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2 years ago
  1. <template>
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  27. : 'neutrals--text text--darken-1 logo-title text-size-25'
  28. "
  29. >
  30. Start your journey from ShowEasy,<br />
  31. <span class="complementary--text text--lighten-1"
  32. >Make Your Show Easy !</span
  33. >
  34. </v-card>
  35. </v-card>
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  43. flat
  44. width="648"
  45. class="d-flex flex-column align-center text-center"
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  47. <v-img
  48. :src="require('~/assets/img/aboutUs1.png')"
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  57. "
  58. >
  59. {{ $t("Our Vision & Mission") }}
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  62. :class="
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  66. "
  67. v-html="
  68. $t(
  69. 'To create a simpler, more efficient, and more innovative event<br />experience for business connect to the world.'
  70. )
  71. "
  72. >
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  82. flat
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  86. <v-img
  87. :src="require('~/assets/img/aboutUs2.png')"
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  96. "
  97. >
  98. {{ $t("Who is ShowEasy?") }}
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  100. <v-spacer
  101. :class="
  102. $vuetify.breakpoint.smAndUp
  103. ? 'neutrals--text text--darken-4 font-weight-bold mb-10 text-size-18'
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  105. "
  106. v-html="
  107. $t(
  108. 'ShowEasy is an online tradeshow integrated platform that you can find<br />the worldwide tradeshow information and related services.'
  109. )
  110. "
  111. >
  112. </v-spacer>
  113. <v-spacer
  114. :class="
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  120. {{
  121. $t(
  122. "With more than 20 years of experiences in the event industry, we know how frustrating and time-consuming it is when preparing and attending for a tradeshow."
  123. )
  124. }}
  125. </v-spacer>
  126. <v-spacer class="mb-10 grey--text text--lighten1 font-italic">
  127. {{ $t("How to choose a proper tradeshow?") }}<br />
  128. {{
  129. $t("How to find creditable and trustworthy suppliers?")
  130. }}<br />
  131. {{ $t("How to ship my exhibits safely to the venue?") }}<br />
  132. {{ $t("Where to stay during the event?") }}<br />
  133. {{ $t("Where to visit after the show?") }}
  134. </v-spacer>
  135. <v-spacer
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  137. $vuetify.breakpoint.smAndUp
  138. ? 'neutrals--text text--darken-4 text-size-16'
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  140. "
  141. >
  142. {{
  143. $t(
  144. "For those with these questions in mind and got tired of being lost…"
  145. )
  146. }}<br />
  147. <span class="primary--text">
  148. {{ $t("We hear you, ShowEasy hears you.") }}<br />
  149. {{ $t("We are here to help!") }}
  150. </span>
  151. </v-spacer>
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  153. :src="require('~/assets/img/aboutUs3.png')"
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  164. >
  165. {{
  166. $t(
  167. "Enjoy a Well-organized, Efficient, and Productive event journey."
  168. )
  169. }}
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  179. depressed
  180. style="padding: 15px 20px; letter-spacing: 0.02em"
  181. :to="localePath('/')"
  182. >
  183. {{ $t("Start with ShowEasy now!") }}
  184. </v-btn>
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  186. </v-card>
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  188. >
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  190. <script>
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  192. auth: false,
  193. data() {
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