/*global $, alert, g_cus, g_de, g_api, g_db, g_ul, btoa, console, i18n */
var g_db = { /** * Check the capability * @private * @method SupportLocalStorage * @return {Object} description */ SupportLocalStorage: function () { 'use strict'; return typeof (localStorage) !== "undefined"; },
/** * Insert data * @private * @method SetItem * @param {Object} sKey * @param {Object} sValue * @return {Object} description */ SetItem: function (sKey, sValue) { 'use strict'; var bRes = false;
if (this.SupportLocalStorage()) { localStorage.setItem(sKey, sValue); bRes = true; } return bRes; },
/** * Fetch data * @private * @method GetItem * @param {Object} sKey * @return {Object} description */ GetItem: function (sKey) { 'use strict'; var sRes = null;
if (this.SupportLocalStorage()) { sRes = localStorage.getItem(sKey); }
return sRes; },
/** * Remove data * @private * @method RemoveItem * @param {Object} sKey * @return {Object} description */ RemoveItem: function (sKey) { 'use strict'; var bRes = false;
if (this.SupportLocalStorage()) { localStorage.removeItem(sKey); bRes = true; }
return bRes; },
/** * Description for GetDic * @private * @method GetDic * @return {Object} description */ GetDic: function (sKey) { 'use strict'; var dicRes = null, vTemp;
if (this.SupportLocalStorage()) { vTemp = localStorage.getItem(sKey); if (null !== vTemp) { dicRes = JSON.parse(vTemp); } }
return dicRes; },
/** * Description for SetDic * @private * @method SetDic * @return {Object} description */ SetDic: function (sKey, dicValue) { 'use strict'; var bRes = false;
if (this.SupportLocalStorage()) { localStorage.setItem(sKey, JSON.stringify(dicValue)); bRes = true; } return bRes; } };
var g_gd = { webapilonginurl: "/api/Service/GetLogin", webapiurl: "/api/Cmd/GetData", projectname: "Eurotran", projectver: "Origtek", orgid: "TE", userid: "EUROTRAN", relpath: "", debugmode: window.location.host === '', debugcolor: "#732C6B", IsEDU: g_db.GetItem("isedu") === "true" };
var g_ul = { /** * Get token from db * @returns {String} Token in localStorage */ GetToken: function () { 'use strict'; return g_db.GetItem("token"); },
/** * Set token to db * @param {String} sTokenValue api token */ SetToken: function (sTokenValue) { 'use strict'; g_db.SetItem("token", sTokenValue); },
/** * Set signature to db * @param {String} sSignatureValue api signature */ GetSignature: function () { 'use strict'; return g_db.GetItem("signature"); },
/** * Set signature to db * @param {String} sSignatureValue api signature */ SetSignature: function (sSignatureValue) { 'use strict'; g_db.SetItem("signature", sSignatureValue); },
/** * Set language * @param {String} language method */ SetLang: function (sLang) { 'use strict'; g_db.SetItem("lang", sLang); },
/** * Get language * @returns {String} language in localStorage */ GetLang: function () { 'use strict'; return g_db.GetItem("lang"); },
/** * Check is edu environment * @returns {String} login method in localStorage */ IsEDU: function () { 'use strict'; return g_db.GetItem("isedu"); } };
var g_api = { ConnectLite: function (i_sModuleName, i_sFuncName, i_dicData, i_sSuccessFunc, i_FailFunc, i_bAsyn, i_sShwd) { window.IsWaiting = i_sShwd; return this.ConnectLiteWithoutToken(i_sModuleName, i_sFuncName, i_dicData, i_sSuccessFunc, i_FailFunc, i_bAsyn); }, ConnectService: function (i_sModuleName, i_sFuncName, i_dicData, i_sSuccessFunc, i_FailFunc, i_bAsyn, i_sShwd) { window.IsWaiting = i_sShwd; return this.ConnectWebLiteWithoutToken(i_sModuleName, i_sFuncName, i_dicData, i_sSuccessFunc, i_FailFunc, i_bAsyn); },
ConnectLiteWithoutToken: function (i_sModuleName, i_sFuncName, i_dicData, i_sSuccessFunc, i_FailFunc, i_bAsyn) { var dicData = {}, dicParameters = {}, token = g_ul.GetToken(), lang = g_ul.GetLang(), signature = g_ul.GetSignature(); dicParameters.ORIGID = g_gd.orgid; dicParameters.USERID = g_gd.userid; dicParameters.MODULE = i_sModuleName; dicParameters.TYPE = i_sFuncName; dicParameters.PROJECT = g_gd.projectname; dicParameters.PROJECTVER = g_gd.projectver; dicParameters.TRACEDUMP = null;
i_dicData = i_dicData || {}; if (g_db.GetItem('dblockDict') !== null) { i_dicData.dblockDict = g_db.GetItem('dblockDict'); } dicParameters.DATA = i_dicData;
if (lang !== null) { dicParameters.LANG = lang; }
if (token !== null) { dicParameters.TOKEN = token; }
if (signature !== null) { dicParameters.SIGNATURE = signature; }
dicParameters.CUSTOMDATA = {};
if (window.sProgramId) { dicParameters.CUSTOMDATA.program_id = sProgramId; }
dicParameters.CUSTOMDATA.module_id = "WebSite";
dicData.url = i_dicData.hasOwnProperty("url") ? i_dicData.url : g_gd.webapiurl; dicData.successfunc = i_sSuccessFunc; dicData.dicparameters = dicParameters;
dicData.failfunc = ("function" === typeof (i_FailFunc)) ? i_FailFunc : function (jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { alert("ConnectLite Fail jqXHR:" + jqXHR + " textStatus:" + textStatus + " errorThrown:" + errorThrown); };
dicData.useasync = ("boolean" === typeof (i_bAsyn)) ? i_bAsyn : true; return this.AjaxPost(dicData); },
//w.CallAjax = function (url, fnname, data, sucfn, failfn, wait, async, alwaysfn) {
ConnectWebLiteWithoutToken: function (i_sUrl, i_sFuncName, i_dicData, i_sSuccessFunc, i_FailFunc, i_bAsyn) { var dicData = {}, dicParameters = {}, token = g_ul.GetToken(), lang = g_ul.GetLang(), signature = g_ul.GetSignature(); dicParameters.ORIGID = g_gd.orgid; dicParameters.USERID = g_gd.userid; dicParameters.MODULE = ''; dicParameters.TYPE = i_sFuncName; dicParameters.PROJECT = g_gd.projectname; dicParameters.PROJECTVER = g_gd.projectver; dicParameters.TRACEDUMP = null;
if (g_db.GetItem('dblockDict') !== null) { i_dicData.dblockDict = g_db.GetItem('dblockDict'); } dicParameters.DATA = i_dicData;
if (lang !== null) { dicParameters.LANG = lang; }
if (token !== null) { dicParameters.TOKEN = token; }
if (signature !== null) { dicParameters.SIGNATURE = signature; }
dicParameters.CUSTOMDATA = {};
if (window.sProgramId) { dicParameters.CUSTOMDATA.program_id = sProgramId; }
dicParameters.CUSTOMDATA.module_id = "WebSite";
dicData.url = getWebServiceUrl(i_sUrl, i_sFuncName); dicData.successfunc = i_sSuccessFunc; dicData.dicparameters = dicParameters;
dicData.failfunc = ("function" === typeof (i_FailFunc)) ? i_FailFunc : function (jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { alert("ConnectLite Fail jqXHR:" + jqXHR + " textStatus:" + textStatus + " errorThrown:" + errorThrown); };
dicData.useasync = ("boolean" === typeof (i_bAsyn)) ? i_bAsyn : true; return this.AjaxPost(dicData); },
AjaxPost: function (i_dicData) { 'use strict'; var defaultOption = { useasync: true, successfunc: null, failfunc: null, alwaysfunc: null, url: null, dicparameters: null }, runOption = $.extend(defaultOption, i_dicData), runSuccess = function (res) { if (res.RESULT === -1) { //layer.alert(i18next.t("message.TokenVerifyFailed"), { icon: 0, title: i18next.t("common.Tips") }, function (index) {
// window.top.location.href = '/Page/login.html';
} else { if (runOption.successfunc) { runOption.successfunc(res); } } }; return $.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: runOption.url, data: "=" + btoa2(encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(runOption.dicparameters))), success: runSuccess, error: runOption.failfunc, beforeSend: function (xhr) { var token = g_ul.GetToken(), timestamp = $.now(), nonce = rndnum(); xhr.setRequestHeader("orgid", runOption.dicparameters.ORIGID); xhr.setRequestHeader("userid", runOption.dicparameters.USERID); xhr.setRequestHeader("token", token); xhr.setRequestHeader("timestamp", timestamp); xhr.setRequestHeader("nonce", nonce); }, async: true !== runOption.useasync ? false : true }).always(runOption.alwaysfunc); } }; /** * 如果頁面js需要動態加載請在配置在這裡 * * * * * window.UEDITOR_HOME_URL = "/xxxx/xxxx/"; */ (function ($, w, d) { /******************取得host***************************/ w.gWebUrl = window.location.origin || gethost(); //w.gServerUrl = 'https://www.eurotran.com:9001';
//w.gServerUrl = 'https://www.origtek.com:8106';
w.gServerUrl = 'http://localhost:3466';
if ('www.eurotran.com.tw|www.g-yi.com.cn'.indexOf(window.location.hostname) > -1) { w.gServerUrl = 'https://www.eurotran.com:9001'; } else if ('www.origtek.com'.indexOf(window.location.hostname) > -1) { w.gServerUrl = 'https://www.origtek.com:8106'; } else if (''.indexOf(window.location.hostname) > -1) { w.gServerUrl = ''; } if (window.location.pathname.indexOf('/TG/') > -1) { g_gd.orgid = 'TG'; } else if (window.location.pathname.indexOf('/SG/') > -1) { g_gd.orgid = 'SG'; }
/** * 定義系統所有公用 Service.fnction */ w.ComFn = { GetOrgInfo: 'GetOrgInfo', GetSysSet: 'GetSysSet', GetArguments: 'GetArguments', GetNewsCount: 'GetNewsCount', GetNewsPage: 'GetNewsPage', GetExhibitionPage: 'GetExhibitionPage', GetNewsInfo: 'GetNewsInfo', GetFileList: 'GetUploadFiles' };
/** * 定義系統所有公用 Service */ w.Service = { apiappcom: 'Common', apite: 'TEAPI', apitg: 'TGAPI', apiwebcom: 'Com' };
/** * For display javascript exception on UI */ w.onerror = function (message, source, lineno, colno, error) { console.log(source + " line:" + lineno + " colno:" + colno + " " + message); if (parent.SysSet && parent.SysSet.IsOpenMail === 'Y') { g_api.ConnectLite('Log', 'ErrorMessage', { ErrorSource: source, Errorlineno: lineno, Errorcolno: colno, ErrorMessage: message }, function (res) { if (res.RESULT) { } }); } };
/** * 依據組織信息設定website * @param {Function} callback 回調函數 * @param {Boolean} isreget 是否查詢DB */ w.runByOrgInfo = function (callback, isreget) { isreget = isreget || false; var org = g_db.GetDic('OrgInfo'); if (!org || isreget) { g_api.ConnectLite(Service.apiwebcom, ComFn.GetOrgInfo, {}, function (res) { if (res.RESULT) { org = res.DATA.rel; g_db.SetDic('OrgInfo', org); if (typeof callback === 'function') { callback(org); } } }); } else { if (typeof callback === 'function') { callback(org); } } };
/** * Ajax是否等待 */ w.IsWaiting = null;
/** * 翻譯語系 * @param {HTMLElement} dom 翻譯回調函數 */ w.transLang = function (dom) { i18next = ("undefined" == typeof i18next) ? parent.i18next : i18next;
var oHandleData = dom === undefined ? $('[data-i18n]') : dom.find('[data-i18n]'), oHandlePlaceholder = dom === undefined ? $('[placeholderid]') : dom.find('[placeholderid]'); oHandleData.each(function (idx, el) { var i18key = $(el).attr('data-i18n'); if (i18key) { var sLan = i18next.t(i18key); if (el.nodeName == 'INPUT' && el.type == 'button') { $(el).val(sLan); } else { $(el).html(sLan); } } }); oHandlePlaceholder.each(function (idx, el) { var i18key = $(el).attr("placeholderid"); if (i18key) { var sLan = i18next.t(i18key); if (sLan !== i18key) { $(el).attr("placeholder", sLan); } } }); };
/** * 設定多於系 * @param {String} lng 語種 * @param {String} dom 要翻譯的html標籤 * @param {Function} callback 回調函數 */ w.setLang = function (lng, dom, callback) { if (!lng) return;
i18next = ("undefined" == typeof i18next) ? parent.i18next : i18next;
$.getJSON(gServerUrl + "/Scripts/lang/" + (g_gd.orgid || 'TE') + "/" + lng + ".json?v=" + new Date().getTime().toString(), function (json) { var oResources = {};
oResources[lng] = { translation: json };
i18next.init({ lng: lng, resources: oResources, useLocalStorage: false, //是否将语言包存储在localstorage
//ns: { namespaces: ['trans'], defaultNs: 'trans' }, //加载的语言包
localStorageExpirationTime: 86400000 // 有效周期,单位ms。默认1
}, function (err, t) { transLang(dom); if (typeof callback === 'function') { callback(t); } }); }).error(function () { g_api.ConnectLite('Language', 'CreateLangJson', {}, function (res) { if (res.RESULT) { setLang(lng, dom, callback); } }); }); };
/** * 開啟Waiting視窗 * @param {String} msg 提示文字 */ w.showWaiting = function (msg) { $.blockUI({ message: $('<div id="Divshowwaiting"><img src="/images/ajax_loading2.gif">' + (msg || 'Waiting...') + '</div>'), css: { 'font-size': (navigator.userAgent.match(/mobile/i) ? '20px' : '36px'), border: '0px', 'border-radius': '10px', 'background-color': '#FFF', padding: '15px 15px', opacity: .5, color: 'orange', cursor: 'wait', 'z-index': 1000000001 }, baseZ: 1000000000 }); w.setTimeout($.unblockUI, 60000);//預設開啟60秒後關閉
/** * 關閉Waiting視窗 * @param {Number} iSleep 延遲時間,單位為毫秒 */ w.closeWaiting = function (iSleep) { $(function () { if (iSleep == undefined) { iSleep = 100; } setTimeout($.unblockUI, iSleep); }); };
/** * 從物件陣列中移除屬性為objPropery,值為objValue元素的物件 * @param {Array} arrPerson 陣列物件 * @param {String} objPropery 物件的屬性 * @param {String} objPropery 對象的值 * @return {Array} 過濾後陣列 */ w.Jsonremove = function (arrPerson, objPropery, objValue) { return $.grep(arrPerson, function (cur, i) { return cur[objPropery] != objValue; }); };
/** * 從物件陣列中獲取屬性為objPropery,值為objValue元素的物件 * @param {Array} arrPerson 陣列物件 * @param {String} objPropery 物件的屬性 * @param {String} objPropery 對象的值 * @return {Array} 過濾後陣列 */ w.Jsonget = function (arrPerson, objPropery, objValue) { return $.grep(arrPerson, function (cur, i) { return cur[objPropery] == objValue; }); };
/** * 將json轉換字串 * @param {Object} json json物件 * @return {String} json字串 */ w.Tostr = function (json) { return JSON.stringify(json); };
/** * 下載文件 * @param {String} path 文件路徑(相對路勁) */ w.DownLoadFile = function (path, filename) { var sUrl = gServerUrl + "/Controller.ashx"; sUrl += '?action=downfile&path=' + path; if (filename) { sUrl += '&filename=' + filename; } window.location.href = sUrl; closeWaiting(); }; /** * 用於表單序列化去除禁用欄位 * @param {HTMLElement} dom 父層物件 */ w.reFreshInput = function (dom) { dom.find('[disabled]').each(function () { $(this).attr('hasdisable', 1).removeAttr('disabled'); }); }; /** * 用於表單序列化恢復禁用欄位 * @param {HTMLElement} dom 父層物件 */ w.reSetInput = function (dom) { dom.find('[hasdisable]').each(function () { $(this).removeAttr('hasdisable').prop('disabled', true); }); }; /** * 序列化form表單 * @param {HTMLElement} form 表單form物件 * @param {String} type 傳回類型 * @return {Object Or String} 表單資料 */ w.getFormSerialize = function (form, type) { var formdata = {}; reFreshInput(form); if (type) { formdata = form.serializeJSON(); } else { formdata = form.serializeObject(); } reSetInput(form); return formdata; }; /** * 取得Url參數 * @param {String} name 取得部分的名稱 例如輸入"Action",就能取到"Add"之類參數 * @return {String}參數值 */ w.getUrlParam = function (name) { var reg = new RegExp("(^|&)" + name + "=([^&]*)(&|$)"); //構造一個含有目標參數的正則表達式對象
var r = window.location.search.substr(1).match(reg); //匹配目標參數
if (r != null) return unescape(r[2]); return null; //返回參數值
/** * 對網址、路徑進行編碼 * @param {String} url 要編碼的url或路徑 * @return {String} 編碼後的url或路徑 */ w.encodeURL = function (url) { return encodeURIComponent(url).replace(/\'/g, "%27").replace(/\!/g, "%21").replace(/\(/g, "%28").replace(/\)/g, "%29"); };
/** * 對網址、路徑進行解碼 * @param {String} url 要解碼的url或路徑 * @return {String} 解碼後的url或路徑 */ w.decodeURL = function (url) { return decodeURIComponent(url); };
/** * 時間格式化處理 * @param {Date} date 日期時間 * @param {Boolean} type 格式(日期 || 日期+時間) * @return {Boolean} 是否可傳回空 */ w.newDate = function (date, type, empty) { var r = ''; if (date) { if (typeof date == 'string') { r = date.replace('T', ' ').replaceAll('-', '/'); if (r.indexOf(".") > -1) { r = r.slice(0, r.indexOf(".")); } } else { r = new Date(date); } r = new Date(r); } else { if (!empty) { r = new Date(); } } return r === '' ? '' : !type ? r.formate("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm") : r.formate("yyyy/MM/dd"); };
/** * 產生guid * @param {Number} len 指定长度,比如guid(8, 16) // "098F4D35"
* @param {Number} radix 基数 * @return {String} guid */ w.guid = function (len, radix) { var buf = new Uint16Array(8), cryptObj = window.crypto || window.msCrypto, // For IE11
s4 = function (num) { var ret = num.toString(16); while (ret.length < 4) { ret = '0' + ret; } return ret; }; cryptObj.getRandomValues(buf);
return s4(buf[0]) + s4(buf[1]) + '-' + s4(buf[2]) + '-' + s4(buf[3]) + '-' + s4(buf[4]) + '-' + s4(buf[5]) + s4(buf[6]) + s4(buf[7]); };
/** * 產生隨機數 * @param {Number} len 指定长度,比如random(8) * @return {String} rnd 亂數碼 */ rndnum = function (len) { var rnd = ""; len = len || 10; for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) rnd += Math.floor(Math.random() * 10); return rnd; };
/** * 停止冒泡行为时 * @param {HTMLElement} e 事件对象 */ w.stopBubble = function (e) { //如果提供了事件对象,则这是一个非IE浏览器
if (e && e.stopPropagation) //因此它支持W3C的stopPropagation()方法
e.stopPropagation(); else //否则,我们需要使用IE的方式来取消事件冒泡
window.event.cancelBubble = true; };
/** * 阻止默认行为时 * @param {HTMLElement} e 事件对象 */ w.stopDefault = function (e) { //阻止默认浏览器动作(W3C)
if (e && e.preventDefault) e.preventDefault(); //IE中阻止函数器默认动作的方式
else window.event.returnValue = false; return false; };
/** * 產生下拉選單(公用) * @param {Object} list datalist * @param {String} id 顯示的id名稱 * @param {String} name 顯示的name名稱 * @param {Boolean} showid 是否顯示id * @param {String} cusattr 客制化添加屬性 * @param {Boolean} isreapet 是否允許重複 * @return {String} option html */ w.createOptions = function (list, id, name, showid, cusattr, isreapet) { isreapet == isreapet || true; list = list || []; var Options = [], originAry = []; if (typeof list === 'number') { var intNum = list; while (list > 0) { var svalue = intNum - list + 1; svalue = $.trim(svalue); Options.push($('<option />', { value: svalue, title: svalue, html: svalue })); list--; } } else { Options = [$('<option />', { value: '', html: '請選擇...' })]; var intCount = list.length; if (intCount > 0) { $.each(list, function (idx, obj) { if (isreapet !== false || (originAry.indexOf($.trim(obj[id])) < 0 && isreapet === false)) { var option = $('<option />', { value: $.trim(obj[id]), title: $.trim(obj[name]), html: (showid ? $.trim(obj[id]) + '-' : '') + $.trim(obj[name]) }); if (cusattr) { option.attr(cusattr, obj[cusattr]); } Options.push(option); } originAry.push($.trim(obj[id])); }); } } return $('<div />').append(Options).html(); };
/** * Radios(公用) * @param {Object} list datalist * @param {String} id 顯示的id名稱 * @param {String} name 顯示的name名稱 * @param {String} feilid 欄位ID * @param {String} _id 客制化添加屬性 * @param {Boolean} showid 是否顯示id * @param {Boolean} triggerattr 頁面加載後觸發change事件是否觸發提醒 * @return {String} sHtml Radios HTML */ w.createRadios = function (list, id, name, _id, showid) { list = list || []; var strHtml = '', intCount = list.length; if (intCount > 0) { $.each(list, function (idx, obj) { var inputradio = $('<input />', { type: 'radio', id: _id + '_' + idx, name: _id, value: $.trim(obj[id]) }).attr('val', $.trim(obj[id])); strHtml += '<label for="' + _id + '_' + idx + '">' + inputradio[0].outerHTML + ((showid ? $.trim(obj[id]) + '-' : '') + $.trim(obj[name])) + "</label>"; }); } return strHtml; };
/** * 產生CheckList(公用) * @param {Object} list datalist * @param {String} id 顯示的id名稱 * @param {String} name 顯示的name名稱 * @param {String} pmid 屬性id * @param {String} _id id後邊擴展 * @return {String} sHtml CheckList HTML */ w.createCheckList = function (list, id, name, pmid, _id) { list = list || []; var strHtml = '', intCount = list.length; if (intCount > 0) { $.each(list, function (idx, obj) { var inputradio = $('<input />', { type: 'checkbox', 'id': id + (_id === undefined ? '' : _id) + '_' + idx, name: pmid + '[]', value: $.trim(obj[id]), 'class': 'input-mini' }); strHtml += "<label for='" + id + (_id === undefined ? '' : _id) + '_' + idx + "' style='" + (intCount == idx + 1 ? '' : 'float:left;') + "padding-left: 10px'>" + inputradio[0].outerHTML + $.trim(obj[name]) + "</label>"; }); } return strHtml; };
/** * 取得自定義json值 * @param {Object} json json對象 * @param {Object} name json鍵值 * @return {String} sLast 最終要獲取的對應的鍵值對的值 */ w.getJsonVal = function (json, name) { var oLast = json, saName = name.split('_'); for (var i = 0; i < saName.length; i++) { if (!oLast[saName[i]]) { oLast = ''; break; } oLast = oLast[saName[i]]; } return oLast; };
/** * 設定表單值 * @param {HTMLElement} form 表單 * @param {Object} json json對象 */ w.setFormVal = function (form, json) { form.find('[name]').each(function () { var sId = this.id, sName = (this.name) ? this.name.replace('[]', '') : '', sType = this.type, sValue = json[sName] || getJsonVal(json, sId) || '';
if (sValue) { switch (sType) { case 'text': case 'email': case 'url': case 'number': case 'range': case 'date': case 'search': case 'color': case 'textarea': case 'select-one': case 'select': case 'hidden': var sDataType = $(this).attr("data-type"); if (sDataType && sDataType == 'pop') { var sVal_Name = json[sName + 'Name'] || sValue; $(this).attr("data-value", sValue); if (sVal_Name) $(this).val(sVal_Name); } else { if ($(this).hasClass('date-picker')) { sValue = newDate(sValue, 'date'); } else if ($(this).hasClass('date-picker') || $(this).hasClass('datetime-picker') || $(this).hasClass('date')) { sValue = newDate(sValue); } if (sValue) $(this).val(sValue); $(this).data('old', sValue); if (sDataType && sDataType == 'int' && sValue) { $(this).attr('data-value', sValue.toString().replace(/[^\d.]/g, '')); } } if (sDataType === 'select2') { $(this).trigger("change"); } break; case 'checkbox': if (typeof sValue == 'object') { if (sValue.indexOf(this.value) > -1) { this.checked = sValue; } } else { this.checked = typeof sValue == 'string' ? sValue == this.value : sValue; } break; case 'radio': this.checked = this.value === sValue; break; } if ((sId == 'ModifyUser' || sId == 'CreateUser') && 'select-one'.indexOf(this.type) === -1) { $(this).text(sValue); } else if (sId == 'ModifyDate' || sId == 'CreateDate') { $(this).text(newDate(sValue)); } } }); }; /** * 去掉字符串中所有空格 * @param {String} str 要處理的字串 * @param {String} is_global (包括中间空格,需要设置第2个参数为:g) * @return {String} result 處理後的字串 */ w.Trim = function (str, is_global) { var result; result = str.replace(/(^\s+)|(\s+$)/g, ""); if (is_global.toLowerCase() == "g") { result = result.replace(/\s/g, ""); } return result; }; /** * 克隆对象 * @param: {Object} obj 被轉換對象 * @return:{Object} o 新對象 */ w.clone = function (obj) { var o, i, j, k; if (typeof (obj) != "object" || obj === null) return obj; if (obj instanceof (Array)) { o = []; i = 0; j = obj.length; for (; i < j; i++) { if (typeof (obj[i]) == "object" && obj[i] != null) { o[i] = arguments.callee(obj[i]); } else { o[i] = obj[i]; } } } else { o = {}; for (i in obj) { if (typeof (obj[i]) == "object" && obj[i] != null) { o[i] = arguments.callee(obj[i]); } else { o[i] = obj[i]; } } }
return o; }; /** * 只能輸入數字 * @param {HTMLElement} $input 實例化物件 * @param {Number} decimal 幾位小數 * @param {Boolean} minus 是否支持負數 */ w.moneyInput = function ($input, decimal, minus) { if ($input.length > 0) { var oNum = new FormatNumber(); $input.each(function () { var sValue = this.value, sNewStr = ''; for (var i = 0; i < sValue.length; i++) { if (!isNaN(sValue[i])) { sNewStr += sValue[i]; } } this.value == sNewStr; oNum.init({ trigger: $(this), decimal: decimal || 0, minus: minus || false }); }); } };
/** * 小數後‘n’位 * @param {HTMLElement} e * @param {Object} that 控制項 * @param {Number} len 小數點後位數 */ w.keyIntp = function (e, that, len) { if (e.keyCode != 8 && e.keyCode != 37 && e.keyCode != 39 && e.keyCode != 46) { var reg = { 1: /^(\-)*(\d+)\.(\d).*$/, 2: /^(\-)*(\d+)\.(\d\d).*$/, 3: /^(\-)*(\d+)\.(\d\d\d).*$/ }; that.value = that.value.replace(/[^\d.-]/g, ''); //清除“数字”和“.”以外的字符
that.value = that.value.replace(/\.{2,}/g, '.'); //只保留第一个. 清除多余的
that.value = that.value.replace(".", "$#$").replace(/\./g, "").replace("$#$", ".");
that.value = that.value.replace(reg[len], '$1$2.$3');//只能输入n个小数
if (that.value.indexOf(".") < 0 && that.value !== "" && that.value !== "-") {//以上已经过滤,此处控制的是如果没有小数点,首位不能为类似于 01、02的金额&&不是“-”
if (that.value.indexOf("-") === 0) {//如果是負數
that.value = 0 - parseFloat(that.value.replace('-', '')); } else { that.value = parseFloat(that.value); } } } };
/** * 目的:抓去網站設定 * @param {Function} callback 回調函數 * @param {Object} settype 設定類別 * @param {String} lang 語系 * @param {String} parentid 父層ID * @param {Boolean} haschild 是否只抓去父層 * @param {Boolean} single 單筆 */ w.fnGetWebSiteSetting = function (callback, settype, lang, parentid, haschild, single) { var oQueryPm = { SetType: settype, LangId: lang }; if (parentid) { oQueryPm.ParentId = parentid; } if (haschild) { oQueryPm.HasChild = haschild; } if (single) { oQueryPm.Single = single; } return g_api.ConnectLite(Service.apiwebcom, 'GetWebSiteSetting', oQueryPm, function (res) { if (res.RESULT) { if (typeof callback === 'function') { callback(res.DATA.rel); } } }); };
/** * 目的:抓去網站設定(分頁) * @param {Object} args 參數 */ w.fnGetWebSiteSettingPage = function (args) { return g_api.ConnectLite(Service.apiwebcom, 'GetWebSiteSettingPage', args, function (res) { if (res.RESULT) { if (typeof args.CallBack === 'function') { args.CallBack(res.DATA.rel); } } }); };
/** * 目的:Html定位到某個位置 * @param {Object} goto 要定位的html jquery對象 * @param {Number} h 誤差值 */ w.goToJys = function (goto, h) { $("html,body").animate({ scrollTop: goto.offset().top + (h || 0) }, 500);//定位到...
/** * 目的:回頂端 */ w.goTop = function () { var oTop = $('<div>', { class: 'gotop', html: '<img src="../images/gotop_1.png" />', click: function () { return $("body,html").animate({ scrollTop: 0 }, 120), !1; } }); $('body').append(oTop.hide());//添加置頂控件
$(window).on('scroll', function () { var h = ($(d).height(), $(this).scrollTop()), toolbarH = -40, toolbarCss = {}; h > 0 ? oTop.show() : oTop.hide(); if (h > 40) { toolbarH = h - 80; $('#Toolbar').addClass('toolbar-float').removeClass('toolbar-fix'); } else { $('#Toolbar').removeClass('toolbar-float').addClass('toolbar-fix'); } $('#Toolbar').css('margin-top', toolbarH + 'px'); }); };
/** * 目的:獲取當前瀏覽器 */ w.getExplorer = function () { var sExplorerName = '', explorer = window.navigator.userAgent; //ie
if (explorer.indexOf("MSIE") >= 0) { sExplorerName = 'ie'; } //firefox
else if (explorer.indexOf("Firefox") >= 0) { sExplorerName = 'firefox'; } //Chrome
else if (explorer.indexOf("Chrome") >= 0) { sExplorerName = 'chrome'; } //Opera
else if (explorer.indexOf("Opera") >= 0) { sExplorerName = 'opera'; } //Safari
else if (explorer.indexOf("Safari") >= 0) { sExplorerName = 'safari'; } }; /** * 金額控件文本實例化 * @param {Number} s需要转换的金额; * @param {Number} n 保留几位小数; * @param {String} istw 幣別; */ w.fMoney = function (s, n, istw) { var p = n > 0 && n <= 20 ? n : 2; if (istw && istw === 'NTD') { s = Math.round(s); } s = parseFloat(((s || 0) + "").replace(/[^\d\.-]/g, "")).toFixed(p) + ""; var l = s.split(".")[0].split("").reverse(), r = s.split(".")[1] || Array(n + 1).join(0), t = ""; for (i = 0; i < l.length; i++) { t += l[i] + ((i + 1) % 3 == 0 && (i + 1) != l.length ? "," : ""); } return t.split("").reverse().join("") + (n === 0 ? '' : "." + r); }; /** * 目的:input文本處理 */ w.keyInput = function () { //只能輸入數字
if ($('[data-keyint]').length > 0) { $('[data-keyint]').on('keyup blur', function (e) { this.value = this.value.replace(/\D/g, ''); }); } //只能输入英文
if ($('[data-keyeng]').length > 0) { $('[data-keyeng]').on('keyup blur', function (e) { this.value = this.value.replace(/[^a-zA-Z]/g, ''); }); } //只能输入中文
if ($('[data-keyeng]').length > 0) { $('[data-keyeng]').on('keyup blur', function (e) { this.value = this.value.replace(/[^\u4E00-\u9FA5]/g, ''); }); } //只能輸入數字和“-”,(手機/電話)
if ($('[data-keytelno]').length > 0) { $('[data-keytelno]').on('keyup blur', function (e) { if (e.keyCode != 8 && e.keyCode != 37 && e.keyCode != 39 && e.keyCode != 46) { this.value = this.value.replace(/[^0-9\-\+\#\ ]/g, ''); } }); } //只能輸入數字和“-,+,#”
if ($('[data-keyintg]').length > 0) { $('[data-keyintg]').on('keyup blur', function (e) { this.value = this.value.replace(/[^0-9\-\+\#]/g, ''); }); } //只能輸入數字和“.”,小數點後保留一位有效數字
if ($('[data-keyintp1]').length > 0) { $('[data-keyintp1]').on('keyup blur', function (e) { keyIntp(e, this, 1); }); } //只能輸入數字和“.”,小數點後保留兩位有效數字
if ($('[data-keyintp2]').length > 0) { $('[data-keyintp2]').on('keyup blur', function (e) { keyIntp(e, this, 2); }); } //只能輸入數字和“.”,小數點後保留三位有效數字
if ($('[data-keyintp3]').length > 0) { $('[data-keyintp3]').on('keyup blur', function (e) { keyIntp(e, this, 3); }); } //只允许输入英文
if ($('[data-keyeng]').length > 0) { $('[data-keyeng]').on('keyup blur', function (e) { this.value = this.value.replace(/[^\a-\z\A-\Z]/g, ''); }); } //只能输入英文字母和数字,不能输入中文
if ($('[data-keyinteng]').length > 0) { $('[data-keyinteng]').on('keyup blur', function (e) { this.value = this.value.replace(/[^0-9\a-\z\A-\Z\_]/g, ''); }); } //只能输入字母和汉字
if ($('[data-keycneng]').length > 0) { $('[data-keycneng]').on('keyup blur', function (e) { this.value = this.value.replace(/[/d]/g, ''); }); } //帳號輸入規則
if ($('[data-keymemberid]').length > 0) { $('[data-keymemberid]').on('keyup blur', function (e) { this.value = this.value.replace(/[^\w\.\/]/ig, ''); }); } };
/** * 驗證郵箱格式 * @param {String} email 输入的值 * @return:{Boolean} */ w.isEmail = function (email) { if (/^[a-zA-Z0-9.!#$%&'*+\/=?^_`{|}~-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9](?:[a-zA-Z0-9-]{0,61}[a-zA-Z0-9])?(?:\.[a-zA-Z0-9](?:[a-zA-Z0-9-]{0,61}[a-zA-Z0-9])?)*$/.test(email)) { return true; } else { return false; } }; /******************************************** * 函數名稱:showMsg * 目的:顯示提示訊息,替代ALERT功能 * 作者:John * 時間:2015/06/12 * 參數說明: *********************************************/ /** * 消息提示 * @param {String} msg 提示文字 * @param {String} type 提示類型 */ w.showMsg = function (msg, type) { var showDuration = "300", hideDuration = "1000", timeOut = "3000", extendedTimeOut = "1000", showEasing = "swing", hideEasing = "linear", showMethod = "fadeIn", hideMethod = "fadeOut", addClear = false, debug = false, newestOnTop = true, progressBar = false, positionClass = 'toast-edit-center', preventDuplicates = true, addBehaviorOnToastClick = true, BehaviorFunc = null, type = type || 'info'; getMsgBox(type, msg, showDuration, hideDuration, timeOut, extendedTimeOut, showEasing, hideEasing, showMethod, hideMethod, addClear, debug, newestOnTop, progressBar, positionClass, preventDuplicates, addBehaviorOnToastClick, BehaviorFunc); };
/** * 目的:彈出帶一個按鈕的提示窗口並執行方法 * 參數說明: * msg :提示訊息 * title :提示窗口的標題success.... * Position:提示窗口的位置 * type :提示方式success、 Info、Warning、Error四種 * msg :提示框中顯示的訊息 * title :提示框顯示的其他html內容 * showDuration :显示时间 * hideDuration :隐藏时间 * timeOut :超时 * extendedTimeOut :延长超时 * showEasing : * hideEasing : * showMethod :顯示的方式 * hideMethod :隱藏的方式 * addClear :是否添加清除 * debug : * newestOnTop : * progressBar :是否添加進度顯示 * positionClass :位置 * preventDuplicates:是否防止重复 * func :執行方法 *********************************************/ function getMsgBox(type, msg, showDuration, hideDuration, timeOut, extendedTimeOut, showEasing, hideEasing, showMethod, hideMethod, addClear, debug, newestOnTop, progressBar, positionClass, preventDuplicates, addBehaviorOnToastClick, BehaviorFunc) { var title = i18next.t("message.Tips") || '<span data-i18n="message.Tips"></span>'; toastr.options = { debug: debug, newestOnTop: newestOnTop, progressBar: progressBar, positionClass: positionClass || 'toast-top-center', preventDuplicates: preventDuplicates, onclick: null }; if (addBehaviorOnToastClick) { toastr.options.onclick = BehaviorFunc; } if (showDuration) { toastr.options.showDuration = showDuration; }
if (hideDuration) { toastr.options.hideDuration = hideDuration; }
if (timeOut) { toastr.options.timeOut = timeOut; //setTimeout(BehaviorFunc, timeOut)
if (extendedTimeOut) { toastr.options.extendedTimeOut = extendedTimeOut; }
if (showEasing) { toastr.options.showEasing = showEasing; }
if (hideEasing) { toastr.options.hideEasing = hideEasing; }
if (showMethod) { toastr.options.showMethod = showMethod; }
if (hideMethod) { toastr.options.hideMethod = hideMethod; } if (addClear) {//是否清空之前樣式
toastr.options.tapToDismiss = false; }
var $toast = toastr[type](msg, title); }
/** * 取得host * @return {String} host Url */ function gethost() { var g_ServerUrl = location.origin + '/'; if (!window.location.origin) { gWebUrl = window.location.protocol + "//" + window.location.hostname + (window.location.port ? ':' + window.location.port : ''); } return g_ServerUrl; }
if (!w.browser) { var userAgent = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(), uaMatch; window.browser = {}
/** * 判断是否为ie */ function isIE() { return ("ActiveXObject" in window); } /** * 判断是否为谷歌浏览器 */ if (!uaMatch) { uaMatch = userAgent.match(/chrome\/([\d.]+)/); if (uaMatch != null) { window.browser['name'] = 'chrome'; window.browser['version'] = uaMatch[1]; } } /** * 判断是否为火狐浏览器 */ if (!uaMatch) { uaMatch = userAgent.match(/firefox\/([\d.]+)/); if (uaMatch != null) { window.browser['name'] = 'firefox'; window.browser['version'] = uaMatch[1]; } } /** * 判断是否为opera浏览器 */ if (!uaMatch) { uaMatch = userAgent.match(/opera.([\d.]+)/); if (uaMatch != null) { window.browser['name'] = 'opera'; window.browser['version'] = uaMatch[1]; } } /** * 判断是否为Safari浏览器 */ if (!uaMatch) { uaMatch = userAgent.match(/safari\/([\d.]+)/); if (uaMatch != null) { window.browser['name'] = 'safari'; window.browser['version'] = uaMatch[1]; } } /** * 最后判断是否为IE */ if (!uaMatch) { if (userAgent.match(/msie ([\d.]+)/) != null) { uaMatch = userAgent.match(/msie ([\d.]+)/); window.browser['name'] = 'ie'; window.browser['version'] = uaMatch[1]; } else { /** * IE10 */ if (isIE() && !!d.attachEvent && (function () { "use strict"; return !this; }())) { window.browser['name'] = 'ie'; window.browser['version'] = '10'; } /** * IE11 */ if (isIE() && !d.attachEvent) { window.browser['name'] = 'ie'; window.browser['version'] = '11'; } } }
/** * 注册判断方法 */ if (!$.isIE) { $.extend({ isIE: function () { return (window.browser.name == 'ie'); } }); } if (!$.isChrome) { $.extend({ isChrome: function () { return (window.browser.name == 'chrome'); } }); } if (!$.isFirefox) { $.extend({ isFirefox: function () { return (window.browser.name == 'firefox'); } }); } if (!$.isOpera) { $.extend({ isOpera: function () { return (window.browser.name == 'opera'); } }); } if (!$.isSafari) { $.extend({ isSafari: function () { return (window.browser.name == 'safari'); } }); } } if ($.datepicker !== undefined) { $.datepicker.regional['zh-TW'] = { dayNames: ["星期日", "星期一", "星期二", "星期三", "星期四", "星期五", "星期六"], dayNamesMin: ["日", "一", "二", "三", "四", "五", "六"], monthNames: ["一月", "二月", "三月", "四月", "五月", "六月", "七月", "八月", "九月", "十月", "十一月", "十二月"], monthNamesShort: ["01", "02", "03", "04", "05", "06", "07", "08", "09", "10", "11", "12"], prevText: "上月", nextText: "次月", weekHeader: "週", showMonthAfterYear: true, // True if the year select precedes month, false for month then year//設置是否在面板的头部年份后面显示月份
dateFormat: "yy/mm/dd" }; $.datepicker.setDefaults($.datepicker.regional["zh-TW"]); }
function onStart(e) { showWaiting(typeof IsWaiting === 'string' ? IsWaiting : undefined); } function onStop(e) { closeWaiting(); setTimeout(function () { IsWaiting = null; }, 3000); }
})(jQuery, window, document);
/** * 日期添加屬性 * @param {String} type y:年;q:季度;m:月;w:星期;d:天;h:小時;n:分;s:秒;ms:毫秒; * @param {Number} filetype 添加的數值; * @return {Date} r 新的時間 */ Date.prototype.dateAdd = function (type, num) { var r = this, k = { y: 'FullYear', q: 'Month', m: 'Month', w: 'Date', d: 'Date', h: 'Hours', n: 'Minutes', s: 'Seconds', ms: 'MilliSeconds' }, n = { q: 3, w: 7 }; eval('r.set' + k[type] + '(r.get' + k[type] + '()+' + ((n[type] || 1) * num) + ')'); return r; } /** * 計算兩個日期的天數 * @param {Date} date 日期 */ Date.prototype.diff = function (date) { return (this.getTime() - date.getTime()) / (24 * 60 * 60 * 1000); }
/** * 对Date的扩展,将 Date 转化为指定格式的String * 月(M)、日(d)、12小时(h)、24小时(H)、分(m)、秒(s)、周(E)、季度(q) 可以用 1-2 个占位符 * 年(y)可以用 1-4 个占位符,毫秒(S)只能用 1 个占位符(是 1-3 位的数字) * eg: * (new Date()).formate("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss.S") ==> 2006-07-02 08:09:04.423 * (new Date()).formate("yyyy-MM-dd E HH:mm:ss") ==> 2009-03-10 二 20:09:04 * (new Date()).formate("yyyy-MM-dd EE hh:mm:ss") ==> 2009-03-10 周二 08:09:04 * (new Date()).formate("yyyy-MM-dd EEE hh:mm:ss") ==> 2009-03-10 星期二 08:09:04 * (new Date()).formate("yyyy-M-d h:m:s.S") ==> 2006-7-2 8:9:4.18 */ Date.prototype.formate = function (fmt) { var o = { "M+": this.getMonth() + 1, //月份
"d+": this.getDate(), //日
"h+": this.getHours() % 12 == 0 ? 12 : this.getHours() % 12, //小时
"H+": this.getHours(), //小时
"m+": this.getMinutes(), //分
"s+": this.getSeconds(), //秒
"q+": Math.floor((this.getMonth() + 3) / 3), //季度
"S": this.getMilliseconds() //毫秒
}; var week = { "0": "\u65e5", "1": "\u4e00", "2": "\u4e8c", "3": "\u4e09", "4": "\u56db", "5": "\u4e94", "6": "\u516d" }; if (/(y+)/.test(fmt)) { fmt = fmt.replace(RegExp.$1, (this.getFullYear() + "").substr(4 - RegExp.$1.length)); } if (/(E+)/.test(fmt)) { fmt = fmt.replace(RegExp.$1, ((RegExp.$1.length > 1) ? (RegExp.$1.length > 2 ? "\u661f\u671f" : "\u5468") : "") + week[this.getDay() + ""]); } for (var k in o) { if (new RegExp("(" + k + ")").test(fmt)) { fmt = fmt.replace(RegExp.$1, (RegExp.$1.length == 1) ? (o[k]) : (("00" + o[k]).substr(("" + o[k]).length))); } } return fmt; } /** * 註冊全替換 * @param {String} s1 字串1 * @param {String} s2 字串2 */ String.prototype.replaceAll = function (s1, s2) { return this.replace(new RegExp(s1, "gm"), s2); } /** * 百分数转小数 */ String.prototype.toPoint = function () { return this.replace("%", "") / 100; } /** * 註冊金額添加三位一撇 */ String.prototype.toMoney = Number.prototype.toMoney = function () { return this.toString().replace(/\d+?(?=(?:\d{3})+$)/g, function (s) { return s + ','; }); } /** * 数字四舍五入(保留n位小数) */ String.prototype.toFloat = Number.prototype.toFloat = function (n) { n = n ? parseInt(n) : 0; var number = this; if (n <= 0) return Math.round(number); number = Math.round(number * Math.pow(10, n)) / Math.pow(10, n); return number; } /** * 刪除陣列內包含(undefined, null, 0, false, NaN and '')的資料 */ Array.prototype.clear = function () { var newArray = []; for (var i = 0; i < this.length; i++) { if (this[i]) { newArray.push(this[i]); } } return newArray; } /** * 在數組指定位置添加元素 * @param {Number} index 位置 * @param {Object} item 要添加的元素; */ Array.prototype.insert = function (index, item) { this.splice(index, 0, item); }; jQuery.whenArray = function (array) { return jQuery.when.apply(this, array); };