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Highcharts JS v3.0.6 (2013-10-04)
Standalone Highcharts Framework
License: MIT License
var HighchartsAdapter = function () {
function o(c) {
function a(a, b, d) { a.removeEventListener(b, d, !1) } function d(a, b, d) { d = a.HCProxiedMethods[d.toString()]; a.detachEvent("on" + b, d) } function b(b, c) { var f = b.HCEvents, i, g, k, j; if (b.removeEventListener) i = a; else if (b.attachEvent) i = d; else return; c ? (g = {}, g[c] = !0) : g = f; for (j in g) if (f[j]) for (k = f[j].length; k--;)i(b, j, f[j][k]) } c.HCExtended || Highcharts.extend(c, {
HCExtended: !0, HCEvents: {}, bind: function (b, a) {
var d = this, c = this.HCEvents, g; if (d.addEventListener) d.addEventListener(b,
a, !1); else if (d.attachEvent) { g = function (b) {, b) }; if (!d.HCProxiedMethods) d.HCProxiedMethods = {}; d.HCProxiedMethods[a.toString()] = g; d.attachEvent("on" + b, g) } c[b] === r && (c[b] = []); c[b].push(a)
}, unbind: function (c, h) { var f, i; c ? (f = this.HCEvents[c] || [], h ? (i = HighchartsAdapter.inArray(h, f), i > -1 && (f.splice(i, 1), this.HCEvents[c] = f), this.removeEventListener ? a(this, c, h) : this.attachEvent && d(this, c, h)) : (b(this, c), this.HCEvents[c] = [])) : (b(this), this.HCEvents = {}) }, trigger: function (b, a) {
var d = this.HCEvents[b] ||
[], c = d.length, g, k, j; k = function () { a.defaultPrevented = !0 }; for (g = 0; g < c; g++) { j = d[g]; if (a.stopped) break; a.preventDefault = k; = this; a.type = b;, a) === !1 && a.preventDefault() }
}); return c
} var r, l = document, p = [], m = [], q, n; Math.easeInOutSine = function (c, a, d, b) { return -d / 2 * (Math.cos(Math.PI * c / b) - 1) + a }; return {
init: function (c) {
if (!l.defaultView) this._getStyle = function (a, d) {
var b; return[d] ?[d] : (d === "opacity" && (d = "filter"), b = a.currentStyle[d.replace(/\-(\w)/g, function (a, b) { return b.toUpperCase() })],
d === "filter" && (b = b.replace(/alpha\(opacity=([0-9]+)\)/, function (b, a) { return a / 100 })), b === "" ? 1 : b)
}, this.adapterRun = function (a, d) { var b = { width: "clientWidth", height: "clientHeight" }[d]; if (b) return = 1, a[b] - 2 * parseInt(HighchartsAdapter._getStyle(a, "padding"), 10) }; if (!Array.prototype.forEach) this.each = function (a, d) { for (var b = 0, c = a.length; b < c; b++)if ([b], a[b], b, a) === !1) return b }; if (!Array.prototype.indexOf) this.inArray = function (a, d) {
var b, c = 0; if (d) for (b = d.length; c < b; c++)if (d[c] === a) return c;
return -1
}; if (!Array.prototype.filter) this.grep = function (a, d) { for (var b = [], c = 0, h = a.length; c < h; c++)d(a[c], c) && b.push(a[c]); return b }; n = function (a, c, b) { this.options = c; this.elem = a; this.prop = b }; n.prototype = {
update: function () { var a; a = this.paths; var d = this.elem, b = d.element; a && b ? d.attr("d", c.step(a[0], a[1],, this.toD)) : d.attr ? b && d.attr(this.prop, : (a = {}, a[d] = + this.unit, Highcharts.css(d, a)); this.options.step &&,, this) }, custom: function (a, c, b) {
var e =
this, h = function (a) { return e.step(a) }, f; this.startTime = +new Date; this.start = a; this.end = c; this.unit = b; = this.start; this.pos = this.state = 0; h.elem = this.elem; h() && m.push(h) === 1 && (q = setInterval(function () { for (f = 0; f < m.length; f++)m[f]() || m.splice(f--, 1); m.length || clearInterval(q) }, 13))
}, step: function (a) {
var c = +new Date, b; b = this.options; var e; if (this.elem.stopAnimation) b = !1; else if (a || c >= b.duration + this.startTime) { = this.end; this.pos = this.state = 1; this.update(); a = this.options.curAnim[this.prop] =
!0; for (e in b.curAnim) b.curAnim[e] !== !0 && (a = !1); a && b.complete &&; b = !1
} else e = c - this.startTime, this.state = e / b.duration, this.pos = b.easing(e, 0, 1, b.duration), = this.start + (this.end - this.start) * this.pos, this.update(), b = !0; return b
}; this.animate = function (a, d, b) {
var e, h = "", f, i, g; a.stopAnimation = !1; if (typeof b !== "object" || b === null) e = arguments, b = { duration: e[2], easing: e[3], complete: e[4] }; if (typeof b.duration !== "number") b.duration = 400; b.easing = Math[b.easing] || Math.easeInOutSine;
b.curAnim = Highcharts.extend({}, d); for (g in d) i = new n(a, b, g), f = null, g === "d" ? (i.paths = c.init(a, a.d, d.d), i.toD = d.d, e = 0, f = 1) : a.attr ? e = a.attr(g) : (e = parseFloat(HighchartsAdapter._getStyle(a, g)) || 0, g !== "opacity" && (h = "px")), f || (f = parseFloat(d[g])), i.custom(e, f, h)
}, _getStyle: function (c, a) { return window.getComputedStyle(c).getPropertyValue(a) }, getScript: function (c, a) { var d = l.getElementsByTagName("head")[0], b = l.createElement("script"); b.type = "text/javascript"; b.src = c; b.onload = a; d.appendChild(b) }, inArray: function (c,
a) { return a.indexOf ? a.indexOf(c) :, c) }, adapterRun: function (c, a) { return parseInt(HighchartsAdapter._getStyle(c, a), 10) }, grep: function (c, a) { return, a) }, map: function (c, a) { for (var d = [], b = 0, e = c.length; b < e; b++)d[b] =[b], c[b], b, c); return d }, offset: function (c) { for (var a = 0, d = 0; c;)a += c.offsetLeft, d += c.offsetTop, c = c.offsetParent; return { left: a, top: d } }, addEvent: function (c, a, d) { o(c).bind(a, d) }, removeEvent: function (c, a, d) { o(c).unbind(a, d) }, fireEvent: function (c, a, d, b) {
var e; l.createEvent &&
(c.dispatchEvent || c.fireEvent) ? (e = l.createEvent("Events"), e.initEvent(a, !0, !0), = c, Highcharts.extend(e, d), c.dispatchEvent ? c.dispatchEvent(e) : c.fireEvent(a, e)) : c.HCExtended === !0 && (d = d || {}, c.trigger(a, d)); d && d.defaultPrevented && (b = null); b && b(d)
}, washMouseEvent: function (c) { return c }, stop: function (c) { c.stopAnimation = !0 }, each: function (c, a) { return, a) }