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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq.Expressions;
namespace SqlSugar
public partial class SimpleClient
protected SqlSugarClient Context { get; set; }
public SqlSugarClient FullClient { get { return this.Context; } }
private SimpleClient()
public SimpleClient(SqlSugarClient context)
this.Context = context;
public T GetById<T>(dynamic id) where T : class, new()
return Context.Queryable<T>().InSingle(id);
public List<T> GetList<T>() where T : class, new()
return Context.Queryable<T>().ToList();
public List<T> GetList<T>(Expression<Func<T, bool>> whereExpression) where T : class, new()
return Context.Queryable<T>().Where(whereExpression).ToList();
public List<T> GetPageList<T>(Expression<Func<T, bool>> whereExpression, PageModel page) where T : class, new()
var count = 0;
var result = Context.Queryable<T>().Where(whereExpression).ToPageList(page.PageIndex, page.PageSize, ref count);
page.Total = count;
page.DataList = result;
return result;
public List<T> GetPageList<T>(List<IConditionalModel> conditionalList, PageModel page) where T : class, new()
var count = 0;
var result = Context.Queryable<T>().Where(conditionalList).ToPageList(page.PageIndex, page.PageSize, ref count);
page.Total = count;
page.DataList = result;
return result;
public bool IsAny<T>(Expression<Func<T, bool>> whereExpression) where T : class, new()
return Context.Queryable<T>().Where(whereExpression).Any();
public bool Insert<T>(T insertObj) where T : class, new()
return this.Context.Insertable(insertObj).ExecuteCommand() > 0;
public int InsertReturnIdentity<T>(T insertObj) where T : class, new()
return this.Context.Insertable(insertObj).ExecuteReturnIdentity();
public bool InsertRange<T>(T[] insertObjs) where T : class, new()
return this.Context.Insertable(insertObjs).ExecuteCommand() > 0;
public bool InsertRange<T>(List<T>[] insertObjs) where T : class, new()
return this.Context.Insertable(insertObjs).ExecuteCommand() > 0;
public bool Update<T>(T updateObj) where T : class, new()
return this.Context.Updateable(updateObj).ExecuteCommand() > 0;
public bool Update<T>(Expression<Func<T, T>> columns, Expression<Func<T, bool>> whereExpression) where T : class, new()
return this.Context.Updateable<T>().UpdateColumns(columns).Where(whereExpression).ExecuteCommand() > 0;
public bool Delete<T>(T deleteObj) where T : class, new()
return this.Context.Deleteable<T>().Where(deleteObj).ExecuteCommand() > 0;
public bool Delete<T>(Expression<Func<T, bool>> whereExpression) where T : class, new()
return this.Context.Deleteable<T>().Where(whereExpression).ExecuteCommand() > 0;
public bool DeleteById<T>(dynamic id) where T : class, new()
return this.Context.Deleteable<T>().In(id).ExecuteCommand() > 0;
public bool DeleteByIds<T>(dynamic[] ids) where T : class, new()
return this.Context.Deleteable<T>().In(ids).ExecuteCommand() > 0;
public partial class SimpleClient<T> where T : class, new()
protected SqlSugarClient Context { get; set; }
public SqlSugarClient FullClient { get { return this.Context; } }
private SimpleClient()
public SimpleClient(SqlSugarClient context)
this.Context = context;
public T GetById(dynamic id)
return Context.Queryable<T>().InSingle(id);
public List<T> GetList()
return Context.Queryable<T>().ToList();
public List<T> GetList(Expression<Func<T, bool>> whereExpression)
return Context.Queryable<T>().Where(whereExpression).ToList();
public List<T> GetPageList(Expression<Func<T, bool>> whereExpression, PageModel page)
var count = 0;
var result = Context.Queryable<T>().Where(whereExpression).ToPageList(page.PageIndex, page.PageSize, ref count);
page.Total = count;
page.DataList = result;
return result;
public List<T> GetPageList(List<IConditionalModel> conditionalList, PageModel page)
var count = 0;
var result = Context.Queryable<T>().Where(conditionalList).ToPageList(page.PageIndex, page.PageSize, ref count);
page.Total = count;
page.DataList = result;
return result;
public bool IsAny(Expression<Func<T, bool>> whereExpression)
return Context.Queryable<T>().Where(whereExpression).Any();
public bool Insert(T insertObj)
return this.Context.Insertable(insertObj).ExecuteCommand() > 0;
public int InsertReturnIdentity(T insertObj)
return this.Context.Insertable(insertObj).ExecuteReturnIdentity();
public bool InsertRange(T[] insertObjs)
return this.Context.Insertable(insertObjs).ExecuteCommand() > 0;
public bool InsertRange(List<T>[] insertObjs)
return this.Context.Insertable(insertObjs).ExecuteCommand() > 0;
public bool Update(T updateObj)
return this.Context.Updateable(updateObj).ExecuteCommand() > 0;
public bool Update(Expression<Func<T, T>> columns, Expression<Func<T, bool>> whereExpression)
return this.Context.Updateable<T>().UpdateColumns(columns).Where(whereExpression).ExecuteCommand() > 0;
public bool Delete(T deleteObj)
return this.Context.Deleteable<T>().Where(deleteObj).ExecuteCommand() > 0;
public bool Delete(Expression<Func<T, bool>> whereExpression)
return this.Context.Deleteable<T>().Where(whereExpression).ExecuteCommand() > 0;
public bool DeleteById(dynamic id)
return this.Context.Deleteable<T>().In(id).ExecuteCommand() > 0;
public bool DeleteByIds(dynamic[] ids)
return this.Context.Deleteable<T>().In(ids).ExecuteCommand() > 0;