You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
1427 lines
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1427 lines
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using EasyBL.WebApi.Message;
using EasyNet;
using Entity;
using Entity.Sugar;
using JumpKick.HttpLib;
using SqlSugar;
using SqlSugar.Base;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Net;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
namespace EasyBL.WEBAPP.CRM
public class Customers_UpdService : ServiceBase
#region 客戶管理編輯(單筆查詢)
/// <summary>
/// 客戶管理編輯(單筆查詢)
/// </summary>
/// <param name="i_crm"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public ResponseMessage QueryOne(RequestMessage i_crm)
ResponseMessage rm = null;
string sMsg = null;
var db = SugarBase.GetIntance();
var sId = _fetchString(i_crm, @"guid");
var oEntity = db.Queryable<OTB_CRM_Customers, OTB_SYS_Members, OTB_SYS_Members>
((t1, t2, t3) =>
new object[] {
JoinType.Left, t1.OrgID == t2.OrgID && t1.CreateUser == t2.MemberID,
JoinType.Left, t1.OrgID == t3.OrgID && t1.ModifyUser == t3.MemberID
.Where((t1, t2, t3) => t1.OrgID == i_crm.ORIGID && t1.guid == sId)
.Select((t1, t2, t3) => new OTB_CRM_Customers
guid = SqlFunc.GetSelfAndAutoFill(t1.guid),
CreateUserName = t2.MemberName,
ModifyUserName = t3.MemberName
rm = new SuccessResponseMessage(null, i_crm);
rm.DATA.Add(BLWording.REL, oEntity);
} while (false);
catch (Exception ex)
sMsg = Util.GetLastExceptionMsg(ex);
LogAndSendEmail(sMsg + "Params:" + JsonToString(i_crm), ex, i_crm.ORIGID, i_crm.USERID, nameof(Customers_QryService), "", "QueryOne(客戶管理編輯(單筆查詢))", "", "", "");
if (null != sMsg)
rm = new ErrorResponseMessage(sMsg, i_crm);
return rm;
#endregion 客戶管理編輯(單筆查詢)
#region 客戶管理編輯(單筆查詢)
/// <summary>
/// 客戶管理編輯(單筆查詢)
/// </summary>
/// <param name="i_crm"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public ResponseMessage QueryCout(RequestMessage i_crm)
ResponseMessage rm = null;
string sMsg = null;
var db = SugarBase.GetIntance();
var sId = _fetchString(i_crm, @"guid");
var sCustomerShotCName = _fetchString(i_crm, @"CustomerShotCName");
var sUniCode = _fetchString(i_crm, @"UniCode");
var iCount = db.Queryable<OTB_CRM_Customers>()
.Where(x => x.OrgID == i_crm.ORIGID)
.WhereIF(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sId), x => x.guid != sId)
.WhereIF(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sCustomerShotCName), x => x.CustomerShotCName == sCustomerShotCName)
.WhereIF(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sUniCode), x => x.UniCode == sUniCode)
rm = new SuccessResponseMessage(null, i_crm);
rm.DATA.Add(BLWording.REL, iCount);
} while (false);
catch (Exception ex)
sMsg = Util.GetLastExceptionMsg(ex);
LogAndSendEmail(sMsg + "Params:" + JsonToString(i_crm), ex, i_crm.ORIGID, i_crm.USERID, nameof(Customers_QryService), "", "QueryOne(客戶管理編輯(單筆查詢))", "", "", "");
if (null != sMsg)
rm = new ErrorResponseMessage(sMsg, i_crm);
return rm;
#endregion 客戶管理編輯(單筆查詢)
/// <summary>
/// 檢查客戶簡稱(不能重複)與統一編號(不能重複),組織不同視為不同
/// </summary>
/// <param name="i_crm"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
private Tuple<bool, string> CheckShortNameAndUniCode(RequestMessage i_crm)
var OrgID = i_crm.ORIGID;
if (i_crm.TYPE == "CopySync")
OrgID = _fetchString(i_crm, OTB_CRM_Customers.CN_ORGID);
var db = SugarBase.GetIntance();
var iCount = -1;
var sTransactiontype = _fetchString(i_crm, @"TransactionType");
var sId = _fetchString(i_crm, @"guid");
var sCustomerShotCName = _fetchString(i_crm, @"CustomerShotCName");
var sUniCode = _fetchString(i_crm, @"UniCode");
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(sCustomerShotCName))
return new Tuple<bool, string>(false, "客戶簡稱不得為空。");
var sTaxpayerOrgID = _fetchString(i_crm, @"TaxpayerOrgID");
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(sTransactiontype))
var TypeAD = sTransactiontype.Any(c => c == 'D' || c == 'A');
if (OrgID == "SG")
var SqlType = @" (CustomerShotCName = @CustomerShotCName {1} )";
var TaxpayerOrgIDSql = "";
var ConvertedTaxpayerOrgID = sTaxpayerOrgID.Trim() ?? "";
var TaxpayerOrgIDLength = ConvertedTaxpayerOrgID.Length;
//Type A or D 一定要輸入納稅人組織號
if (TypeAD && TaxpayerOrgIDLength > 18)
return new Tuple<bool, string>(false, "交易型態為A或D時,納稅人組織號必填且為限制18碼內。");
//有輸入統編的話 一定要8碼
if (TaxpayerOrgIDLength > 0 && TaxpayerOrgIDLength < 18)
return new Tuple<bool, string>(false, "納稅人組織號需要18碼。");
if (TaxpayerOrgIDLength == 18)
TaxpayerOrgIDSql = "OR TaxpayerOrgID = @TaxpayerOrgID";
SqlType = SqlType.Replace("{1}", TaxpayerOrgIDSql);
iCount = db.Queryable<OTB_CRM_Customers>()
.Where(x => x.OrgID == i_crm.ORIGID)
.WhereIF(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sId), x => x.guid != sId)
.Where(SqlType, new { CustomerShotCName = sCustomerShotCName, TaxpayerOrgID = ConvertedTaxpayerOrgID })
var SqlType = @" (CustomerShotCName = @CustomerShotCName {1} )";
var UnicodeSql = "";
var ConvertedUnicode = sUniCode.Trim() ?? "";
var UnicodeLength = ConvertedUnicode.Length;
//Type A or D 一定要輸入統編
if (TypeAD && UnicodeLength < 8)
return new Tuple<bool, string>(false, "交易型態為A或D時,統一編號必填且為8碼。");
//有輸入統編的話 一定要8碼
if (UnicodeLength > 0 && UnicodeLength < 8)
return new Tuple<bool, string>(false, "統一編號需要8碼。");
if (UnicodeLength == 8)
UnicodeSql = "OR UniCode = @UniCode";
SqlType = SqlType.Replace("{1}", UnicodeSql);
iCount = db.Queryable<OTB_CRM_Customers>()
.Where(x => x.OrgID == OrgID)
.WhereIF(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sId), x => x.guid != sId)
.Where(SqlType, new { CustomerShotCName = sCustomerShotCName, UniCode = sUniCode })
catch (Exception ex)
var sMsg = Util.GetLastExceptionMsg(ex);
LogAndSendEmail(sMsg + "Params:" + JsonToString(i_crm), ex, i_crm.ORIGID, i_crm.USERID, nameof(Customers_QryService), "", "CheckShortNameAndUniCode(客戶管理編輯(檢查客戶簡稱與統一編號))", "", "", "");
var TaxName = "統一編號";
if (OrgID == "SG")
TaxName = "納稅人組織號";
switch (iCount)
case 0:
return new Tuple<bool, string>(true, "沒有找到重複" + TaxName + "或簡稱。");
case -1:
return new Tuple<bool, string>(false, "尋找過程發生錯誤,請稍後嘗試。");
return new Tuple<bool, string>(false, TaxName + "或客戶簡稱重複。請重新檢查資料。");
#region 客戶管理編輯(新增)
/// <summary>
/// 客戶管理編輯(新增)
/// </summary>
/// <param name="i_crm">todo: describe i_crm parameter on UpdImportCustomers</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public ResponseMessage Insert(RequestMessage i_crm)
ResponseMessage rm = null;
string sMsg = null;
var CheckResult = CheckShortNameAndUniCode(i_crm);
if (!CheckResult.Item1)
return new ErrorResponseMessage(CheckResult.Item2, i_crm);
rm = SugarBase.ExecTran(db =>
string sCustomerGUID = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
var oEntity = _fetchEntity<OTB_CRM_Customers>(i_crm);
_setEntityBase(oEntity, i_crm);
oEntity.guid = sCustomerGUID;
oEntity.IsAudit = "N";
oEntity.CustomerNO = SerialNumber.GetMaxNumberByType(i_crm.ORIGID, oEntity.CustomerNO, MaxNumberType.Empty, i_crm.USERID, 3);
var oMstEntity = _fetchEntity<OTB_CRM_CustomersMST>(i_crm);
_setEntityBase(oMstEntity, i_crm);
oMstEntity.guid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
oMstEntity.CustomerNO = oEntity.CustomerNO;
oMstEntity.customer_guid = sCustomerGUID;
oMstEntity.Effective = "Y";
var iRel = db.Insertable(oEntity).ExecuteReturnEntity();
var iRelMst = db.Insertable(oMstEntity).ExecuteCommand();
rm = new SuccessResponseMessage(null, i_crm);
rm.DATA.Add(BLWording.REL, iRel);
} while (false);
return rm;
catch (Exception ex)
sMsg = Util.GetLastExceptionMsg(ex);
LogAndSendEmail(sMsg + @"Param:" + JsonToString(i_crm), ex, i_crm.ORIGID, i_crm.USERID, nameof(Customers_UpdService), @"客戶管理編輯", @"Add(客戶管理編輯(新增))", @"", @"", @"");
if (null != sMsg)
rm = new ErrorResponseMessage(sMsg, i_crm);
return rm;
#endregion 客戶管理編輯(新增)
#region 客戶管理編輯(修改)
/// <summary>
/// 客戶管理編輯(修改)
/// </summary>
/// <param name="i_crm">todo: describe i_crm parameter on UpdImportCustomers</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public ResponseMessage Update(RequestMessage i_crm)
ResponseMessage rm = null;
string sMsg = null;
var CheckResult = CheckShortNameAndUniCode(i_crm);
if (!CheckResult.Item1)
return new ErrorResponseMessage(CheckResult.Item2, i_crm);
rm = SugarBase.ExecTran(db =>
var sId = _fetchString(i_crm, @"guid");
var oNewEntity = _fetchEntity<OTB_CRM_Customers>(i_crm);
_setEntityBase(oNewEntity, i_crm);
oNewEntity.IsAudit = "N";
string sOrgId = oNewEntity.OrgID;
if (oNewEntity.CustomerNO.Length == 4)
oNewEntity.CustomerNO = SerialNumber.GetMaxNumberByType(i_crm.ORIGID, oNewEntity.CustomerNO, MaxNumberType.Empty, i_crm.USERID, 3);
var oUpdMstEntity = _fetchEntity<OTB_CRM_CustomersMST>(i_crm);
db.Updateable(oUpdMstEntity).UpdateColumns(p => p.Effective == "N").Where(p => p.customer_guid == sId).ExecuteCommand();
var oInsertMstEntity = _fetchEntity<OTB_CRM_CustomersMST>(i_crm);
_setEntityBase(oInsertMstEntity, i_crm);
oInsertMstEntity.guid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
oInsertMstEntity.CustomerNO = oNewEntity.CustomerNO;
oInsertMstEntity.customer_guid = sId;
oInsertMstEntity.Effective = "Y";
var iRel = db.Updateable(oNewEntity)
.IgnoreColumns(x => new
var NewResult = db.Queryable<OTB_CRM_Customers>()
.Where(p => p.OrgID == sOrgId && p.guid == oNewEntity.guid)
rm = new SuccessResponseMessage(null, i_crm);
rm.DATA.Add(BLWording.REL, NewResult);
} while (false);
return rm;
catch (Exception ex)
sMsg = Util.GetLastExceptionMsg(ex);
LogAndSendEmail(sMsg + @"Param:" + JsonToString(i_crm), ex, i_crm.ORIGID, i_crm.USERID, nameof(Customers_UpdService), @"客戶管理編輯", @"Update(客戶管理編輯(修改))", @"", @"", @"");
if (null != sMsg)
rm = new ErrorResponseMessage(sMsg, i_crm);
return rm;
#endregion 客戶管理編輯(修改)
#region 客戶管理編輯(刪除)
/// <summary>
/// 客戶管理編輯(刪除)
/// </summary>
/// <param name="i_crm">todo: describe i_crm parameter on UpdImportCustomers</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public ResponseMessage Delete(RequestMessage i_crm)
ResponseMessage rm = null;
string sMsg = null;
rm = SugarBase.ExecTran(db =>
var sId = _fetchString(i_crm, @"guid");
var iRel = db.Deleteable<OTB_CRM_Customers>().Where(x => x.guid == sId).ExecuteCommand();
var iMstRel = db.Deleteable<OTB_CRM_CustomersMST>().Where(x => x.customer_guid == sId).ExecuteCommand();
rm = new SuccessResponseMessage(null, i_crm);
rm.DATA.Add(BLWording.REL, iRel);
} while (false);
return rm;
catch (Exception ex)
sMsg = Util.GetLastExceptionMsg(ex);
LogAndSendEmail(sMsg + @"Param:" + JsonToString(i_crm), ex, i_crm.ORIGID, i_crm.USERID, nameof(Customers_UpdService), @"客戶管理編輯", @"Delete(客戶管理編輯(刪除))", @"", @"", @"");
if (null != sMsg)
rm = new ErrorResponseMessage(sMsg, i_crm);
return rm;
#endregion 客戶管理編輯(刪除)
#region 客戶管理編輯(提交審核)
/// <summary>
/// 客戶管理編輯(提交審核)
/// </summary>
/// <param name="i_crm">todo: describe i_crm parameter on ToAudit</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public ResponseMessage ToAudit(RequestMessage i_crm)
ResponseMessage rm = null;
string sMsg = null;
var CheckResult = CheckShortNameAndUniCode(i_crm);
if (!CheckResult.Item1)
return new ErrorResponseMessage(CheckResult.Item2, i_crm);
rm = SugarBase.ExecTran(db =>
var sId = _fetchString(i_crm, EasyNetGlobalConstWord.GUID);
var sIsAudit = _fetchString(i_crm, @"IsAudit");
var sdb = new SimpleClient<OTB_CRM_Customers>(db);
var customer = sdb.GetById(sId);
if (customer == null)
sMsg = @"系統找不到對應的客戶資料,請核查!";
var sTitle = @"客戶資料「" + (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(customer.CustomerCName) ? customer.CustomerEName : customer.CustomerCName) + @"」申請審核";
if (i_crm.LANG == @"zh")
sTitle = ChineseStringUtility.ToSimplified(sTitle);
var oCustomersUpd = new OTB_CRM_Customers
IsAudit = sIsAudit,
ToAuditer = i_crm.USERID,
ModifyUser = i_crm.USERID,
ModifyDate = DateTime.Now
.UpdateColumns(it => new { it.IsAudit, it.ToAuditer, it.ModifyUser, it.ModifyDate })
.Where(it => it.guid == sId).ExecuteCommand();
SYS.Task_QryService.TaskStatusUpd(db, i_crm.ORIGID, sId);
var listTips = new List<OTB_SYS_Tips>();
var listTask = new List<OTB_SYS_Task>();
var lstCustomersAuditUsers = new List<string>();
var sCustomersAuditUsers = Common.GetSystemSetting(db, i_crm.ORIGID, @"CustomersAuditUsers");
if (sCustomersAuditUsers != @"")
var saCustomersAuditUsers = sCustomersAuditUsers.Split(new string[] { @";", @",", @",", @"|" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
lstCustomersAuditUsers = saCustomersAuditUsers.Distinct<string>().ToList();
foreach (string user in lstCustomersAuditUsers)
var oTaskAdd = SYS.Task_QryService.TaskAdd(i_crm, customer.guid, user, sTitle, i_crm.CUSTOMDATA[@"program_id"], @"?Action=Upd&guid=" + customer.guid);
var oTipsAdd = SYS.Task_QryService.TipsAdd(i_crm, sTitle, user, i_crm.CUSTOMDATA[@"program_id"] + @"|?Action=Upd&guid=" + customer.guid, WebAppGlobalConstWord.BELL);
if (listTips.Count > 0)
if (listTask.Count > 0)
rm = new SuccessResponseMessage(null, i_crm);
rm.DATA.Add(BLWording.REL, lstCustomersAuditUsers);
} while (false);
return rm;
catch (Exception ex)
sMsg = Util.GetLastExceptionMsg(ex);
LogAndSendEmail(sMsg + @"Param:" + JsonToString(i_crm), ex, i_crm.ORIGID, i_crm.USERID, nameof(Customers_UpdService), @"客戶管理編輯", @"ToAudit(客戶管理編輯(提交審核))", @"", @"", @"");
if (null != sMsg)
rm = new ErrorResponseMessage(sMsg, i_crm);
return rm;
#endregion 客戶管理編輯(提交審核)
#region 客戶管理編輯(主管會計審核)
/// <summary>
/// 客戶管理編輯(主管會計審核)
/// </summary>
/// <param name="i_crm">todo: describe i_crm parameter on Audit</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public ResponseMessage Audit(RequestMessage i_crm)
ResponseMessage rm = null;
string sMsg = null;
rm = SugarBase.ExecTran(db =>
var sId = _fetchString(i_crm, EasyNetGlobalConstWord.GUID);
var sIsAudit = _fetchString(i_crm, @"IsAudit");
var sNotPassReason = _fetchString(i_crm, @"NotPassReason");
var sdb = new SimpleClient<OTB_CRM_Customers>(db);
var customer = sdb.GetById(sId);
if (customer == null)
sMsg = @"系統找不到對應的客戶資料,請核查!";
var oCustomersUpd = new OTB_CRM_Customers
IsAudit = sIsAudit,
NotPassReason = sNotPassReason,
ModifyUser = i_crm.USERID,
ModifyDate = DateTime.Now
.UpdateColumns(it => new { it.IsAudit, it.NotPassReason, it.ModifyUser, it.ModifyDate })
.Where(it => it.guid == sId).ExecuteCommand();
SYS.Task_QryService.TaskStatusUpd(db, i_crm.ORIGID, sId);
var oUserInfo = db.Queryable<OTB_SYS_Members>().Single(it => it.OrgID == i_crm.ORIGID && it.MemberID == i_crm.USERID);
var sTitle = (oUserInfo.MemberName ?? i_crm.USERID) + @"審核了您創建的客戶資料「" + (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(customer.CustomerCName) ? customer.CustomerEName : customer.CustomerCName) + @"」,審核結果:";
sTitle += sIsAudit == @"Y" ? @"通過" : @"不通過";
if (i_crm.LANG == @"zh")
sTitle = ChineseStringUtility.ToSimplified(sTitle);
var TipsType = sIsAudit == @"Y" ? WebAppGlobalConstWord.CHECK : WebAppGlobalConstWord.FAIL;
var oTipsAdd = SYS.Task_QryService.TipsAdd(i_crm, sTitle, customer.ToAuditer, i_crm.CUSTOMDATA[@"program_id"] + @"|?Action=Upd&guid=" + customer.guid, TipsType);
if (sIsAudit == @"Q")
var oTaskAdd = SYS.Task_QryService.TaskAdd(i_crm, customer.guid, customer.ToAuditer, sTitle, i_crm.CUSTOMDATA[@"program_id"], @"?Action=Upd&guid=" + customer.guid);
var oCustomersTransferAdd = new OTB_CRM_CustomersTransfer();
var sEventID = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
oCustomersTransferAdd.OrgID = i_crm.ORIGID;
oCustomersTransferAdd.Feild01 = customer.CustomerNO;
oCustomersTransferAdd.Feild02 = @"0";
oCustomersTransferAdd.Feild03 = Common.CutByteString(customer.CustomerShotCName, 12);
oCustomersTransferAdd.Feild04 = Common.CutByteString(customer.CustomerCName == @"" ? customer.CustomerEName : customer.CustomerCName, 60);
oCustomersTransferAdd.Feild05 = @"";
oCustomersTransferAdd.Feild06 = @"";
oCustomersTransferAdd.Feild07 = customer.UniCode;
oCustomersTransferAdd.Feild08 = @"";
oCustomersTransferAdd.Feild09 = @"";
oCustomersTransferAdd.Feild10 = Common.CutByteString(customer.InvoiceAddress, 60);
oCustomersTransferAdd.Feild11 = Common.CutByteString(customer.Address, 60);
oCustomersTransferAdd.Feild12 = @"";
oCustomersTransferAdd.Feild13 = @"";
oCustomersTransferAdd.Feild14 = Common.CutByteString(customer.Telephone, 20);
oCustomersTransferAdd.Feild15 = @"";
oCustomersTransferAdd.Feild16 = Common.CutByteString(customer.FAX, 20);
oCustomersTransferAdd.Feild17 = @"";
oCustomersTransferAdd.Feild18 = @"";
oCustomersTransferAdd.Feild19 = @"";
oCustomersTransferAdd.Feild20 = @"";
oCustomersTransferAdd.Feild21 = @"";
oCustomersTransferAdd.Feild22 = @"";
oCustomersTransferAdd.Feild23 = Common.CutByteString(customer.Memo, 30);
oCustomersTransferAdd.Feild24 = @"100";
oCustomersTransferAdd.Feild25 = @"";
oCustomersTransferAdd.Feild26 = @"";
oCustomersTransferAdd.Feild27 = @"100";
oCustomersTransferAdd.Feild28 = @"";
oCustomersTransferAdd.Feild29 = Common.CutByteString(customer.CreateUser.Split('.')[0], 11);
oCustomersTransferAdd.Feild30 = @"";
oCustomersTransferAdd.Feild31 = @"";
oCustomersTransferAdd.Feild32 = @"";
oCustomersTransferAdd.Feild33 = @"";
oCustomersTransferAdd.Feild34 = @"";
oCustomersTransferAdd.Feild35 = @"";
oCustomersTransferAdd.Feild36 = @"";
oCustomersTransferAdd.Feild37 = @"B,C".IndexOf(customer.TransactionType) > -1 ? @"6" : @"5";
oCustomersTransferAdd.Feild38 = @"2";
oCustomersTransferAdd.Feild39 = @"";
oCustomersTransferAdd.Feild40 = @"";
oCustomersTransferAdd.Feild41 = @"1";
oCustomersTransferAdd.Feild42 = @"";
oCustomersTransferAdd.Feild43 = @"";
oCustomersTransferAdd.Feild44 = @"";
oCustomersTransferAdd.Feild45 = @"";
oCustomersTransferAdd.Feild46 = @"";
oCustomersTransferAdd.Feild47 = @"";
oCustomersTransferAdd.Feild48 = @"";
oCustomersTransferAdd.Feild49 = @"";
oCustomersTransferAdd.Feild50 = @"";
oCustomersTransferAdd.Feild51 = @"";
oCustomersTransferAdd.Feild52 = @"";
oCustomersTransferAdd.Feild53 = @"";
oCustomersTransferAdd.Feild54 = @"";
oCustomersTransferAdd.Feild55 = @"";
oCustomersTransferAdd.Feild56 = @"";
oCustomersTransferAdd.Feild57 = @"";
oCustomersTransferAdd.Feild58 = customer.CustomerNO;
oCustomersTransferAdd.Feild59 = @"";
oCustomersTransferAdd.Feild60 = @"";
oCustomersTransferAdd.Feild61 = @"";
oCustomersTransferAdd.Feild62 = @"";
oCustomersTransferAdd.Feild63 = @"";
oCustomersTransferAdd.Feild64 = @"";
oCustomersTransferAdd.Feild65 = @"";
oCustomersTransferAdd.Feild66 = @"";
oCustomersTransferAdd.Feild67 = @"";
oCustomersTransferAdd.Feild68 = @"";
oCustomersTransferAdd.Feild69 = @"";
oCustomersTransferAdd.Feild70 = @"";
oCustomersTransferAdd.Feild71 = @"";
oCustomersTransferAdd.Feild72 = @"";
oCustomersTransferAdd.Feild73 = @"";
oCustomersTransferAdd.Feild74 = @"";
oCustomersTransferAdd.Feild75 = @"";
oCustomersTransferAdd.Feild76 = @"";
oCustomersTransferAdd.Feild77 = @"";
oCustomersTransferAdd.Feild78 = @"";
oCustomersTransferAdd.Feild79 = @"";
oCustomersTransferAdd.Feild80 = @"";
oCustomersTransferAdd.Feild81 = @"";
oCustomersTransferAdd.Feild82 = Common.CutByteString(customer.CustomerEName, 120);
var sAddress = customer.Address;
var cn = new Regex(@"[一-龥]+");//正则表达式 表示汉字范围
if (cn.IsMatch(sAddress))
sAddress = @"";
oCustomersTransferAdd.Feild83 = Common.CutByteString(sAddress, 240);
oCustomersTransferAdd.Feild84 = @"";
oCustomersTransferAdd.Feild85 = @"";
oCustomersTransferAdd.Feild86 = @"";
oCustomersTransferAdd.Feild87 = @"";
oCustomersTransferAdd.Feild88 = @"";
oCustomersTransferAdd.Feild89 = @"";
oCustomersTransferAdd.Feild90 = @"";
oCustomersTransferAdd.Feild91 = @"0";
oCustomersTransferAdd.Feild92 = @"0";
oCustomersTransferAdd.Feild93 = @"";
oCustomersTransferAdd.Feild94 = @"";
oCustomersTransferAdd.Feild95 = @"";
oCustomersTransferAdd.Feild96 = @"";
oCustomersTransferAdd.Feild97 = @"";
oCustomersTransferAdd.Feild98 = @"";
oCustomersTransferAdd.Feild99 = @"";
rm = new SuccessResponseMessage(null, i_crm);
rm.DATA.Add(BLWording.REL, customer.ToAuditer);
} while (false);
return rm;
catch (Exception ex)
sMsg = Util.GetLastExceptionMsg(ex);
LogAndSendEmail(sMsg + @"Param:" + JsonToString(i_crm), ex, i_crm.ORIGID, i_crm.USERID, nameof(Customers_UpdService), @"客戶管理編輯", @"Audit(客戶管理編輯(主管會計審核))", @"", @"", @"");
if (null != sMsg)
rm = new ErrorResponseMessage(sMsg, i_crm);
return rm;
#endregion 客戶管理編輯(主管會計審核)
#region 客戶管理編輯(取消審核)
/// <summary>
/// 客戶管理編輯(取消審核)
/// </summary>
/// <param name="i_crm">todo: describe i_crm parameter on CancelAudit</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public ResponseMessage CancelAudit(RequestMessage i_crm)
ResponseMessage rm = null;
string sMsg = null;
rm = SugarBase.ExecTran(db =>
var sId = _fetchString(i_crm, EasyNetGlobalConstWord.GUID);
var sNotPassReason = _fetchString(i_crm, @"NotPassReason");
var sUserName = _fetchString(i_crm, @"UserName");
var sdb = new SimpleClient<OTB_CRM_Customers>(db);
var customer = sdb.GetById(sId);
if (customer == null)
sMsg = @"系統找不到對應的客戶資料,請核查!";
var sTitle = sUserName + @"客戶管理取消審核了您創建的客戶資料「" + (customer.CustomerCName.Trim() == @"" ? customer.CustomerEName : customer.CustomerCName) + @"」";
if (i_crm.LANG == @"zh")
sTitle = ChineseStringUtility.ToSimplified(sTitle);
var oCustomersUpd = new OTB_CRM_Customers
IsAudit = @"N",
NotPassReason = sNotPassReason,
ModifyUser = i_crm.USERID,
ModifyDate = DateTime.Now
.UpdateColumns(it => new { it.IsAudit, it.NotPassReason, it.ModifyUser, it.ModifyDate })
.Where(it => it.guid == sId).ExecuteCommand();
SYS.Task_QryService.TaskStatusUpd(db, i_crm.ORIGID, sId);
var oTipsAdd = SYS.Task_QryService.TipsAdd(i_crm, sTitle, customer.ToAuditer, i_crm.CUSTOMDATA[@"program_id"] + @"|?Action=Upd&guid=" + customer.guid, WebAppGlobalConstWord.BELL);
var oTaskAdd = SYS.Task_QryService.TaskAdd(i_crm, customer.guid, customer.ToAuditer, sTitle, i_crm.CUSTOMDATA[@"program_id"], @"?Action=Upd&guid=" + customer.guid);
rm = new SuccessResponseMessage(null, i_crm);
rm.DATA.Add(BLWording.REL, customer.ToAuditer);
} while (false);
return rm;
catch (Exception ex)
sMsg = Util.GetLastExceptionMsg(ex);
LogAndSendEmail(sMsg + @"Param:" + JsonToString(i_crm), ex, i_crm.ORIGID, i_crm.USERID, nameof(Customers_UpdService), @"客戶管理編輯", @"CancelAudit(客戶管理編輯(取消審核))", @"", @"", @"");
if (null != sMsg)
rm = new ErrorResponseMessage(sMsg, i_crm);
return rm;
#endregion 客戶管理編輯(取消審核)
#region 客戶管理編輯(提交申請修改)
/// <summary>
/// 客戶管理編輯(提交申請修改)
/// </summary>
/// <param name="i_crm">todo: describe i_crm parameter on ApplyforUpdate</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public ResponseMessage ApplyforUpdate(RequestMessage i_crm)
ResponseMessage rm = null;
string sMsg = null;
rm = SugarBase.ExecTran(db =>
var sId = _fetchString(i_crm, @"Guid");
var sNotPassReason = _fetchString(i_crm, @"NotPassReason");
var sdb = new SimpleClient<OTB_CRM_Customers>(db);
var oCustomers = sdb.GetById(sId);
if (oCustomers == null)
sMsg = @"系統找不到對應的請假資料,請核查!";
var oCustomersUpd = new OTB_CRM_Customers
IsAudit = @"Z",
NotPassReason = sNotPassReason,
ModifyUser = i_crm.USERID,
ModifyDate = DateTime.Now
.UpdateColumns(it => new { it.IsAudit, it.NotPassReason, it.ModifyUser, it.ModifyDate }).Where(it => it.guid == sId).ExecuteCommand();
var oUserInfo = db.Queryable<OTB_SYS_Members>().Single(it => it.OrgID == i_crm.ORIGID && it.MemberID == i_crm.USERID);
var sTitle = @"客戶資料「" + (oCustomers.CustomerCName.Trim() == @"" ? oCustomers.CustomerEName : oCustomers.CustomerCName) + @"」已被" + (oUserInfo.MemberName ?? @"") + @"申請修改";
var listTips = new List<OTB_SYS_Tips>();
//List<OTB_SYS_Task> listTask = new List<OTB_SYS_Task>();
var lstCustomersAuditUsers = new List<string>();
var sCustomersAuditUsers = Common.GetSystemSetting(db, i_crm.ORIGID, @"CustomersAuditUsers");
if (sCustomersAuditUsers != @"")
var saCustomersAuditUsers = sCustomersAuditUsers.Split(new string[] { @";", @",", @",", @"|" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
lstCustomersAuditUsers = saCustomersAuditUsers.Distinct<string>().ToList();
foreach (string user in lstCustomersAuditUsers)
//OTB_SYS_Task oTaskAdd = SYS.TaskService.TaskAdd(i_crm, oCustomers.guid, user, sTitle, i_crm.CUSTOMDATA["program_id"], "?Action=Upd&guid=" + oCustomers.guid);
var oTipsAdd = SYS.Task_QryService.TipsAdd(i_crm, sTitle, user, i_crm.CUSTOMDATA[@"program_id"] + @"|?Action=Upd&guid=" + oCustomers.guid, WebAppGlobalConstWord.BELL);
if (listTips.Count > 0)
//if (listTask.Count > 0)
// db.Insertable(listTask).ExecuteCommand();
rm = new SuccessResponseMessage(null, i_crm);
rm.DATA.Add(BLWording.REL, lstCustomersAuditUsers);
} while (false);
return rm;
catch (Exception ex)
sMsg = Util.GetLastExceptionMsg(ex);
LogAndSendEmail(sMsg + @"Param:" + JsonToString(i_crm), ex, i_crm.ORIGID, i_crm.USERID, nameof(Customers_UpdService), @"客戶管理編輯", @"ApplyforUpdate(客戶管理編輯(提交申請修改))", @"", @"", @"");
if (null != sMsg)
rm = new ErrorResponseMessage(sMsg, i_crm);
return rm;
#endregion 客戶管理編輯(提交申請修改)
#region 客戶管理編輯(抓取參加展覽列表資料)
/// <summary>
/// 客戶管理編輯(抓取參加展覽列表資料)
/// </summary>
/// <param name="i_crm">todo: describe i_crm parameter on GetExhibitionlist</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public ResponseMessage GetExhibitionlist(RequestMessage i_crm)
ResponseMessage rm = null;
string sMsg = null;
var db = SugarBase.GetIntance();
var sId = _fetchString(i_crm, @"Guid");
var saExhibitions = new List<Map>();
var saExport = db.Queryable<OTB_OPM_Exhibition, OTB_OPM_ExportExhibition>((t1, t2) => t1.SN.ToString() == t2.ExhibitionNO && t1.OrgID == t2.OrgID && t1.Effective == "Y" && t2.IsVoid == "N")
.Select((t1, t2) => new { t1.OrgID, t1.SN, t1.ExhibitionCode, t1.Exhibitioname_TW, t1.Exhibitioname_CN, t2.ExhibitionNO, t2.Exhibitors, t2.Agent }).MergeTable()
.Where(it => it.ExhibitionNO != @"" && it.OrgID == i_crm.ORIGID && (it.Exhibitors.Contains(sId) || it.Agent == sId)).ToList();
if (saExport.Count > 0)
foreach (var opm in saExport)
if (!saExhibitions.Any(x => (x[@"SN"].ToString() == opm.SN.ToString())))
var m = new Map
{ @"RowIndex", saExhibitions.Count + 1 },
{ @"SN", opm.SN },
{ @"ExhibitionCode", opm.ExhibitionCode },
{ @"Exhibitioname_TW", opm.Exhibitioname_TW },
{ @"Exhibitioname_CN", opm.Exhibitioname_CN }
var saImport = db.Queryable<OTB_OPM_Exhibition, OTB_OPM_ImportExhibition>((t1, t2) => t1.SN.ToString() == t2.ExhibitionNO && t1.OrgID == t2.OrgID && t1.Effective == "Y" && t2.IsVoid == "N")
.Select((t1, t2) => new { t1.OrgID, t1.SN, t1.ExhibitionCode, t1.Exhibitioname_TW, t1.Exhibitioname_CN, t2.ExhibitionNO, t2.Suppliers, t2.Supplier, t2.Agent }).MergeTable()
.Where(it => it.ExhibitionNO != @"" && it.OrgID == i_crm.ORIGID && (it.Suppliers.Contains(sId) || it.Supplier == sId || it.Agent == sId)).ToList();
if (saImport.Count > 0)
foreach (var opm in saImport)
if (!saExhibitions.Any(x => (x[@"SN"].ToString() == opm.SN.ToString())))
var m = new Map
{ @"RowIndex", saExhibitions.Count + 1 },
{ @"SN", opm.SN },
{ @"ExhibitionCode", opm.ExhibitionCode },
{ @"Exhibitioname_TW", opm.Exhibitioname_TW },
{ @"Exhibitioname_CN", opm.Exhibitioname_CN }
var saOther = db.Queryable<OTB_OPM_Exhibition, OTB_OPM_OtherExhibition>((t1, t2) => t1.SN.ToString() == t2.ExhibitionNO && t1.OrgID == t2.OrgID && t1.Effective == "Y" && t2.IsVoid == "N")
.Select((t1, t2) => new { t1.OrgID, t1.SN, t1.ExhibitionCode, t1.Exhibitioname_TW, t1.Exhibitioname_CN, t2.ExhibitionNO, t2.Supplier, t2.Agent }).MergeTable()
.Where(it => it.ExhibitionNO != @"" && it.OrgID == i_crm.ORIGID && (it.Supplier == sId || it.Agent == sId)).ToList();
if (saOther.Count > 0)
foreach (var opm in saOther)
if (!saExhibitions.Any(x => (x[@"SN"].ToString() == opm.SN.ToString())))
var m = new Map
{ @"RowIndex", saExhibitions.Count + 1 },
{ @"SN", opm.SN },
{ @"ExhibitionCode", opm.ExhibitionCode },
{ @"Exhibitioname_TW", opm.Exhibitioname_TW },
{ @"Exhibitioname_CN", opm.Exhibitioname_CN }
var saOtherTG = db.Queryable<OTB_OPM_Exhibition, OTB_OPM_OtherExhibitionTG>((t1, t2) => t1.SN.ToString() == t2.ExhibitionNO && t1.OrgID == t2.OrgID && t1.Effective == "Y" && t2.IsVoid == "N")
.Select((t1, t2) => new { t1.OrgID, t1.SN, t1.ExhibitionCode, t1.Exhibitioname_TW, t1.Exhibitioname_CN, t2.ExhibitionNO, t2.Exhibitors, t2.Agent }).MergeTable()
.Where(it => it.ExhibitionNO != @"" && it.OrgID == i_crm.ORIGID && (it.Exhibitors.Contains(sId) || it.Agent == sId)).ToList();
if (saOtherTG.Count > 0)
foreach (var opm in saOtherTG)
if (!saExhibitions.Any(x => (x[@"SN"].ToString() == opm.SN.ToString())))
var m = new Map
{ @"RowIndex", saExhibitions.Count + 1 },
{ @"SN", opm.SN },
{ @"ExhibitionCode", opm.ExhibitionCode },
{ @"Exhibitioname_TW", opm.Exhibitioname_TW },
{ @"Exhibitioname_CN", opm.Exhibitioname_CN }
rm = new SuccessResponseMessage(null, i_crm);
rm.DATA.Add(BLWording.REL, saExhibitions);
} while (false);
catch (Exception ex)
sMsg = Util.GetLastExceptionMsg(ex);
LogAndSendEmail(sMsg + @"Param:" + JsonToString(i_crm), ex, i_crm.ORIGID, i_crm.USERID, nameof(Customers_UpdService), @"客戶管理編輯", @"GetCustomers(客戶管理編輯(抓取參加展覽列表資料))", @"", @"", @"");
if (null != sMsg)
rm = new ErrorResponseMessage(sMsg, i_crm);
return rm;
#endregion 客戶管理編輯(抓取參加展覽列表資料)
#region 客戶管理編輯((通過政府API)依據客戶編碼抓取基本資料)
/// <summary>
/// 客戶管理編輯((通過政府API)依據客戶編碼抓取基本資料)
/// </summary>
/// <param name="i_crm">
/// <returns></returns>
public ResponseMessage GetCrmBaseDataByUniCode(RequestMessage i_crm)
ResponseMessage rm = null;
string sMsg = null;
var db = SugarBase.GetIntance();
var sUniCode = _fetchString(i_crm, @"UniCode");
var sKeyWords = _fetchString(i_crm, @"KeyWords");
var sAPIUrl = @"$format=json&$filter=Business_Accounting_NO eq ";
if (sUniCode != "")
sAPIUrl += sUniCode;
sAPIUrl = @"$format=json&$filter=Company_Name like " + sKeyWords + " and Company_Status eq 01";
var client = new HttpWebClient(sAPIUrl);
ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol = SecurityProtocolType.Tls12;
var sHtml = client.GetString();
rm = new SuccessResponseMessage(null, i_crm);
rm.DATA.Add(BLWording.REL, sHtml);
} while (false);
catch (Exception ex)
sMsg = Util.GetLastExceptionMsg(ex);
LogAndSendEmail(sMsg + @"Param:" + JsonToString(i_crm), ex, i_crm.ORIGID, i_crm.USERID, nameof(Customers_UpdService), @"客戶管理編輯", @"GetCrmBaseDataByUniCode(客戶管理編輯((通過政府API)依據客戶編碼抓取基本資料))", @"", @"", @"");
if (null != sMsg)
rm = new ErrorResponseMessage(sMsg, i_crm);
return rm;
#endregion 客戶管理編輯((通過政府API)依據客戶編碼抓取基本資料)
#region 客戶管理編輯(依據預約單號查詢匯入廠商)
/// <summary>
/// 客戶管理編輯(依據預約單號查詢匯入廠商)
/// </summary>
/// <param name="i_crm">todo: describe i_crm parameter on GetCrmBaseDataByUniCode</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public ResponseMessage GetImportCustomersByAppointNO(RequestMessage i_crm)
ResponseMessage rm = null;
string sMsg = null;
var db = SugarBase.GetIntance();
var sAppointNO = _fetchString(i_crm, @"AppointNO");
var oImportCustomers = db.Queryable<OTB_WSM_PackingOrder, OTB_CRM_ImportCustomers>(
(t1, t2) => t1.OrgID == t2.OrgID && t1.CustomerId == t2.guid)
.Where((t1, t2) => t1.OrgID == i_crm.ORIGID && t1.AppointNO == sAppointNO)
.Select((t1, t2) => t2)
rm = new SuccessResponseMessage(null, i_crm);
rm.DATA.Add(BLWording.REL, oImportCustomers);
} while (false);
catch (Exception ex)
sMsg = Util.GetLastExceptionMsg(ex);
LogAndSendEmail(sMsg + @"Param:" + JsonToString(i_crm), ex, i_crm.ORIGID, i_crm.USERID, nameof(Customers_UpdService), @"客戶管理編輯", @"GetImportCustomersByAppointNO(客戶管理編輯(依據預約單號查詢匯入廠商))", @"", @"", @"");
if (null != sMsg)
rm = new ErrorResponseMessage(sMsg, i_crm);
return rm;
#endregion 客戶管理編輯(依據預約單號查詢匯入廠商)
#region 客戶管理編輯(複製同步)
/// <summary>
/// 客戶管理編輯(複製同步)
/// </summary>
/// <param name="i_crm">todo: describe i_crm parameter on UpdImportCustomers</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public ResponseMessage CopySync(RequestMessage i_crm)
ResponseMessage rm = null;
string sMsg = null;
var CheckResult = CheckShortNameAndUniCode(i_crm);
if (!CheckResult.Item1)
return new ErrorResponseMessage(CheckResult.Item2, i_crm);
rm = SugarBase.ExecTran(db =>
string sCustomerGUID = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
string sOldCustomerGUID = string.Empty;
string sCurrentOrgID = _fetchString(i_crm, "currOrgID");
string sOrgID = _fetchString(i_crm, OTB_CRM_Customers.CN_ORGID);
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sOrgID))
sMsg = "OrgID Error";
var oEntity = _fetchEntity<OTB_CRM_Customers>(i_crm);
_setEntityBase(oEntity, i_crm);
sOldCustomerGUID = oEntity.guid;
oEntity.guid = sCustomerGUID;
oEntity.OrgID = sOrgID;
oEntity.CustomerNO = SerialNumber.GetMaxNumberByType(oEntity.OrgID, oEntity.CustomerNO, MaxNumberType.Empty, i_crm.USERID, 3);
var oMstEntity = _fetchEntity<OTB_CRM_CustomersMST>(i_crm);
_setEntityBase(oMstEntity, i_crm);
oMstEntity.guid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
oMstEntity.CustomerNO = oEntity.CustomerNO;
oMstEntity.customer_guid = sCustomerGUID;
oMstEntity.Effective = "Y";
#region 出口
//var saExport = db.Queryable<OTB_OPM_Exhibition, OTB_OPM_ExportExhibition>((t1, t2) => t1.SN.ToString() == t2.ExhibitionNO && t1.OrgID == t2.OrgID)
// .Select((t1, t2) => new { t1.OrgID, t1.SN, t1.ExhibitionCode, t1.Exhibitioname_TW, t1.Exhibitioname_CN, t2.ExhibitionNO, t2.Exhibitors, t2.Agent }).MergeTable()
// .Where(it => it.ExhibitionNO != @"" && it.OrgID == sCurrentOrgID && (it.Exhibitors.Contains(sOldCustomerGUID) || it.Agent == sOldCustomerGUID))
// .ToList();
//if (saExport.Count > 0)
// List<OTB_OPM_Exhibition> lExh = db.Queryable<OTB_OPM_Exhibition>()
// .Where(p => p.SN == saExport.Select(x => x.SN).First())
// .ToList();
// foreach (OTB_OPM_Exhibition data in lExh)
// {
// data.OrgID = sOrgID;
// data.OrgID = sOrgID;
// data.CreateUser = i_crm.USERID;
// data.CreateDate = DateTime.Now;
// data.ModifyUser = i_crm.USERID;
// data.ModifyDate = DateTime.Now;
// }
// List<OTB_OPM_ExportExhibition> lExportExh = db.Queryable<OTB_OPM_ExportExhibition>()
// .Where(p => p.ExhibitionNO == saExport.Select(x => x.SN).First().ToString())
// .ToList();
// var exData = db.Insertable<OTB_OPM_Exhibition>(lExh)
// .IgnoreColumns(p => p == OTB_OPM_Exhibition.CN_SN)
// .ExecuteReturnIdentity();
// foreach (OTB_OPM_ExportExhibition data in lExportExh)
// {
// data.ExportBillNO = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
// data.ExhibitionNO = exData.ToString();
// data.OrgID = sOrgID;
// data.CreateUser = i_crm.USERID;
// data.CreateDate = DateTime.Now;
// data.ModifyUser = i_crm.USERID;
// data.ModifyDate = DateTime.Now;
// if (data.Exhibitors.IndexOf(sOldCustomerGUID) > -1)
// {
// data.Exhibitors.Replace(sOldCustomerGUID, sCustomerGUID);
// }
// if (data.Agent == sOldCustomerGUID)
// {
// data.Agent = sCustomerGUID;
// }
// }
// db.Insertable<OTB_OPM_ExportExhibition>(lExportExh)
// .ExecuteCommand();
#region 進口
//var saImport = db.Queryable<OTB_OPM_Exhibition, OTB_OPM_ImportExhibition>((t1, t2) => t1.SN.ToString() == t2.ExhibitionNO && t1.OrgID == t2.OrgID)
// .Select((t1, t2) => new { t1.OrgID, t1.SN, t1.ExhibitionCode, t1.Exhibitioname_TW, t1.Exhibitioname_CN, t2.ExhibitionNO, t2.Supplier, t2.Agent }).MergeTable()
// .Where(it => it.ExhibitionNO != @"" && it.OrgID == sCurrentOrgID && (it.Supplier.Contains(sOldCustomerGUID) || it.Agent == sOldCustomerGUID))
// .ToList();
//if (saImport.Count > 0)
// List<OTB_OPM_Exhibition> lExh = db.Queryable<OTB_OPM_Exhibition>()
// .Where(p => p.SN == saImport.Select(x => x.SN).First())
// .ToList();
// foreach (OTB_OPM_Exhibition data in lExh)
// {
// data.OrgID = sOrgID;
// data.OrgID = sOrgID;
// data.CreateUser = i_crm.USERID;
// data.CreateDate = DateTime.Now;
// data.ModifyUser = i_crm.USERID;
// data.ModifyDate = DateTime.Now;
// }
// List<OTB_OPM_ImportExhibition> lImportExh = db.Queryable<OTB_OPM_ImportExhibition>()
// .Where(p => p.ExhibitionNO == saImport.Select(x => x.SN).First().ToString())
// .ToList();
// var exData = db.Insertable<OTB_OPM_Exhibition>(lExh)
// .IgnoreColumns(p => p == OTB_OPM_Exhibition.CN_SN)
// .ExecuteReturnIdentity();
// foreach (OTB_OPM_ImportExhibition data in lImportExh)
// {
// data.ExportBillNO = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
// data.ExhibitionNO = exData.ToString();
// data.OrgID = sOrgID;
// data.CreateUser = i_crm.USERID;
// data.CreateDate = DateTime.Now;
// data.ModifyUser = i_crm.USERID;
// data.ModifyDate = DateTime.Now;
// if (data.Supplier.IndexOf(sOldCustomerGUID) > -1)
// {
// data.Supplier.Replace(sOldCustomerGUID, sCustomerGUID);
// }
// if (data.Agent == sOldCustomerGUID)
// {
// data.Agent = sCustomerGUID;
// }
// }
// db.Insertable<OTB_OPM_ImportExhibition>(lImportExh)
// .ExecuteCommand();
#region 其他
//var saOther = db.Queryable<OTB_OPM_Exhibition, OTB_OPM_OtherExhibition>((t1, t2) => t1.SN.ToString() == t2.ExhibitionNO && t1.OrgID == t2.OrgID)
// .Select((t1, t2) => new { t1.OrgID, t1.SN, t1.ExhibitionCode, t1.Exhibitioname_TW, t1.Exhibitioname_CN, t2.ExhibitionNO, t2.Supplier, t2.Agent }).MergeTable()
// .Where(it => it.ExhibitionNO != @"" && it.OrgID == sCurrentOrgID && (it.Supplier == sOldCustomerGUID || it.Agent == sOldCustomerGUID))
// .ToList();
//if (saOther.Count > 0)
// List<OTB_OPM_Exhibition> lExh = db.Queryable<OTB_OPM_Exhibition>()
// .Where(p => p.SN == saOther.Select(x => x.SN).First())
// .ToList();
// foreach (OTB_OPM_Exhibition data in lExh)
// {
// data.OrgID = sOrgID;
// data.CreateUser = i_crm.USERID;
// data.CreateDate = DateTime.Now;
// data.ModifyUser = i_crm.USERID;
// data.ModifyDate = DateTime.Now;
// }
// List<OTB_OPM_OtherExhibition> lOtherExh = db.Queryable<OTB_OPM_OtherExhibition>()
// .Where(p => p.ExhibitionNO == saOther.Select(x => x.SN).First().ToString())
// .ToList();
// var exData = db.Insertable<OTB_OPM_Exhibition>(lExh)
// .IgnoreColumns(p => p == OTB_OPM_Exhibition.CN_SN)
// .ExecuteReturnIdentity();
// foreach (OTB_OPM_OtherExhibition data in lOtherExh)
// {
// data.Guid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
// data.ExhibitionNO = exData.ToString();
// data.OrgID = sOrgID;
// data.CreateUser = i_crm.USERID;
// data.CreateDate = DateTime.Now;
// data.ModifyUser = i_crm.USERID;
// data.ModifyDate = DateTime.Now;
// if (data.Supplier == sOldCustomerGUID)
// {
// data.Supplier = sCustomerGUID;
// }
// if (data.Agent == sOldCustomerGUID)
// {
// data.Agent = sCustomerGUID;
// }
// }
// db.Insertable<OTB_OPM_OtherExhibition>(lOtherExh)
// .ExecuteCommand();
#region 其他(駒驛)
//var saOtherTG = db.Queryable<OTB_OPM_Exhibition, OTB_OPM_OtherExhibitionTG>((t1, t2) => t1.SN.ToString() == t2.ExhibitionNO && t1.OrgID == t2.OrgID)
// .Select((t1, t2) => new { t1.OrgID, t1.SN, t1.ExhibitionCode, t1.Exhibitioname_TW, t1.Exhibitioname_CN, t2.ExhibitionNO, t2.Exhibitors, t2.Agent }).MergeTable()
// .Where(it => it.ExhibitionNO != @"" && it.OrgID == sCurrentOrgID && (it.Exhibitors.Contains(sOldCustomerGUID) || it.Agent == sOldCustomerGUID))
// .ToList();
//if (saOtherTG.Count > 0)
// List<OTB_OPM_Exhibition> lExh = db.Queryable<OTB_OPM_Exhibition>()
// .Where(p => p.SN == saOtherTG.Select(x => x.SN).First())
// .ToList();
// foreach (OTB_OPM_Exhibition data in lExh)
// {
// data.OrgID = sOrgID;
// data.CreateUser = i_crm.USERID;
// data.CreateDate = DateTime.Now;
// data.ModifyUser = i_crm.USERID;
// data.ModifyDate = DateTime.Now;
// }
// List<OTB_OPM_OtherExhibitionTG> lOtherTGExh = db.Queryable<OTB_OPM_OtherExhibitionTG>()
// .Where(p => p.ExhibitionNO == saOtherTG.Select(x => x.SN).First().ToString())
// .ToList();
// var exData = db.Insertable<OTB_OPM_Exhibition>(lExh)
// .IgnoreColumns(p => p == OTB_OPM_Exhibition.CN_SN)
// .ExecuteReturnIdentity();
// foreach (OTB_OPM_OtherExhibitionTG data in lOtherTGExh)
// {
// data.Guid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
// data.ExhibitionNO = exData.ToString();
// data.OrgID = sOrgID;
// data.CreateUser = i_crm.USERID;
// data.CreateDate = DateTime.Now;
// data.ModifyUser = i_crm.USERID;
// data.ModifyDate = DateTime.Now;
// if (data.Exhibitors.IndexOf(sOldCustomerGUID) > -1)
// {
// data.Exhibitors.Replace(sOldCustomerGUID, sCustomerGUID);
// }
// if (data.Agent == sOldCustomerGUID)
// {
// data.Agent = sCustomerGUID;
// }
// }
// db.Insertable<OTB_OPM_OtherExhibitionTG>(lOtherTGExh)
// .ExecuteCommand();
var iRel = db.Insertable(oEntity).ExecuteReturnEntity();
var iRelMst = db.Insertable(oMstEntity).ExecuteCommand();
rm = new SuccessResponseMessage(null, i_crm);
rm.DATA.Add(BLWording.REL, iRel);
} while (false);
return rm;
catch (Exception ex)
sMsg = Util.GetLastExceptionMsg(ex);
LogAndSendEmail(sMsg + @"Param:" + JsonToString(i_crm), ex, i_crm.ORIGID, i_crm.USERID, nameof(Customers_UpdService), @"客戶管理編輯", @"Update(客戶管理編輯(修改))", @"", @"", @"");
if (null != sMsg)
rm = new ErrorResponseMessage(sMsg, i_crm);
return rm;
#endregion 客戶管理編輯(修改)