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<template> <div @click="goToExhibition()" class="tw-bg-neutrals-0 tw-cursor-pointer tw-rounded-[10px] tw-px-[6px] tw-py-[8px] md:tw-px-[11px] md:tw-py-[10px]"> <div class="remove-underline md:tw-grid md:tw-grid-cols-[1fr_3fr] md:tw-gap-[10px] md:tw-auto-row-1 xl:tw-grid-cols-[160px_auto]"> <div class="tw-bg-white tw-rounded-[10px] tw-flex tw-items-center tw-justify-center tw-overflow-hidden tw-min-h-[106px] xl:tw-w-[160px] xl:tw-h-[106px]"> <img :src="item.Logo" class="tw-h-[20vw] md:tw-h-[13vw] xl:tw-h-[106px]" /> </div> <div class="md:tw-flex md:tw-flex-col md:tw-justify-between"> <div class="md:tw-flex md:tw-flex-col"> <h3 class="t14 tw-line-clamp-2 tw-text-ellipsis tw-overflow-hidden tw-mt-[8px] tw-mb-[4px] md:t16 md:tw-font-medium md:tw-line-clamp-none md:tw-h-full md:tw-mt-0 xl:tw-line-clamp-2"> {{ item.ExhibitionName }} </h3> <div class="tw-hidden t14 tw-text-neutrals-600 md:tw-block"> {{ item.Region.RegionName ? item.Region.RegionName + " . " : "" }} {{ item.Country.CountryName ? item.Country.CountryName + " . " : "" }} {{ item.City.CityName ? item.City.CityName : "" }} </div> </div> <div class="md:tw-mt-[14px] md:tw-flex md:tw-justify-between md:tw-items-center"> <div class="time te-text-[#ee9546] t12 tw-mt-[8px] md:t16 md:tw-font-medium md:tw-mt-0"> {{ formatDate(item.StartDate) }} ~ {{ formatDate(item.EndDate) }} </div> <div class="tw-mt-[14px] tw-text-right md:tw-mt-0 tw-flex "> <span class="t14 tw-text-neutrals-500 tw-mr-[10px] tw-flex"> <v-img class="tw-flex-none" max-width="14" :src="require(`@/assets/svg/u_users-alt.svg`)"></v-img> <span class="t14 tw-text-neutrals-500 tw-ml-[6px] md:tw-ml-[10px]">{{item.VisitorCount}}</span> </span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </template> <script> import { formatDate, dateCountDown } from "~/utils/assist"; import VClamp from "vue-clamp"; export default { props: { item: { type: Object, }, }, components: { VClamp,
}, created() { // this.days = this.dateCountDown(this.$props.item.startdate);
}, data() { return { days: 1, }; }, methods: { formatDate, dateCountDown, goToExhibition(){ this.$router.push(this.localePath(`/exhibition/${this.item.ExhibitionID}`)); } }, }; </script>
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