<template> <v-card class="border-radius-20 elevation-0" min-width="900px" max-width="900px" > <v-spacer class="px-7 pt-7"> <v-spacer class="d-flex align-center"> <div class="circle-decoration me-2"></div> <div class="circle-decoration me-2"></div> <span class="font-weight-bold text-size-20 ms-7 text-height-26">{{ $t("userProfile.setting") }}</span> </v-spacer> <v-spacer class="mt-10 mb-5"> <span class="font-weight-bold text-size-18">{{ $t("userProfile.settingEmail") }}</span> </v-spacer> <v-spacer class="input-wrap mb-7"> <v-text-field v-model="userMail" disabled class="input-border" solo flat hide-details dense ></v-text-field> </v-spacer> <v-spacer class="mb-5"> <span class="font-weight-bold text-size-18">{{ $t("Reset Password") }}</span> </v-spacer> <v-form v-model="valid"> <v-spacer class="input-wrap mb-2"> <div class="text-size-12 mb-1"> {{ $t("Old password") }} </div> <v-text-field v-model="userPass.user_old_pass" :rules="[rules.require]" outlined dense ></v-text-field> </v-spacer> <v-spacer class="input-wrap mb-2"> <div class="text-size-12 mb-1"> {{ $t("New password") }} </div> <v-text-field v-model="userPass.user_new_pass" :append-icon="showPass ? 'mdi-eye' : 'mdi-eye-off'" @click:append="showPass = !showPass" dense outlined :type="showPass ? 'text' : 'password'" :rules="[rules.checkPassword, rules.require]" :hint=" this.$t( 'Passwords must be 8-20 characters with at least 1 number, 1 lower case letter and 1 upper case letter' ) " ></v-text-field> </v-spacer> <v-spacer class="input-wrap mb-2"> <div class="text-size-12 mb-1"> {{ $t("Confirm password") }} </div> <v-text-field v-model="confirmPass" :append-icon="showConfirmPass ? 'mdi-eye' : 'mdi-eye-off'" @click:append="showConfirmPass = !showConfirmPass" dense outlined :type="showConfirmPass ? 'text' : 'password'" :rules="[rules.checkPassword, rules.require]" :hint=" this.$t( 'Passwords must be 8-20 characters with at least 1 number, 1 lower case letter and 1 upper case letter' ) " ></v-text-field> </v-spacer> </v-form> <v-btn @click.stop="resetPassword" width="95px" class="border-radius-16 mb-7 text-capitalize" color="primary" > {{ $t("save") }} </v-btn> <v-spacer class="mb-5"> <span class="font-weight-bold text-size-18">{{ $t("userProfile.manageSSO") }}</span> </v-spacer> <v-spacer class="mb-10 d-flex"> <div class="SSO-wrap d-flex align-center me-7 ps-7 py-8"> <span>Facebook</span> <v-btn v-if="facebook.social_schema" @click="removeSocialRelation(facebook)" style="margin-left: 125px" text color="primary border-radius-10 text-capitalize" ><span>{{ $t("userProfile.SSOUnLink") }}</span></v-btn > <v-btn v-else @click="facebookLogin" style="margin-left: 125px" color="primary border-radius-10 text-capitalize" ><span>{{ $t("userProfile.SSOLink") }}</span></v-btn > </div> <div class="SSO-wrap d-flex align-center ps-7 py-8"> <span>Google</span> <v-btn v-if="google.social_schema" @click.prevent="removeSocialRelation(google)" style="margin-left: 125px" text color="primary border-radius-10 text-capitalize" ><span>{{ $t("userProfile.SSOUnLink") }}</span></v-btn > <v-btn v-else @click="googleLogin" style="margin-left: 125px" color="primary border-radius-10 text-capitalize" ><span>{{ $t("userProfile.SSOLink") }}</span></v-btn > </div> </v-spacer> <v-btn text color="#ef5a5a" class="px-0 mb-10"> <span @click="deleteDialogActive = !deleteDialogActive" class="text-size-18 text-capitalize" style="text-decoration-line: underline" >{{ $t("userProfile.deleteAccount") }}</span > </v-btn> <v-dialog v-model="deleteDialogActive" width="294px" height="325px" @click:outside="deleteDialogActive = !deleteDialogActive" > <v-card class="pa-5"> <v-spacer class="d-flex align-center"> <v-spacer> {{ $t("Delete account") }} </v-spacer> <v-btn icon @click="deleteDialogActive = !deleteDialogActive"> <v-icon> mdi-close </v-icon> </v-btn> </v-spacer> <v-spacer class="d-flex justify-center mb-6 mt-4"> <v-img :src="deleteAccountImg" max-width="130px" max-height="95px" ></v-img> </v-spacer> <v-spacer class="py-3 mb-3"> {{ $t( "We’re sorry to see you go. If you want to permanently delete your account, click “Delete” button." ) }} </v-spacer> <v-spacer class="d-flex justify-space-between"> <v-btn @click="deleteAccount" color="white" class="border-radius-16 primary--text text-capitalize" width="112px" > {{ $t("Delete") }} </v-btn> <v-btn color="primary" class="border-radius-16 text-capitalize" width="112px" @click="deleteDialogActive = !deleteDialogActive" > {{ $t("Keep") }} </v-btn> </v-spacer> </v-card> </v-dialog> </v-spacer> </v-card> </template> <script> export default { name: "Setting", props: { userMail: { type: String, required: true, default: "", }, userSocialRelation: { type: Array, required: true, default: () => [], }, }, data() { return { google: {}, facebook: {}, deleteDialogActive: false, valid: false, showPass: false, showConfirmPass: false, userPass: { user_old_pass: "", user_new_pass: "", }, confirmPass: "", deleteAccountImg: require("~/assets/img/deleteAccount.png"), rules: { require: (value) => !!value || this.$t("Required."), email: (v) => /^([a-zA-Z0-9_\-\.]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9_\-\.]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})$/.test( v ) || this.$t("Invalid email"), checkPassword: (v) => (/(?=.*[0-9])(?=.*[a-z])(?=.*[A-Z])/.test(v) && v.length >= 8 && v.length <= 20) || this.$t( "Passwords must be 8-20 characters with at least 1 number, 1 lower case letter and 1 upper case letter" ), }, }; }, created() { this.facebook = this.$props.userSocialRelation.filter( (item) => item.social_schema === "facebook" )[0] || {}; this.google = this.$props.userSocialRelation.filter( (item) => item.social_schema === "google" )[0] || {}; }, methods: { resetPassword() { if ( this.valid && this.userPass.user_old_pass !== this.userPass.user_new_pass ) { this.$axios .post( `/member/users/pass?jwt=${ this.$auth.$storage.getUniversal("jwt").token || "" }`,
this.userPass ) .then((result) => { this.$auth.$storage.removeUniversal("jwt"); this.$auth.$storage.removeUniversal("userPicture"); this.$auth.$storage.removeUniversal("userLastName"); this.$auth.logout(); }) .catch((err) => { console.log(err); }); } }, removeSocialRelation(schema) { delete schema.social_id; this.$axios .put( `/member/users/social?jwt=${ this.$auth.$storage.getUniversal("jwt").token || "" }`,
schema ) .then((result) => { this.$emit("refetch-user"); }) .catch((err) => { console.log(err); }); this.$nextTick(() => { schema.social_schema === "google" ? (this.google = {}) : (this.facebook = {}); }); }, deleteAccount() { this.$axios .delete( `/member/users?jwt=${ this.$auth.$storage.getUniversal("jwt").token || "" }`
) .then((result) => { this.$auth.$storage.removeUniversal("jwt"); this.$auth.$storage.removeUniversal("userPicture"); this.$auth.$storage.removeUniversal("userLastName"); this.$auth.logout(); }) .catch((err) => { console.log(err); }); }, facebookLogin() { this.$auth.loginWith("facebook"); }, googleLogin() { this.$auth.loginWith("google"); }, }, }; </script> <style lang="scss" scoped> .SSO-wrap { width: 100%; border: 1px solid #e5e5e5; border-radius: 10px; } .input-wrap { @media screen and (max-width: 600px) { width: 73%; } @media screen and (min-width: 600px) and (max-width: 960px) { width: 33%; } @media screen and (min-width: 961px) { width: 38%; } } </style>