using Aspose.Cells; using EasyBL.WebApi.Message; using EasyNet.Common; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Data; using System.Drawing; using System.Linq; using System.Reflection; namespace EasyBL { public class ExcelService : ServiceBase { public Workbook workbook; public Worksheet sheet; public ExcelService(string file = null) { workbook = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(file) ? new Workbook(file) : new Workbook(); sheet = workbook.Worksheets[0]; } /// /// 產出excel /// /// /// /// /// /// /// public bool CreateExcel(List> i_dicData, out string o_sFilePath, Dictionary dicItems = null, string sFileName = "", string sSheetName = "sheet1") { try { var saItemsWidth = new Dictionary(); string sFilePath = null; string sFileFullName = null; var bStatus = false; do { workbook.Worksheets[0].Name = sSheetName; var style_L = GetStyle(0, false, TextAlignmentType.Left, Color.White, false); var style_C = GetStyle(0, false, TextAlignmentType.Center, Color.White, true); var style_Header = GetStyle(12, true, TextAlignmentType.Center, Color.FromArgb(153, 204, 0), false); var cells = sheet.Cells;//单元格 var iCol = dicItems == null ? i_dicData[0].Keys.Count : dicItems.Keys.Count; ;//表格列数 var iRow = i_dicData.Count;//表格行数 var iCurentRow = 3;//當前行 //生成标题行 cells.Merge(0, 0, 1, iCol);//合并单元格 cells.Merge(1, 0, 1, iCol);//合并单元格 cells[0, 0].PutValue(sSheetName);//填写标题 cells[1, 0].PutValue("匯出時間:" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd"));//匯出時間 SetCellsStyle(new int[] { 0, 0, 1, iCol }, 14, true, TextAlignmentType.Center, Color.White);//标题row樣式 SetCellsStyle(new int[] { 1, 0, 1, iCol }, 12, false, TextAlignmentType.Right, Color.White);//時間row樣式 cells.SetRowHeight(0, 25); cells.SetRowHeight(1, 20); //填充表头 if (dicItems != null) { var index = 0; foreach (string sKey in dicItems.Keys) { var sValue = dicItems[sKey]; if (sValue == null) { sValue = ""; } cells[2, index].PutValue(sValue);//表頭 cells[2, index].SetStyle(style_Header);//時間Header row樣式 //setCellsWisth(index, sValue.ToString(), true, saItemsWidth); index++; } } //填充内容 foreach (Dictionary oData in i_dicData) { if (dicItems != null) { var cellIndex = 0; foreach (string sKey in dicItems.Keys) { if (oData.Keys.Contains(sKey)) { var sValue = oData[sKey]; if (sValue == null) { sValue = ""; } cells[iCurentRow, cellIndex].PutValue(sValue);//表頭 if (cellIndex == 0) { cells[iCurentRow, cellIndex].SetStyle(style_C);//項次居中 } else { cells[iCurentRow, cellIndex].SetStyle(style_L);//內容居左 } cellIndex++; } } } else { var cellIndex = 0; foreach (string sKey in oData.Keys) { var sValue = oData[sKey]; if (sValue == null) { sValue = ""; } cells[iCurentRow, cellIndex].PutValue(sValue);//表頭 if (cellIndex == 0) { cells[iCurentRow, cellIndex].SetStyle(style_C);//項次居中 } else { cells[iCurentRow, cellIndex].SetStyle(style_L);//內容居左 } //setCellsWisth(cellIndex, sValue.ToString(), true, saItemsWidth); cellIndex++; } } iCurentRow++; } //SetCellsStyle(new int[] { 3, 1, iCurentRow - 3, iCol - 1 }, 12, false, TextAlignmentType.Left, Color.White); //foreach (string key in saItemsWidth.Keys) //{ // cells.SetColumnWidth(int.Parse(key), double.Parse(saItemsWidth[key].ToString())); //} //sheet.AutoFitRows(); cells.SetRowHeight(2, 30); sheet.AutoFitColumns(); sFilePath = Common.ConfigGetValue("", "OutFilesPath"); sFileName = (sFileName ?? "") + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss") + ".xls"; var sSeverPath = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + sFilePath; sFileFullName = sSeverPath + "/" + sFileName; Common.FnCreateDir(sSeverPath); //保存 workbook.Save(sFileFullName); bStatus = true; } while (false); o_sFilePath = sFileFullName.Replace("\\", "/"); return bStatus; } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Error("E" + ex.Message, ex); o_sFilePath = ""; return false; } } /// /// 產出excel /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// public bool CreateExcelByTb(DataTable dt, out string o_sFilePath, object oHeader = null, Dictionary dicAlain = null, List> Merges = null, string sFileName = "", string sSheetName = "sheet1") { try { var saItemsWidth = new Dictionary(); Dictionary Headers = null; string sFilePath = null; string sFileFullName = null; var bStatus = false; if (dicAlain == null) { dicAlain = new Dictionary(); } workbook.Worksheets[0].Name = sSheetName; var cells = sheet.Cells;//单元格 //为单元格添加样式 var style = workbook.CreateStyle(); //设置居中 style.HorizontalAlignment = TextAlignmentType.Left; var style_C = GetStyle(0, false, TextAlignmentType.Center, Color.White, true); var style_L = GetStyle(0, false, TextAlignmentType.Left, Color.White, false); var style_R = GetStyle(0, false, TextAlignmentType.Right, Color.White, false); //靠右通常為數字,改成顯示數字,參考: style_R.Number = 4; // #,##0.00 var style_Del = GetStyle(0, false, TextAlignmentType.Left, Color.LightGray, true); var style_Header = GetStyle(12, true, TextAlignmentType.Center, Color.FromArgb(153, 204, 0), false); //靠右的設定 var FormatredNumber = dicAlain.Where(c => c.Value == "right" ).Select( c => c.Key).ToList(); //行索引 var rowIndex = 3; //列总数 var colCount = dt.Columns.Count; if (oHeader != null) { if (oHeader.GetType() == typeof(Dictionary)) { Headers = oHeader as Dictionary; SetHeader(cells, Headers, style_Header, 2); } else { SetGroupHeader(cells, oHeader, out Headers); SetHeader(cells, Headers, style_Header, 3); rowIndex++; cells.SetRowHeight(3, 30);//设置行高 } colCount = Headers.Keys.Count; cells.SetRowHeight(2, 30);//设置行高 } else { for (int i = 0; i < colCount; i++) { cells[2, i].PutValue(dt.Columns[i].ColumnName); cells[2, i].SetStyle(style_Header); } } //生成标题行 cells.Merge(0, 0, 1, colCount);//合并单元格 cells.Merge(1, 0, 1, colCount);//合并单元格 cells[0, 0].PutValue(sFileName);//填写标题 cells[1, 0].PutValue("匯出時間:" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd"));//匯出時間 SetCellsStyle(new int[] { 0, 0, 1, colCount }, 14, true, TextAlignmentType.Center, Color.White);//标题row樣式 SetCellsStyle(new int[] { 1, 0, 1, colCount }, 12, false, TextAlignmentType.Right, Color.White);//時間row樣式 cells.SetRowHeight(0, 25); cells.SetRowHeight(1, 20); foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows) { var bDeleteRow = false; if (dt.Columns.Contains(BLWording.ISVOID) && row[BLWording.ISVOID].ToString() == "Y") { bDeleteRow = true; } //填充資料 if (Headers != null) { var cellIndex = 0; foreach (string sKey in Headers.Keys) { if (row[sKey] != null) { var sValue = row[sKey]; if (sValue == null) { sValue = ""; } //設定值 if (FormatredNumber.Contains(sKey) ) { var ConvertData = sValue.ToString(); cells[rowIndex, cellIndex].PutValue(ConvertData, true); } else { cells[rowIndex, cellIndex].PutValue(sValue); } //設定style: if (dicAlain.Keys.Contains(sKey)) { var sVal = dicAlain[sKey].ToString(); if (sVal == "center") { cells[rowIndex, cellIndex].SetStyle(style_C);//項次居中 } else if (sVal == "right") { cells[rowIndex, cellIndex].SetStyle(style_R);//項次居右 } else { cells[rowIndex, cellIndex].SetStyle(style_L);//項次居左 } } else { cells[rowIndex, cellIndex].SetStyle(style_L);//項次居左 } if (bDeleteRow) { cells[rowIndex, cellIndex].SetStyle(style_Del);//刪除的資料 } cellIndex++; } } } else { for (int i = 0; i < colCount; i++) { sheet.Cells[rowIndex, i].PutValue(row[i]); if (i == 0) { cells[rowIndex, i].SetStyle(style_C);//項次居中 } else { cells[rowIndex, i].SetStyle(style_L);//內容居左 } if (bDeleteRow) { cells[rowIndex, i].SetStyle(style_Del);//刪除的資料 } } } rowIndex++; } if (Merges != null)//合并单元格 { foreach (Dictionary Merge in Merges) { cells.Merge(Merge["FirstRow"], Merge["FirstCol"], Merge["RowCount"], Merge["ColCount"]); } } sheet.AutoFitColumns(); sFilePath = Common.ConfigGetValue("", "OutFilesPath"); sFileName = (sFileName ?? "") + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss") + ".xls"; var sSeverPath = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + sFilePath; sFileFullName = sSeverPath + "/" + sFileName; Common.FnCreateDir(sSeverPath); workbook.Save(sFileFullName); bStatus = true; o_sFilePath = sFileFullName.Replace("\\", "/"); return bStatus; } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Error("导出文件时出错" + ex.Message, ex); //LogAndSendEmail(sMsg + "Param:" + JsonToString(i_crm), ex, i_crm.ORIGID, i_crm.USERID, "ExcelService", "Excel匯出", "CopyLanguage(複製語系檔案)", "", "", ""); o_sFilePath = ""; return false; } } /// /// 產出excel /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// public bool CreateExcelByList(IList list, out string o_sFilePath, Dictionary dicItems = null, Dictionary dicAlain = null, string sFileName = "", string sSheetName = "sheet1") where T : new() { try { var properties = ReflectionHelper.GetProperties(new T().GetType()); var saItemsWidth = new Dictionary(); string sFilePath = null; string sFileFullName = null; var bStatus = false; if (dicAlain == null) { dicAlain = new Dictionary(); } workbook.Worksheets[0].Name = sSheetName; var cells = sheet.Cells;//单元格 //为单元格添加样式 var style = workbook.CreateStyle(); var style_L = GetStyle(0, false, TextAlignmentType.Left, Color.White, false); var style_R = GetStyle(0, false, TextAlignmentType.Right, Color.White, true); var style_C = GetStyle(0, false, TextAlignmentType.Center, Color.White, true); var style_Header = GetStyle(12, true, TextAlignmentType.Center, Color.FromArgb(153, 204, 0), false); //设置居中 style.HorizontalAlignment = TextAlignmentType.Left; //行索引 var rowIndex = 3; //列总数 var colCount = dicItems == null ? properties.Length : dicItems.Keys.Count; //生成标题行 cells.Merge(0, 0, 1, colCount);//合并单元格 cells.Merge(1, 0, 1, colCount);//合并单元格 cells[0, 0].PutValue(sFileName);//填写标题 cells[1, 0].PutValue("匯出時間:" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd"));//匯出時間 SetCellsStyle(new int[] { 0, 0, 1, colCount }, 14, true, TextAlignmentType.Center, Color.White);//标题row樣式 SetCellsStyle(new int[] { 1, 0, 1, colCount }, 12, false, TextAlignmentType.Right, Color.White);//時間row樣式 cells.SetRowHeight(0, 25); cells.SetRowHeight(1, 20); //Header名的处理 if (dicItems != null) { var index = 0; foreach (string sKey in dicItems.Keys) { var sValue = dicItems[sKey]; if (sValue == null) { sValue = ""; } cells[2, index].PutValue(sValue);//表頭 cells[2, index].SetStyle(style_Header);//時間Header row樣式 index++; } cells.SetRowHeight(2, 30);//设置行高 } else { rowIndex--; } foreach (T entiy in list) { //填充資料 if (dicItems != null) { var cellIndex = 0; foreach (string sKey in dicItems.Keys) { SetCells(cells, entiy, sKey, dicAlain, style_C, style_L, style_R, rowIndex, ref cellIndex); } } else { var icol = 0; foreach (PropertyInfo property in properties) { SetCells(cells, entiy, property.Name, dicAlain, style_C, style_L, style_R, rowIndex, ref icol); } } rowIndex++; } sheet.AutoFitColumns(); sFilePath = Common.ConfigGetValue("", "OutFilesPath"); sFileName = (sFileName ?? "") + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss") + ".xls"; var sSeverPath = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + sFilePath; sFileFullName = sSeverPath + "/" + sFileName; Common.FnCreateDir(sSeverPath); workbook.Save(sFileFullName); bStatus = true; o_sFilePath = sFileFullName.Replace("\\", "/"); return bStatus; } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Error("导出文件时出错" + ex.Message, ex); o_sFilePath = ""; return false; } } public RequestMessage Excel(RequestMessage i_crmInput) { RequestMessage crm = null; return crm; } /// /// 設置單元格樣式 /// /// /// /// /// /// private void SetCellsStyle(int[] saPosition, int sFontSize, bool bIsBold, TextAlignmentType sAlign, Color sBgColor) { var style = workbook.CreateStyle(); var cells = sheet.Cells; var range = cells.CreateRange(saPosition[0], saPosition[1], saPosition[2], saPosition[3]); style.Font.Name = "宋体";//字體設置 style.HorizontalAlignment = sAlign;//文字居左/中/右 ---TextAlignmentType.Center //style.Font.Color = Color.Blue; style.Font.Size = sFontSize;//文字大小 ----12 style.Font.IsBold = bIsBold;//粗体 ----false style.ForegroundColor = sBgColor;//背景顏色 style.Pattern = BackgroundType.Solid;//设置背景類型 style.IsTextWrapped = true;//单元格内容自动换行 // 邊線設置 style.Borders[BorderType.TopBorder].LineStyle = CellBorderType.Thin; style.Borders[BorderType.LeftBorder].LineStyle = CellBorderType.Thin; style.Borders[BorderType.BottomBorder].LineStyle = CellBorderType.Thin; style.Borders[BorderType.RightBorder].LineStyle = CellBorderType.Thin; var flg = new StyleFlag() { All = true }; range.ApplyStyle(style, flg); } /// /// 固定的樣式 /// /// /// /// /// /// /// public Style GetStyle(int sFontSize, bool bIsBold, TextAlignmentType sAlign, Color sBgColor, bool bIsWrap) { var style = workbook.CreateStyle(); style.HorizontalAlignment = sAlign;//文字居左/中/右 ---TextAlignmentType.Center //style.Font.Color = Color.Blue; if (sFontSize != 0) { style.Font.Size = sFontSize;//文字大小 ----12 } style.Font.IsBold = bIsBold;//粗体 ----false style.ForegroundColor = sBgColor;//背景顏色 style.Pattern = BackgroundType.Solid;//设置背景類型 style.IsTextWrapped = bIsWrap;//单元格内容自动换行 // 邊線設置 style.Borders[BorderType.TopBorder].LineStyle = CellBorderType.Thin; style.Borders[BorderType.LeftBorder].LineStyle = CellBorderType.Thin; style.Borders[BorderType.BottomBorder].LineStyle = CellBorderType.Thin; style.Borders[BorderType.RightBorder].LineStyle = CellBorderType.Thin; return style; } /// /// /// /// /// private static void AddContainsStyle(string sStart, string sEnd, Color sColor) { //FormatConditionCollection conds = GetFormatCondition(sStart + ":" + sEnd, sColor);//LightSteelBlue //int idx = conds.AddCondition(FormatConditionType.CellValue); //FormatCondition cond = conds[idx]; //cond.Style.Pattern = BackgroundType.Solid; //cond.Style.Borders[BorderType.LeftBorder].LineStyle = CellBorderType.Thin; //cond.Style.Borders[BorderType.RightBorder].LineStyle = CellBorderType.Thin; //cond.Style.Borders[BorderType.TopBorder].LineStyle = CellBorderType.Thin; //cond.Style.Borders[BorderType.BottomBorder].LineStyle = CellBorderType.Thin; } /// /// 設置分組header /// /// /// /// private void SetGroupHeader(Cells oCells, object oHeader, out Dictionary o_oHeader) { var dicHeader = new Dictionary(); var listHeader = oHeader as List>; var iLastNO = 0; foreach (Dictionary header in listHeader) { var _header = header["Header"] as Dictionary; var sHeaderName = header["HeaderName"].ToString(); var color = (Color)header["Color"]; var style_Header = GetStyle(12, true, TextAlignmentType.Center, color, false); oCells.Merge(2, iLastNO, 1, _header.Keys.Count);//合并单元格 oCells[2, iLastNO].PutValue(sHeaderName);//填写标题 oCells[2, iLastNO].SetStyle(style_Header);//項次居中 iLastNO += _header.Keys.Count; foreach (string key in _header.Keys) { dicHeader.Add(key, _header[key]); } } o_oHeader = dicHeader; } /// /// 設置header /// /// /// /// /// private static void SetHeader(Cells oCells, Dictionary dicHeader, Style style_Header, int iRow) { var index = 0; foreach (string sKey in dicHeader.Keys) { object sValue = dicHeader[sKey]; if (sValue == null) { sValue = ""; } oCells[iRow, index].PutValue(sValue);//表頭 oCells[iRow, index].SetStyle(style_Header);//時間Header row樣式 index++; } } /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// private static void SetCells(Cells cells, T entiy, string name, Dictionary alains, Style stylec, Style stylel, Style styler, int rowIndex, ref int index) { var sValue = ReflectionHelper.GetPropertyValue(entiy, name); var sType = ReflectionHelper.GetPropertyType(entiy, name); if (sValue == null) { sValue = ""; } if (sType != null && sType.IndexOf("System.DateTime") > 0) { sValue = Convert.ToDateTime(sValue).ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm"); } cells[rowIndex, index].PutValue(sValue);//表頭 if (alains.Keys.Contains(name)) { var sVal = alains[name].ToString(); if (sVal == "center") { cells[rowIndex, index].SetStyle(stylec);//項次居中 } else if (sVal == "right") { cells[rowIndex, index].SetStyle(styler);//項次居右 } else { cells[rowIndex, index].SetStyle(stylel);//項次居左 } } else { cells[rowIndex, index].SetStyle(stylel);//項次居左 } index++; } // This method adds formatted conditions. private FormatConditionCollection GetFormatCondition(string cellAreaName, Color color) { // Adds an empty conditional formattings var index = sheet.ConditionalFormattings.Add(); // Get the formatted conditions var formatConditions = sheet.ConditionalFormattings[index]; // Get the cell area calling the custom GetCellAreaByName method var area = GetCellAreaByName(cellAreaName); // Add the formatted conditions cell area. formatConditions.AddArea(area); // Call the custom FillCell method FillCell(cellAreaName, color); // Return the formatted conditions return formatConditions; } // This method specifies the cell shading color for the conditional formattings cellarea range. private void FillCell(string cellAreaName, Color color) { var area = GetCellAreaByName(cellAreaName); var k = 0; for (int i = area.StartColumn; i <= area.EndColumn; i++) { for (int j = area.StartRow; j <= area.EndRow; j++) { var c = sheet.Cells[j, i]; if (!color.IsEmpty) { var s = c.GetStyle(); s.ForegroundColor = color; s.Pattern = BackgroundType.Solid; c.SetStyle(s); } // Set some random values to the cells in the cellarea range var value = j + i + k; c.PutValue(value); k++; } } } // This method specifies the CellArea range (start row, start col, end row, end col etc.) For // the conditional formatting internal static CellArea GetCellAreaByName(string s) { var area = new CellArea(); var strCellRange = s.Replace("$", "").Split(':'); CellsHelper.CellNameToIndex(strCellRange[0], out area.StartRow, out int column); area.StartColumn = column; if (strCellRange.Length == 1) { area.EndRow = area.StartRow; area.EndColumn = area.StartColumn; } else { CellsHelper.CellNameToIndex(strCellRange[1], out area.EndRow, out column); area.EndColumn = column; } return area; } private static void SetCellsWisth(int iCol, string sText, Dictionary o_saItemsWidth) { double iWidth_New = 0; var c = sText.ToCharArray(); for (int i = 0; i < c.Length; i++) { if (c[i] >= 0x4e00 && c[i] <= 0x9fbb) { iWidth_New += 2.5; } else { iWidth_New += 1.2; } } iWidth_New = iWidth_New > 50 ? 50 : iWidth_New;//最大給50 if (o_saItemsWidth.Keys.Contains(iCol.ToString())) { foreach (string key in o_saItemsWidth.Keys) { if (key == iCol.ToString() && iWidth_New > double.Parse(o_saItemsWidth[key].ToString())) { o_saItemsWidth[key] = iWidth_New; break; } } } else { o_saItemsWidth.Add(iCol.ToString(), iWidth_New); } } public static Dictionary GetExportAlain(object oHeader, object AlainCenter = null, object AlainRight = null) { var dicAlain = new Dictionary(); AlainCenter = AlainCenter ?? ""; AlainRight = AlainRight ?? ""; if (oHeader.GetType() == typeof(Dictionary)) { var dicHeader = oHeader as Dictionary; PushAlain(dicHeader, AlainCenter, AlainRight, ref dicAlain); } else { var listHeader = oHeader as List>; foreach (Dictionary group in listHeader) { var dicCols = group["Header"] as Dictionary; PushAlain(dicCols, AlainCenter, AlainRight, ref dicAlain); } } return dicAlain; } private static void PushAlain(Dictionary cols, object AlainCenter, object AlainRight, ref Dictionary dicAlain) { var saAlainCenter = new string[] { }; var sAlainCenter = string.Empty; var saAlainRight = new string[] { }; var sAlainRight = string.Empty; if (typeof(string) == AlainCenter.GetType()) { sAlainCenter = AlainCenter.ToString(); } else { saAlainCenter = AlainCenter as string[]; } if (typeof(string) == AlainRight.GetType()) { sAlainRight = AlainRight.ToString(); } else { saAlainRight = AlainRight as string[]; } foreach (string key in cols.Keys) { if (key == "RowIndex") { dicAlain.Add("RowIndex", "center"); } else if (sAlainCenter.Contains(key) || saAlainCenter.Contains(key)) { dicAlain.Add(key, "center"); } else { if (sAlainRight.Contains(key) || saAlainRight.Contains(key)) { dicAlain.Add(key, "right"); } else { dicAlain.Add(key, "left"); } } } } } }