/* Copyright (C) Philippe Meyer 2019 Distributed under the MIT License vanillaSelectBox : v0.30 : The menu stops moving around on window resize and scroll + z-index in order of creation for multiple instances vanillaSelectBox : v0.26 : Corrected bug in stayOpen mode with disable() function vanillaSelectBox : v0.25 : New option stayOpen, and the dropbox is no longer a dropbox but a nice multi-select previous version : v0.24 : corrected bug affecting options with more than one class https://github.com/PhilippeMarcMeyer/vanillaSelectBox
let VSBoxCounter = function () { let count = 0; return { set: function () { return ++count; } }; }();
function vanillaSelectBox(domSelector, options) { let self = this; this.instanceOffset = VSBoxCounter.set(); this.domSelector = domSelector; this.root = document.querySelector(domSelector) this.main; this.button; this.title; this.isMultiple = this.root.hasAttribute("multiple"); this.multipleSize = this.isMultiple && this.root.hasAttribute("size") ? parseInt(this.root.getAttribute("size")) : -1; this.drop; this.top; this.left; this.options; this.listElements; this.isDisabled = false; this.search = false; this.searchZone = null; this.inputBox = null; this.ulminWidth = 200; this.ulminHeight = 25; this.userOptions = { maxWidth: 500, maxHeight: 400, translations: { "all": "All", "items": "items" }, search: false, placeHolder: "", stayOpen:false } if (options) { if (options.maxWidth != undefined) { this.userOptions.maxWidth = options.maxWidth; } if (options.maxHeight != undefined) { this.userOptions.maxHeight = options.maxHeight; } if (options.translations != undefined) { this.userOptions.translations = options.translations; } if (options.placeHolder != undefined) { this.userOptions.placeHolder = options.placeHolder; } if (options.search != undefined) { this.search = options.search; } if (options.stayOpen != undefined) { this.userOptions.stayOpen = options.stayOpen; } } this.repositionMenu = function(){ let rect = self.main.getBoundingClientRect(); this.drop.style.left = rect.left+"px"; this.drop.style.top = rect.bottom+"px"; }
this.init = function () { let self = this; this.root.style.display = "none"; let already = document.getElementById("btn-group-" + self.domSelector); if (already) { already.remove(); } this.main = document.createElement("div"); this.root.parentNode.insertBefore(this.main, this.root.nextSibling); this.main.classList.add("vsb-main"); this.main.setAttribute("id", "btn-group-" + this.domSelector); this.main.style.marginLeft = this.main.style.marginLeft; if(self.userOptions.stayOpen){ this.main.style.minHeight = (this.userOptions.maxHeight+10) + "px"; }
let btnTag = self.userOptions.stayOpen ? "div" : "button"; this.button = document.createElement(btnTag); let presentValue = this.main.value; this.main.appendChild(this.button); this.title = document.createElement("span"); this.button.appendChild(this.title); this.title.classList.add("title"); let caret = document.createElement("span"); this.button.appendChild(caret); caret.classList.add("caret"); caret.style.position = "absolute"; caret.style.right = "8px"; caret.style.marginTop = "8px"; if(self.userOptions.stayOpen){ caret.style.display = "none"; this.title.style.paddingLeft = "20px"; this.title.style.fontStyle = "italic"; this.title.style.verticalAlign = "20%"; } let rect = this.button.getBoundingClientRect(); this.top = rect.bottom; this.left = rect.left; this.drop = document.createElement("div"); this.main.appendChild(this.drop); this.drop.classList.add("vsb-menu"); this.drop.style.zIndex = 2000 - this.instanceOffset; this.ul = document.createElement("ul"); this.drop.appendChild(this.ul);
if(!this.userOptions.stayOpen ){ window.addEventListener("resize", function (e) { self.repositionMenu(); }); window.addEventListener("scroll", function (e) { self.repositionMenu(); }); }
this.ul.style.maxHeight = this.userOptions.maxHeight + "px"; this.ul.style.minWidth = this.ulminWidth + "px"; this.ul.style.minHeight = this.ulminHeight + "px"; if (this.isMultiple) { this.ul.classList.add("multi"); } let selectedTexts = "" let sep = ""; let nrActives = 0; if (this.search) { this.searchZone = document.createElement("div"); this.ul.appendChild(this.searchZone); this.searchZone.classList.add("vsb-js-search-zone"); this.searchZone.style.zIndex = 2001 - this.instanceOffset; this.inputBox = document.createElement("input"); this.searchZone.appendChild(this.inputBox); this.inputBox.setAttribute("type", "text"); this.inputBox.setAttribute("id", "search_" + this.domSelector);
let fontSizeForP = this.isMultiple ? "8px" : "6px"; var para = document.createElement("p"); this.ul.appendChild(para); para.style.fontSize = fontSizeForP; para.innerHTML = " "; this.ul.addEventListener("scroll", function (e) { var y = this.scrollTop; self.searchZone.parentNode.style.top = y + "px"; }); } this.options = document.querySelectorAll(this.domSelector + " option"); Array.prototype.slice.call(this.options).forEach(function (x) { let text = x.textContent; let value = x.value; let classes = x.getAttribute("class"); if(classes) { classes=classes.split(" "); } else { classes=[]; } let li = document.createElement("li"); let isSelected = x.hasAttribute("selected"); self.ul.appendChild(li); li.setAttribute("data-value", value); li.setAttribute("data-text", text); if (classes.length != 0) { classes.forEach(function(x){ li.classList.add(x); }); } if (isSelected) { nrActives++; selectedTexts += sep + text; sep = ","; li.classList.add("active"); if (!self.isMultiple) { self.title.textContent = text; if (classes.length != 0) { classes.forEach(function(x){ self.title.classList.add(x); }); } } } li.appendChild(document.createTextNode(text)); }); if (self.multipleSize != -1) { if (nrActives > self.multipleSize) { let wordForItems = self.userOptions.translations.items || "items" selectedTexts = nrActives + " " + wordForItems; } } if (self.isMultiple) { self.title.innerHTML = selectedTexts; } if (self.userOptions.placeHolder != "" && self.title.textContent == "") { self.title.textContent = self.userOptions.placeHolder; } this.listElements = this.drop.querySelectorAll("li"); if (self.search) { self.inputBox.addEventListener("keyup", function (e) { let searchValue = e.target.value.toUpperCase(); let searchValueLength = searchValue.length; if (searchValueLength < 2) { Array.prototype.slice.call(self.listElements).forEach(function (x) { x.classList.remove("hide"); }); } else { Array.prototype.slice.call(self.listElements).forEach(function (x) { let text = x.getAttribute("data-text").toUpperCase(); if (text.indexOf(searchValue) == -1) { x.classList.add("hide"); } else { x.classList.remove("hide"); } }); } }); } if(self.userOptions.stayOpen){ self.drop.style.display = "block"; self.drop.style.boxShadow = "none"; self.drop.style.minHeight = (this.userOptions.maxHeight+10) + "px"; self.drop.style.position = "relative"; self.drop.style.left = "0px"; self.drop.style.top = "0px"; self.button.style.border = "none"; }else{ this.main.addEventListener("click", function (e) { if (self.isDisabled) return; self.drop.style.left = self.left + "px"; self.drop.style.top = self.top + "px"; self.drop.style.display = "block"; document.addEventListener("click", docListener); e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); if(!self.userOptions.stayOpen ){ self.repositionMenu(); } }); } this.drop.addEventListener("click", function (e) { if (self.isDisabled) return; if (!e.target.hasAttribute("data-value")) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); return; } let choiceValue = e.target.getAttribute("data-value"); let choiceText = e.target.getAttribute("data-text"); let className = e.target.getAttribute("class"); if (!self.isMultiple) { self.root.value = choiceValue; self.title.textContent = choiceText; if (className) { self.title.setAttribute("class", className + " title"); } else { self.title.setAttribute("class", "title"); } Array.prototype.slice.call(self.listElements).forEach(function (x) { x.classList.remove("active"); }); if (choiceText != "") { e.target.classList.add("active"); } self.privateSendChange(); if(!self.userOptions.stayOpen){ docListener(); } } else { let wasActive = false; if (className) { wasActive = className.indexOf("active") != -1; } if (wasActive) { e.target.classList.remove("active"); } else { e.target.classList.add("active"); } let selectedTexts = "" let sep = ""; let nrActives = 0; let nrAll = 0; for (let i = 0; i < self.options.length; i++) { nrAll++; if (self.options[i].value == choiceValue) { self.options[i].selected = !wasActive; } if (self.options[i].selected) { nrActives++; selectedTexts += sep + self.options[i].textContent; sep = ","; } } if (nrAll == nrActives) { let wordForAll = self.userOptions.translations.all || "all"; selectedTexts = wordForAll; } else if (self.multipleSize != -1) { if (nrActives > self.multipleSize) { let wordForItems = self.userOptions.translations.items || "items" selectedTexts = nrActives + " " + wordForItems; } } self.title.textContent = selectedTexts; self.privateSendChange(); } e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); if (self.userOptions.placeHolder != "" && self.title.textContent == "") { self.title.textContent = self.userOptions.placeHolder; } }); function docListener() { document.removeEventListener("click", docListener); self.drop.style.display = "none"; if(self.search){ self.inputBox.value = ""; Array.prototype.slice.call(self.listElements).forEach(function (x) { x.classList.remove("hide"); }); } } }
this.init(); }
vanillaSelectBox.prototype.setValue = function (values) { let self = this; if (values == null || values == undefined || values == "") { self.empty(); } else { if (self.isMultiple) { if (type(values) == "string") { if (values == "all") { values = []; Array.prototype.slice.call(self.options).forEach(function (x) { values.push(x.value); }); } else { values = values.split(","); } } let foundValues = []; if (type(values) == "array") { Array.prototype.slice.call(self.options).forEach(function (x) { if (values.indexOf(x.value) != -1) { x.selected = true; foundValues.push(x.value); } else { x.selected = false; } }); let selectedTexts = "" let sep = ""; let nrActives = 0; let nrAll = 0; Array.prototype.slice.call(self.listElements).forEach(function (x) { nrAll++; if (foundValues.indexOf(x.getAttribute("data-value")) != -1) { x.classList.add("active"); nrActives++; selectedTexts += sep + x.getAttribute("data-text"); sep = ","; } else { x.classList.remove("active"); } }); if (nrAll == nrActives) { let wordForAll = self.userOptions.translations.all || "all"; selectedTexts = wordForAll; } else if (self.multipleSize != -1) { if (nrActives > self.multipleSize) { let wordForItems = self.userOptions.translations.items || "items" selectedTexts = nrActives + " " + wordForItems; } } self.title.textContent = selectedTexts; self.privateSendChange(); } } else { let found = false; let text = ""; let classNames = "" Array.prototype.slice.call(self.listElements).forEach(function (x) { if (x.getAttribute("data-value") == values) { x.classList.add("active"); found = true; text = x.getAttribute("data-text") } else { x.classList.remove("active"); } }); Array.prototype.slice.call(self.options).forEach(function (x) { if (x.value == values) { x.selected = true; className = x.getAttribute("class"); if (!className) className = ""; } else { x.selected = false; } }); if (found) { self.title.textContent = text; if (self.userOptions.placeHolder != "" && self.title.textContent == "") { self.title.textContent = self.userOptions.placeHolder; } if (className != "") { self.title.setAttribute("class", className + " title"); } else { self.title.setAttribute("class", "title"); } } } } function type(target) { const computedType = Object.prototype.toString.call(target); const stripped = computedType.replace("[object ", "").replace("]", ""); const lowercased = stripped.toLowerCase(); return lowercased; } }
vanillaSelectBox.prototype.privateSendChange = function () { let event = document.createEvent('HTMLEvents'); event.initEvent('change', true, false); this.root.dispatchEvent(event); }
vanillaSelectBox.prototype.empty = function () { Array.prototype.slice.call(this.listElements).forEach(function (x) { x.classList.remove("active"); }); Array.prototype.slice.call(this.options).forEach(function (x) { x.selected = false; }); this.title.textContent = ""; if (this.userOptions.placeHolder != "" && this.title.textContent == "") { this.title.textContent = this.userOptions.placeHolder; } this.privateSendChange(); } vanillaSelectBox.prototype.destroy = function () { let already = document.getElementById("btn-group-" + this.domSelector); if (already) { already.remove(); this.root.style.display = "inline-block"; } } vanillaSelectBox.prototype.disable = function () { let already = document.getElementById("btn-group-" + this.domSelector); if (already) { button = already.querySelector("button") if(button) button.classList.add("disabled"); this.isDisabled = true; } } vanillaSelectBox.prototype.enable = function () { let already = document.getElementById("btn-group-" + this.domSelector); if (already) { button = already.querySelector("button") if(button) button.classList.remove("disabled"); this.isDisabled = false; } }
vanillaSelectBox.prototype.showOptions = function(){ console.log(this.userOptions); } // Polyfills for IE
if (!('remove' in Element.prototype)) { Element.prototype.remove = function () { if (this.parentNode) { this.parentNode.removeChild(this); } }; }