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Modern will set accordion mode on menu."); }; $('body').toggleClass('page-sidebar-fixed'); if ($('body').hasClass('.page-sidebar-fixed')) { $('.page-sidebar-inner').slimScroll({ destroy: true }); }; $('.page-sidebar-inner').slimScroll(); sidebarAndContentHeight(); }, horizontalBar = function () { $('.sidebar').toggleClass('horizontal-bar'); $('.sidebar').toggleClass('page-sidebar'); $('body').toggleClass('page-horizontal-bar'); if (($('body').hasClass('page-sidebar-fixed')) && (!$('body').hasClass('page-header-fixed'))) {; alert("Static header isn't compatible with fixed horizontal nav mode. 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Modern will set static mode on sidebar."); }; $('body').toggleClass('hover-menu'); sidebarAndContentHeight(); }; // Logo text on Collapsed Sidebar $('.small-sidebar .navbar .logo-box a span').html($('.navbar .logo-box a span').text() == smTxt ? str : smTxt); if (!$('.theme-settings').length) { $('.sidebar-toggle').click(function () { collapseSidebar(); }); }; if ($('.theme-settings').length) { fixedHeaderCheck.onchange = function () { //debugger; fixedHeader(); }; //fixedSidebarCheck.onchange = function () { // fixedSidebar(); //}; //horizontalBarCheck.onchange = function () { // horizontalBar(); //}; //toggleSidebarCheck.onchange = function () { // collapseSidebar(); //}; //compactMenuCheck.onchange = function () { // compactMenu(); //}; //hoverMenuCheck.onchange = function () { // hoverMenu(); //}; //boxedLayoutCheck.onchange = function () { // boxedLayout(); //}; // Sidebar Toggle $('.sidebar-toggle').click(function () { //; collapseSidebar(); }); // Reset options $('.reset-options').click(function () { defaultOptions(); }); // Color changer $(".colorbox").click(function () { var color = $(this).attr('data-css'); $(".theme-color").attr('href', 'assets/css/themes/' + color + '.css'); return false; }); // Fixed Sidebar Bug if (!($('body').hasClass('page-sidebar-fixed')) && (fixedSidebarCheck.checked == 1)) { $('body').addClass('page-sidebar-fixed'); } //if (($('body').hasClass('page-sidebar-fixed')) && (fixedSidebarCheck.checked == 0)) { // $('.fixed-sidebar-check').prop('checked', true); //} // Fixed Header Bug if (!($('body').hasClass('page-header-fixed')) && (fixedHeaderCheck.checked == 1)) { $('body').addClass('page-header-fixed'); } if (($('body').hasClass('page-header-fixed')) && (fixedHeaderCheck.checked == 0)) { $('.fixed-header-check').prop('checked', true); } // horizontal bar Bug //if (!($('body').hasClass('page-horizontal-bar')) && (horizontalBarCheck.checked == 1)) { // $('body').addClass('page-horizontal-bar'); // $('.sidebar').addClass('horizontal-bar'); // $('.sidebar').removeClass('page-sidebar'); //} //if (($('body').hasClass('page-horizontal-bar')) && (horizontalBarCheck.checked == 0)) { // $('.horizontal-bar-check').prop('checked', true); //} // Toggle Sidebar Bug //if (!($('body').hasClass('small-sidebar')) && (toggleSidebarCheck.checked == 1)) { // $('body').addClass('small-sidebar'); //} //if (($('body').hasClass('small-sidebar')) && (toggleSidebarCheck.checked == 0)) { // $('.horizontal-bar-check').prop('checked', true); //} // Boxed Layout Bug //if (!($('.page-content').hasClass('container')) && (boxedLayoutCheck.checked == 1)) { // $('.toggle-sidebar-check').addClass('container'); //} //if (($('.page-content').hasClass('container')) && (boxedLayoutCheck.checked == 0)) { // $('.boxed-layout-check').prop('checked', true); //} //// Boxed Layout Bug //if (!($('.page-content').hasClass('container')) && (boxedLayoutCheck.checked == 1)) { // $('.toggle-sidebar-check').addClass('container'); //} //if (($('.page-content').hasClass('container')) && (boxedLayoutCheck.checked == 0)) { // $('.boxed-layout-check').prop('checked', true); //} //// Boxed Layout Bug //if (!($('.page-content').hasClass('container')) && (boxedLayoutCheck.checked == 1)) { // $('.toggle-sidebar-check').addClass('container'); //} //if (($('.page-content').hasClass('container')) && (boxedLayoutCheck.checked == 0)) { // $('.boxed-layout-check').prop('checked', true); //} } // Chat Sidebar // Chat Sidebar if ($('.chat').length) { var menuRight = document.getElementById('cbp-spmenu-s1'), showRight = document.getElementById('showRight'), closeRight = document.getElementById('closeRight'), menuRight2 = document.getElementById('cbp-spmenu-s2'), closeRight2 = document.getElementById('closeRight2'), body = document.body; showRight.onclick = function () { classie.toggle(menuRight, 'cbp-spmenu-open'); }; closeRight.onclick = function () { classie.toggle(menuRight, 'cbp-spmenu-open'); }; closeRight2.onclick = function () { classie.toggle(menuRight2, 'cbp-spmenu-open'); }; $('.showRight2').click(function () { classie.toggle(menuRight2, 'cbp-spmenu-open'); }); $(".chat-write form input").keypress(function (e) { if ((e.which == 13) && (!$(this).val().length == 0)) { $('
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