$(function () { 'use strict';
var sLang = $('[http-equiv="content-language"]').attr('content') || 'zh-TW', bEn = sLang === 'en', sExpo = g_db.GetDic('Expo'), saOrderInfo = g_db.GetDic('OrderInfo'), oContactInfo = g_db.GetDic('ContactInfo'), sTotal = g_db.GetDic('Total'), /** * 目的 獲取展覽報價規則 */ fnGetServiceInstruction = function () { if (sExpo) { return g_api.ConnectLite(Service.apiwebcom, 'GetExhibitionRules', { Id: sExpo }, function (res) { if (res.RESULT) { var oRes = res.DATA.rel; $('#ServiceInstruction').html(bEn ? oRes.ServiceInstruction_EN || '' : oRes.ServiceInstruction || ''); } }); } else { $('#CostInstruction').html(''); return $.Deferred().resolve().promise(); } }, /* * 目的 寄送郵件 */ fnAppoint = function (confbtn) { var data = oContactInfo; data.ExhibitionNO = sExpo; data.PackingInfo = JSON.stringify(saOrderInfo || '[]'); data.Total = sTotal; $(confbtn).val(bEn ? 'Appointment processing...' : '預約處理中...').prop('disabled', true); return g_api.ConnectLite(Service.apitg, 'Appoint', data, function (res) { if (res.RESULT) { if (res.DATA.rel) { $.fancybox.close(); g_db.RemoveItem('Expo'); g_db.RemoveItem('ExpoName'); g_db.RemoveItem('OrderInfo'); g_db.RemoveItem('ContactInfo'); g_db.RemoveItem('Total'); window.location.href = window.location.origin + '/TG/page/inquiryResult' + (bEn ? '_en' : '') + '.html?AppointNO=' + res.DATA.AppointNO; } else { showMsg(bEn ? 'Make an appointment to failure' : '預約失敗', 'error'); // 預約失敗
$(confbtn).val(bEn ? 'Determine the transfer' : '確定傳送').prop('disabled', false); } } else { showMsg(bEn ? 'Make an appointment to failure' : '預約失敗', 'error'); // 預約失敗
$(confbtn).val(bEn ? 'Determine the transfer' : '確定傳送').prop('disabled', false); } }, function () { showMsg(bEn ? 'Make an appointment to failure' : '預約失敗', 'error'); // 預約失敗
$(confbtn).val(bEn ? 'Determine the transfer' : '確定傳送').prop('disabled', false); }); }, init = function () { var myHelpers = { setMoney: function (val, flag) { return (flag ? 'NT$' : '') + fMoney(val || 0, 0, 'NTD'); }, setExpoType: function (val) { var oExpoType = { 'zh-TW': { '01': '裸機', '02': '木箱', '03': '散貨', '04': '打板', '05': '其他' }, 'en': { '01': 'Unwrapped', '02': 'Wooden Crate', '03': 'Bulk Cargo', '04': 'Pallet', '05': 'Other' } }; return val ? oExpoType[sLang][val] : ''; }, setService: function (ExpoStack, ExpoSplit, ExpoPack, ExpoFeed, ExpoStorage, ExpoDays) { var oService = { 'zh-TW': ['堆高機服務', '拆箱(含空箱收送與儲存)', '裝箱', '空箱收送', '空箱儲存', '天'], 'en': ['Forklift', 'Unpacking (including empty crate transport & storage)', 'Packing', 'Empty Crate Transport', 'Empty Crate Storage', 'Days'] }, saText = []; if (ExpoStack) { saText.push(oService[sLang][0]); } if (ExpoSplit) { saText.push(oService[sLang][1]); } if (ExpoPack) { saText.push(oService[sLang][2]); } if (ExpoFeed) { saText.push(oService[sLang][3]); } if (ExpoStorage) { saText.push(oService[sLang][4] + ExpoDays + oService[sLang][5]); } return saText.join(','); } }; $.views.helpers(myHelpers);
if (oContactInfo) { var sHtml = $('#temp_contact').render(oContactInfo); $('#contactInfo').append(sHtml); } //if (saOrderInfo) {
// var sHtml = $('#temp_service').render(saOrderInfo);
// $('#Servicebox').append(sHtml);
// $('#Total').text(fMoney(sTotal || 0, 0, 'NTD'));
// fnGetServiceInstruction();
// $(".confappoint").click(function () {
// $.fancybox.open($('.conf-content'), { zoomOpacity: false });
// });
// $("#comfirmBtn").click(function () {
// if (!saOrderInfo) {
// alert(bEn ? 'The webpage data has been invalid, please fill in the data again!!' : '網頁數據已失效,請重新填寫資料!!');
// }
// else {
// fnAppoint(this);
// }
// });
//else {
// window.location.href = window.location.origin + '/TG/page/inquiry' + (bEn ? '_en' : '') + '.html';
init(); });