You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

869 lines
45 KiB

using Aspose.Cells;
using EasyBL.WebApi.Message;
using Entity.Sugar;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq;
using SqlSugar;
using SqlSugar.Base;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Data;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using EasyBL;
using Entity.ViewModels;
namespace EasyBL.WEBAPP.OPM
public class Exhibition_UpdService : ServiceBase
#region 獲取參加該展覽的所有廠商
/// <summary>
/// 獲取參加該展覽的所有廠商
/// </summary>
/// <param name="i_crm">todo: describe i_crm parameter on GetCustomers</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public ResponseMessage GetCustomers(RequestMessage i_crm)
ResponseMessage rm = null;
string sMsg = null;
var db = SugarBase.GetIntance();
var sSN = _fetchString(i_crm, @"SN");
var sFlag = _fetchString(i_crm, @"Flag");
var SList = new List<ExistingCustomerInfo>();
var saCustomers = new List<Dictionary<string, object>>();
var saCustomersD = new List<Dictionary<string, object>>();
var saExport = db.Queryable<OTB_OPM_ExportExhibition, OTB_CRM_Customers>((t1, t2) => new object[] {
JoinType.Left,t1.Agent==t2.guid && t1.OrgID==t2.OrgID && t2.Effective == "Y"})
.Select((t1, t2) => new { t1.IsVoid, t1.OrgID, t1.ExhibitionNO, t1.Exhibitors, t1.Agent, AgentCName = t2.CustomerCName, AgentEName = t2.CustomerEName, t1.AgentContactorName, t1.AgentTelephone }).MergeTable()
.Where(it => it.ExhibitionNO == sSN && it.OrgID == i_crm.ORIGID && it.IsVoid == "N").ToList();
if (saExport.Count > 0)
foreach (var opm in saExport)
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(opm.Exhibitors))
var saExhibitors = (JArray)JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(opm.Exhibitors);
foreach (JObject jo in saExhibitors)
if (jo[@"SupplierID"] != null && jo[@"SupplierID"].ToString() != @"")
//if (jo[@"SupplierID"] != null && jo[@"SupplierID"].ToString() != @"" && !saCustomers.Any(x => (x[@"guid"].ToString() == jo[@"SupplierID"].ToString())))
var dic = new Dictionary<string, object>
{ @"RowIndex", saCustomers.Count + 1 },
{ @"guid", jo[@"SupplierID"].ToString() },
{ @"AgentCName", string.IsNullOrEmpty(opm.AgentCName) ? opm.AgentEName : opm.AgentCName },
{ @"CustomerCName", jo[@"SupplierName"] == null ? @"" : jo[@"SupplierName"].ToString() },
{ @"CustomerEName", jo[@"SupplierEName"] == null ? @"" : jo[@"SupplierEName"].ToString() },
{ @"ContactorName", jo[@"ContactorName"] == null ? @"" : jo[@"ContactorName"].ToString() },
{ @"Telephone", jo[@"Telephone"] == null ? @"" : jo[@"Telephone"].ToString() }
//if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(opm.Agent) && !saCustomers.Any(x => (x["guid"].ToString() == opm.Agent)))
// Dictionary<string, object> dic = new Dictionary<string, object>
// {
// { "RowIndex", saCustomers.Count + 1 },
// { "guid", opm.Agent },
// { "AgentCName", string.IsNullOrEmpty(opm.AgentCName) ? opm.AgentEName : opm.AgentCName },
// { "CustomerCName", "" },
// { "CustomerEName", "" },
// { "ContactorName", opm.AgentContactorName },
// { "Telephone", opm.AgentTelephone }
// };
// saCustomers.Add(dic);
var saImport = db.Queryable<OTB_OPM_ImportExhibition, OTB_CRM_Customers, OTB_CRM_Customers>((t1, t2, t3) => new object[] {
JoinType.Left,t1.Supplier==t2.guid && t1.OrgID==t2.OrgID && t2.Effective == "Y",
JoinType.Left,t1.Agent==t3.guid && t1.OrgID==t3.OrgID && t3.Effective == "Y" })
.Select((t1, t2, t3) => new { t1.IsVoid, t1.OrgID, t1.ExhibitionNO, t1.Supplier, t1.Agent, t2.CustomerCName, t2.CustomerEName, AgentCName = t3.CustomerCName, AgentEName = t3.CustomerEName, t1.ContactorName, t1.Telephone, t1.AgentContactorName, t1.AgentTelephone }).MergeTable()
.Where(it => it.ExhibitionNO == sSN && it.OrgID == i_crm.ORIGID && it.IsVoid == "N").ToList();
if (saImport.Count > 0)
foreach (var opm in saImport)
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(opm.Supplier))
//if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(opm.Supplier) && !saCustomers.Any(x => (x[@"guid"].ToString() == opm.Supplier)))
var dic = new Dictionary<string, object>
{ @"RowIndex", saCustomers.Count + 1 },
{ @"guid", opm.Supplier },
{ @"AgentCName", string.IsNullOrEmpty(opm.AgentCName) ? opm.AgentEName : opm.AgentCName },
{ @"CustomerCName", opm.CustomerCName },
{ @"CustomerEName", opm.CustomerEName },
{ @"ContactorName", opm.ContactorName },
{ @"Telephone", opm.Telephone }
//if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(opm.Agent) && !saCustomers.Any(x => (x["guid"].ToString() == opm.Agent)))
// Dictionary<string, object> dic = new Dictionary<string, object>
// {
// { "RowIndex", saCustomers.Count + 1 },
// { "guid", opm.Agent },
// { "AgentCName", string.IsNullOrEmpty(opm.AgentCName) ? opm.AgentEName : opm.AgentCName },
// { "CustomerCName", "" },
// { "CustomerEName", "" },
// { "ContactorName", opm.AgentContactorName },
// { "Telephone", opm.AgentTelephone }
// };
// saCustomers.Add(dic);
var saOther = db.Queryable<OTB_OPM_OtherExhibition, OTB_CRM_Customers, OTB_CRM_Customers>((t1, t2, t3) => new object[] {
JoinType.Left,t1.Supplier==t2.guid && t1.OrgID==t2.OrgID && t2.Effective == "Y",
JoinType.Left,t1.Agent==t3.guid && t1.OrgID==t3.OrgID && t3.Effective == "Y"})
.Select((t1, t2, t3) => new { t1.IsVoid, t1.OrgID, t1.ExhibitionNO, t1.Supplier, t1.Agent, t2.CustomerCName, t2.CustomerEName, AgentCName = t3.CustomerCName, AgentEName = t3.CustomerEName, t1.ContactorName, t1.Telephone, t1.AgentContactorName, t1.AgentTelephone }).MergeTable()
.Where(it => it.ExhibitionNO == sSN && it.OrgID == i_crm.ORIGID && it.IsVoid == "N").ToList();
if (saOther.Count > 0)
foreach (var opm in saOther)
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(opm.Supplier))
//if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(opm.Supplier) && !saCustomers.Any(x => (x[@"guid"].ToString() == opm.Supplier)))
var dic = new Dictionary<string, object>
{ @"RowIndex", saCustomers.Count + 1 },
{ @"guid", opm.Supplier },
{ @"AgentCName", string.IsNullOrEmpty(opm.AgentCName) ? opm.AgentEName : opm.AgentCName },
{ @"CustomerCName", opm.CustomerCName },
{ @"CustomerEName", opm.CustomerEName },
{ @"ContactorName", opm.ContactorName },
{ @"Telephone", opm.Telephone }
//if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(opm.Agent) && !saCustomers.Any(x => (x["guid"].ToString() == opm.Agent)))
// Dictionary<string, object> dic = new Dictionary<string, object>
// {
// { "RowIndex", saCustomers.Count + 1 },
// { "guid", opm.Agent },
// { "AgentCName", string.IsNullOrEmpty(opm.AgentCName) ? opm.AgentEName : opm.AgentCName },
// { "CustomerCName", "" },
// { "CustomerEName", "" },
// { "ContactorName", opm.AgentContactorName },
// { "Telephone", opm.AgentTelephone }
// };
// saCustomers.Add(dic);
var saOtherTG = db.Queryable<OTB_OPM_OtherExhibitionTG, OTB_CRM_Customers>((t1, t2) => new object[] {
JoinType.Left,t1.Agent==t2.guid && t1.OrgID==t2.OrgID && t2.Effective == "Y"})
.Select((t1, t2) => new {t1.IsVoid, t1.OrgID, t1.ExhibitionNO, t1.Exhibitors, t1.Agent, AgentCName = t2.CustomerCName, AgentEName = t2.CustomerEName, t1.AgentContactorName, t1.AgentTelephone }).MergeTable()
.Where(it => it.ExhibitionNO == sSN && it.OrgID == i_crm.ORIGID && it.IsVoid == "N").ToList();
if (saOtherTG.Count > 0)
foreach (var opm in saOtherTG)
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(opm.Exhibitors))
var saExhibitors = (JArray)JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(opm.Exhibitors);
foreach (JObject jo in saExhibitors)
if (jo[@"SupplierID"] != null && jo[@"SupplierID"].ToString() != @"")
//if (jo[@"SupplierID"] != null && jo[@"SupplierID"].ToString() != @"" && !saCustomers.Any(x => (x[@"guid"].ToString() == jo[@"SupplierID"].ToString())))
var dic = new Dictionary<string, object>
{ @"RowIndex", saCustomers.Count + 1 },
{ @"guid", jo[@"SupplierID"].ToString() },
{ @"AgentCName", string.IsNullOrEmpty(opm.AgentCName) ? opm.AgentEName : opm.AgentCName },
{ @"CustomerCName", jo[@"SupplierName"] == null ? @"" : jo[@"SupplierName"].ToString() },
{ @"CustomerEName", jo[@"SupplierEName"] == null ? @"" : jo[@"SupplierEName"].ToString() },
{ @"ContactorName", jo[@"ContactorName"] == null ? @"" : jo[@"ContactorName"].ToString() },
{ @"Telephone", jo[@"Telephone"] == null ? @"" : jo[@"Telephone"].ToString() }
//if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(opm.Agent) && !saCustomers.Any(x => (x["guid"].ToString() == opm.Agent)))
// Dictionary<string, object> dic = new Dictionary<string, object>
// {
// { "RowIndex", saCustomers.Count + 1 },
// { "guid", opm.Agent },
// { "AgentCName", string.IsNullOrEmpty(opm.AgentCName) ? opm.AgentEName : opm.AgentCName },
// { "CustomerCName", "" },
// { "CustomerEName", "" },
// { "ContactorName", opm.AgentContactorName },
// { "Telephone", opm.AgentTelephone }
// };
// saCustomers.Add(dic);
rm = new SuccessResponseMessage(null, i_crm);
var saGCs = saCustomers.GroupBy(x => x["guid"].ToString());
foreach (var item in saGCs)
var AllAgentCName = item.Where(c => c["AgentCName"] != null).Select(c => c["AgentCName"]).Distinct().ToList();
var Customer = item.First();
Dictionary<string, object> dic = new Dictionary<string, object>
{ "RowIndex", saCustomersD.Count + 1 },
{ "guid", Customer["guid"] },
{ "AgentCName", string.Join(" ◆",AllAgentCName) },
{ "CustomerCName", Customer["CustomerCName"] },
{ "CustomerEName", Customer["CustomerEName"] },
{ "ContactorName", Customer["ContactorName"] },
{ "Telephone", Customer["Telephone"] }
if (sFlag == @"export")
var dicHeader = new Dictionary<string, object> {
{@"RowIndex",@"項次" },
{ @"AgentCName",@"國外代理" },
{ @"CustomerCName",@"公司中文名稱" },
{ @"CustomerEName",@"公司英文名稱" },
{ @"ContactorName",@"聯絡人" },
{ @"Telephone",@"聯絡電話/手機" }
var oExhibition = db.Queryable<OTB_OPM_Exhibition>().Single(x => x.SN == sSN.ObjToInt());
var bOk = new ExcelService().CreateExcel(saCustomersD, out string sPath, dicHeader, oExhibition.Exhibitioname_TW, oExhibition.Exhibitioname_TW);
rm.DATA.Add(BLWording.REL, sPath);
rm.DATA.Add(BLWording.REL, saCustomersD);
} while (false);
catch (Exception ex)
sMsg = Util.GetLastExceptionMsg(ex);
LogAndSendEmail(sMsg + @"Param:" + JsonToString(i_crm), ex, i_crm.ORIGID, i_crm.USERID, nameof(Exhibition_UpdService), @"展覽管理", @"GetCustomers(獲取參加該展覽的所有廠商)", @"", @"", @"");
if (null != sMsg)
rm = new ErrorResponseMessage(sMsg, i_crm);
return rm;
#endregion 獲取參加該展覽的所有廠商
#region 獲取展覽資料
/// <summary>
/// 獲取展覽資料
/// </summary>
/// <param name="i_crm">todo: describe i_crm parameter on GetExhibitions</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public ResponseMessage GetExhibitions(RequestMessage i_crm)
ResponseMessage rm = null;
string sMsg = null;
var db = SugarBase.GetIntance();
var sSN = _fetchString(i_crm, @"SN");
var saExhibition = db.Queryable<OTB_OPM_Exhibition>()
.OrderBy(x => x.ExhibitionCode, OrderByType.Desc)
.Where(x => x.OrgID == i_crm.ORIGID && x.Effective == @"Y")
.WhereIF(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sSN), x => x.SN == sSN.ObjToInt())
.Select(x => new
ExhibitioFullName = SqlFunc.IIF(SqlFunc.HasValue(x.ExhibitioShotName_TW), "(" + SqlFunc.IsNull(x.ExhibitioShotName_TW, "") + ")", "") + x.Exhibitioname_TW,
rm = new SuccessResponseMessage(null, i_crm);
rm.DATA.Add(BLWording.REL, saExhibition);
} while (false);
catch (Exception ex)
sMsg = Util.GetLastExceptionMsg(ex);
LogAndSendEmail(sMsg + @"Param:" + JsonToString(i_crm), ex, i_crm.ORIGID, i_crm.USERID, nameof(Exhibition_UpdService), @"展覽管理", @"GetExhibitions(獲取展覽資料)", @"", @"", @"");
if (null != sMsg)
rm = new ErrorResponseMessage(sMsg, i_crm);
return rm;
/// <summary>
/// 獲取展覽資料
/// </summary>
/// <param name="i_crm">todo: describe i_crm parameter on GetExhibitions</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public ResponseMessage CheckExhibitionName(RequestMessage i_crm)
ResponseMessage rm = null;
string sMsg = null;
var db = SugarBase.GetIntance();
var Type = _fetchString(i_crm, @"Type").ToLower();
var sSN = _fetchString(i_crm, @"SN");
int.TryParse(sSN, out int SN);
var sExhibitioname_TW = _fetchString(i_crm, @"Exhibitioname_TW");
var sExhibitioname_TW_Alt = GetTWSameName(sExhibitioname_TW);
var sExhibitioShotName_TW = _fetchString(i_crm, @"ExhibitioShotName_TW");
var sExhibitioShotName_TW_Alt = GetTWSameName(sExhibitioShotName_TW);
var saExhibitions = db.Queryable<OTB_OPM_Exhibition>().Where(x => x.OrgID == i_crm.ORIGID && x.Effective == @"Y" && x.SN != SN).ToList();
var RepeatShotName = saExhibitions.Any(x => x.ExhibitioShotName_TW.Trim() == sExhibitioShotName_TW || x.ExhibitioShotName_TW.Trim() == sExhibitioShotName_TW_Alt);
var RepeatNameTW = saExhibitions.Any(x => x.Exhibitioname_TW.Trim() == sExhibitioname_TW || x.Exhibitioname_TW.Trim() == sExhibitioname_TW_Alt);
if (RepeatShotName && RepeatNameTW)
sMsg = "活動/展覽簡稱、展覽名稱重複,請重新輸入。";
else if (RepeatShotName)
sMsg = "活動/展覽簡稱重複,請重新輸入。";
else if (RepeatNameTW)
sMsg = "展覽名稱重複,請重新輸入。";
rm = new SuccessResponseMessage(null, i_crm);
rm.DATA.Add(BLWording.REL, "OK");
} while (false);
catch (Exception ex)
sMsg = Util.GetLastExceptionMsg(ex);
LogAndSendEmail(sMsg + @"Param:" + JsonToString(i_crm), ex, i_crm.ORIGID, i_crm.USERID, nameof(Exhibition_UpdService), @"展覽管理", @"GetExhibitions(獲取展覽資料)", @"", @"", @"");
if (null != sMsg)
rm = new ErrorResponseMessage(sMsg, i_crm);
return rm;
private string GetTWSameName(string OriName)
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(OriName))
return "";
if (OriName.Contains("台灣"))
return OriName.Replace("台灣", "臺灣");
return OriName.Replace("臺灣", "台灣");
#endregion 獲取展覽資料
#region 獲取匯入廠商資料
/// <summary>
/// 獲取匯入廠商資料
/// </summary>
/// <param name="i_crm">todo: describe i_crm parameter on GetImportCustomers</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public ResponseMessage GetImportCustomers(RequestMessage i_crm)
ResponseMessage rm = null;
string sMsg = null;
var db = SugarBase.GetIntance();
var pml = new PageModel
PageIndex = _fetchInt(i_crm, @"pageIndex"),
PageSize = _fetchInt(i_crm, @"pageSize")
var iPageCount = 0;
var sSortField = _fetchString(i_crm, @"sortField");
var sSortOrder = _fetchString(i_crm, @"sortOrder");
var iSN = _fetchInt(i_crm, @"SN");
var sExhibitionArea = _fetchString(i_crm, @"ExhibitionArea");
var sMuseumMumber = _fetchString(i_crm, @"MuseumMumber");
var sCustomerCName = _fetchString(i_crm, @"CustomerCName");
var sCustomerEName = _fetchString(i_crm, @"CustomerEName");
var sUniCode = _fetchString(i_crm, @"UniCode");
var sContactor = _fetchString(i_crm, @"Contactor");
var sTelephone = _fetchString(i_crm, @"Telephone");
var sEmail = _fetchString(i_crm, @"Email");
var sAddress = _fetchString(i_crm, @"Address");
var sMemo = _fetchString(i_crm, @"Memo");
pml.DataList = db.Queryable<OTB_CRM_ImportCustomers, OTB_OPM_Exhibition, OTB_WSM_PackingOrder>
((t1, t2, t3) => new object[]
JoinType.Inner, t1.OrgID == t2.OrgID && t1.ExhibitionNO == t2.SN,
JoinType.Left, t1.OrgID == t3.OrgID && t1.guid == t3.CustomerId
.Where((t1, t2, t3) => t1.ExhibitionNO == iSN && t1.OrgID == i_crm.ORIGID)
.WhereIF(!String.IsNullOrEmpty(sExhibitionArea), (t1, t2, t3) => t1.ExhibitionArea.Contains(sExhibitionArea))
.WhereIF(!String.IsNullOrEmpty(sMuseumMumber), (t1, t2, t3) => t1.MuseumMumber.Contains(sMuseumMumber))
.WhereIF(!String.IsNullOrEmpty(sCustomerCName), (t1, t2, t3) => t1.CustomerCName.Contains(sCustomerCName))
.WhereIF(!String.IsNullOrEmpty(sCustomerEName), (t1, t2, t3) => t1.CustomerEName.Contains(sCustomerEName))
.WhereIF(!String.IsNullOrEmpty(sUniCode), (t1, t2, t3) => t1.UniCode.Contains(sUniCode))
.WhereIF(!String.IsNullOrEmpty(sContactor), (t1, t2, t3) => t1.Contactor.Contains(sContactor))
.WhereIF(!String.IsNullOrEmpty(sTelephone), (t1, t2, t3) => t1.Telephone.Contains(sTelephone))
.WhereIF(!String.IsNullOrEmpty(sEmail), (t1, t2, t3) => t1.Email.Contains(sEmail))
.WhereIF(!String.IsNullOrEmpty(sAddress), (t1, t2, t3) => t1.Address.Contains(sAddress))
.WhereIF(!String.IsNullOrEmpty(sMemo), (t1, t2, t3) => t1.Memo.Contains(sMemo))
.Select((t1, t2, t3) => new View_CRM_ImportCustomers
guid = SqlFunc.GetSelfAndAutoFill(t1.guid),
Exhibitioname_TW = t2.Exhibitioname_TW,
Exhibitioname_EN = t2.Exhibitioname_EN,
IsAppoint = SqlFunc.IIF(SqlFunc.HasValue(t1.AppointNO), "Y", "N")
.OrderBy(sSortField, sSortOrder)
.ToPageList(pml.PageIndex, pml.PageSize, ref iPageCount);
pml.Total = iPageCount;
rm = new SuccessResponseMessage(null, i_crm);
rm.DATA.Add(BLWording.REL, pml);
} while (false);
catch (Exception ex)
sMsg = Util.GetLastExceptionMsg(ex);
LogAndSendEmail(sMsg + @"Param:" + JsonToString(i_crm), ex, i_crm.ORIGID, i_crm.USERID, nameof(Exhibition_UpdService), @"展覽管理", @"GetImportCustomers(獲取匯入廠商資料)", @"", @"", @"");
if (null != sMsg)
rm = new ErrorResponseMessage(sMsg, i_crm);
return rm;
#endregion 獲取匯入廠商資料
#region 匯入廠商資料
/// <summary>
/// 匯入廠商資料
/// </summary>
/// <param name="i_crm">todo: describe i_crm parameter on ImportCustomers</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public ResponseMessage ImportCustomers(RequestMessage i_crm)
ResponseMessage rm = null;
string sMsg = null;
var db = SugarBase.GetIntance();
var sFileId = _fetchString(i_crm, @"FileId");
var sFileName = _fetchString(i_crm, @"FileName");
var iSN = _fetchInt(i_crm, @"SN");
var sRoot = Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, @"OutFiles\Temporary\");//Word模版路徑
var sfileName = sFileName.Split(new string[] { @"." }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
var sSubFileName = sfileName.LastOrDefault(); //副檔名
sFileName = sRoot + sFileId + @"." + sSubFileName;
var book = new Workbook(sFileName);
var sheet = book.Worksheets[0];
var cells = sheet.Cells;
var tbFeeItems = cells.ExportDataTableAsString(1, 0, cells.MaxDataRow, cells.MaxDataColumn + 1, false);
if (tbFeeItems.Rows.Count > 0)
var saImportCustomers = new List<OTB_CRM_ImportCustomers>();
foreach (DataRow row in tbFeeItems.Rows)
var sExhibitionArea = row[@"Column1"].ToString();// 展覽地區
var sMuseumMumber = row[@"Column2"].ToString();// 攤位編號
var sUniCode = row[@"Column3"].ToString();// 統一編號
var sCustomerCName = row[@"Column4"].ToString();// 公司中文名稱
var sCustomerEName = row[@"Column5"].ToString();// 公司英文名稱
var sContactor = row[@"Column7"].ToString();// 聯絡人1
var sTelephone = row[@"Column8"].ToString();// 電話
var sAddress = row[@"Column9"].ToString();//地址
var sEmail = row[@"Column10"].ToString();// 郵箱
var sMemo = row[@"Column11"].ToString();// 備註
sCustomerCName = sCustomerCName.Trim();// 公司中文名字去空格
var saImportCustomers_Exsit = db.Queryable<OTB_CRM_ImportCustomers>()
.Where(x => x.OrgID == i_crm.ORIGID)
.Where(x => x.CustomerCName == sCustomerCName)
var saCustomers_Exsit = db.Queryable<OTB_CRM_Customers>()
.Where(x => x.OrgID == i_crm.ORIGID && x.CustomerCName == sCustomerCName)
var saImportCustomers_Cur = saImportCustomers_Exsit.Where(x => x.ExhibitionNO == iSN).ToList();
if (saImportCustomers_Cur.Count == 0)
var oImportCustomers = new OTB_CRM_ImportCustomers
guid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
OrgID = i_crm.ORIGID,
ExhibitionNO = iSN,
MuseumMumber = sMuseumMumber,
ExhibitionArea = sExhibitionArea,
CustomerCName = sCustomerCName,
CustomerEName = sCustomerEName,
UniCode = sUniCode,
Contactor = sContactor,
Telephone = sTelephone,
Address = sAddress,
Email = sEmail,
Memo = sMemo,
IsFormal = saCustomers_Exsit.Count > 0 ? true : saImportCustomers_Exsit.Count > 0 ? saImportCustomers_Exsit.First().IsFormal : false,
CreateUser = i_crm.USERID,
CreateDate = DateTime.Now,
ModifyUser = i_crm.USERID,
ModifyDate = DateTime.Now
if (oImportCustomers.IsFormal == true)
oImportCustomers.FormalGuid = saCustomers_Exsit.Count > 0 ? saCustomers_Exsit.First().guid : saImportCustomers_Exsit.First().guid;
catch { }
if (saImportCustomers.Count > 0)
rm = new SuccessResponseMessage(null, i_crm);
rm.DATA.Add(BLWording.REL, true);
} while (false);
catch (Exception ex)
sMsg = Util.GetLastExceptionMsg(ex);
LogAndSendEmail(sMsg + @"Param:" + JsonToString(i_crm), ex, i_crm.ORIGID, i_crm.USERID, nameof(Exhibition_UpdService), @"展覽管理", @"ImportCustomers(匯入廠商資料)", @"", @"", @"");
if (null != sMsg)
rm = new ErrorResponseMessage(sMsg, i_crm);
return rm;
#endregion 匯入廠商資料
#region 匯入廠商資料匯出
/// <summary>
/// 匯入廠商資料匯出
/// </summary>
/// <param name="i_crm">todo: describe i_crm parameter on ImportCustomers</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public ResponseMessage ExportCustomers(RequestMessage i_crm)
ResponseMessage rm = null;
string sMsg = null;
var db = SugarBase.GetIntance();
var iSN = _fetchInt(i_crm, @"SN");
var saImportCustomers = db.Queryable<OTB_CRM_ImportCustomers, OTB_OPM_Exhibition, OTB_WSM_PackingOrder>
((t1, t2, t3) => new object[]
JoinType.Inner, t1.OrgID == t2.OrgID && t1.ExhibitionNO == t2.SN,
JoinType.Left, t1.OrgID == t3.OrgID && t1.guid == t3.CustomerId
.Where((t1, t2, t3) => t1.ExhibitionNO == iSN && t1.OrgID == i_crm.ORIGID)
.Select((t1, t2, t3) => new View_CRM_ImportCustomers
guid = SqlFunc.GetSelfAndAutoFill(t1.guid),
Exhibitioname_TW = t2.Exhibitioname_TW,
Exhibitioname_EN = t2.Exhibitioname_EN,
IsAppoint = SqlFunc.IIF(SqlFunc.HasValue(t1.AppointNO), "已預約", "未預約")
.ToPageList(1, 100000);
foreach (var item in saImportCustomers)
item.CustomerShotEName = (bool)item.IsFormal ? "已轉正" : "未轉正";
// var dtImportCustomers = saImportCustomers.ListToDataTable();
const string sFileName = "匯入廠商匯出資料";
var oHeader = new Dictionary<string, string>
{ "RowIndex", "項次" },
{ "ExhibitionArea", "展區" },
{ "MuseumMumber", "攤位" },
{ "CustomerCName", "客戶中文名稱" },
{ "CustomerEName", "客戶英文名稱" },
{ "UniCode", "統編號碼" },
{ "Contactor", "聯絡人" },
{ "Telephone", "電話" },
{ "Email", "郵箱" },
{ "Address", "地址" },
{ "Memo", "備註" },
{ "CustomerShotEName", "轉正狀態" },//暫時用英文簡稱代替
{ "IsAppoint", "預約狀態" }
var dicAlain = ExcelService.GetExportAlain(oHeader, "RowIndex,MuseumMumber,UniCode,Contactor,Telephone,Email,CustomerShotEName,IsAppoint");
var listMerge = new List<Dictionary<string, int>>();
var bOk = new ExcelService().CreateExcelByList(saImportCustomers, out string sPath, oHeader, dicAlain, sFileName);
rm = new SuccessResponseMessage(null, i_crm);
rm.DATA.Add(BLWording.REL, sPath);
} while (false);
catch (Exception ex)
sMsg = Util.GetLastExceptionMsg(ex);
LogAndSendEmail(sMsg + @"Param:" + JsonToString(i_crm), ex, i_crm.ORIGID, i_crm.USERID, nameof(Exhibition_UpdService), @"展覽管理", @"ExportCustomers(匯入廠商資料匯出)", @"", @"", @"");
if (null != sMsg)
rm = new ErrorResponseMessage(sMsg, i_crm);
return rm;
#endregion 匯入廠商資料匯出
#region 修改匯入廠商轉正標記
/// <summary>
/// 修改匯入廠商轉正標記
/// </summary>
/// <param name="i_crm">todo: describe i_crm parameter on UpdateCustomerTag</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public ResponseMessage UpdateCustomerTag(RequestMessage i_crm)
ResponseMessage rm = null;
string sMsg = null;
var db = SugarBase.GetIntance();
var sPrevId = _fetchString(i_crm, @"PrevId");
var sAfterId = _fetchString(i_crm, @"AfterId");
var oCustomers = db.Queryable<OTB_CRM_Customers>()
.Single(x => x.guid == sAfterId && x.OrgID == i_crm.ORIGID);
var oImportCustomers = db.Queryable<OTB_CRM_ImportCustomers>()
.Single(x => x.guid == sPrevId && x.OrgID == i_crm.ORIGID);
oImportCustomers.IsFormal = true;
oImportCustomers.FormalGuid = oCustomers.guid;
//oImportCustomers.CustomerCName = oCustomers.CustomerCName;
var iRel = db.Updateable(oImportCustomers)
.UpdateColumns(x => new { x.IsFormal, x.FormalGuid, x.CustomerCName })
.Where(x => x.OrgID == i_crm.ORIGID && x.CustomerCName == oImportCustomers.CustomerCName)
rm = new SuccessResponseMessage(null, i_crm);
rm.DATA.Add(BLWording.REL, iRel);
} while (false);
catch (Exception ex)
sMsg = Util.GetLastExceptionMsg(ex);
LogAndSendEmail(sMsg + @"Param:" + JsonToString(i_crm), ex, i_crm.ORIGID, i_crm.USERID, nameof(Exhibition_UpdService), @"展覽管理", @"UpdateCustomerTag(修改匯入廠商轉正標記)", @"", @"", @"");
if (null != sMsg)
rm = new ErrorResponseMessage(sMsg, i_crm);
return rm;
#endregion 修改匯入廠商轉正標記
#region 新增匯入廠商
/// <summary>
/// 新增匯入廠商
/// </summary>
/// <param name="i_crm">todo: describe i_crm parameter on InsertImportCustomers</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public ResponseMessage InsertImportCustomers(RequestMessage i_crm)
ResponseMessage rm = null;
string sMsg = null;
var db = SugarBase.GetIntance();
var sCustomerCName = _fetchString(i_crm, @"CustomerCName");
var iExhibitionNO = _fetchInt(i_crm, @"ExhibitionNO");
if (db.Queryable<OTB_CRM_ImportCustomers>()
.Any(x => x.OrgID == i_crm.ORIGID && x.ExhibitionNO == iExhibitionNO && x.CustomerCName == sCustomerCName))
sMsg = "該展覽已存在同名廠商資料";
sCustomerCName = sCustomerCName.Trim();
var saImportCustomers_Exsit = db.Queryable<OTB_CRM_ImportCustomers>()
.Where(x => x.OrgID == i_crm.ORIGID && x.CustomerCName == sCustomerCName)
var saCustomers_Exsit = db.Queryable<OTB_CRM_Customers>()
.Where(x => x.OrgID == i_crm.ORIGID && x.CustomerCName == sCustomerCName)
var oImportCustomers_Add = _fetchEntity<OTB_CRM_ImportCustomers>(i_crm);
oImportCustomers_Add.OrgID = i_crm.ORIGID;
oImportCustomers_Add.guid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
oImportCustomers_Add.ExhibitionNO = iExhibitionNO;
oImportCustomers_Add.IsFormal = saCustomers_Exsit.Count > 0 ? true : saImportCustomers_Exsit.Count > 0 ? saImportCustomers_Exsit.First().IsFormal : false;
if (oImportCustomers_Add.IsFormal == true)
oImportCustomers_Add.FormalGuid = saCustomers_Exsit.Count > 0 ? saCustomers_Exsit.First().guid : saImportCustomers_Exsit.First().guid;
var iRel = db.Insertable(oImportCustomers_Add).ExecuteCommand();
rm = new SuccessResponseMessage(null, i_crm);
rm.DATA.Add(BLWording.REL, iRel);
} while (false);
catch (Exception ex)
sMsg = Util.GetLastExceptionMsg(ex);
LogAndSendEmail(sMsg + @"Param:" + JsonToString(i_crm), ex, i_crm.ORIGID, i_crm.USERID, nameof(Exhibition_UpdService), @"展覽管理", @"InsertImportCustomers(新增匯入廠商)", @"", @"", @"");
if (null != sMsg)
if (i_crm.LANG == @"zh")
sMsg = ChineseStringUtility.ToSimplified(sMsg);
rm = new ErrorResponseMessage(sMsg, i_crm);
return rm;
#endregion 新增匯入廠商
#region 修改匯入廠商
/// <summary>
/// 修改匯入廠商
/// </summary>
/// <param name="i_crm">todo: describe i_crm parameter on UpdImportCustomers</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public ResponseMessage UpdImportCustomers(RequestMessage i_crm)
ResponseMessage rm = null;
string sMsg = null;
var db = SugarBase.GetIntance();
var oEntity = _fetchEntity<OTB_CRM_ImportCustomers>(i_crm);
var iRel = db.Updateable(oEntity)
.UpdateColumns(x => new
rm = new SuccessResponseMessage(null, i_crm);
rm.DATA.Add(BLWording.REL, iRel);
} while (false);
catch (Exception ex)
sMsg = Util.GetLastExceptionMsg(ex);
LogAndSendEmail(sMsg + @"Param:" + JsonToString(i_crm), ex, i_crm.ORIGID, i_crm.USERID, nameof(Exhibition_UpdService), @"展覽管理", @"UpdImportCustomers(修改匯入廠商)", @"", @"", @"");
if (null != sMsg)
if (i_crm.LANG == @"zh")
sMsg = ChineseStringUtility.ToSimplified(sMsg);
rm = new ErrorResponseMessage(sMsg, i_crm);
return rm;
#endregion 修改匯入廠商