<template> <div class="cookie-bottom-modal d-flex justify-center" v-if="isCookieHasBeenClicked" style="z-index: 999" > <div class="computer hidden-sm-and-down"> <v-card flat max-width="1306" min-height="80" class="border-radius-20 py-5 px-8 d-flex justify-space-between mx-5" style="background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.75)" > <v-card flat class="d-flex flex-column tw-mr-[10px]" color="transparent" > <v-card flat color="transparent" class="white--text px-3" style="font-size: 14px; letter-spacing: 0.02em" > {{ $t( "We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. We also use cookies to ensure we show you advertising that is relevant to you." ) }} </v-card> <v-card flat color="transparent" class="primary--text px-3 tw-body-4" style="text-decoration: underline" ><nuxt-link :to="localePath('/cookiePolicy')"> {{ $t("Learn More") }}</nuxt-link ></v-card > </v-card> <v-btn class="remove-upper primary white--text border-radius-16" width="140" height="40" @click="closeCookie()" > {{ $t("Got it") }} </v-btn> </v-card> </div>
<div class="tablet d-none d-sm-flex d-md-none"> <v-card flat max-width="708" min-height="171" class="border-radius-20 py-5 px-7 mx-5 d-flex flex-column justify-space-between" style="background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.75)" > <v-card flat class="d-flex flex-column" color="transparent"> <v-card flat color="transparent" class="white--text" style="font-size: 14px; letter-spacing: 0.02em" > {{ $t( "We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. We also use cookies to ensure we show you advertising that is relevant to you." ) }} </v-card> <v-card flat color="transparent" class="primary--text tw-body-4" style="text-decoration: underline" ><nuxt-link :to="localePath('/cookiePolicy')"> {{ $t("Learn More") }}</nuxt-link ></v-card > </v-card> <v-btn class="remove-upper primary white--text border-radius-16" max-width="648" height="40" @click="closeCookie()" > {{ $t("Got it") }} </v-btn> </v-card> </div>
<div class="phone hidden-sm-and-up"> <v-card flat max-width="384" min-height="164" class="border-radius-20 py-5 px-7 mx-5 d-flex flex-column justify-space-between" style="background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.75)" > <v-card flat class="d-flex flex-column" color="transparent"> <v-card flat color="transparent" class="white--text" style="font-size: 14px; letter-spacing: 0.02em; line-height: 16px" > {{ $t( "We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. We also use cookies to ensure we show you advertising that is relevant to you." ) }} </v-card> <v-card flat color="transparent" class="primary--text tw-body-4 tw-mb-[20px]" style="text-decoration: underline" ><nuxt-link :to="localePath('/cookiePolicy')"> {{ $t("Learn More") }}</nuxt-link ></v-card > </v-card> <v-btn class="remove-upper primary white--text border-radius-16" max-width="344" height="40" @click="closeCookie()" > {{ $t("Got it") }} </v-btn> </v-card> </div> </div> </template>
<script> export default { data() { return { privacyPolicy: true, isCookieHasBeenClicked: true, }; }, created(){ //this.$cookies.set("storeCache",JSON.stringify(true),1); //一開始先設cookie為顯示
if(process.client){ //若是在client端
let storeCache = this.$cookies.get("storeCache"); //取storeCache(false) 有顯示
if(storeCache == undefined){ this.isCookieHasBeenClicked = true; } if(storeCache == true){ this.isCookieHasBeenClicked = false; }else{ this.isCookieHasBeenClicked = true; } // if(storeCache == undefined){ //
// this.$cookies.set("storeCache",JSON.stringify(true),1);
// }else if(storeCache == false){
// this.$cookies.set("storeCache",JSON.stringify(true),1);
// }else{
// this.isCookieHasBeenClicked = JSON.parse(storeCache);
// }
// if(storeCache != undefined){
// this.isCookieHasBeenClicked = JSON.parse(storeCache);
// }
} }, watch: { isCookieHasBeenClicked: { handler: function () { if(this.isCookieHasBeenClicked == false){ this.$cookies.set("storeCache",JSON.stringify(true), 1); } }, }, }, methods:{ closeCookie(){ console.log(process.client ? true : false); if(process.client){ //在client端的時候
this.isCookieHasBeenClicked = false; } } } }; </script>
<style> .cookie-bottom-modal { position: fixed; bottom: 40px; width: 100%; } </style>