You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
131 lines
5.7 KiB
131 lines
5.7 KiB
'use strict';
var fnPageInit = function () {
var canDo = new CanDo({
sortField: 'GoTop DESC,GoTop_Time DESC,CreateDate',
sortOrder: 'desc',
* 當前程式所有ID名稱集合
idKeys: ['OrgID', 'AnnouncementID'],
* Grid欄位設置(可以是 function)
gridFields: [
{ name: "RowIndex", title: 'common.RowNumber', align: 'center', width: 50, sorting: false },
name: "Ann_Type", title: 'Announcement_Upd.Ann_Type', width: 120, align: 'center', itemTemplate: function (val, item) {
return $('#Ann_Type option[value=' + val + ']').text().split('-')[1];
{ name: "Title", title: 'Announcement_Upd.Title', width: 300 },
name: "StartDateTime", title: 'Announcement_Upd.StartDateTime', width: 120, align: 'center', itemTemplate: function (val, item) {
return newDate(val, 'date');
name: "EndDateTime", title: 'Announcement_Upd.EndDateTime', width: 120, align: 'center', itemTemplate: function (val, item) {
return newDate(val, 'date');
{// ╠common.GoTop⇒置頂╣
name: "GoTop", title: 'common.GoTop', width: 100, align: 'center', itemTemplate: function (val, item) {
var oCheckBox = $('<input>', {
type: 'checkbox',
checked: val,
click: function () {
var oPm = { AnnouncementID: item.AnnouncementID };
if (this.checked) {
oPm.GoTop = true;
else {
oPm.GoTop = false;
g_api.ConnectLite(canDo.ProgramId, 'UpdateGoTop', oPm, function (res) {
if (res.RESULT) {
canDo.Grid.openPage(canDo.bToFirstPage ? 1 : canDo.pageIndex);
return oCheckBox;
title: 'common.Action', width: 100, align: 'center',
itemTemplate: function (val, item) {
var oDom = $('<a/>', {
html: i18next.t('common.See'),// ╠common.See⇒查看╣
class: 'a-url',
click: function () {
return false;
return $('<div>', { 'style': 'width:100%;text-align: center;' }).append(oDom);
* 當前程式所有ID名稱集合
rowDoubleClick: function (pargs, args) {
* 頁面初始化
* @param {Object} pargs CanDo 對象
pageInit: function (pargs) {
ArgClassID: 'Ann_Type',
Select: $('#Ann_Type'),
ShowId: true
])).done(function () {
* 查看公告明細
* @param {String} id 公告guid
fnOpenAnn = function (id) {
getHtmlTmp('/Page/Pop/AnnounceInfo.html').done(function (html) {
var oAnnInfo = (item) { return item.AnnouncementID === id; })[0];
oAnnInfo.CategoryName = '公 告';
oAnnInfo.CreateUserName = oAnnInfo.CreateUser;
oAnnInfo.CreateDate = newDate(oAnnInfo.CreateDate, 'date');
var sHtml = $('<script type="text/x-jsrender"/>').html(html).render(oAnnInfo);
type: 1, //0(信息框,默认)1(页面层)2(iframe层)3(加载层)4(tips层)
title: i18next.t('common.Announcement'),
area: '640px;',//寬度
shade: 0.75,//遮罩
closeBtn: 1,
shadeClose: true,
//maxmin: true, //开启最大化最小化按钮
id: 'layer_Announce', //设定一个id,防止重复弹出
offset: '12px',
anim: 0,//彈出動畫
btn: [],
btnAlign: 'c',//按鈕位置
content: sHtml,
success: function (layero, index) {
layero.find('a').each(function () {
if (($(this).attr('href') || '').indexOf('net/upload/file') > -1 && (($(this).prev().attr('src') || '').indexOf('icon_jpg') > -1 || ($(this).prev().attr('src') || '').indexOf('icon_pdf') > -1)) {
$(this).attr('target', '_new');
layero.find('.layui-layer-title').css({ 'text-align': 'center', 'padding': '0 30px 0 20px', 'font-size': '20px', 'font-weight': '600' });
require(['base', 'jsgrid', 'cando'], fnPageInit);