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using EasyBL.WebApi.Message;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace EasyBL
public class ServiceBase : MessageBase
public const string SERVICE = "service";
protected Dictionary<string, object> _dicInitData;
private static string _sRootPath = null;
public static string RootPath { get { return _sRootPath; } }
public static void SetRootPath(string i_sRootPath)
_sRootPath = i_sRootPath;
#region 1-1-1
/// <summary>
/// 1-1-1 JS路徑
/// </summary>
protected virtual string JSPath
get { return "NOT SET"; }
/// <summary>
/// 1-1-1 HTML路徑
/// </summary>
protected virtual string HTMLPath
get { return "NOT SET"; }
/// <summary>
/// 1-1-1 JS Version
/// </summary>
protected string JSVersion
get { return _getVersion(JSPath, "g_JSRevisionVersioin"); }
/// <summary>
/// 1-1-1 JS Version
/// </summary>
protected string HTMLVersion
get { return _getVersion(HTMLPath, "g_HTMLRevisionVersioin"); }
/// <summary>
/// 取得Service版本號
/// </summary>
protected string ServiceVersion
get { return ParseServiceVersion(); }
private static string _getVersion(string i_sPath, string i_sPattern)
var sRes = "-1";
if (i_sPath == "NOT SET")
var sPath = System.IO.Path.Combine(RootPath, i_sPath);
if (!System.IO.File.Exists(sPath))
var sContent = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(sPath);
var nIdx = sContent.LastIndexOf(i_sPattern, StringComparison.Ordinal);
if (nIdx == -1)
var nVersionStart = sContent.IndexOf('"', nIdx);
if (nVersionStart == -1)
var nVersionEnd = sContent.IndexOf('"', nVersionStart);
if (nVersionEnd == -1)
sRes = sContent.Substring(nVersionStart, nVersionEnd - nVersionStart);
while (false);
catch (Exception ex)
sRes = Util.GetLastExceptionMsg(ex);
return sRes;
/// <summary>
/// 取得Service版本號
/// </summary>
/// <returns>版號。 -1表示沒有取得版本號</returns>
protected string ParseServiceVersion()
var sRes = "-1";
var pi = this.GetType().GetProperty("ServiceRevisionVersion");
if (pi != null)
var oValue = pi.GetValue(this, null);
if (oValue != null)
sRes = oValue.ToString();
return sRes;
public Dictionary<string, string> VersionInfo
return new Dictionary<string, string>() {
{ "html", HTMLVersion },
{ "js", JSVersion },
{ "service", ServiceVersion },
{ "htmlpath", HTMLPath },
{ "jspath", JSPath },
{ "servicename", this.GetType().Name }
#endregion 1-1-1
public ResponseMessage Entry(RequestMessage i_crm)
string sMsg = null;
ResponseMessage rm = null;
// Find Native Method
var sFunctionName = i_crm.TYPE;
if (null == sFunctionName)
//sMsg = string.Format("NO METHOD - {0}", sFunctionName);
sMsg = BaseExceptionWord.ex000001; //NO METHOD
var mi = this.GetType().GetMethod(sFunctionName);
if (null == mi)
//sMsg = string.Format("NO MATCH METHOD - {0}", sFunctionName);
sMsg = BaseExceptionWord.ex000002; //NO MATCH METHOD
object[] ao = { i_crm };
rm = (ResponseMessage)mi.Invoke(this, ao);
while (false);
catch (Exception ex)
sMsg = Util.GetLastExceptionMsg(ex);
if (null != sMsg)
//crm = new ErrorResponseMessage(sMsg, i_crm);
return rm;
public static string MakeDebugFullDump(string i_sMsg, RequestMessage i_crm)
var sRes = Environment.NewLine;
sRes += "**** Start Dump **************************" + Environment.NewLine;
sRes += $"Custom Message:{i_sMsg}" + Environment.NewLine;
sRes += $"Parameter Json:{JsonConvert.SerializeObject(i_crm)}" + Environment.NewLine;
sRes += "Call Stack Dump:" + Environment.NewLine;
sRes += Environment.StackTrace + Environment.NewLine;
sRes += "*****End Dump *************************" + Environment.NewLine;
return sRes;
public static string JProperty2Dic(JObject i_jpData, ref Dictionary<string, object> io_dicData)
string sRes = null;
var dicRes = new Dictionary<string, object>();
foreach (JProperty property in i_jpData.Properties())
var jv = property.Value;
dicRes.Add(property.Name, jv.Value<string>());
catch (Exception ex)
sRes = Util.GetLastExceptionMsg(ex);
io_dicData = dicRes;
return sRes;
#region JsonToString
/// <summary>
/// 轉換json字串
/// </summary>
/// <param name="o">要轉化的物件</param>
public static string JsonToString(object o)
if (o != null)
return JsonConvert.SerializeObject(o, Formatting.Indented);//序列化,將物件轉化為字符串
return "";
#endregion JsonToString