', id);
if (window.ShowMode === 'M') { if ($("li[aria-controls=" + id + ']').length === 0) { $("#tabsList").append(li); //添加頁簽導航部分
} else { var licontrols = $("li[aria-controls=" + id + ']'); licontrols.attr({ 'id': 'li_' + programId }); licontrols.find('a span').attr('data-i18n', 'common.' + programId); } } else { $("#tabsList").find('li').slice(1).remove(); //如果是單頁簽模式則移除前頁簽
if ($("li[aria-controls=" + id + ']').length === 0) { $("#tabsList").append(li); //添加頁簽導航部分
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if (tabs.find('#' + id).length === 0) { var sContentHtml = '<iframe src="' + sUrl + sPara + '" style="width:100%;" onload="javascript:fnframesize(this.id);" id="iframe' + id + '" name="' + (sOperation || "Index") + '" class="tabiframe" frameborder="0" border="0" cellspacing="0" allowtransparency="true" scrolling="yes" />'; //新頁簽的內容部分
tabs.append("<div id='" + id + "' class='tab-pane fade'>" + sContentHtml + "</div>"); //添加頁簽內容部分
$('#iframe' + id).attr({ "src": sUrl + sPara, 'name': sOperation });
tabs.tabs("refresh"); //強迫刷新頁面
var iIndex = $("#tabsList").find('li').length === 0 ? 0 : $("#tabsList").find('li').length - 1; SetCuryLiShow(iIndex);
$("#tabsList").find('#' + sGrouptag).click(); //最後再點選一次,確定在畫面裡面
tabs.bind("keyup", function (event) { if (event.altKey && event.keyCode === $.ui.keyCode.BACKSPACE) { var PrevLi = tabs.find(".ui-tabs-active").prev().find('a'), LiId = tabs.find(".ui-tabs-active").remove().attr("aria-controls"), sPrgid = tabs.find(".ui-tabs-active")[0].id; $("#" + LiId).remove(); PrevLi.click(); if (sPrgid.indexOf('_Upd') > -1) {//移除當前操作的程式
msgs.server.removeEditPrg(sPrgid); } if (sPrgid.indexOf('_View') > -1) {//移除當前操作的程式
msgs.server.removeEditPrg(sPrgid); } } });
tabs.find(".fa-times-circle").unbind('click').click(function () { var PrevLi = $(this).closest("li").prev().find('a'), LiId = $(this).closest("li").remove().attr("aria-controls"), sPrgid = $(this).closest("li")[0].id; $("#" + LiId).remove(); PrevLi.click(); if (sPrgid.indexOf('_Upd') > -1) {//移除當前操作的程式
msgs.server.removeEditPrg(sPrgid.replace('li_', '')); } if (sPrgid.indexOf('_View') > -1) {//移除當前操作的程式
msgs.server.removeEditPrg(sPrgid.replace('li_', '')); } }); //重新整理頁簽
tabs.find('.fa-refresh').unbind('click').click(function () { var LiId = $(this).closest('li').attr("aria-controls"); //找到頁面ID(請搜尋<li><a href='#{href}' id='#{id}'>)
var getUrl = $('#iframe' + LiId).attr('src'); //取得目前的連結(src)
$("#iframe" + LiId).attr('src', getUrl); //重新載入連結,不等於清除功能
setContentHeight(); transLang($('#tabsList')); }
function setCurryIndex(intAdd) { var intCurryIndex = iCuryIndex; intCurryIndex = intCurryIndex + intAdd; if (intCurryIndex < 0) { intCurryIndex = 0; } if (intCurryIndex >= $("#tabsList").find("li").length - 2) { intCurryIndex = $("#tabsList").find("li").length - 2; } iCuryIndex = intCurryIndex; GetLiWidth(); } function GetLiWidth() { $("#tabsList").find("li").each(function (n) { if (n <= iCuryIndex && n !== 0 && n !== $("#tabsList").find("li").length - 1) { $(this).hide(); $("#divPrevNext").show(); } else { $(this).show(); } }); $('#tabsList').css('width', $('#tabpanel')[0].offsetWidth - 130 + 'px'); } function reSetLi(index, width) { this.index = index; this.width = width; return this; } function SetCuryLiShow(intLeftCount) { var aryWidth = new Array(); $("#tabsList").find("li").each(function (n) { var li = new reSetLi(n, this.offsetWidth); aryWidth.push(li); });
var windowsize = $(window).width() - 100; //屏幕分辨率
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$("#tabsList").find("li").each(function (n) { if (n >= intStartIndex) { $(this).show(); if (n > intEndIndex) { $("#divPrevNext").show(); } } else { if (n !== 0 && n !== $("#tabsList").find("li").length - 1) { $(this).hide(); $("#divPrevNext").show(); } } }); iCuryIndex = intStartIndex; }
/** * 消息組件初始化 */ function MsgApp() { var init = function () { //$.connection.hub.url = gServerUrl + '/signalr';
var connection = $.connection.hub; msgs = $.connection.msgHub;
connection.logging = true;
connection.start().done(function () { fnRegister(true); if (window.Outklook) { //if (!window.OutklookSync) {
// $('.outlook-waiting').slideDown();
// outlookAPI(outlook.SynChronous, { flag: "auto" },
// function (res) {
// if (res === '1') {
// window.OutklookSync += 1;
// g_db.SetItem('outklooksync', window.OutklookSync);
// }
// });
} else { //if (!window.OutlookTips) {
// setTimeout(function () {
// // ╠common.OutlookTips⇒當前未同步登入Outlook,操作行事曆可能不會同步或更新╣
// // ╠common.ReLoad⇒重新登入╣
// // ╠common.Close⇒關閉╣
// // ╠common.Or⇒或╣
// $('.outlook-waiting').html(
// [
// i18next.t('common.Tips'),
// ':',
// i18next.t('common.OutlookTips'),
// ' ',
// $('<a/>', {
// text: i18next.t('common.ReLoad'),
// class: 'link',
// click: function () {
// $('.log-out').trigger('click');
// }
// }),
// i18next.t('common.Or'),
// $('<a/>', {
// text: i18next.t('common.Close'),
// class: 'link',
// click: function () {
// $('.outlook-waiting').slideUp();
// window.OutlookTips += 1;
// g_db.SetItem('outlooktips', window.OutlookTips);
// }
// })
// ]).css({ 'font-size': '15px', 'padding-top': '5px', 'color': '#ff0000' }).slideDown();
// }, 3660);
} }) .fail(function () { console.log("Could not Connect!"); });
connection.connectionSlow(function () { //console.log("connectionSlow");
connection.disconnected(function () { setTimeout(function () {//掉線後10秒內自動重新連線
connection.start().done(function () { fnRegister(false); }); }, 1000); });
connection.error(function (error) { //console.log(error);
connection.reconnected(function () { //console.log("reconnected");
connection.reconnecting(function () { //console.log("reconnecting");
connection.starting(function () { //console.log("starting");
}); connection.stateChanged(function (state) { //console.log(state);
}); };
init(); }
function fnFeed() { var init = function () { //后端登陸註冊调用后,产生的loginUser回调
msgs.client.onConnected = function (connnectId, userName, onlineUsers) { //console.log(JSON.stringify(onlineUsers));
online_Users = onlineUsers;
if ($('#iframetabs-Profile').length > 0) { $('#iframetabs-Profile')[0].contentWindow.fnSetUserOnline(); } };
msgs.client.onUserDisconnected = function (connnectId, onlineUsers, orgId, userId, userName, isLogin, tips) { online_Users = onlineUsers; if ($('#iframetabs-Profile').length > 0) { $('#iframetabs-Profile')[0].contentWindow.fnSetUserOnline(); } if (isLogin && userId === UserInfo.MemberID) { // ╠message.VerifyOutTips⇒您的帳號已在別處登入╣ ╠common.Tips⇒提示╣
layer.alert(i18next.t("message.VerifyOutTips") + '<br>' + tips, { icon: 0, closeBtn: 0, title: i18next.t("common.Tips") }, function (index) { window.top.location.href = '/Page/Login.html'; }); } };
msgs.client.broadcast = function (msg) { fnGetAnnouncements(); }; //推送是否可編輯結果(true or false)
msgs.client.checkedit = function (isedit, prgid, username) { if (!isedit) { var oCurrentFn = $('iframe[name=' + prgid + ']'); //oCurrentFn.contents().ready
// ╠message.NotToEdit⇒當前資料正在編輯,稍後請刷新頁面再繼續操作╣ ╠common.Operator⇒操作人╣
oCurrentFn[0].contentWindow.showTips(i18next.t("message.NotToEdit") + ',' + i18next.t("common.Operator") + ':' + username);
parent.bLockDataForm0430 = false;
var CheckTablelistType = oCurrentFn.contents().find('[role=\'tablist\']').length > 0; //tab-content: 多個子頁籤(例如進口編輯)
if (CheckTablelistType) { oCurrentFn.contents().find(".tab-content").css('pointer-events', 'none'); } //panel-body: 只有一個頁面(例如部門資料編輯)
else { oCurrentFn.contents().find(".panel-body").css('pointer-events', 'none'); }
oCurrentFn.contents().find('#Toolbar button').not('#Toolbar_Leave').attr('disabled', true);
} }; //更新提示
msgs.client.pushtips = function (msg) { fnGetTips(); }; //推送系統消息
msgs.client.pushmsgs = function (msg) { }; //檢核文字檔小助手是否安裝
msgs.client.existtrasfer = function (msg, bInstall) { if (bInstall) { var sPrgId = ''; switch (msg) { case 'IM': sPrgId = 'ExhibitionImport'; break; case 'EX': sPrgId = 'ExhibitionExport'; break; } $('#iframetabs-' + sPrgId)[0].contentWindow.fnToAccountAudit(); } else { layer.msg(i18next.t("message.Financial_InstallTransfer")); // ╠message.Financial_InstallTransfer⇒請先安裝文字檔小助手╣
} }; //提示安裝並運行文字檔小助手
msgs.client.transfertips = function (connectionid) { layer.msg(i18next.t("message.Financial_InstallTransfer")); // ╠message.Financial_InstallTransfer⇒請先安裝文字檔小助手╣
}; //test
msgs.client.hello = function (msg) { //debugger;
// msgs.server.offline();
msgs.client.message = function (data) { switch (data.Type) { case 0:
break; case 1:
break; case 2:
break; case 3:
break; case 4:
break; case 5:
break; case 6:
break; case 7:
break; case 'OutlookSynChronous': { if (data.Flag === 'auto') { //if (data.Message === UserInfo.OutlookAccount) {
// var elSuccess = $('.outlook-waiting');
// elSuccess.find('span').text(i18next.t("message.SynchronousSuccess")).css({ 'color': 'green' });
// elSuccess.find('img').attr('src', '../images/Success.png');
// setTimeout(function () {
// elSuccess.slideUp();
// }, 2500);
} else if (data.Flag === 'once') { var iframe_Calendar = $('#iframetabs-Calendar'); if (iframe_Calendar.length > 0) { iframe_Calendar[0].contentWindow.closeTips(data.Memo); } } } break; } };
msgs.client.receive = function (data) { switch (data.Type) { case 1://發送給自己
break; case 2://發送給連線人員
break; case 3://發送給制定人員ID
{ switch (data.Memo) { case 'tips'://系統所有待辦定時提醒
fnShowTips(data.Content); break; case 'attendance'://EIP考勤提醒
fnAttendanceTips(data.Content); break; } } break; case 4://發送給制定多個人員ID
break; case 5://發送給制定群組
break; } }; };
init(); }
$(function () { 'use strict';
var /** * 設定系統時間 */ Refresh = function () { var Nowtime = new Date().formate("HH:mm:ss"); ltrdate.innerHTML = new Date().formate("yyyy.MM.dd (EEE)"); ltrtime.innerHTML = Nowtime; setTimeout(Refresh, 1000); }, /** * 特殊處理,由於階層的關係需要去判斷border-right的顯示,下noborder代表不下樣式 */ setTreeViewCss = function () { $("#sectionList li:not('.layer-one')").each(function () { if ($(this).hasClass('folderType')) { //如果該li的class為folderType,在上上層的li加上 class noborder, 加在上上層的原因為folderType的li前面都會加上<br class="clear">的中斷點
$(this).prev().prev().addClass('noborder'); } }); }, /** * 設定頁簽顯示方式 */ setShowMode = function () { if (window.ShowMode === "M") { //判斷當前是否開啟多頁簽
window.ShowMode = "S"; $("#divPrevNext,#tabpanel").hide(); } else { window.ShowMode = "M"; $("#divPrevNext,#tabpanel").show(); }
CallAjax(ComFn.W_Com, ComFn.GetUpd, { Params: { members: { values: { SysShowMode: window.ShowMode }, keys: { MemberID: window.UserID, OrgID: window.OrgID } } } }, function (res) { if (res.d > 0) { showMsg(i18next.t("message.SetTab_Successed"), 'success'); // ╠message.Delete_Success⇒設定頁簽模式成功╣
} else { showMsg(i18next.t("message.SetTab_Failed"), 'error'); // ╠message.SetTab_Failed⇒設定頁簽模式失敗╣
} }); }, /** * 更改語系國別 * @param {String} lang 當前語言 */ fnUpdCountry = function (lang) { CallAjax(ComFn.W_Com, ComFn.GetUpd, { Params: { members: { values: { Country: lang }, keys: { MemberID: window.UserID, OrgID: window.OrgID } } } }, function (res) { }); }, /** * 獲取組織資料 * @return {Function} ajax物件 */ fnGetOrgData = function () { return CallAjax(ComFn.W_Com, ComFn.GetOne, { Type: '', Params: { organization: { OrgID: window.OrgID } } }).done(function (res) { if (res.d) { var oOrg = $.parseJSON(res.d); window.OrgInfo = oOrg; //$('title').text(OrgInfo.SystemCName);
//$('.logo-min').attr('src', '/Controller.ashx?action=getimg&folder=Organization&id=' + oOrg.LoGoId + '&orgid=' + oOrg.OrgID + '×=' + $.now());
} }); }, /** * 獲取個人資料 * @return {Function} ajax物件 */ fnGetPersonalData = function () { return $.whenArray([ g_api.ConnectLite('Authorize', 'GetUserInfo'), g_api.ConnectLite(Service.com, ComFn.GetSysSet)]) .done(function (res1, res2) { window.UserInfo = {}; window.SysSet = {}; if (res1[0].RESULT > 0) { var oUser = res1[0].DATA.rel; //$('#userName').text(oUser.MemberName);
$('<span>', { text: oUser.MemberName }).prependTo("#spUser"); window.UserInfo = oUser; UserInfo.OrgID = window.OrgID; UserInfo.roles = UserInfo.roles || ''; var sMemberPic = $.trim(UserInfo.MemberPic); UserInfo.MemberPic = sMemberPic === '' ? guid() : sMemberPic; fnSetArgDrop([ { ArgClassID: 'LanCountry', Select: $('#countrychange'), ShowId: true, DefultVal: UserInfo.Country, CallBack: function () { $('#countrychange')[0].remove(0);// 移除下拉選單第一個選項
} } ]); fnGetAnnouncements(); var msgApp = new MsgApp(); } if (res2[0].RESULT > 0) { var saList = res2[0].DATA.rel; $.each(saList, function (i, oSet) { window.SysSet[oSet.SettingItem] = oSet.SettingValue; }); window.SysSet.GridRecords = window.SysSet.GridRecords || 10; window.SysSet.GridPages = window.SysSet.GridPages || 15; window.SysSet.CustomersAuditUsers = window.SysSet.CustomersAuditUsers || ''; window.SysSet.BillAuditor = window.SysSet.BillAuditor || ''; window.SysSet.TaxRate = window.SysSet.TaxRate || '0'; window.SysSet.IsOpenMail = window.SysSet.IsOpenMail || 'N'; window.SysSet.CDDProUsers = window.SysSet.CDDProUsers || ''; UserInfo.IsManager = UserInfo.roles.indexOf(SysSet.Supervisor) > -1 || UserInfo.roles.indexOf('Manager') > -1; } fnGetHeadPic(); }); }, /** * 獲取程式資料 * @return {Function} ajax物件 */ fnGetProgramList = function () { return g_api.ConnectLite(Service.sys, 'GetSysFNList', {}, function (res) { if (res.RESULT === 0) { alert(res.MSG); } else { var sPrgList = res.DATA.rel; g_db.SetDic('programList', sPrgList); if (sPrgList.length > 0) { window.TopModID = sPrgList[0].ModuleID; setTreeMenu(TopModID); //產生功能清單
setTreeViewCss(); } } }); }, /** * 獲取頭像 * @return {Function} ajax物件 */ fnGetHeadPic = function () { var callback = function (files) { UserInfo.Filelist = files; $('#imgUser').attr('src', '/Controller.ashx?action=getimg&folder=Members&id=' + UserInfo.MemberPic + '&orgid=' + UserInfo.OrgID + '×=' + $.now()); }; return fnGetUploadFiles(UserInfo.MemberPic, callback); }, /** * 上傳頭像 * @param {Array} files 當前文件 * @param {HTMLElement} iframe 父層表單 */ fnUpload = function (files, iframe) { var option = {}; option.input = iframe.find('#fileInput'); option.limit = 1; option.extensions = ['jpg', 'jpeg', 'png', 'bmp', 'gif', 'png']; option.theme = 'dragdropbox'; option.folder = 'Members'; option.type = 'one'; option.parentid = UserInfo.MemberPic; option.uploadFile = { url: '/Controller.ashx?action=upload&source=Members&userid=' + UserInfo.MemberID + '&orgid=' + UserInfo.OrgID + '&parentid=' + UserInfo.MemberPic, data: null, type: 'POST', enctype: 'multipart/form-data', beforeSend: function () { }, success: function (data, el) { iframe.find('.jFiler-input-dragDrop').hide(); var parent = el.find(".jFiler-jProgressBar").parent(); fnGetHeadPic(); el.find(".jFiler-jProgressBar").fadeOut("slow", function () { $("<div class=\"jFiler-item-others text-success\"><i class=\"icon-jfi-check-circle\"></i> Success</div>").hide().appendTo(parent).fadeIn("slow"); }); }, error: function (el) { var parent = el.find(".jFiler-jProgressBar").parent(); el.find(".jFiler-jProgressBar").fadeOut("slow", function () { $("<div class=\"jFiler-item-others text-error\"><i class=\"icon-jfi-minus-circle\"></i> Error</div>").hide().appendTo(parent).fadeIn("slow"); }); }, statusCode: null, onProgress: null, onComplete: null }; option.uploadFile = { url: '/Controller.ashx?action=upload&source=Members&userid=' + UserInfo.MemberID + '&orgid=' + UserInfo.OrgID + '&parentid=' + UserInfo.MemberPic, data: null, type: 'POST', enctype: 'multipart/form-data', beforeSend: function () { }, success: function (data, el) { iframe.find('.jFiler-input-dragDrop').hide(); var parent = el.find(".jFiler-jProgressBar").parent(); fnGetHeadPic(); el.find(".jFiler-jProgressBar").fadeOut("slow", function () { $("<div class=\"jFiler-item-others text-success\"><i class=\"icon-jfi-check-circle\"></i> Success</div>").hide().appendTo(parent).fadeIn("slow"); }); }, error: function (el) { var parent = el.find(".jFiler-jProgressBar").parent(); el.find(".jFiler-jProgressBar").fadeOut("slow", function () { $("<div class=\"jFiler-item-others text-error\"><i class=\"icon-jfi-minus-circle\"></i> Error</div>").hide().appendTo(parent).fadeIn("slow"); }); }, statusCode: null, onProgress: null, onComplete: null }; option.onRemove = function (itemEl, file) { DelFile(UserInfo.MemberPic, 'parent').done(function () { iframe.find('.jFiler-input-dragDrop').show(); fnGetHeadPic(); }); }; if (files) { option.files = files; } fnUploadRegister(option); }, /** * 初始化 */ init = function () { if (!g_db.SupportLocalStorage()) { if (sLang === 'en') { alert('The current browser does not support local storage. Please turn off private browsing settings'); } else if (sLang === 'zh') { alert('当前浏览器不支持本地储存,请关闭无痕浏览模式'); } else { alert('當前瀏覽器不支持本地儲存,請關閉私密瀏覽設定'); } $('body').html(''); return; } window.OrgID = g_db.GetItem('orgid'); window.UserID = g_db.GetItem('userid'); window.ShowMode = g_db.GetItem('mode'); window.Outklook = g_db.GetItem('outklook') === 'true'; window.OutklookSync = parseInt(g_db.GetItem('outklooksync') || 0); window.OutlookTips = parseInt(g_db.GetItem('outlooktips') || 0);
if (!window.OrgID || !window.UserID) { window.location.href = '/Page/Login.html'; return; }
fnGetOrgData(); $.whenArray([ fnGetPersonalData(), fnGetProgramList() ]).done(function () { var saProgramList = g_db.GetDic('programList') || []; if (saProgramList.length) { setLang(UserInfo.Country, undefined, function () { openPageTab('Index', 'Index'); }); } else { openPageTab('NotView', 'NotView'); return false; } fnGetAbsenceFromLastWeek(); }); fnGetTips();
// Slimscroll
slimScroll(); Waves.displayEffect();//波浪
//$('#divPenlSetting').click(function () {
// setShowMode();
if (window.ShowMode === "S") { //判斷當前是否開啟多頁簽
$("#divPrevNext,#tabpanel").hide(); }
$('.stop-prevent').on('click', function (e) { return false; });
//$('.mail-box').on('click', function (e) {
// if (!UserInfo.OutLookId) {
// window.location.href = "/Home/Index";
// return false;
// }
$('.log-out').on('click', function (e) { var fnClear = function () { g_db.RemoveItem('orgid'); g_db.RemoveItem('userid'); g_db.RemoveItem('loginname'); g_db.RemoveItem('usertype'); g_db.RemoveItem('mode'); g_db.RemoveItem('token'); g_db.RemoveItem('outklook'); }; fnClear(); if (window.Outklook) { window.location.href = "/Login/Index?orgid=&userid="; } else { window.location.href = '/Page/Login.html'; }
// ╠message.ToLogOut⇒是否同時退出Outlook?╣ ╠common.Tips⇒提示╣
/*layer.confirm(i18next.t("message.ToLogOut"), { icon: 3, title: i18next.t("common.Tips"), btn: [i18next.t('common.Yes'), i18next.t('common.No')] // ╠message.Yes⇒是╣ ╠common.No⇒否╣
}, function (index) { fnClear(); window.location.href = "/Login/Index?orgid=&userid="; layer.close(index); }, function () { fnClear(); window.location.href = '/Page/Login.html'; } );*/ });
$("#lbtnPrev").on('click', function () { setCurryIndex(-1); }); ///右移
$("#lbtnNext").on('click', function () { setCurryIndex(1); });
/** * 行事曆 */ $(".person-list>li>a").on('click', function () { var that = this; switch (that.id) { case 'profile': openPageTab('Profile'); break; case 'userinfo': var oValidator = null; layer.open({ id: 'memberinfo', type: 2, title: i18next.t('common.PersonalDataUpdate'),//╠common.PersonalDataUpdate⇒個人資料修改╣
offset: '100px',//右下角弹出
shade: 0.75, area: ['660px', '600px'], content: '/Page/Pop/UpdUserInfo.html', //iframe的url,
btn: [i18next.t('common.Confirm'), i18next.t('common.Cancel')],//╠common.Confirm⇒確定╣╠common.Cancel⇒取消╣
success: function (layero, index) { var iframe = $('iframe').contents(); iframe.find('#MemberID').val(UserInfo.MemberID); iframe.find('#MemberName').val(UserInfo.MemberName);
$.validator.addMethod("notEqualTo", function (value, element, param) { if (value === '' && iframe.find(param).val() === '') { return true; } return value !== iframe.find(param).val(); }); $.validator.addMethod("EqualToNew", function (value, element, param) { if (value === '' && iframe.find(param).val() === '') { return true; } return value === iframe.find(param).val(); }); $.validator.addMethod("New_required", function (value, element, param) { if (value === '' && iframe.find(param).val() !== '') { return false; } return true; });
oValidator = iframe.find("#form_UpdUserInfo").validate({ //表單欄位驗證
rules: { OldPsw: { New_required: "#NewPsw" }, NewPsw: { notEqualTo: "#OldPsw" }, CheckNewPsw: { EqualToNew: "#NewPsw" } }, messages: { MemberName: i18next.t('UpdUserInfo.MemberName_required'),// ╠UpdUserInfo.MemberName_required⇒請輸入名稱╣
OldPsw: { New_required: i18next.t('UpdUserInfo.OldPsw_required')// ╠UpdUserInfo.OldPsw_required⇒請輸入舊密碼╣
}, CalColor: i18next.t('UpdUserInfo.CalColor_required'),// ╠UpdUserInfo.CalColor_required⇒請輸入行事曆顏色╣
NewPsw: { required: i18next.t('UpdUserInfo.NewPsw_required'),// ╠UpdUserInfo.NewPsw_required⇒請輸入新密碼╣
notEqualTo: i18next.t('UpdUserInfo.NotEqualTo')// ╠UpdUserInfo.NotEqualTo⇒舊密碼與新密碼不可相同╣
CheckNewPsw: { required: i18next.t('UpdUserInfo.CheckNewPsw_required'),// ╠UpdUserInfo.CheckNewPsw_required⇒再次輸入新密碼╣
EqualToNew: i18next.t('UpdUserInfo.EqualTo') // ╠UpdUserInfo.EqualTo⇒兩次密碼輸入不相符╣
} } }); fnUpload(UserInfo.Filelist, iframe); if (UserInfo.Filelist.length > 0) { iframe.find('.jFiler-input-dragDrop').hide(); } transLang(iframe.find('#form_UpdUserInfo')); }, yes: function (index, layero) { var iframe = $('iframe').contents(); if (!iframe.find("#form_UpdUserInfo").valid()) { oValidator.focusInvalid(); return false; } var data = { UserName: iframe.find('#MemberName').val(), OldPsw: iframe.find('#OldPsw').val(), NewPsw: iframe.find('#NewPsw').val(), CalColor: iframe.find('#CalColor').val(), MemberPic: UserInfo.MemberPic }; g_api.ConnectLite(Service.auth, 'UpdataPsw', data, function (res) { if (res.RESULT) { UserInfo.CalColor = data.CalColor; showMsg(i18next.t("message.Modify_Success"), 'success'); //╠message.Modify_Success⇒修改成功╣
layer.close(index); } else { if (res.MSG === "1") { showMsg(i18next.t("message.CheckOldPassword"), 'error');// ╠message.CheckOldPassword⇒舊密碼驗證失敗╣
} else if (res.MSG === "2") { showMsg(i18next.t("message.Modify_Failed"), 'error');//╠message.Modify_Failed⇒修改失敗╣
} else { showMsg(i18next.t("message.Modify_Failed") + '<br>' + res.MSG, 'error'); //╠message.Modify_Failed⇒修改失敗╣
} } }, function () { showMsg(i18next.t("message.Modify_Failed"), 'error');//╠message.Modify_Failed⇒修改失敗╣
}); } }); break; case 'calendar': openPageTab('Calendar'); break; } });
/** * 語系國別設定 */ $('#countrychange').on('change', function () { $('#setlistset').click();
var sLang = $(this).val(); fnUpdCountry(sLang); setLang(sLang);
$('#tabsList>li').each(function () { var sId = $(this).attr('aria-controls'), iframe = $('#' + sId).find('iframe').contents(); setLang(sLang, iframe); }); });
setTimeout(Refresh, 1000); //closeWaiting(3000); //最長3秒鐘停止等待
//var sFileName = "John_Test",
// sInputPath = "C:\Users\Alina\Desktop\Temple\OfficeToPDF\Demo\土地建物分離估價適用版.xlsx";
//g_api.ConnectLite('Pdf', 'ExcelToPdf', {
// InputPath: sInputPath,
// FileName: sFileName
//}, function (res) {
// if (res.RESULT) {
// DownLoadFile(res.DATA.rel, sFileName);
// }
// else {
// showMsg(res.MSG, 'error');
// }
init(); });