$(function () { 'use strict';
var sLang = $('[http-equiv="content-language"]').attr('content') || 'zh-TW', bEn = sLang === 'en', iPageIndex = 1, iPageCount = 100000, oCostRules = {}, sExpo = g_db.GetDic('Expo') || getUrlParam('SN'), iTotal = g_db.GetDic('Total') || 0, saOrderInfo = g_db.GetDic('OrderInfo'), eForm = $('#form_inquiry'), sState = getUrlParam('State'), sYear = getUrlParam('Year'), sMonth = getUrlParam('Month'), FeeCalculateRules = {}, /** * 目的 設定展覽地區下拉單 */ fnGetArguments = function () { g_api.ConnectLite(Service.apiappcom, ComFn.GetArguments, { ArgClassID: 'Area', OrderBy: 'id', LevelOfArgument: 1 }, function (res) { if (res.RESULT) { var saRes = res.DATA.rel; $('#area').html(createOptions(saRes, 'id', bEn ? 'text_en' : 'text', true)); if (sState) { $('#area').val(sState); } else { $('#area').val('TWN'); }
$('#area').select2({ placeholder: bEn ? 'Select Area' : '請選擇地區' }); if (sYear) { $('#year').val(sYear); } if (sMonth) { var iMonth = sMonth * 1, sVal = ''; switch (iMonth) { case 1: case 2: case 3: sVal = '01-03'; break; case 4: case 5: case 6: sVal = '04-06'; break; case 7: case 8: case 9: sVal = '07-09'; break; case 10: case 11: case 12: sVal = '10-12'; break; } $('#month').val(sVal); } } }); }, /** * 目的 設置日期下拉單 */ fnSetDate = function () { var saYears = [], year_cur = new Date().getFullYear(); saYears.push({ id: year_cur, text: year_cur }); year_cur++; saYears.push({ id: year_cur, text: year_cur }); $('#year').html(createOptions(saYears, 'id', 'text')).find('option:first').text(bEn ? 'Year' : '選擇年份'); }, /** * 目的 設定展覽資訊下拉單 * @return {Object} Ajax 物件 */ fnGetExhibitionsTop = function () { var sState = $('#area').val(), sYear = $('#year').val(), sMonth = $('#month').val(), sDateStart = '', sDateEnd = ''; if (sYear) { sDateStart = sYear.toString(); sDateEnd = sYear.toString(); if (sMonth) { var saMonth = sMonth.split('-'), sMonth_s = saMonth[0], sMonth_e = saMonth[1]; sDateStart += '/' + sMonth_s + '/01'; sDateEnd += '/' + sMonth_e + '/' + ('03,12'.indexOf(sMonth_e) > -1 ? '31' : '30'); } else { sDateStart += '/01/01'; sDateEnd += '/12/31'; } } else { sDateStart = newDate(null, true); }
return g_api.ConnectLite(Service.apiwebcom, ComFn.GetExhibitionPage, { pageIndex: iPageIndex, pageSize: iPageCount, IsShowWebSim: "Y", KeyWords: '', Area: sState, DateStart: sDateStart, DateEnd: sDateEnd }, function (res) { if (res.RESULT) { var oRes = res.DATA.rel; $('#expo').html(createOptions(oRes.DataList, 'SN', bEn ? 'Exhibitioname_EN' : 'Exhibitioname_TW')); if (sExpo) { $('#expo').val(sExpo); } $('#expo').select2({ placeholder: bEn ? 'Select Exhibition' : "請選擇展覽" }); } }); }, /** * 目的 獲取展覽報價規則 * @return {Object} Ajax 物件 */ fnGetExhibitionRules = function () { var sId = $('#expo').val(); if (sId) { return g_api.ConnectLite(Service.apiwebcom, 'GetExhibitionRules', { Id: sId }, function (res) { if (res.RESULT) { let MinCBMText = { "zh-TW": { "A": "(以全部貨量計min)", "S": "(以單件計min)" }, "zh": { "A": "(以全部貨量計min)", "S": "(以單件計min)" }, "en": { "A": "(per shipment)", "S": "(per piece)" }, };
oCostRules = res.DATA.rel; oCostRules.CostRules = $.parseJSON(oCostRules.CostRules); oCostRules.HasFeedingRequiredMinCBM = !oCostRules.FeedingRequiredMinCBM ? false : true; oCostRules.FeedingMinCBMModeText = MinCBMText[sLang][oCostRules.FeedingMinMode] || ""; //if (oCostRules.FeedingMinMode) {
// let UseMode = oCostRules.PackingMinMode;
// oCostRules.FeedingMinCBMModeText = MinCBMText[g_db.GetItem("lang")][oCostRules.FeedingMinMode];
oCostRules.HasPackingRequiredMinCBM = !oCostRules.PackingRequiredMinCBM ? false : true; oCostRules.PackingMinCBMModeText = MinCBMText[sLang][oCostRules.PackingMinMode] || ""; //if (oCostRules.PackingMinMode) {
// let UseMode = oCostRules.PackingMinMode;
// oCostRules.PackingMinCBMModeText = MinCBMText[g_db.GetItem("lang")][UseMode];
FeeCalculateRules = { "Packing": { "MinCBMMode": oCostRules.PackingMinMode, "MinCBMAmount": oCostRules.PackingRequiredMinCBM, "Price": oCostRules.PackingPrice, }, "Feeding": { "MinCBMMode": oCostRules.FeedingMinMode, "MinCBMAmount": oCostRules.FeedingRequiredMinCBM, "Price": oCostRules.FeedingPrice, }, }; var sHtml = $('#temp_costdoc').render(oCostRules); $('#CostInstruction').html(sHtml); $('#inquiryNo dd:not(:last)').remove();//清空現有預估報價
$('.download li a').on('click', function () { var sName = $(this).attr('filename'), sPath = $(this).attr('filepath'); DownLoadFile(sPath, sName); }); } }); } else { $('#CostInstruction').html(''); return $.Deferred().resolve().promise(); } },
/** * 目的 取得有效CBM */ fnGetApproveCBMFee = function (Rule, Type, OriginalCBM, OriginalNum) { var TotalRoundedCBMs = Round((OriginalCBM * OriginalNum)); switch (Rule.MinCBMMode) { case "A": { let TotalRows = $('#inquiryNo dd').not(':last').length; var AllDatas = getFormSerialize(eForm); var AllApproveCBMs = 0; for (let i = 0; i < TotalRows; i++) { var PackingInfo = AllDatas["PackingInfo" + i.toString()]; var ApproveCBM = PackingInfo[Type] ? fnGetCMB(PackingInfo["ExpoLen"], PackingInfo["ExpoWidth"], PackingInfo["ExpoHeight"]) * fnPackNum(PackingInfo["ExpoNumber"]) : 0; AllApproveCBMs += ApproveCBM; } AllApproveCBMs = AllApproveCBMs.toFloat(2); var ApproveCBM = Rule.MinCBMAmount && Rule.MinCBMAmount > AllApproveCBMs ? Rule.MinCBMAmount * (TotalRoundedCBMs / AllApproveCBMs) : TotalRoundedCBMs; //修正其他每個資料
return ApproveCBM * Rule.Price; } case "S": { let ApproveCBM = Rule.MinCBMAmount && Rule.MinCBMAmount > OriginalCBM ? Number(Rule.MinCBMAmount) * OriginalNum : TotalRoundedCBMs; return ApproveCBM * Rule.Price; } default: return 0; }
function Round(data) { return (data).toFloat(2).toString().toMoney(); }
}, /** * 目的 以全部貨量計min */ fnMinFeeAllQty = function () { //不足Min CBM
/** * 目的 預估費用明細區塊 */ fnPackInquiry = function () { var iIndex = $('#inquiryNo dd').length - 1, sHtml = $('#temp_costinfo').render({ Index: iIndex }); $('#inquiryNo dd:last').before(sHtml); fnBindEvent(); }, /** * 目的 小計計算 * @param {HTMLelement}input 當前區塊資料 */ fnSumSub = function (input) { //if (input.className.indexOf('inputnumber') > -1) {
// input.value = input.value.toMoney();
var sBoxId = $(input).parents('dd').attr('id'), data = getFormSerialize(eForm), curData = data[sBoxId]; curData = fnPackItem(curData); input.AnyError = CheckLimited(curData); $('#' + sBoxId).find('.subtext').text(curData.SubText.join(' / ')); $('#' + sBoxId).find('.subtotal').text('NT$' + fMoney(curData.SubTotal, 0, 'NTD')); $('[name="' + sBoxId + '[SubTotal]"]').val(curData.SubTotal);
let TotalRows = $('#inquiryNo dd').not(':last').length; let SubTotal = 0; for (let i = 0; i < TotalRows; i++) { let CurrentPacking = "PackingInfo" + i.toString(); if (sBoxId != CurrentPacking) { fnPackItem(data[CurrentPacking]); $('#' + CurrentPacking + " .subtotal").text(SetMoney(data[CurrentPacking].SubTotal, true)); } SubTotal += data[CurrentPacking].SubTotal; } $('.totaltext').text(SetMoney(SubTotal, true));
function SetMoney(val, flag) { return (flag ? 'NT$' : '') + fMoney(val || 0, 0, 'NTD'); } }, fnGetCMB = function (ExpoLen, ExpoWidth, ExpoHeight) { return fnPackNum(ExpoLen) * fnPackNum(ExpoWidth) * fnPackNum(ExpoHeight) / 1000000;//CBM
CheckLimited = function (curdata) { let AnyError = false; if (curdata['ExpoWeight'] > -1) { var MaxWeight = oCostRules.CostRules .map(c => parseFloat(c.Weight_Max) || 0) .reduce((x, y) => { return Math.max(x, y); }) * 1000; if (curdata['ExpoWeight'] * 1 > MaxWeight) { AnyError = true; } }
if (curdata['ExpoHeight'] * 1 >= 300) { AnyError = true; }
if (curdata['ExpoLen'] * 1 > 999) { AnyError = true; }
if (curdata['ExpoWidth'] * 1 > 999) { AnyError = true; }
if (curdata['ExpoNumber'] * 1 > 99) { AnyError = true; } return AnyError; }, /** * 目的 處理當前費用項目 * @param {Object} curdata 當前input值 * @return {Object} 當前服務項目計算對象 */ fnPackItem = function (curdata) { curdata.ExpoLen = curdata.ExpoLen === '' ? '0' : curdata.ExpoLen; curdata.ExpoWidth = curdata.ExpoWidth === '' ? '0' : curdata.ExpoWidth; curdata.ExpoHeight = curdata.ExpoHeight === '' ? '0' : curdata.ExpoHeight; curdata.TotalCBM = fnGetCMB(curdata.ExpoLen, curdata.ExpoWidth, curdata.ExpoHeight); //fnPackNum(curdata.ExpoLen) * fnPackNum(curdata.ExpoWidth) * fnPackNum(curdata.ExpoHeight) / 1000000;//CBM
curdata.ExpoWeight = fnPackNum(curdata.ExpoWeight);//重量
curdata.ExpoWeightTon = curdata.ExpoWeight / 1000;//噸
curdata.ExpoNumber = fnPackNum(curdata.ExpoNumber);//件數
curdata.SubTotal = 0;//小計
//curdata.ExpoDays = fnPackNum(curdata.ExpoDays);//天數
curdata.SubText = [];//
curdata.ExpoStack = curdata.ExpoStack || false; //推高機項目
curdata.ExpoSplit = curdata.ExpoSplit || false;//拆箱項目
curdata.ExpoPack = curdata.ExpoPack || false;//裝箱項目
curdata.ExpoFeed = curdata.ExpoFeed || false;//空箱收送
curdata.ExpoStorage = curdata.ExpoStorage || false;//[20190613 已移除]
var oExpoType = { '01': bEn ? 'Unwrapped' : '裸機', '02': bEn ? 'Wooden Crate' : '木箱', '03': bEn ? 'Bulk Cargo' : '散貨', '04': bEn ? 'Pallet' : '打板', '05': bEn ? 'Other' : '其他' }; curdata.ExpoTypeText = oExpoType[curdata.ExpoType];//
if (curdata.ExpoNumber > 0) {//件數
curdata.SubText.push(curdata.ExpoNumber.toString().toMoney() + (bEn ? 'package' : '件')); if (curdata.TotalCBM > 0) {//CBM
var iTotalCBM = curdata.TotalCBM * curdata.ExpoNumber; curdata.SubText.push(iTotalCBM.toFloat(2).toString().toMoney() + 'CBM'); } if (curdata.ExpoWeight > 0) {//KG
var iExpoWeight = curdata.ExpoWeight * curdata.ExpoNumber; if (iExpoWeight < 1) { iExpoWeight = 1; } curdata.SubText.push(iExpoWeight.toFloat(2).toString().toMoney() + 'KG'); } }
let HasCBMAndExpoNumber = curdata.TotalCBM > 0 && curdata.ExpoNumber > 0; let TotalCBMs = curdata.TotalCBM * curdata.ExpoNumber; if (curdata.ExpoSplit && HasCBMAndExpoNumber) {//拆箱
//Packing Feeding
let ApproveCBMFee = fnGetApproveCBMFee(FeeCalculateRules.Packing, "ExpoSplit", curdata.TotalCBM, curdata.ExpoNumber); curdata.SubTotal += ApproveCBMFee; } if (curdata.ExpoPack && HasCBMAndExpoNumber) {//裝箱
let ApproveCBMFee = fnGetApproveCBMFee(FeeCalculateRules.Packing, "ExpoPack", curdata.TotalCBM, curdata.ExpoNumber); curdata.SubTotal += ApproveCBMFee; } if (curdata.ExpoFeed && HasCBMAndExpoNumber) {// 空箱收送與儲存(展覽期間),等同裝箱計價規則
let ApproveCBMFee = fnGetApproveCBMFee(FeeCalculateRules.Feeding, "ExpoFeed", curdata.TotalCBM, curdata.ExpoNumber); curdata.SubTotal += ApproveCBMFee; }
if (curdata.ExpoStack && curdata.ExpoWeightTon > 0 && curdata.ExpoNumber > 0) {//堆高
/*** 2019/01/22 Yang Leo 台北駒驛「線上預約」堆高機價格計算方式調整「材積重」及「重量」擇一個重的去計價 Star ***/ //尺寸:200x200x200cm(換算材積重 = 1,336KGS)
//公式 = 長 寬 高 / 1000000 * 167
//目前系統公式直接以重量900KGS計價 -> $920 / 件
//明年改為以材積重1,336KGS去計價 -> $1,700 / 件
if (curdata.TotalCBM * 167 > curdata.ExpoWeight) { //公式=長*寬*高/1000000*167
curdata.ExpoWeightTon = curdata.TotalCBM * 167 / 1000; } /*** 2019/01/22 Yang Leo 台北駒驛「線上預約」堆高機價格計算方式調整「材積重」及「重量」擇一個重的去計價 End ***/ var rule = fnGetCurRule(curdata.ExpoWeightTon); switch (rule.PricingMode) { case 'T': { curdata.SubTotal += curdata.ExpoWeightTon * curdata.ExpoNumber * fnPackNum(rule.Price); } break; case 'N': { curdata.SubTotal += curdata.ExpoNumber * fnPackNum(rule.Price); } break; default: { //debugger;
//showMsg(bEn ? 'Special specifications, please call +886-2-2785-7900.' : '貨物內有特殊規格,敬請來電詢價02-2785-7900');
} break; } } return curdata; }, /** * 目的 綁定事件 */ fnBindEvent = function () { $('#inquiryNo dd').find('.delete').off('click').on('click', function () { $(this).parent().remove(); $('#inquiryNo dd').not(':last').each(function (index) { var that = this; if (that.id) { var sNewId = 'PackingInfo' + index; $(this).find('[name]').each(function () { var name = $(this).attr('name'); if (name.indexOf(that.id) > -1) { $(this).attr('name', name.replace(that.id, sNewId)) } }); that.id = sNewId; }
}); var firstInput = $('#inquiryNo').find(':input[type="text"]:first'); if (firstInput.length > 0) { firstInput.change(); } else { $('[name="Total"]').val('0'); $('.totaltext').text('0'); } });
$('#inquiryNo').find(':input').off('change keypress keyup').on('change keypress keyup', function (e) { var _input = this; if (!$('#expo').val()) { showMsg(bEn ? 'Please select exhibition' : '請選擇展覽'); // 請選擇展覽
return false; } if (_input.type === 'select-one') { return false; } if (_input.type === 'checkbox') { fnDisabledPack(_input);//拆箱和裝箱服務不能再單獨選擇收送或儲存
} if (e.type === 'keypress') { if (!String.fromCharCode(e.keyCode).match(/[0-9\.]/)) {//防止輸入“e”
return false; } } else { fnSumSub(_input); if (_input.AnyError) { showMsg(bEn ? 'Special specifications, please call +886-2-2785-7900.' : '貨物內有特殊規格,敬請來電詢價02-2785-7900'); $('#goappoint').addClass("isDisabled"); } else { $('#goappoint').removeClass("isDisabled");
} } }); fnsubtotalval(); $('#inquiryNo dd').each(function () { var boxchecked = $(this).find(':input[type="checkbox"]:not(:first):checked'); if (boxchecked.length > 0) { fnDisabledPack(boxchecked[0]); } }); moneyInput($('.inputnumber'), 0); }, /** * 目的 禁用服務 * @param {HTMLElement} el 當前input值 */ fnsubtotalval = function () { var iTotal = 0; $('.subtotalval').each(function () { iTotal += this.value * 1; });
iTotal = fMoney(iTotal, 0, 'NTD'); $('.totaltext').text(iTotal); }, /** * 目的 禁用服務 * @param {HTMLElement} el 當前input值 */ fnDisabledPack = function (el) { //var ul = $(el).parents('ul'),
// bCheck = false;
//if (el.id.indexOf('ExpoSplit') > -1 || el.id.indexOf('ExpoPack') > -1) {
// ul.find('.packing').each(function () {
// if (this.checked) {
// bCheck = true;
// return false;
// }
// });
// if (bCheck) {
// ul.find('.single-packing,.textStyle').prop('disabled', true);
// ul.find('.textStyle').val('');
// }
// else {
// ul.find('.single-packing,.textStyle').prop('disabled', false);
// }
//else if (el.id.indexOf('ExpoFeed') > -1 || el.id.indexOf('ExpoStorage') > -1) {
// ul.find('.single-packing').each(function () {
// if (this.checked) {
// bCheck = true;
// return false;
// }
// });
// if (bCheck) {
// ul.find('.packing').prop('disabled', true);
// /*** 2019/01/22 Yang Leo 點選「空箱收送」時,已包含「空箱存放」,直接鎖住「空箱存放」欄位 和 點選「空箱存放」時,直接鎖住「空箱收送」欄位 Star ***/
// if (oCostRules.IsMerge === 'Y') {
// if (el.id.indexOf('ExpoFeed') > -1) {
// ul.find("[id^='ExpoStorage'],.textStyle").prop('disabled', true);
// ul.find(".textStyle").val('');
// } else {
// ul.find("[id^='ExpoFeed']").prop('disabled', true);
// }
// }
// /*** 2019/01/22 Yang Leo 點選「空箱收送」時,已包含「空箱存放」,直接鎖住「空箱存放」欄位 和 點選「空箱存放」時,直接鎖住「空箱收送」欄位 End ***/
// }
// else {
// ul.find('.packing').prop('disabled', false);
// /*** 2019/01/22 Yang Leo 取消點選「空箱收送」時,已包含「空箱存放」,直接解鎖「空箱存放」欄位 和 取消點選「空箱存放」時,直接解鎖「空箱收送」欄位 Star ***/
// if (oCostRules.IsMerge === 'Y') {
// if (el.id.indexOf('ExpoFeed') > -1) {
// ul.find("[id^='ExpoStorage'],.textStyle").prop('disabled', false);
// } else {
// ul.find("[id^='ExpoFeed']").prop('disabled', false);
// }
// }
// /*** 2019/01/22 Yang Leo 取消點選「空箱收送」時,已包含「空箱存放」,直接解鎖「空箱存放」欄位 和 取消點選「空箱存放」時,直接解鎖「空箱收送」欄位 End ***/
// }
}, /** * 目的 轉換數字 * @param {String}str 當前input值 * @return {Number} 轉化後數字 */ fnPackNum = function (str) { return ((str || '') === '' ? '0' : str) * 1; }, /** * 目的 獲取當前適應費用規則 * @param {Number}weight 當前重量 * @return {Object} 當前要抓取的規則對象 */ fnGetCurRule = function (weight) { var oRule = {}; $.each(oCostRules.CostRules, function (index, item) { let rule_min = fnPackNum(item.Weight_Min); let rule_max = fnPackNum(item.Weight_Max); let RoundedWeight = Math.ceil(weight * 10) / 10; if (RoundedWeight >= rule_min && RoundedWeight <= rule_max || (weight === 30 && rule_max === 30)) { oRule = item; return false; } }); return oRule; }, /** * 目的 Go預約 * @return {Boolean} 停止符 */ fnGoAppoint = function () { $('#inquiryNo dd').each(function () { var boxchecked = $(this).find(':input[type="checkbox"]:not(:first):checked'); if (boxchecked.length > 0) { fnDisabledPack(boxchecked[0]); } }); var sExpo = $('#expo').val(), data = getFormSerialize(eForm), oOrderInfo = {}, sError = ''; oOrderInfo.ExhibitionNO = sExpo; oOrderInfo.PackingInfo = []; //oOrderInfo.Total = data.Total;
if (!oOrderInfo.ExhibitionNO) { sError += bEn ? 'Please select exhibition<br/>' : '請選擇展覽<br/>'; // 請選擇展覽
} oOrderInfo.Total = 0 $('#inquiryNo dd:not(:last)').each(function (index) { var item = data['PackingInfo' + index], iNum = index + 1; if (item) { item = fnPackItem(item); oOrderInfo.Total += item.SubTotal; item.Index = index; oOrderInfo.PackingInfo.push(item);
if (item.ExpoStack || item.ExpoSplit || item.ExpoPack || item.ExpoFeed || item.ExpoStorage) { if (item.ExpoNumber === 0) { sError += (bEn ? 'Project' : '項目') + iNum + (bEn ? ':[Number of pieces] cannot be empty<br/>' : ':[件數]不能為空<br/>'); // 件數不能為空
} if (item.ExpoStack) { if (item.ExpoWeightTon === 0) { sError += (bEn ? 'Project' : '項目') + iNum + (bEn ? ':[Forklift] service weight cannot be empty<br/>' : ':[堆高機]服務重量不能為空<br/>'); // [堆高機服務]重量不能為空
} if (item.TotalCBM === 0) { sError += (bEn ? 'Project' : '項目') + iNum + (bEn ? ':[Forklift] service dimensions cannot be empty<br/>' : ':[堆高機]服務尺寸不能為空<br/>'); // [堆高機]服務尺寸不能為空
} } if (item.ExpoSplit) { if (item.TotalCBM === 0) { sError += (bEn ? 'Project' : '項目') + iNum + (bEn ? ':[Packing] service dimensions cannot be empty<br/>' : ':[裝箱]服務尺寸不能為空<br/>'); // [裝箱]服務尺寸不能為空
} } if (item.ExpoPack) { if (item.TotalCBM === 0) { sError += (bEn ? 'Project' : '項目') + iNum + (bEn ? ':[Unpacking (including empty crate transport & storage)] service dimensions shall not be empty<br/>' : ':[拆箱(含空箱收送與儲存)]服務尺寸不能為空<br/>'); // [拆箱(含空箱收送與儲存)]服務尺寸不能為空
} } if (item.ExpoFeed) { if (item.TotalCBM === 0) { sError += (bEn ? 'Project' : '項目') + iNum + (bEn ? ':[Empty Crate Transport] service dimensions cannot be empty<br/>' : ':[空箱收送]服務尺寸不能為空<br/>'); // 空箱收送服務尺寸不能為空
} } if (item.ExpoStorage) { if (item.TotalCBM === 0) { sError += (bEn ? 'Project' : '項目') + iNum + (bEn ? ':[empty storage/storage] service dimensions must not be empty<br/>' : '[空箱存放 / 存放]服務尺寸不能為空<br/>'); //[空箱存放 / 存放]服務尺寸不能為空
} if (item.ExpoDays === 0) { sError += (bEn ? 'Project' : '項目') + iNum + (bEn ? ':[Empty Crate Storage] service days cannot be empty<br/>' : ':[空箱存放 / 存放]服務天數不能為空<br/>'); //[空箱存放 / 存放]服務天數不能為空
} } } else { sError += (bEn ? 'Project' : '項目') + iNum + (bEn ? ':Please choose at least one service<br/>' : ':請至少選擇一種服務<br/>'); // 請至少選擇一種服務
} } });
if (oOrderInfo.PackingInfo.length === 0) { sError += bEn ? 'Please fill in the exhibition estimated quotation information<br/>' : '請填寫展覽預估報價資訊<br/>'; // 請填寫展覽預估報價資訊
} if (sError) { showMsg(sError); return false; } else { g_db.SetDic('Expo', sExpo); g_db.SetDic('ExpoName', $('#expo option:selected').text()); g_db.SetDic('OrderInfo', oOrderInfo.PackingInfo); g_db.SetDic('Total', oOrderInfo.Total); window.location.href = window.location.origin + '/TG/page/inquiryForm' + (bEn ? '_en' : '') + '.html'; } }, init = function () { var myHelpers = { getFileName: function (val) { return val ? val.split('.')[0] : ''; }, setMoney: function (val, flag) { return (flag ? 'NT$' : '') + fMoney(val || 0, 0, 'NTD'); }, setCheck: function (val) { return val ? 'checked="checked"' : ''; }, setSubtext: function (val) { return val ? val.join(' / ') : ''; }, setWeight: function (val) { return (val || 0) * 1000; } }; $.views.helpers(myHelpers);
$.whenArray([fnSetDate(), fnGetArguments(), fnGetExhibitionsTop()]).done(function () { fnGetExhibitionRules().done(function () { if (saOrderInfo) { if (typeof saOrderInfo === 'string') { saOrderInfo = JSON.parse(saOrderInfo); } var sHtml = $('#temp_costinfo').render(saOrderInfo); $('#inquiryNo dd:last').before(sHtml); $('[name="Total"]').val(iTotal); $('.totaltext').text(fMoney(iTotal, 0, 'NTD')); $.each(saOrderInfo, function (index, item) { $('[name="PackingInfo' + index + '[ExpoType]"]').val(item.ExpoType); }); fnBindEvent(); } else { fnPackInquiry();//在新預設一項
} }); }); $('#inquiryIntro').fancybox({ src: 'inquiryIntro' + (bEn ? '_en' : '') + '.html', type: 'iframe', smallBtn: true, iframe: { css: { width: '500px' } } });
$('.expo-search').on('change', function () { $('.totaltext').text("0"); fnGetExhibitionsTop().done(function () { fnGetExhibitionRules(); }); }); $('.add').on('click', function () { fnPackInquiry(); }); $('#goappoint').on('click', function () { fnGoAppoint(); }); $('#expo').on('change', function () { fnGetExhibitionRules().done(function () { fnPackInquiry();//在新預設一項
$('#inquiryNo').find(':input[type="text"]:first').change(); }); }); };
init(); });