You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

151 lines
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2 years ago
  1. /*
  2. Highcharts JS v3.0.6 (2013-10-04)
  3. (c) 2009-2013 Torstein Hønsi
  4. License:
  5. */
  6. (function (j, C) {
  7. function J(a, b, c) {, a, b, c) } function K(a, b, c) {, b, c); if (this.chart.polar) this.closeSegment = function (a) { var c =; a.push("L", c[0], c[1]) }, this.closedStacks = !0 } function L(a, b) {
  8. var c = this.chart, d = this.options.animation, g =, f = this.markerGroup, e =, i = c.plotLeft, n = c.plotTop; if (c.polar) {
  9. if (c.renderer.isSVG) if (d === !0 && (d = {}), b) {
  10. if (c = { translateX: e[0] + i, translateY: e[1] + n, scaleX: 0.001, scaleY: 0.001 }, g.attr(c), f) f.attrSetters = g.attrSetters,
  11. f.attr(c)
  12. } else c = { translateX: i, translateY: n, scaleX: 1, scaleY: 1 }, g.animate(c, d), f && f.animate(c, d), this.animate = null
  13. } else, b)
  14. } var P = j.arrayMin, Q = j.arrayMax, s = j.each, F = j.extend, p = j.merge, R =, r = j.pick, v = j.pInt, m = j.getOptions().plotOptions, h = j.seriesTypes, x = j.extendClass, M = j.splat, o = j.wrap, N = j.Axis, u = j.Tick, z = j.Series, q = h.column.prototype, t = Math, D = t.round, A = t.floor, S = t.max, w = function () { }; F(J.prototype, {
  15. init: function (a, b, c) {
  16. var d = this, g = d.defaultOptions; d.chart = b; if (b.angular) g.background =
  17. {}; d.options = a = p(g, a); (a = a.background) && s([].concat(M(a)).reverse(), function (a) { var b = a.backgroundColor, a = p(d.defaultBackgroundOptions, a); if (b) a.backgroundColor = b; a.color = a.backgroundColor; c.options.plotBands.unshift(a) })
  18. }, defaultOptions: { center: ["50%", "50%"], size: "85%", startAngle: 0 }, defaultBackgroundOptions: {
  19. shape: "circle", borderWidth: 1, borderColor: "silver", backgroundColor: { linearGradient: { x1: 0, y1: 0, x2: 0, y2: 1 }, stops: [[0, "#FFF"], [1, "#DDD"]] }, from: Number.MIN_VALUE, innerRadius: 0, to: Number.MAX_VALUE,
  20. outerRadius: "105%"
  21. }
  22. }); var G = N.prototype, u = u.prototype, T = { getOffset: w, redraw: function () { this.isDirty = !1 }, render: function () { this.isDirty = !1 }, setScale: w, setCategories: w, setTitle: w }, O = {
  23. isRadial: !0, defaultRadialGaugeOptions: { labels: { align: "center", x: 0, y: null }, minorGridLineWidth: 0, minorTickInterval: "auto", minorTickLength: 10, minorTickPosition: "inside", minorTickWidth: 1, plotBands: [], tickLength: 10, tickPosition: "inside", tickWidth: 2, title: { rotation: 0 }, zIndex: 2 }, defaultRadialXOptions: {
  24. gridLineWidth: 1, labels: {
  25. align: null,
  26. distance: 15, x: 0, y: null
  27. }, maxPadding: 0, minPadding: 0, plotBands: [], showLastLabel: !1, tickLength: 0
  28. }, defaultRadialYOptions: { gridLineInterpolation: "circle", labels: { align: "right", x: -3, y: -2 }, plotBands: [], showLastLabel: !1, title: { x: 4, text: null, rotation: 90 } }, setOptions: function (a) { this.options = p(this.defaultOptions, this.defaultRadialOptions, a) }, getOffset: function () {; this.chart.axisOffset[this.side] = 0 }, getLinePath: function (a, b) {
  29. var c =, b = r(b, c[2] / 2 - this.offset); return this.chart.renderer.symbols.arc(this.left +
  30. c[0], + c[1], b, b, { start: this.startAngleRad, end: this.endAngleRad, open: !0, innerR: 0 })
  31. }, setAxisTranslation: function () {; if ( && (this.transA = this.isCircular ? (this.endAngleRad - this.startAngleRad) / (this.max - this.min || 1) :[2] / 2 / (this.max - this.min || 1), this.isXAxis)) this.minPixelPadding = this.transA * this.minPointOffset + (this.reversed ? (this.endAngleRad - this.startAngleRad) / 4 : 0) }, beforeSetTickPositions: function () {
  32. this.autoConnect && (this.max += this.categories &&
  33. 1 || this.pointRange || this.closestPointRange || 0)
  34. }, setAxisSize: function () {; if (this.isRadial) = =, this.len = this.width = this.height = this.isCircular ?[2] * (this.endAngleRad - this.startAngleRad) / 2 :[2] / 2 }, getPosition: function (a, b) { if (!this.isCircular) b = this.translate(a), a = this.min; return this.postTranslate(this.translate(a), r(b,[2] / 2) - this.offset) }, postTranslate: function (a, b) {
  35. var c = this.chart,
  36. d =, a = this.startAngleRad + a; return { x: c.plotLeft + d[0] + Math.cos(a) * b, y: c.plotTop + d[1] + Math.sin(a) * b }
  37. }, getPlotBandPath: function (a, b, c) {
  38. var d =, g = this.startAngleRad, f = d[2] / 2, e = [r(c.outerRadius, "100%"), c.innerRadius, r(c.thickness, 10)], i = /%$/, n, l = this.isCircular; this.options.gridLineInterpolation === "polygon" ? d = this.getPlotLinePath(a).concat(this.getPlotLinePath(b, !0)) : (l || (e[0] = this.translate(a), e[1] = this.translate(b)), e = R(e, function (a) { i.test(a) && (a = v(a, 10) * f / 100); return a }), c.shape ===
  39. "circle" || !l ? (a = -Math.PI / 2, b = Math.PI * 1.5, n = !0) : (a = g + this.translate(a), b = g + this.translate(b)), d = this.chart.renderer.symbols.arc(this.left + d[0], + d[1], e[0], e[0], { start: a, end: b, innerR: r(e[1], e[0] - e[2]), open: n })); return d
  40. }, getPlotLinePath: function (a, b) {
  41. var c =, d = this.chart, g = this.getPosition(a), f, e, i; this.isCircular ? i = ["M", c[0] + d.plotLeft, c[1] + d.plotTop, "L", g.x, g.y] : this.options.gridLineInterpolation === "circle" ? (a = this.translate(a)) && (i = this.getLinePath(0, a)) : (f = d.xAxis[0], i = [], a = this.translate(a),
  42. c = f.tickPositions, f.autoConnect && (c = c.concat([c[0]])), b && (c = [].concat(c).reverse()), s(c, function (c, b) { e = f.getPosition(c, a); i.push(b ? "L" : "M", e.x, e.y) })); return i
  43. }, getTitlePosition: function () { var a =, b = this.chart, c = this.options.title; return { x: b.plotLeft + a[0] + (c.x || 0), y: b.plotTop + a[1] - { high: 0.5, middle: 0.25, low: 0 }[c.align] * a[2] + (c.y || 0) } }
  44. }; o(G, "init", function (a, b, c) {
  45. var k; var d = b.angular, g = b.polar, f = c.isX, e = d && f, i, n; n = b.options; var l = c.pane || 0; if (d) {
  46. if (F(this, e ? T : O), i = !f) this.defaultRadialOptions =
  47. this.defaultRadialGaugeOptions
  48. } else if (g) F(this, O), this.defaultRadialOptions = (i = f) ? this.defaultRadialXOptions : p(this.defaultYAxisOptions, this.defaultRadialYOptions);, b, c); if (!e && (d || g)) {
  49. a = this.options; if (!b.panes) b.panes = []; this.pane = (k = b.panes[l] = b.panes[l] || new J(M(n.pane)[l], b, this), l = k); l = l.options; b.inverted = !1; n.chart.zoomType = null; this.startAngleRad = b = (l.startAngle - 90) * Math.PI / 180; this.endAngleRad = n = (r(l.endAngle, l.startAngle + 360) - 90) * Math.PI / 180; this.offset = a.offset || 0; if ((this.isCircular =
  50. i) && c.max === C && n - b === 2 * Math.PI) this.autoConnect = !0
  51. }
  52. }); o(u, "getPosition", function (a, b, c, d, g) { var f = this.axis; return f.getPosition ? f.getPosition(c) :, b, c, d, g) }); o(u, "getLabelPosition", function (a, b, c, d, g, f, e, i, n) {
  53. var l = this.axis, k = f.y, h = f.align, j = (l.translate(this.pos) + l.startAngleRad + Math.PI / 2) / Math.PI * 180 % 360; l.isRadial ? (a = l.getPosition(this.pos,[2] / 2 + r(f.distance, -25)), f.rotation === "auto" ? d.attr({ rotation: j }) : k === null && (k = v(d.styles.lineHeight) * 0.9 - d.getBBox().height / 2), h === null &&
  54. (h = l.isCircular ? j > 20 && j < 160 ? "left" : j > 200 && j < 340 ? "right" : "center" : "center", d.attr({ align: h })), a.x += f.x, a.y += k) : a =, b, c, d, g, f, e, i, n); return a
  55. }); o(u, "getMarkPath", function (a, b, c, d, g, f, e) { var i = this.axis; i.isRadial ? (a = i.getPosition(this.pos,[2] / 2 + d), b = ["M", b, c, "L", a.x, a.y]) : b =, b, c, d, g, f, e); return b }); m.arearange = p(m.area, {
  56. lineWidth: 1, marker: null, threshold: null, tooltip: { pointFormat: '<span style="color:{series.color}">{}</span>: <b>{point.low}</b> - <b>{point.high}</b><br/>' },
  57. trackByArea: !0, dataLabels: { verticalAlign: null, xLow: 0, xHigh: 0, yLow: 0, yHigh: 0 }
  58. }); h.arearange = j.extendClass(h.area, {
  59. type: "arearange", pointArrayMap: ["low", "high"], toYData: function (a) { return [a.low, a.high] }, pointValKey: "low", getSegments: function () { var a = this; s(a.points, function (b) { if (!a.options.connectNulls && (b.low === null || b.high === null)) b.y = null; else if (b.low === null && b.high !== null) b.y = b.high }); }, translate: function () {
  60. var a = this.yAxis; h.area.prototype.translate.apply(this);
  61. s(this.points, function (b) { var c = b.low, d = b.high, g = b.plotY; d === null && c === null ? b.y = null : c === null ? (b.plotLow = b.plotY = null, b.plotHigh = a.translate(d, 0, 1, 0, 1)) : d === null ? (b.plotLow = g, b.plotHigh = null) : (b.plotLow = g, b.plotHigh = a.translate(d, 0, 1, 0, 1)) })
  62. }, getSegmentPath: function (a) {
  63. var b, c = [], d = a.length, g = z.prototype.getSegmentPath, f, e; e = this.options; var i = e.step; for (b = HighchartsAdapter.grep(a, function (a) { return a.plotLow !== null }); d--;)f = a[d], f.plotHigh !== null && c.push({ plotX: f.plotX, plotY: f.plotHigh }); a =,
  64. b); if (i) i === !0 && (i = "left"), e.step = { left: "right", center: "center", right: "left" }[i]; c =, c); e.step = i; e = [].concat(a, c); c[0] = "L"; this.areaPath = this.areaPath.concat(a, c); return e
  65. }, drawDataLabels: function () {
  66. var a =, b = a.length, c, d = [], g = z.prototype, f = this.options.dataLabels, e, i = this.chart.inverted; if (f.enabled || this._hasPointLabels) {
  67. for (c = b; c--;)e = a[c], e.y = e.high, e.plotY = e.plotHigh, d[c] = e.dataLabel, e.dataLabel = e.dataLabelUpper, e.below = !1, i ? (f.align = "left", f.x = f.xHigh) : f.y = f.yHigh; g.drawDataLabels.apply(this,
  68. arguments); for (c = b; c--;)e = a[c], e.dataLabelUpper = e.dataLabel, e.dataLabel = d[c], e.y = e.low, e.plotY = e.plotLow, e.below = !0, i ? (f.align = "right", f.x = f.xLow) : f.y = f.yLow; g.drawDataLabels.apply(this, arguments)
  69. }
  70. }, alignDataLabel: h.column.prototype.alignDataLabel, getSymbol: h.column.prototype.getSymbol, drawPoints: w
  71. }); m.areasplinerange = p(m.arearange); h.areasplinerange = x(h.arearange, { type: "areasplinerange", getPointSpline: h.spline.prototype.getPointSpline }); m.columnrange = p(m.column, m.arearange, { lineWidth: 1, pointRange: null });
  72. h.columnrange = x(h.arearange, { type: "columnrange", translate: function () { var a = this, b = a.yAxis, c; q.translate.apply(a); s(a.points, function (d) { var g = d.shapeArgs, f = a.options.minPointLength, e; d.plotHigh = c = b.translate(d.high, 0, 1, 0, 1); d.plotLow = d.plotY; e = c; d = d.plotY - c; d < f && (f -= d, d += f, e -= f / 2); g.height = d; g.y = e }) }, trackerGroups: ["group", "dataLabels"], drawGraph: w, pointAttrToOptions: q.pointAttrToOptions, drawPoints: q.drawPoints, drawTracker: q.drawTracker, animate: q.animate, getColumnMetrics: q.getColumnMetrics }); m.gauge =
  73. p(m.line, { dataLabels: { enabled: !0, y: 15, borderWidth: 1, borderColor: "silver", borderRadius: 3, style: { fontWeight: "bold" }, verticalAlign: "top", zIndex: 2 }, dial: {}, pivot: {}, tooltip: { headerFormat: "" }, showInLegend: !1 }); u = {
  74. type: "gauge", pointClass: j.extendClass(j.Point, { setState: function (a) { this.state = a } }), angular: !0, drawGraph: w, fixedBox: !0, trackerGroups: ["group", "dataLabels"], translate: function () {
  75. var a = this.yAxis, b = this.options, c =; this.generatePoints(); s(this.points, function (d) {
  76. var g = p(b.dial, d.dial), f =
  77. v(r(g.radius, 80)) * c[2] / 200, e = v(r(g.baseLength, 70)) * f / 100, i = v(r(g.rearLength, 10)) * f / 100, n = g.baseWidth || 3, l = g.topWidth || 1, k = a.startAngleRad + a.translate(d.y, null, null, null, !0); b.wrap === !1 && (k = Math.max(a.startAngleRad, Math.min(a.endAngleRad, k))); k = k * 180 / Math.PI; d.shapeType = "path"; d.shapeArgs = { d: g.path || ["M", -i, -n / 2, "L", e, -n / 2, f, -l / 2, f, l / 2, e, n / 2, -i, n / 2, "z"], translateX: c[0], translateY: c[1], rotation: k }; d.plotX = c[0]; d.plotY = c[1]
  78. })
  79. }, drawPoints: function () {
  80. var a = this, b =, c = a.pivot, d = a.options, g =
  81. d.pivot, f = a.chart.renderer; s(a.points, function (c) { var b = c.graphic, g = c.shapeArgs, l = g.d, k = p(d.dial, c.dial); b ? (b.animate(g), g.d = l) : c.graphic = f[c.shapeType](g).attr({ stroke: k.borderColor || "none", "stroke-width": k.borderWidth || 0, fill: k.backgroundColor || "black", rotation: g.rotation }).add( }); c ? c.animate({ translateX: b[0], translateY: b[1] }) : a.pivot =, 0, r(g.radius, 5)).attr({ "stroke-width": g.borderWidth || 0, stroke: g.borderColor || "silver", fill: g.backgroundColor || "black" }).translate(b[0], b[1]).add(
  82. },
  83. animate: function (a) { var b = this; if (!a) s(b.points, function (a) { var d = a.graphic; d && (d.attr({ rotation: b.yAxis.startAngleRad * 180 / Math.PI }), d.animate({ rotation: a.shapeArgs.rotation }, b.options.animation)) }), b.animate = null }, render: function () { = this.plotGroup("group", "series", this.visible ? "visible" : "hidden", this.options.zIndex, this.chart.seriesGroup);; }, setData: h.pie.prototype.setData, drawTracker: h.column.prototype.drawTracker
  84. }; h.gauge =
  85. j.extendClass(h.line, u); m.boxplot = p(m.column, { fillColor: "#FFFFFF", lineWidth: 1, medianWidth: 2, states: { hover: { brightness: -0.3 } }, threshold: null, tooltip: { pointFormat: '<span style="color:{series.color};font-weight:bold">{}</span><br/>Maximum: {point.high}<br/>Upper quartile: {point.q3}<br/>Median: {point.median}<br/>Lower quartile: {point.q1}<br/>Minimum: {point.low}<br/>' }, whiskerLength: "50%", whiskerWidth: 2 }); h.boxplot = x(h.column, {
  86. type: "boxplot", pointArrayMap: ["low", "q1", "median", "q3", "high"],
  87. toYData: function (a) { return [a.low, a.q1, a.median, a.q3, a.high] }, pointValKey: "high", pointAttrToOptions: { fill: "fillColor", stroke: "color", "stroke-width": "lineWidth" }, drawDataLabels: w, translate: function () { var a = this.yAxis, b = this.pointArrayMap; h.column.prototype.translate.apply(this); s(this.points, function (c) { s(b, function (b) { c[b] !== null && (c[b + "Plot"] = a.translate(c[b], 0, 1, 0, 1)) }) }) }, drawPoints: function () {
  88. var a = this, b = a.points, c = a.options, d = a.chart.renderer, g, f, e, i, n, l, k, h, j, m, o, H, p, E, I, q, w, t, v, u, z, y, x = a.doQuartiles !==
  89. !1, B = parseInt(a.options.whiskerLength, 10) / 100; s(b, function (b) {
  90. j = b.graphic; z = b.shapeArgs; o = {}; E = {}; q = {}; y = b.color || a.color; if (b.plotY !== C) if (g = b.pointAttr[b.selected ? "selected" : ""], w = z.width, t = A(z.x), v = t + w, u = D(w / 2), f = A(x ? b.q1Plot : b.lowPlot), e = A(x ? b.q3Plot : b.lowPlot), i = A(b.highPlot), n = A(b.lowPlot), o.stroke = b.stemColor || c.stemColor || y, o["stroke-width"] = r(b.stemWidth, c.stemWidth, c.lineWidth), o.dashstyle = b.stemDashStyle || c.stemDashStyle, E.stroke = b.whiskerColor || c.whiskerColor || y, E["stroke-width"] = r(b.whiskerWidth,
  91. c.whiskerWidth, c.lineWidth), q.stroke = b.medianColor || c.medianColor || y, q["stroke-width"] = r(b.medianWidth, c.medianWidth, c.lineWidth), k = o["stroke-width"] % 2 / 2, h = t + u + k, m = ["M", h, e, "L", h, i, "M", h, f, "L", h, n, "z"], x && (k = g["stroke-width"] % 2 / 2, h = A(h) + k, f = A(f) + k, e = A(e) + k, t += k, v += k, H = ["M", t, e, "L", t, f, "L", v, f, "L", v, e, "L", t, e, "z"]), B && (k = E["stroke-width"] % 2 / 2, i += k, n += k, p = ["M", h - u * B, i, "L", h + u * B, i, "M", h - u * B, n, "L", h + u * B, n]), k = q["stroke-width"] % 2 / 2, l = D(b.medianPlot) + k, I = ["M", t, l, "L", v, l, "z"], j) b.stem.animate({ d: m }), B &&
  92. b.whiskers.animate({ d: p }), x &&{ d: H }), b.medianShape.animate({ d: I }); else { b.graphic = j = d.g().add(; b.stem = d.path(m).attr(o).add(j); if (B) b.whiskers = d.path(p).attr(E).add(j); if (x) = d.path(H).attr(g).add(j); b.medianShape = d.path(I).attr(q).add(j) }
  93. })
  94. }
  95. }); m.errorbar = p(m.boxplot, { color: "#000000", grouping: !1, linkedTo: ":previous", tooltip: { pointFormat: m.arearange.tooltip.pointFormat }, whiskerWidth: null }); h.errorbar = x(h.boxplot, {
  96. type: "errorbar", pointArrayMap: ["low", "high"], toYData: function (a) {
  97. return [a.low,
  98. a.high]
  99. }, pointValKey: "high", doQuartiles: !1, getColumnMetrics: function () { return this.linkedParent && this.linkedParent.columnMetrics || }
  100. }); m.waterfall = p(m.column, { lineWidth: 1, lineColor: "#333", dashStyle: "dot", borderColor: "#333" }); h.waterfall = x(h.column, {
  101. type: "waterfall", upColorProp: "fill", pointArrayMap: ["low", "y"], pointValKey: "y", init: function (a, b) { b.stacking = !0;, a, b) }, translate: function () {
  102. var a = this.options, b = this.yAxis, c, d,
  103. g, f, e, i, n, l, k; c = a.threshold; a = a.borderWidth % 2 / 2; h.column.prototype.translate.apply(this); l = c; g = this.points; for (d = 0, c = g.length; d < c; d++) { f = g[d]; e = f.shapeArgs; i = this.getStack(d); k = i.points[this.index]; if (isNaN(f.y)) f.y = this.yData[d]; n = S(l, l + f.y) + k[0]; e.y = b.translate(n, 0, 1); f.isSum || f.isIntermediateSum ? (e.y = b.translate(k[1], 0, 1), e.height = b.translate(k[0], 0, 1) - e.y) : l +=; e.height < 0 && (e.y += e.height, e.height *= -1); f.plotY = e.y = D(e.y) - a; e.height = D(e.height); f.yBottom = e.y + e.height }
  104. }, processData: function (a) {
  105. var b =
  106. this.yData, c = this.points, d, g = b.length, f = this.options.threshold || 0, e, i, h, l, k, j; i = e = h = l = f; for (j = 0; j < g; j++)k = b[j], d = c && c[j] ? c[j] : {}, k === "sum" || d.isSum ? b[j] = i : k === "intermediateSum" || d.isIntermediateSum ? (b[j] = e, e = f) : (i += k, e += k), h = Math.min(i, h), l = Math.max(i, l);, a); this.dataMin = h; this.dataMax = l
  107. }, toYData: function (a) { if (a.isSum) return "sum"; else if (a.isIntermediateSum) return "intermediateSum"; return a.y }, getAttribs: function () {
  108. h.column.prototype.getAttribs.apply(this, arguments);
  109. var a = this.options, b = a.states, c = a.upColor || this.color, a = j.Color(c).brighten(0.1).get(), d = p(this.pointAttr), g = this.upColorProp; d[""][g] = c; d.hover[g] = b.hover.upColor || a;[g] = || c; s(this.points, function (a) { if (a.y > 0 && !a.color) a.pointAttr = d, a.color = c })
  110. }, getGraphPath: function () {
  111. var a =, b = a.length, c = D(this.options.lineWidth + this.options.borderWidth) % 2 / 2, d = [], g, f, e; for (e = 1; e < b; e++)f = a[e].shapeArgs, g = a[e - 1].shapeArgs, f = ["M", g.x + g.width, g.y + c, "L", f.x, g.y + c], a[e - 1].y < 0 && (f[2] +=
  112. g.height, f[5] += g.height), d = d.concat(f); return d
  113. }, getExtremes: w, getStack: function (a) { var b = this.yAxis.stacks, c = this.stackKey; this.processedYData[a] < this.options.threshold && (c = "-" + c); return b[c][a] }, drawGraph: z.prototype.drawGraph
  114. }); m.bubble = p(m.scatter, { dataLabels: { inside: !0, style: { color: "white", textShadow: "0px 0px 3px black" }, verticalAlign: "middle" }, marker: { lineColor: null, lineWidth: 1 }, minSize: 8, maxSize: "20%", tooltip: { pointFormat: "({point.x}, {point.y}), Size: {point.z}" }, turboThreshold: 0, zThreshold: 0 });
  115. h.bubble = x(h.scatter, {
  116. type: "bubble", pointArrayMap: ["y", "z"], trackerGroups: ["group", "dataLabelsGroup"], pointAttrToOptions: { stroke: "lineColor", "stroke-width": "lineWidth", fill: "fillColor" }, applyOpacity: function (a) { var b = this.options.marker, c = r(b.fillOpacity, 0.5), a = a || b.fillColor || this.color; c !== 1 && (a = j.Color(a).setOpacity(c).get("rgba")); return a }, convertAttribs: function () { var a = z.prototype.convertAttribs.apply(this, arguments); a.fill = this.applyOpacity(a.fill); return a }, getRadii: function (a, b, c, d) {
  117. var g,
  118. f, e, i = this.zData, h = []; for (f = 0, g = i.length; f < g; f++)e = b - a, e = e > 0 ? (i[f] - a) / (b - a) : 0.5, h.push(t.ceil(c + e * (d - c)) / 2); this.radii = h
  119. }, animate: function (a) { var b = this.options.animation; if (!a) s(this.points, function (a) { var d = a.graphic, a = a.shapeArgs; d && a && (d.attr("r", 1), d.animate({ r: a.r }, b)) }), this.animate = null }, translate: function () {
  120. var a, b =, c, d, g = this.radii;; for (a = b.length; a--;)c = b[a], d = g ? g[a] : 0, c.negative = c.z < (this.options.zThreshold || 0), d >= this.minPxSize / 2 ? (c.shapeType =
  121. "circle", c.shapeArgs = { x: c.plotX, y: c.plotY, r: d }, c.dlBox = { x: c.plotX - d, y: c.plotY - d, width: 2 * d, height: 2 * d }) : c.shapeArgs = c.plotY = c.dlBox = C
  122. }, drawLegendSymbol: function (a, b) { var c = v(a.itemStyle.fontSize) / 2; b.legendSymbol =, a.baseline - c, c).attr({ zIndex: 3 }).add(b.legendGroup); b.legendSymbol.isMarker = !0 }, drawPoints: h.column.prototype.drawPoints, alignDataLabel: h.column.prototype.alignDataLabel
  123. }); N.prototype.beforePadding = function () {
  124. var a = this, b = this.len, c = this.chart, d = 0, g = b, f = this.isXAxis,
  125. e = f ? "xData" : "yData", i = this.min, h = {}, j = t.min(c.plotWidth, c.plotHeight), k = Number.MAX_VALUE, m = -Number.MAX_VALUE, o = this.max - i, p = b / o, q = []; this.tickPositions && (s(this.series, function (b) { var c = b.options; if (b.type === "bubble" && b.visible && (a.allowZoomOutside = !0, q.push(b), f)) s(["minSize", "maxSize"], function (a) { var b = c[a], d = /%$/.test(b), b = v(b); h[a] = d ? j * b / 100 : b }), b.minPxSize = h.minSize, b = b.zData, b.length && (k = t.min(k, t.max(P(b), c.displayNegative === !1 ? c.zThreshold : -Number.MAX_VALUE)), m = t.max(m, Q(b))) }), s(q, function (a) {
  126. var b =
  127. a[e], c = b.length, j; f && a.getRadii(k, m, h.minSize, h.maxSize); if (o > 0) for (; c--;)j = a.radii[c], d = Math.min((b[c] - i) * p - j, d), g = Math.max((b[c] - i) * p + j, g)
  128. }), q.length && o > 0 && r(this.options.min, this.userMin) === C && r(this.options.max, this.userMax) === C && (g -= b, p *= (b + d - g) / b, this.min += d / p, this.max += g / p))
  129. }; var y = z.prototype, m = j.Pointer.prototype; y.toXY = function (a) {
  130. var b, c = this.chart; b = a.plotX; var d = a.plotY; a.rectPlotX = b; a.rectPlotY = d; a.clientX = (b / Math.PI * 180 + this.xAxis.pane.options.startAngle) % 360; b = this.xAxis.postTranslate(a.plotX,
  131. this.yAxis.len - d); a.plotX = a.polarPlotX = b.x - c.plotLeft; a.plotY = a.polarPlotY = b.y - c.plotTop
  132. }; y.orderTooltipPoints = function (a) { if (this.chart.polar && (a.sort(function (a, c) { return a.clientX - c.clientX }), a[0])) a[0].wrappedClientX = a[0].clientX + 360, a.push(a[0]) }; o(h.area.prototype, "init", K); o(h.areaspline.prototype, "init", K); o(h.spline.prototype, "getPointSpline", function (a, b, c, d) {
  133. var g, f, e, i, h, j, k; if (this.chart.polar) {
  134. g = c.plotX; f = c.plotY; a = b[d - 1]; e = b[d + 1]; this.connectEnds && (a || (a = b[b.length - 2]), e || (e = b[1]));
  135. if (a && e) i = a.plotX, h = a.plotY, b = e.plotX, j = e.plotY, i = (1.5 * g + i) / 2.5, h = (1.5 * f + h) / 2.5, e = (1.5 * g + b) / 2.5, k = (1.5 * f + j) / 2.5, b = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(i - g, 2) + Math.pow(h - f, 2)), j = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(e - g, 2) + Math.pow(k - f, 2)), i = Math.atan2(h - f, i - g), h = Math.atan2(k - f, e - g), k = Math.PI / 2 + (i + h) / 2, Math.abs(i - k) > Math.PI / 2 && (k -= Math.PI), i = g + Math.cos(k) * b, h = f + Math.sin(k) * b, e = g + Math.cos(Math.PI + k) * j, k = f + Math.sin(Math.PI + k) * j, c.rightContX = e, c.rightContY = k; d ? (c = ["C", a.rightContX || a.plotX, a.rightContY || a.plotY, i || g, h || f, g, f], a.rightContX =
  136. a.rightContY = null) : c = ["M", g, f]
  137. } else c =, b, c, d); return c
  138. }); o(y, "translate", function (a) {; if (this.chart.polar && !this.preventPostTranslate) for (var a = this.points, b = a.length; b--;)this.toXY(a[b]) }); o(y, "getSegmentPath", function (a, b) { var c = this.points; if (this.chart.polar && this.options.connectEnds !== !1 && b[b.length - 1] === c[c.length - 1] && c[0].y !== null) this.connectEnds = !0, b = [].concat(b, [c[0]]); return, b) }); o(y, "animate", L); o(q, "animate", L); o(y, "setTooltipPoints", function (a, b) {
  139. this.chart.polar &&
  140. F(this.xAxis, { tooltipLen: 360 }); return, b)
  141. }); o(q, "translate", function (a) { var b = this.xAxis, c = this.yAxis.len, d =, g = b.startAngleRad, f = this.chart.renderer, e, h; this.preventPostTranslate = !0;; if (b.isRadial) { b = this.points; for (h = b.length; h--;)e = b[h], a = e.barX + g, e.shapeType = "path", e.shapeArgs = { d: f.symbols.arc(d[0], d[1], c - e.plotY, null, { start: a, end: a + e.pointWidth, innerR: c - r(e.yBottom, c) }) }, this.toXY(e) } }); o(q, "alignDataLabel", function (a, b, c, d, g, f) {
  142. if (this.chart.polar) {
  143. a = b.rectPlotX /
  144. Math.PI * 180; if (d.align === null) d.align = a > 20 && a < 160 ? "left" : a > 200 && a < 340 ? "right" : "center"; if (d.verticalAlign === null) d.verticalAlign = a < 45 || a > 315 ? "bottom" : a > 135 && a < 225 ? "top" : "middle";, b, c, d, g, f)
  145. } else, b, c, d, g, f)
  146. }); o(m, "getIndex", function (a, b) { var c, d = this.chart, g; d.polar ? (g = d.xAxis[0].center, c = b.chartX - g[0] - d.plotLeft, d = b.chartY - g[1] - d.plotTop, c = 180 - Math.round(Math.atan2(c, d) / Math.PI * 180)) : c =, b); return c }); o(m, "getCoordinates", function (a, b) {
  147. var c = this.chart,
  148. d = { xAxis: [], yAxis: [] }; c.polar ? s(c.axes, function (a) { var f = a.isXAxis, e =, h = b.chartX - e[0] - c.plotLeft, e = b.chartY - e[1] - c.plotTop; d[f ? "xAxis" : "yAxis"].push({ axis: a, value: a.translate(f ? Math.PI - Math.atan2(h, e) : Math.sqrt(Math.pow(h, 2) + Math.pow(e, 2)), !0) }) }) : d =, b); return d
  149. })
  150. })(Highcharts);