<template> <modal name="edit-company-modal" width="100%" :clickToClose="false"> <div class="tw-p-[30px] md:tw-p-0 tw-h-full tw-overflow-auto"> <div class="modal-header tw-flex tw-justify-start tw-items-center tw-mb-[20px] md:tw-mb-[50px] xl:tw-justify-between"> <div class="tw-flex tw-justify-between tw-w-full tw-text-[18px] tw-font-bold tw-leading-[26px] md:tw-text-[20px]"> {{ $t("userProfile.editCompanyInfo") }} </div> <button class="close tw-transition tw-btn-md" @click="$modal.hide('edit-company-modal')"></button> </div> <div class="modal-content tw-grid tw-grid-cols-1 tw-gap-y-[20px] tw-mb-[30px] md:tw-grid-cols-2 md:tw-gap-x-[64px] md:tw-mb-[60px]"> <div class="element"> <elementInput :input="{ id: 'CompanyName', label: 'userProfile.companyName', required: true, type: 'text', }" :default="userCompany.CompanyName" :validation="validation.CompanyName" @change="userCompany.CompanyName = $event"></elementInput> </div> <div class="element"> <elementInput :input="{ id: 'TaxNumber', label: 'userProfile.taxNumber', required: true, type: 'tel', }" :default="userCompany.TaxNumber" :validation="validation.TaxNumber" @change="userCompany.TaxNumber = $event"></elementInput> </div> <div class="element md:tw-col-span-2"> <elementAddress :input="{ id: 'StreetAddress', label: 'userProfile.companyAddress', required: true, type: 'street', }" :default1="userCompany.Street1" :default2="userCompany.Street2" :validation1="validation.Street1" :validation2="validation.Street2" @change1="userCompany.Street1 = $event" @change2="userCompany.Street2 = $event"> </elementAddress> </div> <div class="element"> <elementInput :input="{ id: 'City', label: 'userProfile.companyCity', required: true, type: 'text', }" :default="userCompany.CityName" :validation="validation.CityName" @change="userCompany.CityName = $event"></elementInput> </div> <div class="element"> <elementInput :input="{ id: 'State', label: 'userProfile.stateAndProvince', required: false, type: 'text', }" :default="userCompany.StateName" :validation="validation.StateName" @change="userCompany.StateName = $event"></elementInput> </div> <!-- {{ userCompany.Country.CountryID }} --> <div class="element"> <elementSelect :select="{ id: 'Country', label: 'userProfile.companyCountry', required: true, }" :selectList="countryOptions" :default="userCompany.CountryID" :validation="validation.CountryID" @change="userCompany.CountryID = $event"></elementSelect> </div> <div class="element"> <elementInput :input="{ id: 'ZIP', label: 'userProfile.zipAndPostalCode', required: true, type: 'zip', }" :default="userCompany.ZipCode" :validation="validation.ZipCode" @change="userCompany.ZipCode = $event"></elementInput> </div> </div> <div class="md:tw-flex md:tw-flex-row-reverse"> <button class="tw-text-[18px] tw-bg-primary-1 tw-text-white tw-w-full tw-py-[12px] tw-rounded-[16px] tw-mb-[10px] md:tw-w-fit md:tw-px-[24px] md:tw-mb-0 md:hover:tw-bg-primary-2" @click="save"> {{ $t("userProfile.save") }} </button> <button class="tw-text-[18px] tw-bg-white tw-text-primary-1 tw-w-full tw-py-[12px] tw-rounded-[16px] md:tw-w-fit md:tw-px-[24px] md:tw-mr-[10px]" @click="reset"> {{ $t("userProfile.clear") }} </button> </div> </div> </modal> </template> <script> import elementInput from "@/components/newComponent/form/ElementInput"; import elementAddress from "@/components/newComponent/form/ElementAddress"; import elementSelect from "@/components/newComponent/form/ElementSelect"; import is from "is_js"; import { ConsoleWriter } from "istanbul-lib-report"; export default { name: "EditCompanytModal", components: { elementInput, elementAddress, elementSelect, is, }, model: { event: "update:is-company-edit-dialog-active", }, props: { userCompany: { type: Object, required: true, }, countryOptions: { type: Array, required: true, }, }, data() { return { userCompanyCopy: {}, countrySelect: null, validation: { CompanyName: true, TaxNumber: true, Street1: true, Street2: true, CityName: true, StateName: true, CountryID: true, ZipCode: true, }, errors: null, rules: { require: (value) => !!value || this.$t("Required."), email: (v) => /^([a-zA-Z0-9_\-\.]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9_\-\.]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})$/.test( v ) || this.$t("Invalid email"), checkPassword: (v) => (/(?=.*[0-9])(?=.*[a-z])(?=.*[A-Z])/.test(v) && v.length >= 8 && v.length <= 20) || this.$t( "Passwords must be 8-20 characters with at least 1 number, 1 lower case letter and 1 upper case letter" ), }, valid: false, }; },
methods: { validators() { if (is.empty(this.userCompany.CompanyName)) { this.validation.CompanyName = false; } else { this.validation.CompanyName = true; } if (is.empty(this.userCompany.TaxNumber)) { this.validation.TaxNumber = false; } else { this.validation.TaxNumber = true; } if (is.empty(this.userCompany.Street1)) { this.validation.Street1 = false; } else { this.validation.Street1 = true; } if (is.empty(this.userCompany.CityName)) { this.validation.CityName = false; } else { this.validation.CityName = true; } if (this.userCompany.ZipCode == "") { this.validation.CountryID = false; } else { this.validation.CountryID = true; } if (is.empty(this.userCompany.ZipCode)) { this.validation.ZipCode = false; } else { this.validation.ZipCode = true; } this.errors = Object.entries(this.validation).filter( (e) => e[1] == false ); if (this.errors.length > 0) { return false; } else { return true; } }, save() { this.validators(); if (this.validators()) { const patchData = this.userCompany; this.$axios .post(`/trending/api/Members/Company`, patchData) .then((response) => { //console.log(JSON.stringify(response));
if(response && response.data && response.data.DATA && response.data.DATA.rel){ let data = response.data.DATA.rel if(data){ this.$emit("refetch-user"); //this.$emit("update", true);
this.$modal.hide("edit-company-modal"); } } }) .catch((error) => { console.log(error); }); } }, reset() { this.userCompany = { CompanyName: "", TaxNumber: "", Street1: "", Street2: "", CityName: "", StateName: "", CountryID: "", ZipCode: "", }; }, }, }; </script> <style scoped lang="scss"> .close { // position: absolute;
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