You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
<template> <v-navigation-drawer temporary v-model="drawerAcitve" app :width="$vuetify.breakpoint.smAndUp ? '668px' : '334px'" v-click-outside="closeDrawer"> <v-card :width="$vuetify.breakpoint.smAndUp ? '668px' : '334px'" class="pt-10 elevation-0 px-10"> <div :class=" $vuetify.breakpoint.smOnly ? 'primary--text text-size-20 font-weight-medium pt-10 px-7 pb-5' : 'primary--text text-size-14 font-weight-medium pt-10 px-7 pb-5' "> <nuxt-link :to="localePath('/exhibition')" class="remove-underline">{{ $t("Exhibition") }}</nuxt-link> </div> <v-divider class="my-3"></v-divider> <!-- <div class="primary--text text-size-20 font-weight-medium pt-5 px-7 pb-5"> {{ $t('Service') }} </div> --> <!-- <div v-for="(item,index) in contents" class="text-size-20 py-5 pe-7 ps-15"> {{ item }} </div> --> <!-- <v-divider class="my-3"></v-divider> --> <div class="pt-5 px-7 pb-5"> <a v-if="$i18n.locale == 'zh-tw'" href="" target="_blank" :class=" $vuetify.breakpoint.smOnly ? 'remove-underline primary--text text-size-20 font-weight-medium' : 'remove-underline primary--text text-size-14 font-weight-medium' ">{{ $t("Blog") }}</a> <a v-else href="" target="_blank" :class=" $vuetify.breakpoint.smOnly ? 'remove-underline primary--text text-size-20 font-weight-medium' : 'remove-underline primary--text text-size-14 font-weight-medium' ">{{ $t("Blog") }}</a> </div> <v-divider class="mt-3"></v-divider> <v-spacer style="padding-top: 160px" class="flex-column align-end"> <v-select outlined hide-details :items="$i18n.locales" item-text="text" item-value="code" v-model="lang" class="border-radius-16 mb-5"></v-select> <nuxt-link class="remove-underline" :to="localePath('/faq')"> <v-btn height="56px" width="100%" outlined hide-details class="border-radius-16 justify-start" style="border-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.42)"> {{ $t("Help") }} </v-btn> </nuxt-link> </v-spacer> </v-card> </v-navigation-drawer> </template>
<script> import changeCurrency from "@/components/dropdown/changeCurrency.vue"; export default { data() { return { lang: "en", }; }, components: { changeCurrency, }, computed: { drawerAcitve: { get() { return this.$store.getters.getDrawerStatus; }, set() { }, }, }, created() { this.$i18n.locale === "en" ? (this.lang = "en") : (this.lang = "zh-tw"); // this.contents = [
// "Rental cars",
// "Flower",
// "Hotel",
// "SIM Card",
// ];
methods: { closeDrawer() { if (this.$store.getters.getDrawerStatus === true) { this.$store.dispatch("toggleDrawer", flase); } }, }, watch: { lang: { handler: function () { if (this.lang === "en") { this.$i18n.setLocale(this.lang); } else { this.$i18n.setLocale(this.lang); } }, }, }, }; </script>
<style lang="scss" scoped> .drawer { position: fixed; z-index: 10 !important; }
.drawer-title { font-weight: 500; font-size: 14px; line-height: 20px; letter-spacing: 0.02em; color: #ee9546; } </style>