1 changed files with 875 additions and 0 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,875 @@ |
using EasyBL.WebApi; |
using EasyBL.WebApi.Common; |
using EasyBL.WebApi.Message; |
using EasyNet; |
using Entity.ShowEasyDtos; |
using Entity.Sugar; |
using Entity.ViewModels; |
using Newtonsoft.Json; |
using SqlSugar; |
using SqlSugar.Base; |
using System; |
using System.Collections.Generic; |
using System.IO; |
using System.Linq; |
using System.Net.Http; |
using System.Text; |
using System.Web; |
using System.Net.Mail; |
using EasyBL.WEBAPP.ShowEasy; |
namespace EasyBL.WEBAPP.SYS |
{ |
public class BookingMail : ServiceBase |
{ |
//Received Booking Mail Template
private string ReceivedBooking(string Name) |
{ |
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); |
EmailTemplate_CH mailTemplate = new EmailTemplate_CH(); |
var Server = Common.ConfigGetValue("", "ida:RedirectUri"); |
sb.Append(mailTemplate.MailHeader()); |
sb.Append(mailTemplate.MailCSS()); |
sb.Append(mailTemplate.MailShowEasyLogo()); |
//Email Body
sb.Append("<tr>"); |
sb.Append("<td style = \"padding: 0 50px 0 50px; background-color: #f8f8f8\" class=\"sm-p bar\">"); |
sb.Append("<table border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" role=\"presentation\" style=\"width: 100%\">"); |
sb.Append("<tr>"); |
sb.Append("<td>"); |
sb.Append("<table border = \"0\" cellpadding = \"0\" cellspacing = \"0\" role = \"presentation\" align = \"left\"> "); |
sb.Append("<tr>"); |
sb.Append("<td bgcolor = \"#FEFEFE\" width = \"340\" style = \"display: block; padding-top: 30px; padding-left: 30px; padding-right: 30px;padding-bottom: 30px; font-family: arial, sans-serif; color: #000000; text-align: left;\"> "); |
sb.Append("<img style = \"display: block\" src = \"https://d3kpqi6h465b7i.cloudfront.net/email/u_grin.png \" width = \"40\" height = \"40\"/> "); |
sb.Append("</td>"); |
sb.Append("</tr>"); |
sb.Append("<tr>"); |
sb.Append("<td bgcolor = \"#FEFEFE\" width = \"340\" style = \"display: block;padding-top: 30px;padding-left: 30px;padding-right: 30px;font-family: arial, sans-serif;color: #000000;text-align: left\";>"); |
sb.Append("<h1 style = \"font-family: 'arial', 'sans-serif'; font-weight: 700; font-size: 16px; line-height: 18px; color: #000000; margin: 0 0 0 0;\">"); |
sb.Append("你好," + Name + ","); |
sb.Append("</h1>"); |
sb.Append("</td>"); |
sb.Append("</tr>"); |
sb.Append("<tr>"); |
sb.Append("<td bgcolor = \"#FEFEFE\" width = \"340\" style = \"display: block;padding-top: 10px;padding-left: 30px;padding-right: 30px;padding-bottom: 40px;font-family: arial, sans-serif;color: #000000;text-align: left;\">"); |
sb.Append("<p style = \"font-weight: 400;font-size: 12px;line-height: 14px;letter-spacing: 0.02em;font-family: 'arial', 'sans-serif';margin: 0 0 0px;\" class=\"has-markdown\">"); |
sb.Append("我們成功收到了你的訂單。"); |
sb.Append("</p>"); |
sb.Append("</td>"); |
sb.Append("</tr>"); |
sb.Append("<tr>"); |
sb.Append("<td bgcolor = \"#FEFEFE\" width = \"340\" width = \"340px\" style = \"display: block;padding-top: 10px;padding-left: 30px;padding-right: 30px;color: #9c9c9c;text-align: left;\">"); |
sb.Append("<p style = \"font-weight: 400;font-size: 12px;line-height: 14px;letter-spacing: 0.02em;font-family: 'arial', 'sans-serif';margin: 0 0 0px;\" class=\"has-markdown\">"); |
sb.Append("訂單資訊:"); |
sb.Append("</p>"); |
sb.Append("</td>"); |
sb.Append("</tr>"); |
//Button:service card start ----------------------------------------------------
sb.Append("<tr style=\"padding: 0 50px 0 50px; background-color: #f8f8f8;border: #f1f1f1; border-radius: 20px;border-width: 1px;\">"); |
sb.Append("<td bgcolor = \"#FEFEFE\" width=\"340px\" style = \"display: block;padding-top: 25px;padding-left: 30px;padding-right: 30px;color: #9c9c9c;text-align: left;\"> "); |
sb.Append("<table>"); |
sb.Append("<tbody>"); |
sb.Append("<tr>"); |
//service img
sb.Append("<td valign=\"top\">"); |
sb.Append("<img style =\"display: block;padding-right: 10px;\" src = \"https://d3kpqi6h465b7i.cloudfront.net/email/icon-facebook.png\" width = '30' height = '30'/>"); |
sb.Append("</td>"); |
//booking status
sb.Append("<td>"); |
sb.Append("<h1 style =\"padding-bottom: 12px;font-family: 'arial','sans-serif';font-weight: 700;font-size: 14px;line-height: 18px;color: #7997ff;margin: 0 0 0 0;>"); |
sb.Append("等待確認中"); |
sb.Append("</h1>"); |
//service name
sb.Append("<h1 style =\"padding-bottom: 8px;font-family: 'arial','sans-serif';font-weight: 700;font-size: 14px;line-height: 18px;color: #232323;margin: 0 0 0 0;>"); |
sb.Append("包車遊覽|新北景點一日遊:九份&平溪&北海岸"); |
sb.Append("</h1>"); |
//booking number
sb.Append("<h1 style =\"padding-bottom: 4px;font-family: 'arial','sans-serif';font-weight: 500;font-size: 12px;line-height: 18px;color: #504f4f;margin: 0 0 0 0;>"); |
sb.Append("#B35553244AC"); |
sb.Append("</h1>"); |
//service content
sb.Append("<h1 style =\"padding-bottom: 4px;font-family: 'arial','sans-serif';font-weight: 500;font-size: 12px;line-height: 18px;color: #504f4f;margin: 0 0 0 0;>"); |
sb.Append("接送服務, 台北市, 四人座車型 x 1"); |
sb.Append("</h1>"); |
//service time
sb.Append("<h1 style =\"padding-bottom: 4px;font-family: 'arial','sans-serif';font-weight: 500;font-size: 12px;line-height: 18px;color: #504f4f;margin: 0 0 0 0;>"); |
sb.Append("服務時間: 2022.09.20 08:00 (當地時間)"); |
sb.Append("</h1>"); |
//booking time
sb.Append("<h1 style =\"padding-bottom: 8px;font-family: 'arial','sans-serif';font-weight: 500;font-size: 12px;line-height: 18px;color: #504f4f;margin: 0 0 0 0;>"); |
sb.Append("訂購時間: 2022.07.20 12:00"); |
sb.Append("</h1>"); |
sb.Append("<h1 style =\"padding-bottom: 10px;font-family: 'arial','sans-serif';font-weight: 500;font-size: 14px;line-height: 18px;color: #f48800;margin: 0 0 0 0;>"); |
sb.Append("$3,500 台幣"); |
sb.Append("</h1>"); |
//前往付款按鈕 (連結要記得修改!)
sb.Append("<a class=\"s-btn s-btn__primary\" href=\"https://www.showeasy.com\" target=\"_parent\" style=\"width: 88px;background: #f48800;border: 1px solid #ee9546;font-family: arial, sans-serif;font-size: 14px;line-height: 16px;color: #ffffff;text-align: center;text-decoration: none;padding: 12px 20px;display: block;border-radius: 16px;white-space: nowrap;\">"); |
sb.Append("前往付款"); |
sb.Append("</a>"); |
sb.Append("</td>"); |
sb.Append("</tr>"); |
sb.Append("</tbody>"); |
sb.Append("</table>"); |
sb.Append("</td>"); |
sb.Append("</tr>"); |
sb.Append("</tr>"); |
//如果按鈕無法點擊 (連結記得改成要打的API)
sb.Append("<tr>"); |
sb.Append("<td bgcolor = \"#FEFEFE\" width = \"340\" width = \"340px\" style = \"display: block;padding-bottom: 30px;padding-top: 30px;padding-left: 30px;padding-right: 30px;color: #9c9c9c;text-align: center;\">"); |
sb.Append("<p style = \"font-weight: 400;font-size: 12px;line-height: 14px;letter-spacing: 0.02em;font-family: 'arial', 'sans-serif';margin: 0 0 0px;\" class=\"has-markdown\">"); |
sb.Append("如果按鈕無法點擊,你可以直接點擊"); |
sb.Append("<a href =\""); |
sb.Append(Server + "/api/Signup/VerifyAccount?"); |
sb.Append("\" style = \"color: #7997ff;font-size: 12px;font-weight: 400;font-family: 'Arial', '微軟正黑體','Microsoft JhengHei', 'Helvetica Neue',Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;padding: 0;margin: 0;text-align: center;padding-left: 0px;padding-right: 30px;padding-top: 4px;text-decoration: underline;\">"); |
sb.Append("<span align=\"center\" width=\"340\">這裡</span>"); |
sb.Append("</a>"); |
sb.Append("</p>"); |
sb.Append("</td>"); |
sb.Append("</tr>"); |
sb.Append("</table>"); |
sb.Append("</td>"); |
sb.Append("</tr>"); |
sb.Append("</table>"); |
sb.Append("</td>"); |
sb.Append("</tr>"); |
sb.Append(mailTemplate.MailFooter()); |
return sb.ToString(); |
} |
//Booking Complete Mail Template (訂單完成,已付款)
private string BookingComplete(string Name) |
{ |
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); |
EmailTemplate_CH mailTemplate = new EmailTemplate_CH(); |
var Server = Common.ConfigGetValue("", "ida:RedirectUri"); |
sb.Append(mailTemplate.MailHeader()); |
sb.Append(mailTemplate.MailCSS()); |
sb.Append(mailTemplate.MailShowEasyLogo()); |
//Email Body
sb.Append("<tr>"); |
sb.Append("<td style = \"padding: 0 50px 0 50px; background-color: #f8f8f8\" class=\"sm-p bar\">"); |
sb.Append("<table border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" role=\"presentation\" style=\"width: 100%\">"); |
sb.Append("<tr>"); |
sb.Append("<td>"); |
sb.Append("<table border = \"0\" cellpadding = \"0\" cellspacing = \"0\" role = \"presentation\" align = \"left\"> "); |
sb.Append("<tr>"); |
sb.Append("<td bgcolor = \"#FEFEFE\" width = \"340\" style = \"display: block;padding-top: 30px;padding-left: 30px;padding-right: 30px;padding-bottom: 10px;font-family: arial, sans-serif;color: #000000;text-align: left\";>"); |
sb.Append("<h1 style = \"font-family: 'arial', 'sans-serif'; font-weight: 700; font-size: 16px; line-height: 18px; color: #000000; margin: 0 0 0 0;\">"); |
sb.Append("你好," + Name + ","); |
sb.Append("</h1>"); |
sb.Append("</td>"); |
sb.Append("</tr>"); |
sb.Append("<tr>"); |
sb.Append("<td bgcolor = \"#FEFEFE\" width = \"340\" style = \"display: block;padding-top: 10px;padding-left: 30px;padding-right: 30px;padding-bottom: 40px;font-family: arial, sans-serif;color: #000000;text-align: left;\">"); |
sb.Append("<p style = \"font-weight: 400;font-size: 12px;line-height: 14px;letter-spacing: 0.02em;font-family: 'arial', 'sans-serif';margin: 0 0 0px;\" class=\"has-markdown\">"); |
sb.Append("喔耶!<br />"); |
sb.Append("謝謝你使用ShowEasy,我們希望你有個美好的旅程。<br />"); |
sb.Append("請告訴我們更多關於你的體驗及感想!"); |
sb.Append("</p>"); |
sb.Append("</td>"); |
sb.Append("</tr>"); |
sb.Append("<tr>"); |
sb.Append("<td bgcolor = \"#FEFEFE\" width = \"340\" width = \"340px\" style = \"display: block;padding-top: 10px;padding-left: 30px;padding-right: 30px;color: #9c9c9c;text-align: left;\">"); |
sb.Append("<p style = \"font-weight: 400;font-size: 12px;line-height: 14px;letter-spacing: 0.02em;font-family: 'arial', 'sans-serif';margin: 0 0 0px;\" class=\"has-markdown\">"); |
sb.Append("訂單資訊:"); |
sb.Append("</p>"); |
sb.Append("</td>"); |
sb.Append("</tr>"); |
//Button:service card start ----------------------------------------------------
sb.Append("<tr style=\"padding: 0 50px 0 50px; background-color: #f8f8f8;border: #f1f1f1; border-radius: 20px;border-width: 1px;\">"); |
sb.Append("<td bgcolor = \"#FEFEFE\" width=\"340px\" style = \"display: block;padding-top: 25px;padding-left: 30px;padding-right: 30px;color: #9c9c9c;text-align: left;\"> "); |
sb.Append("<table>"); |
sb.Append("<tbody>"); |
sb.Append("<tr>"); |
//service img
sb.Append("<td valign=\"top\">"); |
sb.Append("<img style =\"display: block;padding-right: 10px;\" src = \"https://d3kpqi6h465b7i.cloudfront.net/email/icon-facebook.png\" width = '30' height = '30'/>"); |
sb.Append("</td>"); |
//booking status
sb.Append("<td>"); |
sb.Append("<h1 style =\"padding-bottom: 12px;font-family: 'arial','sans-serif';font-weight: 700;font-size: 14px;line-height: 18px;color: #7997ff;margin: 0 0 0 0;>"); |
sb.Append("訂單完成,已付款"); |
sb.Append("</h1>"); |
//service name
sb.Append("<h1 style =\"padding-bottom: 8px;font-family: 'arial','sans-serif';font-weight: 700;font-size: 14px;line-height: 18px;color: #232323;margin: 0 0 0 0;>"); |
sb.Append("包車遊覽|新北景點一日遊:九份&平溪&北海岸"); |
sb.Append("</h1>"); |
//booking number
sb.Append("<h1 style =\"padding-bottom: 4px;font-family: 'arial','sans-serif';font-weight: 500;font-size: 12px;line-height: 18px;color: #504f4f;margin: 0 0 0 0;>"); |
sb.Append("#B35553244AC"); |
sb.Append("</h1>"); |
//service content
sb.Append("<h1 style =\"padding-bottom: 4px;font-family: 'arial','sans-serif';font-weight: 500;font-size: 12px;line-height: 18px;color: #504f4f;margin: 0 0 0 0;>"); |
sb.Append("接送服務, 台北市, 四人座車型 x 1"); |
sb.Append("</h1>"); |
//service time
sb.Append("<h1 style =\"padding-bottom: 4px;font-family: 'arial','sans-serif';font-weight: 500;font-size: 12px;line-height: 18px;color: #504f4f;margin: 0 0 0 0;>"); |
sb.Append("服務時間: 2022.09.20 08:00 (當地時間)"); |
sb.Append("</h1>"); |
//booking time
sb.Append("<h1 style =\"padding-bottom: 8px;font-family: 'arial','sans-serif';font-weight: 500;font-size: 12px;line-height: 18px;color: #504f4f;margin: 0 0 0 0;>"); |
sb.Append("訂購時間: 2022.07.20 12:00"); |
sb.Append("</h1>"); |
sb.Append("<h1 style =\"padding-bottom: 10px;font-family: 'arial','sans-serif';font-weight: 500;font-size: 14px;line-height: 18px;color: #f48800;margin: 0 0 0 0;>"); |
sb.Append("$3,500 台幣"); |
sb.Append("</h1>"); |
sb.Append("</td>"); |
sb.Append("</tr>"); |
sb.Append("</tbody>"); |
sb.Append("</table>"); |
sb.Append("</td>"); |
sb.Append("</tr>"); |
sb.Append("</tr>"); |
//see you soon
sb.Append("<tr>"); |
sb.Append("<td bgcolor = \"#FEFEFE\" width = \"340\" width = \"340px\" style =\"display: block;padding-bottom: 30px;padding-top: 45px;padding-left: 30px;padding-right: 30px;color: #9c9c9c;text-align: left;\">"); |
sb.Append("<p style = \"font-weight: 400; font-size: 12px; line-height: 14px; letter-spacing: 0.02em; font-family: 'arial', 'sans-serif'; margin: 0 0 0px;\" class=\"has-markdown\">"); |
sb.Append("希望我們很快能再見面!😊"); |
sb.Append("</p>"); |
sb.Append("</td>"); |
sb.Append("</tr>"); |
//如果按鈕無法點擊 (連結記得改成要打的API)
sb.Append("<tr>"); |
sb.Append("<td bgcolor = \"#FEFEFE\" width = \"340\" width = \"340px\" style = \"display: block;padding-bottom: 30px;padding-top: 30px;padding-left: 30px;padding-right: 30px;color: #9c9c9c;text-align: center;\">"); |
sb.Append("<p style = \"font-weight: 400;font-size: 12px;line-height: 14px;letter-spacing: 0.02em;font-family: 'arial', 'sans-serif';margin: 0 0 0px;\" class=\"has-markdown\">"); |
sb.Append("如果按鈕無法點擊,你可以直接點擊"); |
sb.Append("<a href =\""); |
sb.Append(Server + "/api/Signup/VerifyAccount?"); |
sb.Append("\" style = \"color: #7997ff;font-size: 12px;font-weight: 400;font-family: 'Arial', '微軟正黑體','Microsoft JhengHei', 'Helvetica Neue',Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;padding: 0;margin: 0;text-align: center;padding-left: 0px;padding-right: 30px;padding-top: 4px;text-decoration: underline;\">"); |
sb.Append("<span align=\"center\" width=\"340\">這裡</span>"); |
sb.Append("</a>"); |
sb.Append("</p>"); |
sb.Append("</td>"); |
sb.Append("</tr>"); |
sb.Append("</table>"); |
sb.Append("</td>"); |
sb.Append("</tr>"); |
sb.Append("</table>"); |
sb.Append("</td>"); |
sb.Append("</tr>"); |
sb.Append(mailTemplate.MailFooter()); |
return sb.ToString(); |
} |
//Payment Received Mail Template
private string PaymentReceived(string Name) |
{ |
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); |
EmailTemplate_CH mailTemplate = new EmailTemplate_CH(); |
var Server = Common.ConfigGetValue("", "ida:RedirectUri"); |
sb.Append(mailTemplate.MailHeader()); |
sb.Append(mailTemplate.MailCSS()); |
sb.Append(mailTemplate.MailShowEasyLogo()); |
//Email Body
sb.Append("<tr>"); |
sb.Append("<td style = \"padding: 0 50px 0 50px; background-color: #f8f8f8\" class=\"sm-p bar\">"); |
sb.Append("<table border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" role=\"presentation\" style=\"width: 100%\">"); |
sb.Append("<tr>"); |
sb.Append("<td>"); |
sb.Append("<table border = \"0\" cellpadding = \"0\" cellspacing = \"0\" role = \"presentation\" align = \"left\"> "); |
sb.Append("<tr>"); |
sb.Append("<td bgcolor = \"#FEFEFE\" width = \"340\" style = \"display: block; padding-top: 30px; padding-left: 30px; padding-right: 30px;padding-bottom: 30px; font-family: arial, sans-serif; color: #000000; text-align: left;\"> "); |
sb.Append("<img style = \"display: block\" src = \"https://d3kpqi6h465b7i.cloudfront.net/email/u_grin.png \" width = \"40\" height = \"40\"/> "); |
sb.Append("</td>"); |
sb.Append("</tr>"); |
sb.Append("<tr>"); |
sb.Append("<td bgcolor = \"#FEFEFE\" width = \"340\" style = \"display: block;padding-top: 30px;padding-left: 30px;padding-right: 30px;font-family: arial, sans-serif;color: #000000;text-align: left\";>"); |
sb.Append("<h1 style = \"font-family: 'arial', 'sans-serif'; font-weight: 700; font-size: 16px; line-height: 18px; color: #000000; margin: 0 0 0 0;\">"); |
sb.Append("你好," + Name + ","); |
sb.Append("</h1>"); |
sb.Append("</td>"); |
sb.Append("</tr>"); |
sb.Append("<tr>"); |
sb.Append("<td bgcolor = \"#FEFEFE\" width = \"340\" style = \"display: block;padding-top: 10px;padding-left: 30px;padding-right: 30px;padding-bottom: 40px;font-family: arial, sans-serif;color: #000000;text-align: left;\">"); |
sb.Append("<p style = \"font-weight: 400;font-size: 12px;line-height: 14px;letter-spacing: 0.02em;font-family: 'arial', 'sans-serif';margin: 0 0 0px;\" class=\"has-markdown\">"); |
sb.Append("我們已經成功收到你的付款!<br />"); |
sb.Append("<br />"); |
sb.Append("*附件為此訂單的訂單明細<br />"); |
sb.Append("</p>"); |
sb.Append("</td>"); |
sb.Append("</tr>"); |
sb.Append("<tr>"); |
sb.Append("<td bgcolor = \"#FEFEFE\" width = \"340\" width = \"340px\" style = \"display: block;padding-top: 10px;padding-left: 30px;padding-right: 30px;color: #9c9c9c;text-align: left;\">"); |
sb.Append("<p style = \"font-weight: 400;font-size: 12px;line-height: 14px;letter-spacing: 0.02em;font-family: 'arial', 'sans-serif';margin: 0 0 0px;\" class=\"has-markdown\">"); |
sb.Append("訂單資訊:"); |
sb.Append("</p>"); |
sb.Append("</td>"); |
sb.Append("</tr>"); |
//Button:service card start ----------------------------------------------------
sb.Append("<tr style=\"padding: 0 50px 0 50px; background-color: #f8f8f8;border: #f1f1f1; border-radius: 20px;border-width: 1px;\">"); |
sb.Append("<td bgcolor = \"#FEFEFE\" width=\"340px\" style = \"display: block;padding-top: 25px;padding-left: 30px;padding-right: 30px;color: #9c9c9c;text-align: left;\"> "); |
sb.Append("<table>"); |
sb.Append("<tbody>"); |
sb.Append("<tr>"); |
//service img
sb.Append("<td valign=\"top\">"); |
sb.Append("<img style =\"display: block;padding-right: 10px;\" src = \"https://d3kpqi6h465b7i.cloudfront.net/email/icon-facebook.png\" width = '30' height = '30'/>"); |
sb.Append("</td>"); |
//booking status
sb.Append("<td>"); |
sb.Append("<h1 style =\"padding-bottom: 12px;font-family: 'arial','sans-serif';font-weight: 700;font-size: 14px;line-height: 18px;color: #7997ff;margin: 0 0 0 0;>"); |
sb.Append("訂單已確認,<span style=\"color: #2dc695;\">已付款</span>"); |
sb.Append("</h1>"); |
//service name
sb.Append("<h1 style =\"padding-bottom: 8px;font-family: 'arial','sans-serif';font-weight: 700;font-size: 14px;line-height: 18px;color: #232323;margin: 0 0 0 0;>"); |
sb.Append("包車遊覽|新北景點一日遊:九份&平溪&北海岸"); |
sb.Append("</h1>"); |
//booking number
sb.Append("<h1 style =\"padding-bottom: 4px;font-family: 'arial','sans-serif';font-weight: 500;font-size: 12px;line-height: 18px;color: #504f4f;margin: 0 0 0 0;>"); |
sb.Append("#B35553244AC"); |
sb.Append("</h1>"); |
//service content
sb.Append("<h1 style =\"padding-bottom: 4px;font-family: 'arial','sans-serif';font-weight: 500;font-size: 12px;line-height: 18px;color: #504f4f;margin: 0 0 0 0;>"); |
sb.Append("接送服務, 台北市, 四人座車型 x 1"); |
sb.Append("</h1>"); |
//service time
sb.Append("<h1 style =\"padding-bottom: 4px;font-family: 'arial','sans-serif';font-weight: 500;font-size: 12px;line-height: 18px;color: #504f4f;margin: 0 0 0 0;>"); |
sb.Append("服務時間: 2022.09.20 08:00 (當地時間)"); |
sb.Append("</h1>"); |
//booking time
sb.Append("<h1 style =\"padding-bottom: 8px;font-family: 'arial','sans-serif';font-weight: 500;font-size: 12px;line-height: 18px;color: #504f4f;margin: 0 0 0 0;>"); |
sb.Append("訂購時間: 2022.07.20 12:00"); |
sb.Append("</h1>"); |
sb.Append("<h1 style =\"padding-bottom: 10px;font-family: 'arial','sans-serif';font-weight: 500;font-size: 14px;line-height: 18px;color: #f48800;margin: 0 0 0 0;>"); |
sb.Append("$3,500 台幣"); |
sb.Append("</h1>"); |
sb.Append("</td>"); |
sb.Append("</tr>"); |
sb.Append("</tbody>"); |
sb.Append("</table>"); |
sb.Append("</td>"); |
sb.Append("</tr>"); |
sb.Append("</tr>"); |
sb.Append("<tr>"); |
sb.Append("<td bgcolor =\"#FEFEFE\" style =\"display: block;padding-top: 30px;font-family: arial, sans-serif;color: #232323;text-align: left;\">"); |
sb.Append("<table align =\"center\" border = \"0\" cellpadding = \"0\" cellspacing = \"0\" role = \"presentation\">"); |
sb.Append("<tr>"); |
sb.Append("<td class=\"s-btn s-btn__primary\" style=\"border-radius: 16px; background: #ee9546\">"); |
sb.Append("<a class=\"s-btn s-btn__primary\" href=\"https://www.showeasy.com\" target=\"_parent\" style=\"background: #f48800;border: 1px solid #ee9546;font-family: arial, sans-serif;font-size: 14px;line-height: 16px;color: #ffffff;text-align: center;text-decoration: none;padding: 12px 20px;display: block;border-radius: 16px;white-space: nowrap;\">"); |
sb.Append("查看訂單"); |
sb.Append("</a>"); |
sb.Append("</td>"); |
sb.Append("</tr>"); |
sb.Append("</table>"); |
sb.Append("</td>"); |
sb.Append("</tr>"); |
//如果按鈕無法點擊 (連結記得改成要打的API)
sb.Append("<tr>"); |
sb.Append("<td bgcolor = \"#FEFEFE\" width = \"340\" width = \"340px\" style = \"display: block;padding-bottom: 30px;padding-top: 30px;padding-left: 30px;padding-right: 30px;color: #9c9c9c;text-align: center;\">"); |
sb.Append("<p style = \"font-weight: 400;font-size: 12px;line-height: 14px;letter-spacing: 0.02em;font-family: 'arial', 'sans-serif';margin: 0 0 0px;\" class=\"has-markdown\">"); |
sb.Append("如果按鈕無法點擊,你可以直接點擊"); |
sb.Append("<a href =\""); |
sb.Append(Server + "/api/Signup/VerifyAccount?"); |
sb.Append("\" style = \"color: #7997ff;font-size: 12px;font-weight: 400;font-family: 'Arial', '微軟正黑體','Microsoft JhengHei', 'Helvetica Neue',Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;padding: 0;margin: 0;text-align: center;padding-left: 0px;padding-right: 30px;padding-top: 4px;text-decoration: underline;\">"); |
sb.Append("<span align=\"center\" width=\"340\">這裡</span>"); |
sb.Append("</a>"); |
sb.Append("</p>"); |
sb.Append("</td>"); |
sb.Append("</tr>"); |
sb.Append("</table>"); |
sb.Append("</td>"); |
sb.Append("</tr>"); |
sb.Append("</table>"); |
sb.Append("</td>"); |
sb.Append("</tr>"); |
sb.Append(mailTemplate.MailFooter()); |
return sb.ToString(); |
} |
//Received Order Mail Template
private string ReceivedOrder(string Name) |
{ |
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); |
EmailTemplate_CH mailTemplate = new EmailTemplate_CH(); |
var Server = Common.ConfigGetValue("", "ida:RedirectUri"); |
sb.Append(mailTemplate.MailHeader()); |
sb.Append(mailTemplate.MailCSS()); |
sb.Append(mailTemplate.MailShowEasyLogo()); |
//Email Body
sb.Append("<tr>"); |
sb.Append("<td style = \"padding: 0 50px 0 50px; background-color: #f8f8f8\" class=\"sm-p bar\">"); |
sb.Append("<table border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" role=\"presentation\" style=\"width: 100%\">"); |
sb.Append("<tr>"); |
sb.Append("<td>"); |
sb.Append("<table border = \"0\" cellpadding = \"0\" cellspacing = \"0\" role = \"presentation\" align = \"left\"> "); |
sb.Append("<tr>"); |
sb.Append("<td bgcolor = \"#FEFEFE\" width = \"340\" style = \"display: block;padding-top: 30px;padding-left: 30px;padding-right: 30px;padding-bottom: 10px;font-family: arial, sans-serif;color: #000000;text-align: left\";>"); |
sb.Append("<h1 style = \"font-family: 'arial', 'sans-serif'; font-weight: 700; font-size: 16px; line-height: 18px; color: #000000; margin: 0 0 0 0;\">"); |
sb.Append("嗨!"); |
sb.Append("</h1>"); |
sb.Append("</td>"); |
sb.Append("</tr>"); |
sb.Append("<tr>"); |
sb.Append("<td bgcolor = \"#FEFEFE\" width = \"340\" style = \"display: block;padding-left: 30px;padding-right: 30px;padding-bottom: 40px;font-family: arial, sans-serif;color: #000000;text-align: left;\">"); |
sb.Append("<p style = \"font-weight: 400;font-size: 12px;line-height: 14px;letter-spacing: 0.02em;font-family: 'arial', 'sans-serif';margin: 0 0 0px;\" class=\"has-markdown\">"); |
sb.Append("收到訂單囉~"); |
sb.Append("</p>"); |
sb.Append("</td>"); |
sb.Append("</tr>"); |
sb.Append("<tr>"); |
sb.Append("<td bgcolor = \"#FEFEFE\" width = \"340\" width = \"340px\" style = \"display: block;padding-left: 30px;padding-right: 30px;color: #9c9c9c;text-align: left;\">"); |
sb.Append("<p style = \"font-weight: 400;font-size: 12px;line-height: 14px;letter-spacing: 0.02em;font-family: 'arial', 'sans-serif';margin: 0 0 0px;\" class=\"has-markdown\">"); |
sb.Append("訂單資訊:"); |
sb.Append("</p>"); |
sb.Append("</td>"); |
sb.Append("</tr>"); |
//Button:service card start ----------------------------------------------------
sb.Append("<tr style=\"padding: 0 50px 0 50px; background-color: #f8f8f8;border: #f1f1f1; border-radius: 20px;border-width: 1px;\">"); |
sb.Append("<td bgcolor = \"#FEFEFE\" width=\"340px\" style = \"display: block;padding-top: 25px;padding-left: 30px;padding-right: 30px;color: #9c9c9c;text-align: left;\"> "); |
sb.Append("<table>"); |
sb.Append("<tbody>"); |
sb.Append("<tr>"); |
//service img
sb.Append("<td valign=\"top\">"); |
sb.Append("<img style =\"display: block;padding-right: 10px;\" src = \"https://d3kpqi6h465b7i.cloudfront.net/email/icon-facebook.png\" width = '30' height = '30'/>"); |
sb.Append("</td>"); |
//booking status
sb.Append("<td>"); |
sb.Append("<h1 style =\"padding-bottom: 12px;font-family: 'arial','sans-serif';font-weight: 700;font-size: 14px;line-height: 18px;color: #7997ff;margin: 0 0 0 0;>"); |
sb.Append("等待確認中"); |
sb.Append("</h1>"); |
//service name
sb.Append("<h1 style =\"padding-bottom: 8px;font-family: 'arial','sans-serif';font-weight: 700;font-size: 14px;line-height: 18px;color: #232323;margin: 0 0 0 0;>"); |
sb.Append("包車遊覽|新北景點一日遊:九份&平溪&北海岸"); |
sb.Append("</h1>"); |
//booking number
sb.Append("<h1 style =\"padding-bottom: 4px;font-family: 'arial','sans-serif';font-weight: 500;font-size: 12px;line-height: 18px;color: #504f4f;margin: 0 0 0 0;>"); |
sb.Append("#B35553244AC"); |
sb.Append("</h1>"); |
//service content
sb.Append("<h1 style =\"padding-bottom: 4px;font-family: 'arial','sans-serif';font-weight: 500;font-size: 12px;line-height: 18px;color: #504f4f;margin: 0 0 0 0;>"); |
sb.Append("接送服務, 台北市, 四人座車型 x 1"); |
sb.Append("</h1>"); |
//service time
sb.Append("<h1 style =\"padding-bottom: 4px;font-family: 'arial','sans-serif';font-weight: 500;font-size: 12px;line-height: 18px;color: #504f4f;margin: 0 0 0 0;>"); |
sb.Append("服務時間: 2022.09.20 08:00 (當地時間)"); |
sb.Append("</h1>"); |
//booking time
sb.Append("<h1 style =\"padding-bottom: 8px;font-family: 'arial','sans-serif';font-weight: 500;font-size: 12px;line-height: 18px;color: #504f4f;margin: 0 0 0 0;>"); |
sb.Append("訂購時間: 2022.07.20 12:00"); |
sb.Append("</h1>"); |
sb.Append("<h1 style =\"padding-bottom: 55px;font-family: 'arial','sans-serif';font-weight: 500;font-size: 14px;line-height: 18px;color: #f48800;margin: 0 0 0 0;>"); |
sb.Append("$3,500 台幣"); |
sb.Append("</h1>"); |
sb.Append("</td>"); |
sb.Append("</tr>"); |
sb.Append("</tbody>"); |
sb.Append("</table>"); |
sb.Append("</td>"); |
sb.Append("</tr>"); |
sb.Append("</tr>"); |
//如果按鈕無法點擊 (連結記得改成要打的API)
sb.Append("<tr>"); |
sb.Append("<td bgcolor = \"#FEFEFE\" width = \"340\" width = \"340px\" style = \"display: block;padding-bottom: 30px;padding-top: 30px;padding-left: 30px;padding-right: 30px;color: #9c9c9c;text-align: center;\">"); |
sb.Append("<p style = \"font-weight: 400;font-size: 12px;line-height: 14px;letter-spacing: 0.02em;font-family: 'arial', 'sans-serif';margin: 0 0 0px;\" class=\"has-markdown\">"); |
sb.Append("如果按鈕無法點擊,你可以直接點擊"); |
sb.Append("<a href =\""); |
sb.Append(Server + "/api/Signup/VerifyAccount?"); |
sb.Append("\" style = \"color: #7997ff;font-size: 12px;font-weight: 400;font-family: 'Arial', '微軟正黑體','Microsoft JhengHei', 'Helvetica Neue',Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;padding: 0;margin: 0;text-align: center;padding-left: 0px;padding-right: 30px;padding-top: 4px;text-decoration: underline;\">"); |
sb.Append("<span align=\"center\" width=\"340\">這裡</span>"); |
sb.Append("</a>"); |
sb.Append("</p>"); |
sb.Append("</td>"); |
sb.Append("</tr>"); |
sb.Append("</table>"); |
sb.Append("</td>"); |
sb.Append("</tr>"); |
sb.Append("</table>"); |
sb.Append("</td>"); |
sb.Append("</tr>"); |
sb.Append(mailTemplate.MailFooter()); |
return sb.ToString(); |
} |
//Booking Processing Mail Template
private string BookingProcessing(string Name) |
{ |
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); |
EmailTemplate_CH mailTemplate = new EmailTemplate_CH(); |
var Server = Common.ConfigGetValue("", "ida:RedirectUri"); |
sb.Append(mailTemplate.MailHeader()); |
sb.Append(mailTemplate.MailCSS()); |
sb.Append(mailTemplate.MailShowEasyLogo()); |
//Email Body
sb.Append("<tr>"); |
sb.Append("<td style = \"padding: 0 50px 0 50px; background-color: #f8f8f8\" class=\"sm-p bar\">"); |
sb.Append("<table border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" role=\"presentation\" style=\"width: 100%\">"); |
sb.Append("<tr>"); |
sb.Append("<td>"); |
sb.Append("<table border = \"0\" cellpadding = \"0\" cellspacing = \"0\" role = \"presentation\" align = \"left\"> "); |
sb.Append("<tr>"); |
sb.Append("<td bgcolor = \"#FEFEFE\" width = \"340\" style = \"display: block;padding-top: 30px;padding-left: 30px;padding-right: 30px;adding-bottom: 10px;font-family: arial, sans-serif;color: #000000;text-align: left\";>"); |
sb.Append("<h1 style = \"font-family: 'arial', 'sans-serif'; font-weight: 700; font-size: 16px; line-height: 18px; color: #000000; margin: 0 0 0 0;\">"); |
sb.Append("你好," + Name + ","); |
sb.Append("</h1>"); |
sb.Append("</td>"); |
sb.Append("</tr>"); |
sb.Append("<tr>"); |
sb.Append("<td bgcolor = \"#FEFEFE\" width = \"340\" style = \"display: block;padding-top: 10px;padding-left: 30px;padding-right: 30px;padding-bottom: 30px;font-family: arial, sans-serif;color: #000000;text-align: left;\">"); |
sb.Append("<p style = \"font-weight: 400;font-size: 12px;line-height: 14px;letter-spacing: 0.02em;font-family: 'arial', 'sans-serif';margin: 0 0 0px;\" class=\"has-markdown\">"); |
sb.Append("你的訂單正在處理中囉!<br />"); |
sb.Append("如有任何問題歡迎直接與我們聯繫。"); |
sb.Append("</p>"); |
sb.Append("</td>"); |
sb.Append("</tr>"); |
sb.Append("<tr>"); |
sb.Append("<td bgcolor =\"#FEFEFE\" style =\"display: block;padding-top: 30px;font-family: arial, sans-serif;color: #232323;text-align: left;\">"); |
sb.Append("<table align =\"center\" border = \"0\" cellpadding = \"0\" cellspacing = \"0\" role = \"presentation\">"); |
sb.Append("<tr>"); |
sb.Append("<td class=\"s-btn s-btn__primary\" style=\"border-radius: 16px; background: #ee9546\">"); |
sb.Append("<a class=\"s-btn s-btn__primary\" href=\"https://www.showeasy.com\" target=\"_parent\" style=\"background: #f48800;border: 1px solid #ee9546;font-family: arial, sans-serif;font-size: 14px;line-height: 16px;color: #ffffff;text-align: center;text-decoration: none;padding: 12px 20px;display: block;border-radius: 16px;white-space: nowrap;\">"); |
sb.Append("查看訂單"); |
sb.Append("</a>"); |
sb.Append("</td>"); |
sb.Append("</tr>"); |
sb.Append("</table>"); |
sb.Append("</td>"); |
sb.Append("</tr>"); |
//如果按鈕無法點擊 (連結記得改成要打的API)
sb.Append("<tr>"); |
sb.Append("<td bgcolor = \"#FEFEFE\" width = \"340\" width = \"340px\" style = \"display: block;padding-bottom: 30px;padding-top: 30px;padding-left: 30px;padding-right: 30px;color: #9c9c9c;text-align: center;\">"); |
sb.Append("<p style = \"font-weight: 400;font-size: 12px;line-height: 14px;letter-spacing: 0.02em;font-family: 'arial', 'sans-serif';margin: 0 0 0px;\" class=\"has-markdown\">"); |
sb.Append("如果按鈕無法點擊,你可以直接點擊"); |
sb.Append("<a href =\""); |
sb.Append(Server + "/api/Signup/VerifyAccount?"); |
sb.Append("\" style = \"color: #7997ff;font-size: 12px;font-weight: 400;font-family: 'Arial', '微軟正黑體','Microsoft JhengHei', 'Helvetica Neue',Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;padding: 0;margin: 0;text-align: center;padding-left: 0px;padding-right: 30px;padding-top: 4px;text-decoration: underline;\">"); |
sb.Append("<span align=\"center\" width=\"340\">這裡</span>"); |
sb.Append("</a>"); |
sb.Append("</p>"); |
sb.Append("</td>"); |
sb.Append("</tr>"); |
sb.Append("</table>"); |
sb.Append("</td>"); |
sb.Append("</tr>"); |
sb.Append("</table>"); |
sb.Append("</td>"); |
sb.Append("</tr>"); |
sb.Append(mailTemplate.MailFooter()); |
return sb.ToString(); |
} |
//Status Change 銀行匯款 Mail Template
private string PayByTransfer(string Name) |
{ |
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); |
EmailTemplate_CH mailTemplate = new EmailTemplate_CH(); |
var Server = Common.ConfigGetValue("", "ida:RedirectUri"); |
sb.Append(mailTemplate.MailHeader()); |
sb.Append(mailTemplate.MailCSS()); |
sb.Append(mailTemplate.MailShowEasyLogo()); |
//Email Body
sb.Append("<tr>"); |
sb.Append("<td style = \"padding: 0 50px 0 50px; background-color: #f8f8f8\" class=\"sm-p bar\">"); |
sb.Append("<table border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" role=\"presentation\" style=\"width: 100%\">"); |
sb.Append("<tr>"); |
sb.Append("<td>"); |
sb.Append("<table border = \"0\" cellpadding = \"0\" cellspacing = \"0\" role = \"presentation\" align = \"left\"> "); |
sb.Append("<tr>"); |
sb.Append("<td bgcolor = \"#FEFEFE\" width = \"340\" style = \"display: block; padding-top: 30px; padding-left: 30px; padding-right: 30px;padding-bottom: 30px; font-family: arial, sans-serif; color: #000000; text-align: left;\"> "); |
sb.Append("<img style = \"display: block\" src = \"https://d3kpqi6h465b7i.cloudfront.net/email/u_check-circle.png \" width = \"40\" height = \"40\"/> "); |
sb.Append("</td>"); |
sb.Append("</tr>"); |
sb.Append("<tr>"); |
sb.Append("<td bgcolor = \"#FEFEFE\" width = \"340\" style = \"display: block;padding-bottom: 10px;padding-top: 10px;padding-left: 30px;padding-right: 30px;font-family: arial, sans-serif;color: #000000;text-align: left\";>"); |
sb.Append("<h1 style = \"font-family: 'arial', 'sans-serif'; font-weight: 700; font-size: 16px; line-height: 18px; color: #000000; margin: 0 0 0 0;\">"); |
sb.Append("你好," + Name + ","); |
sb.Append("</h1>"); |
sb.Append("</td>"); |
sb.Append("</tr>"); |
sb.Append("<tr>"); |
sb.Append("<td bgcolor = \"#FEFEFE\" width = \"340\" style = \"display: block;padding-left: 30px;padding-right: 30px;padding-bottom: 30px;font-family: arial, sans-serif;color: #000000;text-align: left;\">"); |
sb.Append("<p style = \"font-weight: 400;font-size: 12px;line-height: 14px;letter-spacing: 0.02em;font-family: 'arial', 'sans-serif';margin: 0 0 0px;\" class=\"has-markdown\">"); |
sb.Append("恭喜你!你預定的項目已被確認。<br />"); |
sb.Append("以下為匯款資訊,請於 5 天之內完成匯款。<br />"); |
sb.Append("</p>"); |
sb.Append("</td>"); |
sb.Append("</tr>"); |
//銀行資訊 start ----------------------------------------------------------------
sb.Append("<tr style=\"padding: 0 50px 0 50px; background-color: #f8f8f8;border: #f1f1f1; border-radius: 20px;border-width: 1px;\">"); |
sb.Append("<td bgcolor = \"#FEFEFE\" width=\"340px\" style = \"display: block;padding-top: 10px;padding-left: 30px;padding-right: 30px;padding-bottom: 40px;color: #9c9c9c;text-align: left;\"> "); |
sb.Append("<table>"); |
sb.Append("<tr>"); |
sb.Append("<td>"); |
//Bank account info
sb.Append("<h1 style =\"padding-bottom: 10px;font-family: 'arial','sans-serif';font-weight: 500;font-size: 14px;line-height: 18px;color: #f48800;margin: 0 0 0 0;>"); |
sb.Append("Bank account info:"); |
sb.Append("</h1>"); |
//Bank name
sb.Append("<h1 style =\"padding-bottom: 6px;font-family: 'arial','sans-serif';font-weight: 500;font-size: 14px;line-height: 18px;color: #232323;margin: 0 0 0 0;>"); |
sb.Append("Bank name : E. SUN COMMERCIAL BANK, LTD., TAIPEI, TAIWAN"); |
sb.Append("</h1>"); |
//SWIFT Code
sb.Append("<h1 style =\"padding-bottom: 6px;font-family: 'arial','sans-serif';font-weight: 500;font-size: 14px;line-height: 18px;color: #232323;margin: 0 0 0 0;>"); |
sb.Append("SWIFT Code : ESUNTWTP"); |
sb.Append("</h1>"); |
//Bank Address
sb.Append("<h1 style =\"padding-bottom: 6px;font-family: 'arial','sans-serif';font-weight: 500;font-size: 14px;line-height: 18px;color: #232323;margin: 0 0 0 0;>"); |
sb.Append("Bank Address : No. 66-1,Sanchong Rd.,Nangang Dist., Taipei City 115602 , Taiwan"); |
sb.Append("</h1>"); |
//Account Number
sb.Append("<h1 style =\"padding-bottom: 6px;font-family: 'arial','sans-serif';font-weight: 500;font-size: 14px;line-height: 18px;color: #232323;margin: 0 0 0 0;>"); |
sb.Append("Account Number : 1182-879-079298"); |
sb.Append("</h1>"); |
//Account Name
sb.Append("<h1 style =\"padding-bottom: 6px;font-family: 'arial','sans-serif';font-weight: 500;font-size: 14px;line-height: 18px;color: #232323;margin: 0 0 0 0;>"); |
sb.Append("Account Name : SHOWEASY CO., LTD"); |
sb.Append("</h1>"); |
sb.Append("</td>"); |
sb.Append("</tr>"); |
sb.Append("</table>"); |
sb.Append("</td>"); |
sb.Append("</tr>"); |
//訂單資訊 start ------------------------------------------------------------
sb.Append("<tr>"); |
sb.Append("<td bgcolor = \"#FEFEFE\" width = \"340\" width = \"340px\" style = \"display: block;padding-top: 10px;padding-left: 30px;padding-right: 30px;color: #9c9c9c;text-align: left;\">"); |
sb.Append("<p style = \"font-weight: 400;font-size: 12px;line-height: 14px;letter-spacing: 0.02em;font-family: 'arial', 'sans-serif';margin: 0 0 0px;\" class=\"has-markdown\">"); |
sb.Append("訂單資訊:"); |
sb.Append("</p>"); |
sb.Append("</td>"); |
sb.Append("</tr>"); |
//Button:service card start ----------------------------------------------------
sb.Append("<tr style=\"padding: 0 50px 0 50px; background-color: #f8f8f8;border: #f1f1f1; border-radius: 20px;border-width: 1px;\">"); |
sb.Append("<td bgcolor = \"#FEFEFE\" width=\"340px\" style = \"display: block;padding-top: 25px;padding-left: 30px;padding-right: 30px;color: #9c9c9c;text-align: left;\"> "); |
sb.Append("<table>"); |
sb.Append("<tbody>"); |
sb.Append("<tr>"); |
//service img
sb.Append("<td valign=\"top\">"); |
sb.Append("<img style =\"display: block;padding-right: 10px;\" src = \"https://d3kpqi6h465b7i.cloudfront.net/email/icon-facebook.png\" width = '30' height = '30'/>"); |
sb.Append("</td>"); |
//booking status
sb.Append("<td>"); |
sb.Append("<h1 style =\"padding-bottom: 12px;font-family: 'arial','sans-serif';font-weight: 700;font-size: 14px;line-height: 18px;color: #7997ff;margin: 0 0 0 0;>"); |
sb.Append("訂單已確認,<span style=\"color: #2dc695;\">已付款</span>"); |
sb.Append("</h1>"); |
//service name
sb.Append("<h1 style =\"padding-bottom: 8px;font-family: 'arial','sans-serif';font-weight: 700;font-size: 14px;line-height: 18px;color: #232323;margin: 0 0 0 0;>"); |
sb.Append("包車遊覽|新北景點一日遊:九份&平溪&北海岸"); |
sb.Append("</h1>"); |
//booking number
sb.Append("<h1 style =\"padding-bottom: 4px;font-family: 'arial','sans-serif';font-weight: 500;font-size: 12px;line-height: 18px;color: #504f4f;margin: 0 0 0 0;>"); |
sb.Append("#B35553244AC"); |
sb.Append("</h1>"); |
//service content
sb.Append("<h1 style =\"padding-bottom: 4px;font-family: 'arial','sans-serif';font-weight: 500;font-size: 12px;line-height: 18px;color: #504f4f;margin: 0 0 0 0;>"); |
sb.Append("接送服務, 台北市, 四人座車型 x 1"); |
sb.Append("</h1>"); |
//service time
sb.Append("<h1 style =\"padding-bottom: 4px;font-family: 'arial','sans-serif';font-weight: 500;font-size: 12px;line-height: 18px;color: #504f4f;margin: 0 0 0 0;>"); |
sb.Append("服務時間: 2022.09.20 08:00 (當地時間)"); |
sb.Append("</h1>"); |
//booking time
sb.Append("<h1 style =\"padding-bottom: 8px;font-family: 'arial','sans-serif';font-weight: 500;font-size: 12px;line-height: 18px;color: #504f4f;margin: 0 0 0 0;>"); |
sb.Append("訂購時間: 2022.07.20 12:00"); |
sb.Append("</h1>"); |
sb.Append("<h1 style =\"padding-bottom: 10px;font-family: 'arial','sans-serif';font-weight: 500;font-size: 14px;line-height: 18px;color: #f48800;margin: 0 0 0 0;>"); |
sb.Append("$3,500 台幣"); |
sb.Append("</h1>"); |
sb.Append("</td>"); |
sb.Append("</tr>"); |
sb.Append("</tbody>"); |
sb.Append("</table>"); |
sb.Append("</td>"); |
sb.Append("</tr>"); |
sb.Append("</tr>"); |
sb.Append("</table>"); |
sb.Append("</td>"); |
sb.Append("</tr>"); |
sb.Append("</table>"); |
sb.Append("</td>"); |
sb.Append("</tr>"); |
sb.Append(mailTemplate.MailFooter()); |
return sb.ToString(); |
} |
//Received Booking Mail Template
private string PayOnsite(string Name) |
{ |
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); |
EmailTemplate_CH mailTemplate = new EmailTemplate_CH(); |
var Server = Common.ConfigGetValue("", "ida:RedirectUri"); |
sb.Append(mailTemplate.MailHeader()); |
sb.Append(mailTemplate.MailCSS()); |
sb.Append(mailTemplate.MailShowEasyLogo()); |
//Email Body
sb.Append("<tr>"); |
sb.Append("<td style = \"padding: 0 50px 0 50px; background-color: #f8f8f8\" class=\"sm-p bar\">"); |
sb.Append("<table border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" role=\"presentation\" style=\"width: 100%\">"); |
sb.Append("<tr>"); |
sb.Append("<td>"); |
sb.Append("<table border = \"0\" cellpadding = \"0\" cellspacing = \"0\" role = \"presentation\" align = \"left\"> "); |
sb.Append("<tr>"); |
sb.Append("<td bgcolor = \"#FEFEFE\" width = \"340\" style = \"display: block; padding-top: 30px; padding-left: 30px; padding-right: 30px;padding-bottom: 30px; font-family: arial, sans-serif; color: #000000; text-align: left;\"> "); |
sb.Append("<img style = \"display: block\" src = \"https://d3kpqi6h465b7i.cloudfront.net/email/u_check-circle.png \" width = \"40\" height = \"40\"/> "); |
sb.Append("</td>"); |
sb.Append("</tr>"); |
sb.Append("<tr>"); |
sb.Append("<td bgcolor = \"#FEFEFE\" width = \"340\" style = \"display: block;padding-bottom: 10px;padding-top: 10px;padding-left: 30px;padding-right: 30px;font-family: arial, sans-serif;color: #000000;text-align: left\";>"); |
sb.Append("<h1 style = \"font-family: 'arial', 'sans-serif'; font-weight: 700; font-size: 16px; line-height: 18px; color: #000000; margin: 0 0 0 0;\">"); |
sb.Append("你好," + Name + ","); |
sb.Append("</h1>"); |
sb.Append("</td>"); |
sb.Append("</tr>"); |
sb.Append("<tr>"); |
sb.Append("<td bgcolor = \"#FEFEFE\" width = \"340\" style = \"display: block;padding-left: 30px;padding-right: 30px;padding-bottom: 30px;font-family: arial, sans-serif;color: #000000;text-align: left;\">"); |
sb.Append("<p style = \"font-weight: 400;font-size: 12px;line-height: 14px;letter-spacing: 0.02em;font-family: 'arial', 'sans-serif';margin: 0 0 0px;\" class=\"has-markdown\">"); |
sb.Append("恭喜你!你預定的項目已被確認。<br />"); |
sb.Append("提醒你,服務提供日請再於現場完成付款!<br />"); |
sb.Append("</p>"); |
sb.Append("</td>"); |
sb.Append("</tr>"); |
sb.Append("<tr>"); |
sb.Append("<td bgcolor = \"#FEFEFE\" width = \"340\" width = \"340px\" style = \"display: block;padding-top: 10px;padding-left: 30px;padding-right: 30px;color: #9c9c9c;text-align: left;\">"); |
sb.Append("<p style = \"font-weight: 400;font-size: 12px;line-height: 14px;letter-spacing: 0.02em;font-family: 'arial', 'sans-serif';margin: 0 0 0px;\" class=\"has-markdown\">"); |
sb.Append("訂單資訊:"); |
sb.Append("</p>"); |
sb.Append("</td>"); |
sb.Append("</tr>"); |
//Button:service card start ----------------------------------------------------
sb.Append("<tr style=\"padding: 0 50px 0 50px; background-color: #f8f8f8;border: #f1f1f1; border-radius: 20px;border-width: 1px;\">"); |
sb.Append("<td bgcolor = \"#FEFEFE\" width=\"340px\" style = \"display: block;padding-top: 25px;padding-left: 30px;padding-right: 30px;color: #9c9c9c;text-align: left;\"> "); |
sb.Append("<table>"); |
sb.Append("<tbody>"); |
sb.Append("<tr>"); |
//service img
sb.Append("<td valign=\"top\">"); |
sb.Append("<img style =\"display: block;padding-right: 10px;\" src = \"https://d3kpqi6h465b7i.cloudfront.net/email/icon-facebook.png\" width = '30' height = '30'/>"); |
sb.Append("</td>"); |
//booking status
sb.Append("<td>"); |
sb.Append("<h1 style =\"padding-bottom: 12px;font-family: 'arial','sans-serif';font-weight: 700;font-size: 14px;line-height: 18px;color: #ef5a5a;margin: 0 0 0 0;>"); |
sb.Append("未付款"); |
sb.Append("</h1>"); |
//service name
sb.Append("<h1 style =\"padding-bottom: 8px;font-family: 'arial','sans-serif';font-weight: 700;font-size: 14px;line-height: 18px;color: #232323;margin: 0 0 0 0;>"); |
sb.Append("包車遊覽|新北景點一日遊:九份&平溪&北海岸"); |
sb.Append("</h1>"); |
//booking number
sb.Append("<h1 style =\"padding-bottom: 4px;font-family: 'arial','sans-serif';font-weight: 500;font-size: 12px;line-height: 18px;color: #504f4f;margin: 0 0 0 0;>"); |
sb.Append("#B35553244AC"); |
sb.Append("</h1>"); |
//service content
sb.Append("<h1 style =\"padding-bottom: 4px;font-family: 'arial','sans-serif';font-weight: 500;font-size: 12px;line-height: 18px;color: #504f4f;margin: 0 0 0 0;>"); |
sb.Append("接送服務, 台北市, 四人座車型 x 1"); |
sb.Append("</h1>"); |
//service time
sb.Append("<h1 style =\"padding-bottom: 4px;font-family: 'arial','sans-serif';font-weight: 500;font-size: 12px;line-height: 18px;color: #504f4f;margin: 0 0 0 0;>"); |
sb.Append("服務時間: 2022.09.20 08:00 (當地時間)"); |
sb.Append("</h1>"); |
//booking time
sb.Append("<h1 style =\"padding-bottom: 8px;font-family: 'arial','sans-serif';font-weight: 500;font-size: 12px;line-height: 18px;color: #504f4f;margin: 0 0 0 0;>"); |
sb.Append("訂購時間: 2022.07.20 12:00"); |
sb.Append("</h1>"); |
sb.Append("<h1 style =\"padding-bottom: 10px;font-family: 'arial','sans-serif';font-weight: 500;font-size: 14px;line-height: 18px;color: #f48800;margin: 0 0 0 0;>"); |
sb.Append("$3,500 台幣"); |
sb.Append("</h1>"); |
//前往付款按鈕 (連結要記得修改!)
sb.Append("<a class=\"s-btn s-btn__primary\" href=\"https://www.showeasy.com\" target=\"_parent\" style=\"width: 88px;background: #f48800;border: 1px solid #ee9546;font-family: arial, sans-serif;font-size: 14px;line-height: 16px;color: #ffffff;text-align: center;text-decoration: none;padding: 12px 20px;display: block;border-radius: 16px;white-space: nowrap;\">"); |
sb.Append("前往付款"); |
sb.Append("</a>"); |
sb.Append("</td>"); |
sb.Append("</tr>"); |
sb.Append("</tbody>"); |
sb.Append("</table>"); |
sb.Append("</td>"); |
sb.Append("</tr>"); |
sb.Append("</tr>"); |
//如果按鈕無法點擊 (連結記得改成要打的API)
sb.Append("<tr>"); |
sb.Append("<td bgcolor = \"#FEFEFE\" width = \"340\" width = \"340px\" style = \"display: block;padding-bottom: 30px;padding-top: 30px;padding-left: 30px;padding-right: 30px;color: #9c9c9c;text-align: center;\">"); |
sb.Append("<p style = \"font-weight: 400;font-size: 12px;line-height: 14px;letter-spacing: 0.02em;font-family: 'arial', 'sans-serif';margin: 0 0 0px;\" class=\"has-markdown\">"); |
sb.Append("如果按鈕無法點擊,你可以直接點擊"); |
sb.Append("<a href =\""); |
sb.Append(Server + "/api/Signup/VerifyAccount?"); |
sb.Append("\" style = \"color: #7997ff;font-size: 12px;font-weight: 400;font-family: 'Arial', '微軟正黑體','Microsoft JhengHei', 'Helvetica Neue',Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;padding: 0;margin: 0;text-align: center;padding-left: 0px;padding-right: 30px;padding-top: 4px;text-decoration: underline;\">"); |
sb.Append("<span align=\"center\" width=\"340\">這裡</span>"); |
sb.Append("</a>"); |
sb.Append("</p>"); |
sb.Append("</td>"); |
sb.Append("</tr>"); |
sb.Append("</table>"); |
sb.Append("</td>"); |
sb.Append("</tr>"); |
sb.Append("</table>"); |
sb.Append("</td>"); |
sb.Append("</tr>"); |
sb.Append(mailTemplate.MailFooter()); |
return sb.ToString(); |
} |
} |
} |
Reference in new issue