<template> <client-only> <div class="tw-px-[15px] tw-mb-[60px] xl:tw-px-[60px] xl:tw-max-w-screen-xl xl:tw-mx-auto xl:tw-grid xl:tw-grid-cols-[822px_auto] xl:tw-gap-[30px]" > <section class="section section-one tw-my-[40px] md:tw-my-[50px] xl:tw-col-span-2" > <StepInfo :step_active="step"></StepInfo> </section> <section class="section section-two"> <h2 class="t18 title-icon-left tw-text-black tw-mb-[15px] xl:tw-mb-[10px] xl:tw-text-[24px]" > {{ $t("Ordering information") }} </h2> <div class="notice tw-body-3 tw-text-black tw-mb-[20px] tw-hidden xl:tw-block" > {{ $t( "Please confirm whether the information is filled in correctly. Once the information is sent, it cannot be changed" ) }} </div> <BookingInfoItem ref="ref_Booking" :info="order" :content="content" :questions="questionList" @answer="answerData = $event" @bookingDetail_validation="getBookingDetail_validation" > </BookingInfoItem> <h2 class="t18 title-icon-left tw-text-black tw-mb-[15px] lg:tw-mb-[8px] xl:tw-text-[24px] xl:tw-mt-[60px]" > {{ $t("Complete Payment") }} </h2> <div class="notice tw-body-3 tw-text-black tw-mb-[20px] tw-hidden xl:tw-block" > {{ $t( "Please enter your info carefully. Once submitted it cannot be changed." ) }} </div>
<PurchaserInfo :class="[bookingDetail_Validation ? 'noFilter' : 'haveFilter']" ref="purchaserInfo" :countryOptions="countryOptions" :infoType="type" :bookingDetail_Validation="bookingDetail_Validation" @type="type = $event" @active="companyActiveLabel = $event" @individual="individualData = $event" @company="companyData = $event" @purchaserInfo_validation="getPurchaserInfo_validation" ></PurchaserInfo> <ChooseMethod :class="[purchaserInfo_Validation ? 'noFilter' : 'haveFilter']" :orderNo="orderNo" :payTypes="payTypes" :chooseMethod="chooseMethod" :purchaserInfo_Validation="purchaserInfo_Validation" @paymentType="payment_type = $event" @update="updateToken($event)" > </ChooseMethod> <!-- <Invoice v-if="language == 'zh-tw'"></Invoice> --> <PcTotalPrice :subTotal="subTotal" :currency="currency" v-on:payNowClick="payNow()" ></PcTotalPrice> </section> <section class="section section-three"> <PriceInfo :info="order" :currency="currency" ></PriceInfo> <TotalPrice :subTotal="subTotal" :total="total" :currency="currency" v-on:payNowClick="payNow()" ></TotalPrice> </section> <!-- <AddContactModal @update="updateContactList"></AddContactModal> --> <!-- <EditContactModal ref="EditContactModal" :contact.sync="userContactList[this.activeLabel - 1]" @update="getContactList" ></EditContactModal> <AddCompanyModal :selectList.sync="countryOptions" @update="updateCompanyList()" > </AddCompanyModal> <EditCompanyModal :selectList.sync="countryOptions" :company.sync="userCompanyList[companyActiveLabel - 1]" @update="getCompanyList()" ></EditCompanyModal> --> <loading :isLoading="isLoading"></loading> </div></client-only> </template> <script> import StepInfo from "@/components/service/StepInfo"; import BookingInfoItem from "@/components/service/BookingInfoItem"; import PurchaserInfo from "@/components/service/PurchaserInfo"; import ChooseMethod from "@/components/service/ChooseMethod"; import PriceInfo from "@/components/service/PriceInfo"; import TotalPrice from "@/components/service/TotalPrice"; import PcTotalPrice from "@/components/service/PcTotalPrice"; import elementInput from "@/components/newComponent/form/ElementInput"; // import AddContactModal from "@/components/newComponent/modal/AddContactModal";
// import EditContactModal from "@/components/newComponent/modal/EditContactModal";
// import AddCompanyModal from "@/components/newComponent/modal/AddCompanyModal";
// import EditCompanyModal from "@/components/newComponent/modal/EditCompanyModal";
import Invoice from "@/components/service/Invoice.vue"; // import ElementInputNew from "@/components/newComponent/form/ElementInputNew";
import loading from "@/components/newComponent/loading/loading.vue";
export default { name: "checkout", layout: "service", auth: true, components: { StepInfo, BookingInfoItem, PurchaserInfo, ChooseMethod, PriceInfo, TotalPrice, PcTotalPrice, elementInput, Invoice, loading, // AddContactModal,
// EditContactModal,
// AddCompanyModal,
// EditCompanyModal,
// ElementInputNew,
}, data() { return { isLoading: false, serviceID: '', apiUrl: process.env.SERVICE_CONSOLE, devECPayUrl: "https://dev-lambda.showeasy.com", language: this.$i18n.locale, step: "2", orderNo: this.$route.params.id, order: { title: '', detail: '', preview_image: '', date: '', quantity: '', total: 0, service_name: '', package_name: '', package_name: '', customer_plan_name: '', service_date: '', service_time: '', selectExhibition: '', selectExhibitionID: '', order_as: [], order_item: [] }, serviceId: "", currency: "NTD", type: "Company", individualData: {}, companyData: {}, contactData: {}, paymentData: {}, answerData: [], content: { preview_image: "", country: null, city: null, name: "", highlights: "", details: "", cancellation_policy: "", saved: false, confirmation_time: 24, supplier: null, available_sections: null, timeStatus: "", dateStatus: "", times: [], start: "", end: "", faq: null, packages: [], additionalServices: [], booking_questions: [], }, subTotal: 0, total: 0, activeLabel: 0, companyActiveLabel: 0, userContactList: [], userCompanyList: [], countryOptions: [], contact: [], method: "", payToken: "", three_d_url: "", validation: { bookingInfo: false, purchaserInfo: false, chooseMethod: false, }, bookingDetail_Validation: false, purchaserInfo_Validation: false, chooseMethod: "", payTypes: [], questionList: [{ id: "question01", name: this.$t("Mobilization date"), type: "DateText", validation: true, value: '', requiredFlag: '1' },{ id: "question02", name: this.$t("Mobilization time"), type: "TimeText", validation: true, value: '', requiredFlag: '1' },{ id: "question03", name: this.$t("Exit date"), type: "DateText", validation: true, value: '', requiredFlag: '1' },{ id: "question04", name: this.$t("Exit time"), type: "TimeText", validation: true, value: '', requiredFlag: '1' }], payment_type: '', }; }, async created() { this.isLoading = true; if (this.$auth.loggedIn) { let data = this.$route.query; this.serviceID = this.$route.params.id; let selectExhibitionData = JSON.parse(decodeURIComponent(data.selectExhibitionData)); let selectExhibitionServiceData = JSON.parse(decodeURIComponent(data.selectExhibitionServiceData)); let quantityData = JSON.parse(decodeURIComponent(data.quantityData)); this.currency = decodeURIComponent(data.currencyName); // let pickupServiceData = JSON.parse(data.pickupServiceData);
this.order.preview_image = decodeURIComponent(data.previewFile); this.order.title = decodeURIComponent(data.title); let serviceItems = ""; let serviceItemNum = 0; let orderItems = []; if(selectExhibitionServiceData && selectExhibitionServiceData.length>0){ for(let i=0;i<selectExhibitionServiceData.length;i++){ let tmpData = selectExhibitionServiceData[i]; let target = tmpData.selectServiceItems; let itemTypes = ""; if(target && target.length>0){ for(let j=0;j<target.length;j++){ if(target[j].name!=""){ if(serviceItemNum<=2){ if(j>0){ serviceItems +=","; } serviceItems += target[j].name; }else if(serviceItemNum==3){ serviceItems +=this.$t("......etc"); } if(j>0){ itemTypes +=","; } serviceItemNum ++; itemTypes += target[j].name; } } } let item = "["+ tmpData.selectPackape.name +","+tmpData.length+"*"+tmpData.width+"*"+tmpData.height+"cm,"+tmpData.weight+"kg,"+itemTypes+"] x"+tmpData.quantity; orderItems.push(item); } } for(let n=0;n<quantityData.selectList.length;n++){ let name = quantityData.selectList[n].name; let num = quantityData.selectList[n].number; let maxWeight = quantityData.selectList[n].maxWeight; let size = quantityData.selectList[n].size; if(num>0){ let item = "["+ name +" "+ this.$t("Ton truck")+","+this.$t("Maximum load")+" "+maxWeight+","+this.$t("Car size")+" "+size+"] x"+num; orderItems.push(item); } } for(let n=0;n<quantityData.truckList.length;n++){ let name = quantityData.truckList[n].name; let num = quantityData.truckList[n].number; if(num>0){ let item = "["+ name +" "+this.$t("Ton lift tailgate truck")+"] x"+num; orderItems.push(item); } } if(data.totalPrice!=undefined && data.totalPrice!=""){ let price = Number(data.totalPrice); this.order.total = Math.round(price); this.subTotal = Math.round(price); this.total = Math.round(price*0.05 + price); } this.order.order_item = orderItems; let title = this.order.title; this.order.title = title+"("+serviceItems+")"; this.order.service_name = title+"("+serviceItems+")"; this.order.selectExhibition = selectExhibitionData.selectPackape.name; this.order.selectExhibitionID = selectExhibitionData.selectPackape.id; // await this.getContactList();
// await this.getActiveLength();
// await this.getOrder();
// await this.getServiceData();
// await this.getPackages();
await this.getOrderQuestions(); await this.getCountries(); await this.getPayTypes(); // await this.getCompanyList();
this.$nextTick(()=>{ this.isLoading = false; }); } }, mounted() {}, methods: { getQuestionList(){ this.questionList = [{ id: "question01", name: this.$t("Mobilization date"), type: "DateText", validation: true, value: '', requiredFlag: '1' },{ id: "question02", name: this.$t("Mobilization time"), type: "TimeText", validation: true, value: '', requiredFlag: '1' },{ id: "question03", name: this.$t("Exit date"), type: "DateText", validation: true, value: '', requiredFlag: '1' },{ id: "question04", name: this.$t("Exit time"), type: "TimeText", validation: true, value: '', requiredFlag: '1' }]; }, // async getContactList() {
// await this.$axios
// .get(`/trending/api/Members/Contacts`)
// .then((response) => {
// if(response && response.data && response.data.DATA && response.data.DATA.rel){
// let data = response.data.DATA.rel
// if(data.length>0){
// this.userContactList = data.map((item) => {
// return {
// first_name: item.FirstName,
// last_name: item.LastName,
// email: item.Email,
// phone_number: item.PhoneCountryCode +"-"+ item.PhoneNo
// };
// });
// }
// }
// })
// .catch((err) => {
// console.log(err);
// });
// },
// async updateContactList() {
// const patchData = {};
// await this.$axios
// .post(`/trending/api/Members/Contacts`,patchData)
// .then((result) => {
// // this.userContactList = result.data.contacts;
// // this.activeLabel = this.userContactList.length;
// // return result.data;
// })
// .catch((err) => {
// console.log(err);
// });
// },
async getOrder() { // await this.$axios
// .get(
// `/order/${this.$route.params.id}?jwt=${
// this.$auth.$storage.getUniversal("jwt").token
// }`
// )
// .then((res) => {
// this.order = res.data;
// for (let index in this.order[0].order_item) {
// this.subTotal += this.order[0].order_item[index].item_amount;
// }
// for (let index in this.order[0].order_as) {
// this.subTotal += this.order[0].order_as[index].as_amount;
// }
// this.serviceId = this.order[0].service_id;
// this.currency = this.order[0].currency;
// })
// .catch((err) => {
// console.log(err);
// });
}, async getServiceData() { await this.$axios .get(`/trending/api/Onsite/Info?Lang=${this.$i18n.localeProperties["langQuery"]}&ServiceID=${this.$route.params.id}`) .then((response) => { if(response && response.data && response.data.DATA && response.data.DATA.rel){ let data = response.data.DATA.rel if(data){ // this.content.service_name = data.ServiceName;
// this.content.package_name = data.Features;
// this.content.package_name = data.Details;
// this.content.customer_plan_name = data.CancelPolicy;
// this.content.specification_name = data.FQAs;
// this.content.quantity = data.ConfirmDays;
// this.content.service_date = "2023-02-13";
// this.content.service_time = "02:00:12";
// this.content.booking_questions = data.FQAs;
// this.content.preview_image = res.data.preview_image;
// this.content.name = res.data.name;
// this.content.country = res.data.country;
// this.content.city = res.data.city;
// this.content.highlights = res.data.highlights;
// this.content.details = res.data.details;
// this.content.cancellation_policy = res.data.cancellation_policy;
// this.content.supplier = res.data.supplier;
// this.content.available_sections = res.data.available_sections;
// this.content.times = res.data.available_sections.times;
// this.content.timeStatus = res.data.available_sections.time_status;
// this.content.dateStatus = res.data.available_sections.date_status;
// this.content.start = res.data.available_sections.start;
// this.content.end = res.data.available_sections.end;
// this.content.payment_currency = 0;
} } }) .catch((error) => console.log(error)); }, async getPayTypes() { await this.$axios .get(`/trending/api/Onsite/PayTypes?Lang=${this.$i18n.localeProperties["langQuery"]}&ServiceID=${this.$route.params.id}`) .then((response) => { if(response && response.data && response.data.DATA && response.data.DATA.rel){ let data = response.data.DATA.rel if(data.length>0){ this.chooseMethod = data[0].ArgumentID; this.payTypes = data.map((item)=>{ return { id: item.ArgumentID, name: item.ArgumentValue, } }); } } }) .catch((err) => { console.log(err); }); }, async getOrderQuestions() { await this.$axios .get(`/trending/api/Onsite/OrderQuestions?Lang=${this.$i18n.localeProperties["langQuery"]}&ServiceID=${this.$route.params.id}`) .then((response) => { if(response && response.data && response.data.DATA && response.data.DATA.rel){ let data = response.data.DATA.rel; this.getQuestionList(); if(data.length>0){ let list = data.map((item)=>{ return { id: item.QuestionID, name: item.SurveyName, type: item.AnswerType, validation: true, value: '', requiredFlag: item.RequiredFlag } }); this.questionList = this.questionList.concat(list); } } }) .catch((err) => { console.log(err); }); }, payNow() { let isPass1 = this.$refs.ref_Booking.getValidation();//this.bookingDetail_Validation;
let isPass2 = true; this.$refs.purchaserInfo.updatePurchaserInfo(true);//this.purchaserInfo_Validation;
isPass2 = this.purchaserInfo_Validation; if(isPass1 && isPass2){ let vm = this; let answerList = []; let serviceDateS = ""; let serviceDateE = ""; if(this.answerData.length>2){ serviceDateS = this.answerData[0].value.replaceAll(".","/") +" "+ this.answerData[1].value; serviceDateE = this.answerData[2].value.replaceAll(".","/") +" "+ this.answerData[3].value; answerList = this.answerData.map((item)=>{ return item.name +":"+item.value; }); } if(this.payment_type==null || this.payment_type==""){ return false; } let params = { LangType: this.$i18n.localeProperties["langQuery"], ExhibitionID: this.order.selectExhibitionID, CurrencyID: this.$store.getters.getCurrency, PayType: this.payment_type, ServiceID: this.serviceID, TotalPrice: this.total + "", SubTotal: this.subTotal +"", BookingItem: this.order.order_item, OrderQuestion: answerList, ServiceDateS: serviceDateS, ServiceDateE: serviceDateE, } this.isLoading = true; let jsonData = null; let statusCode = 'failed' this.$axios.post( `/trending/api/Onsite/Booking`, params) .then((response) => { this.isLoading = false; if(response && response.response && response.response.status==504){ statusCode = 'failed' }else{ if(response && response.data && response.data.DATA && response.data.DATA.rel){ statusCode = 'success' let data = response.data.DATA.rel; if(data){ jsonData = data; } }else{ statusCode = 'failed' } } this.$router.push( { path: this.localePath("/service/done/" + this.$route.params.id), //携带需要传递的参数
query: { data: encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(jsonData)), status: statusCode, } }); }) .catch((err) => { this.isLoading = false; this.$router.push( { path: this.localePath("/service/done/" + this.$route.params.id), //携带需要传递的参数
query: { data: encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(jsonData)), status: statusCode } }); console.log(err); }); } }, async getCountries() { await this.$axios .get(`/trending/api/Onsite/Countries?Lang=${this.$i18n.localeProperties["langQuery"]}`) .then((response) => { if(response && response.data && response.data.DATA && response.data.DATA.rel){ let data = response.data.DATA.rel if(data.length>0){ this.countryOptions = data.map((item)=>{ return { id: item.CountryID, name: item.CountryName } }); } } }) .catch((err) => { console.log(err); }); }, getCompanyList() { this.$axios .get( `/trending/api/Members/Companies?Lang=${this.$i18n.localeProperties["langQuery"]}` ) .then((response) => { if(response && response.data && response.data.DATA && response.data.DATA.rel){ let data = response.data.DATA.rel if(data.length>0){ this.userCompanyList = data.map((item) => { return { company_name: item.CompanyName, company_tax_no: item.TaxNumber, company_address1: item.Street1, company_address2: item.Street2, company_city: item.CityName, company_state: item.StateName, company_country_name: item.Country.Country, company_zipcode: item.ZipCode, company_country: item.Country.CountryID, }; }); // this.userCompanyList = result.data.data;
// Array.from(this.userCompanyList).forEach((item) => {
// let id = item.company_country;
// let countryName = this.countryOptions.filter(
// (item) => item.id === id || null
// );
// item.company_country_name = countryName[0].name ?? 0;
// });
// return result.data;
} } }) .catch((err) => { console.log(err); }); }, updateCompanyList() { const patchData = {}; this.$axios .post( `/trending/api/Members/Company`,patchData ) .then((result) => { // this.userCompanyList = result.data.data;
// this.companyActiveLabel = this.userCompanyList.length;
// this.Company.company_name =
// result.data.data[this.activeLabel].company_name;
// this.Company.company_tax_no =
// result.data.data[this.activeLabel].company_tax_no;
// this.Company.company_address1 =
// result.data.data[this.activeLabel].company_address1;
// this.Company.company_address2 =
// result.data.data[this.activeLabel].company_address2;
// this.Company.company_city =
// result.data.data[this.activeLabel].company_city;
// this.Company.company_state =
// result.data.data[this.activeLabel].company_state;
// this.Company.company_country =
// result.data.data[this.activeLabel].company_country_name;
// this.Company.company_zipcode =
// result.data.data[this.activeLabel].company_zipcode;
// return result.data;
}) .catch((err) => { console.log(err); }); }, updateOrder() { let Object = { order_id: this.order[0].order_id, total: this.subTotal, amount: this.subTotal, discount: 0, contact: [this.contactData], answer: this.answerData, }; if (this.type == "Individual") { Object.purchase_personal = this.individualData; } else { Object.purchase_company = this.companyData; } Object.payment = [this.paymentData]; Object.payment[0].payment_index = 0; Object.payment[0].amount = this.subTotal; // this.$axios
// .put(
// `/order/${this.$route.params.id}?jwt=${
// this.$auth.$storage.getUniversal("jwt").token || ""
// }`,
// Object
// )
// .then((res) => {
// if (res.status == "200") {
// if (this.paymentData.payment_type == "Credit Card") {
// this.createPayment();
// } else {
// this.$router.push(
// this.localePath("/service/done/" + this.$route.params.id)
// );
// }
// }
// })
// .catch((error) => {
// console.log(error);
// });
}, // getActiveLength() {
// this.activeLabel = this.userContactList.length > 0 ? 1 : 0;
// },
updateToken(token) { this.payToken = token; }, // createPayment() {
// this.$axios
// .post(`${this.devECPayUrl}/payment/ecpay/create-payment`, {
// pay_token: this.payToken,
// payment_flow: "ecpay",
// product_order_no: this.orderNo,
// })
// .then((response) => {
// if (response.data.status_code === 200) {
// window.location.assign(response.data.three_d_url);
// }
// })
// .catch((error) => console.log(error));
// },
getBookingDetail_validation(data) { this.bookingDetail_Validation = data; }, getPurchaserInfo_validation(data) { this.purchaserInfo_Validation = data; }, }, }; </script> <style lang="scss" scoped> .noFilter { pointer-events: auto; cursor: auto; }
.haveFilter { cursor: not-allowed; pointer-events: none; filter: opacity(50%); } </style>