using OrmTest.Models; using SqlSugar; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace OrmTest.UnitTest { public class Update : UnitTestBase { private Update() { } public Update(int eachCount) { this.Count = eachCount; }
public void Init() { var db = GetInstance(); var updateObj = new Student() { Id = 1, Name = "jack",SchoolId=0, CreateTime = Convert.ToDateTime("2017-05-21 09:56:12.610") }; var updateObjs = new List<Student>() { updateObj,new Student() { Id=2,Name="sun",SchoolId=0 } }.ToArray(); db.IgnoreColumns.Add("TestId", "Student"); //db.MappingColumns.Add("id","dbid", "Student");
var t1 = db.Updateable(updateObj).ToSql(); base.Check(@"UPDATE [STudent] SET
[SchoolId]=@SchoolId,[Name]=@Name,[CreateTime]=@CreateTime WHERE [Id]=@Id", new List<SugarParameter>() {
new SugarParameter("@SchoolId",0), new SugarParameter("@ID",1), new SugarParameter("@CreateTime", Convert.ToDateTime("2017-05-21 09:56:12.610")), new SugarParameter("@Name", "jack") }, t1.Key, t1.Value,"Update t1 error");
//update reutrn Command Count
var t2 = db.Updateable(updateObj).ExecuteCommand();
db.IgnoreColumns = null; //Only update Name
var t3 = db.Updateable(updateObj).UpdateColumns(it => new { it.Name }).ToSql(); base.Check(@"UPDATE [STudent] SET
[Name]=@Name WHERE [Id]=@Id", new List<SugarParameter>() {
new SugarParameter("@ID",1), new SugarParameter("@Name", "jack") }, t3.Key, t3.Value, "Update t3 error");
//Ignore Name and TestId
var t4 = db.Updateable(updateObj).IgnoreColumns(it => new { it.Name, it.TestId }).ToSql(); base.Check(@"UPDATE [STudent] SET
[SchoolId]=@SchoolId,[CreateTime]=@CreateTime WHERE [Id]=@Id", new List<SugarParameter>() {
new SugarParameter("@CreateTime",Convert.ToDateTime("2017-05-21 09:56:12.610")), new SugarParameter("@SchoolId", 0), new SugarParameter("@ID",1), }, t4.Key, t4.Value, "Update t4 error");
//Ignore Name and TestId
var t5 = db.Updateable(updateObj).IgnoreColumns(it => it == "Name" || it == "TestId").With(SqlWith.UpdLock).ToSql(); base.Check(@"UPDATE [STudent] WITH(UPDLOCK) SET
[SchoolId]=@SchoolId,[CreateTime]=@CreateTime WHERE [Id]=@Id", new List<SugarParameter>() {
new SugarParameter("@CreateTime",Convert.ToDateTime("2017-05-21 09:56:12.610")), new SugarParameter("@SchoolId", 0), new SugarParameter("@ID",1), }, t5.Key, t5.Value, "Update t5 error");
//Use Lock
var t6 = db.Updateable(updateObj).With(SqlWith.UpdLock).ToSql(); base.Check(@"UPDATE [STudent] WITH(UPDLOCK) SET
[SchoolId]=@SchoolId,[Name]=@Name,[CreateTime]=@CreateTime WHERE [Id]=@Id", new List<SugarParameter>() {
new SugarParameter("@SchoolId",0), new SugarParameter("@ID",1), new SugarParameter("@CreateTime", Convert.ToDateTime("2017-05-21 09:56:12.610")), new SugarParameter("@Name", "jack") }, t6.Key, t6.Value, "Update t6 error");
// //update List<T>
// var t7 = db.Updateable(updateObjs).With(SqlWith.UpdLock).ToSql();
// base.Check(@"UPDATE S SET S.[SchoolId]=T.[SchoolId],S.[Name]=T.[Name],S.[CreateTime]=T.[CreateTime] FROM [STudent] S WITH(UPDLOCK) INNER JOIN (
// SELECT N'1' AS ID,N'0' AS SchoolId,N'jack' AS Name,'2017-05-21 09:56:12.610' AS CreateTime
// SELECT N'2' AS ID,N'0' AS SchoolId,N'sun' AS Name,NULL AS CreateTime
// ) T ON S.[Id]=T.[Id]
// ; ", null, t7.Key, null,"Update t7 error");
//Re Set Value
var t8 = db.Updateable(updateObj) .ReSetValue(it=>it.Name==(it.Name+1)).ToSql(); base.Check(@"UPDATE [STudent] SET
[SchoolId]=@SchoolId, [Name] =( [Name] + @Const0 ),[CreateTime]=@CreateTime WHERE [Id]=@Id",
new List<SugarParameter>() { new SugarParameter("@SchoolId",0), new SugarParameter("@ID",1), new SugarParameter("@CreateTime", Convert.ToDateTime("2017-05-21 09:56:12.610")), new SugarParameter("@Const0", 1) }, t8.Key, t8.Value, "Update t8 error" );
//Where By Expression
var t9 = db.Updateable(updateObj) .Where(it => it.Id==1).ToSql(); base.Check(@"UPDATE [STudent] SET
[SchoolId]=@SchoolId,[Name]=@Name,[CreateTime]=@CreateTime WHERE ( [ID] = @Id0 )",
new List<SugarParameter>() { new SugarParameter("@SchoolId",0), new SugarParameter("@ID",1), new SugarParameter("@Id0",1), new SugarParameter("@CreateTime", Convert.ToDateTime("2017-05-21 09:56:12.610")), new SugarParameter("@Name", "jack") },t9.Key,t9.Value,"Upate t9 error" ); updateObj.SchoolId = 18; string name = "x"; var t10 = db.Updateable<Student>().UpdateColumns(it => new Student() { Name =name, SchoolId=updateObj.SchoolId }).Where(it=>it.Id==11).ToSql(); base.Check(@"UPDATE [STudent] SET
[SchoolId] = @Const1 , [Name] = @Const0 WHERE ( [ID] = @Id2 )", new List<SugarParameter>() {
new SugarParameter("@Const1",18), new SugarParameter("@Const0","x"), new SugarParameter("@Id2",11)}, t10.Key, t10.Value, "Update 10 error" ); var t11 = db.Updateable<DataTestInfo>().UpdateColumns(it => new DataTestInfo() { Datetime1=DateTime.MaxValue }).Where(it => it.Int1 == 11).ToSql(); base.Check(@"UPDATE [DataTestInfo] SET
[Datetime1] = @constant0 WHERE ( [Int1] = @Int11 )", new List<SugarParameter>() {
new SugarParameter("@Int11",11), new SugarParameter("@constant0",DateTime.MaxValue) }, t11.Key, t11.Value, "Update 11 error" );
var t12 = db.Updateable<DataTestInfo>().UpdateColumns(it => new DataTestInfo() { Int2 = it.Int2+1 }).Where(it => it.Int1 == 11).ToSql(); base.Check(@"UPDATE [DataTestInfo] SET
[Int2] = ( [Int2] + @Const0 ) WHERE ( [Int1] = @Int11 )", new List<SugarParameter>() {
new SugarParameter("@Int11",11), new SugarParameter("@Const0",1) }, t12.Key, t12.Value, "Update 12 error" );
var t13 = db.Updateable<Student>(new { Name = "a", id=1 }).ToSql(); base.Check(@"UPDATE [STudent] SET
[Name]=@Name WHERE [Id]=@Id", new List<SugarParameter>() {
new SugarParameter("@Name","a"), new SugarParameter("@ID",1) }, t13.Key, t13.Value, "Update t13 error");
var t14 = db.Updateable<Student>(new Dictionary<string, object>() { { "id", 0 }, { "name", "2" } }).ToSql(); base.Check(@"UPDATE [STudent] SET
[Name]=@Name WHERE [Id]=@Id", new List<SugarParameter>() {
new SugarParameter("@Name", "2"), new SugarParameter("@ID", 0) }, t14.Key, t14.Value, "Update t14 error");
var t15 = db.Updateable(new StudentTest() { Id = 1, Name = "1" }).AS("student").ToSql(); base.Check(@"UPDATE [student] SET
[SchoolId]=@SchoolId,[Name]=@Name,[CreateTime]=@CreateTime WHERE [Id]=@Id", null, t15.Key, null, "Update t15 error");
var t16= db.Updateable<Student>().UpdateColumns(it => new Student() { SchoolId = SqlFunc.Subqueryable<School>().Where(s => s.Id == it.SchoolId).Select(s => s.Id), Name = "newname" }).Where(it => it.Id == 1).ToSql();
var t17 = db.Updateable<Student>().UpdateColumns(it => new Student() { SchoolId = SqlFunc.Subqueryable<School>().Where(s => s.Id == it.SchoolId).Select(s => s.Id), Name = "newname" }).Where(it => it.Id == 1).ToSql(); base.Check(@"UPDATE [STudent] SET
[SchoolId] = (SELECT TOP 1 [Id] FROM [School] WHERE ( [Id] =[STudent].[SchoolId] )) , [Name] = @Const0 WHERE ( [ID] = @Id1 )", new List<SugarParameter>() {
new SugarParameter("@Const0","newname"), new SugarParameter("@Id1","1") }, t17.Key, t17.Value, "Update t17 error"); }
} }