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namespace SqlSugar { public class DbFirstTemplate { #region Template
public static string ClassTemplate = "{using}\r\n" + "namespace {Namespace}\r\n" + "{\r\n" + "{ClassDescription}{SugarTable}\r\n" + ClassSpace + "public partial class {ClassName} : ModelContext\r\n" + ClassSpace + "{\r\n" + PropertySpace + "public {ClassName}(){\r\n\r\n" + "{Constructor}\r\n" + PropertySpace + "}\r\n" + //PropertySpace + "[SugarColumn(IsIgnore = true)]\r\n" +
//PropertySpace + "public int RowIndex { get; set; }\r\n" +
"{PropertyName}\r\n" + ClassSpace + "}\r\n" + "}\r\n";
public static string ClassDescriptionTemplate = ClassSpace + "///<summary>\r\n" + ClassSpace + "///{ClassDescription}" + ClassSpace + "///</summary>";
public static string PropertyTemplate = PropertySpace + "{SugarColumn}\r\n" + PropertySpace + "public {PropertyType} {PropertyName} {get;set;}\r\n";
public static string PropertyConstNameTemplate = PropertySpace + "public const string CN_{CN_PropertyName} = \"{PropertyName}\";\r\n";
public static string PropertyDescriptionTemplate = PropertySpace + "/// <summary>\r\n" + PropertySpace + "/// Desc:{PropertyDescription}\r\n" + PropertySpace + "/// Default:{DefaultValue}\r\n" + PropertySpace + "/// Nullable:{IsNullable}\r\n" + PropertySpace + "/// </summary>";
public static string ConstructorTemplate = PropertySpace + " this.{PropertyName} ={DefaultValue};\r\n";
public static string UsingTemplate = "using System;\r\n" + "using System.Linq;\r\n" + "using System.Text;" + "\r\n";
#endregion Template
#region Replace Key
public const string KeyUsing = "{using}"; public const string KeyNamespace = "{Namespace}"; public const string KeyClassName = "{ClassName}"; public const string KeyIsNullable = "{IsNullable}"; public const string KeySugarTable = "{SugarTable}"; public const string KeyConstructor = "{Constructor}"; public const string KeySugarColumn = "{SugarColumn}"; public const string KeyPropertyType = "{PropertyType}"; public const string KeyPropertyName = "{PropertyName}"; public const string KeyPropertyConstName = "{CN_PropertyName}"; public const string KeyDefaultValue = "{DefaultValue}"; public const string KeyClassDescription = "{ClassDescription}"; public const string KeyPropertyDescription = "{PropertyDescription}";
#endregion Replace Key
#region Replace Value
public const string ValueSugarTable = "\r\n" + ClassSpace + "[SugarTable(\"{0}\")]"; public const string ValueSugarCoulmn = "\r\n" + PropertySpace + "[SugarColumn({0})]";
#endregion Replace Value
#region Space
public const string PropertySpace = " "; public const string ClassSpace = " ";
#endregion Space
} }