/* Write your custom CSS here */
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/*POP Menu Add by John (彈窗css) end */ /*Add by Alina 20150730 手機樣式 (彈窗css) Star */ @media screen and (max-width: 767px) { #divtabsPanelList { display: none; }
#lbMainTableName { display: none; }
#ModTree { display: none; }
span[ishasselect2="true"] { min-width: 100px; text-align: left; display: inline-block; } } /*Add by Alina 20150730 手機樣式 (彈窗css) End */
/*Add by Alina 20150818 畫面縮小後出現上面的滾動條壓住下面的滾動條的情況 Star */ @media screen and (max-height: 767px) { div[role="tabpanel"] { padding-right: 0; } } /*Add by Alina 20150818 畫面縮小後出現上面的滾動條壓住下面的滾動條的情況 End */
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.cusclass-btn { padding: 2px 20px; }