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  1. <template>
  2. <div class="home-view">
  3. <Hero :slogan="slogan" :subslogan="subslogan" :populars="populars"
  4. :exhibitionsSearchs="exhibitionsSearchs"
  5. :exhibitionsLocations="exhibitionsLocations" :exhibitionsCategories="exhibitionsCategories" :banner="banner"
  6. :exhibitionsKeywords="exhibitionsKeywords" />
  7. <centerMode :list="ads" v-if="ads.length"></centerMode>
  8. <!-- <AdBanner :item="" /> -->
  9. <section class="tw-mt-[50px] md:tw-mt-[70px] xl:tw-max-w-[1366px] xl:tw-mx-auto">
  10. <ChoiceReason :reasons="reasons"></ChoiceReason>
  11. </section>
  12. <section class="xl:tw-max-w-[1366px] xl:tw-mx-auto">
  13. <FocusExhibition v-if="focusExhibitionlist1.length>0 || focusExhibitionlist2.length>0" :focusExhibitionlist1="focusExhibitionlist1" :focusExhibitionlist2="focusExhibitionlist2"></FocusExhibition>
  14. </section>
  15. <!-- <section class="tw-px-[30px] xl:tw-px-[60px] tw-mt-[50px] md:tw-mt-[70px] xl:tw-max-w-[1366px] xl:tw-mx-auto">
  16. <h2 class="t18 tw-font-medium tw-mb-[28px] md:tw-float-left md:t24 xl:t28">
  17. * 國外 {{ $t("Focus Exhibitions") }}
  18. </h2>
  19. <FocusExhibition2 v-if="focusExhibitionlist.length > 0" :focusExhibitionlist="focusExhibitionlist"></FocusExhibition2>
  20. </section> -->
  21. <section class="xl:tw-max-w-[1366px] xl:tw-mx-auto">
  22. <ExhibitionStrategy v-if="strategyList.length > 0" :strategyList="strategyList"></ExhibitionStrategy>
  23. </section>
  24. <section class="xl:tw-max-w-[1366px] xl:tw-mx-auto">
  25. <Advertisement v-if="advertisementList.length > 0" :advertisementList="advertisementList"></Advertisement>
  26. </section>
  27. <!-- <section class="tw-px-[30px] xl:tw-px-[60px] tw-mt-[50px] md:tw-mt-[70px] xl:tw-max-w-[1366px] xl:tw-mx-auto">
  28. <h2 class="t18 tw-font-medium tw-text-primary-default tw-mb-[28px] md:tw-float-left md:t24 xl:t28">
  29. {{ $t("Highlight Exhibitions") }}
  30. </h2>
  31. <newHighlightExhibitions></newHighlightExhibitions>
  32. </section>
  33. <section class="tw-pl-[30px] xl:tw-px-[60px] tw-mt-[50px] md:tw-mt-[70px] xl:tw-max-w-[1366px] xl:tw-mx-auto"
  34. v-show="services.length > 0">
  35. <h2 class="t18 tw-font-medium tw-text-primary-default tw-mb-[8px] md:t24 xl:tw-float-left xl:t28">
  36. {{ $t("Trending Services") }}
  37. </h2>
  38. <TrendingService :services="services" />
  39. </section>
  40. <section class="tw-px-[30px] xl:tw-px-[60px] tw-mt-[50px] md:tw-mt-[70px] xl:tw-max-w-[1366px] xl:tw-mx-auto">
  41. <h2 class="t18 tw-font-medium tw-text-primary-default tw-mb-[24px] md:t24 xl:t28" v-show="themes.length > 0">
  42. {{ $t("Featured Exhibition Themes") }}
  43. </h2>
  44. <FeaturedExhibitonThemes :themes="themes" :title="themesTitle" />
  45. </section>
  46. <section class="tw-pl-[30px] xl:tw-px-[60px] tw-mt-[50px] md:tw-mt-[70px] xl:tw-max-w-[1366px] xl:tw-mx-auto">
  47. <h2 class="t18 tw-font-medium tw-text-primary-default tw-mb-[24px] md:t24 xl:t28">
  48. {{ $t("Trending Destination Services") }}
  49. </h2>
  50. <TrendingDestinationServices :themes="serviceThemes" :title="serviceThemesTitle">
  51. </TrendingDestinationServices>
  52. </section> -->
  53. <OtherInfo />
  54. <!-- <section class="tw-px-[30px] tw-mt-[50px] md:tw-mt-[95px] xl:tw-px-[60px] xl:tw-max-w-[1366px] xl:tw-mx-auto">
  55. <h2 class="t18 tw-font-medium tw-text-primary-default tw-mt-[25px] md:t24 xl:t28">
  56. {{ $t("Partnership") }}
  57. </h2>
  58. <Partnership v-if="partnershiplist.length > 0" :partnershiplist="partnershiplist"></Partnership>
  59. </section> -->
  60. <BottomInfo :countries="countries" :cards="cards" :categories="categories"/>
  61. <CookieUnderModal />
  62. </div>
  63. </template>
  64. <script>
  65. import Hero from "@/components/home/Hero";
  66. // import AdBanner from "@/components/home/AdBanner";
  67. import centerMode from "@/components/swiper/centerMode";
  68. import ChoiceReason from "@/components/home/ChoiceReason";
  69. import FocusExhibition from "@/components/home/FocusExhibition";
  70. // import FocusExhibition2 from "@/components/home/FocusExhibition2";
  71. // import newHighlightExhibitions from "@/components/home/newHighlightExhibitions.vue";
  72. // import TrendingService from "@/components/home/TrendingService";
  73. // import FeaturedExhibitonThemes from "@/components/home/FeaturedExhibitonThemes";
  74. // import TrendingDestinationServices from "@/components/home/TrendingDestinationServices";
  75. import OtherInfo from "@/components/home/OtherInfo";
  76. import Partnership from "@/components/home/Partnership";
  77. import BottomInfo from "@/components/home/BottomInfo";
  78. import CookieUnderModal from "@/components/home/CookieUnderModal";
  79. import ExhibitionStrategy from "@/components/home/ExhibitionStrategy";
  80. import Advertisement from "@/components/home/Advertisement";
  81. // import jwt_decode from "jwt-decode";
  82. // import { getData } from "~/utils/assist";
  83. // import { onMounted } from "vue";
  84. export default {
  85. data() {
  86. return {
  87. title: '1',
  88. apiUrl: process.env.SERVICE_CONSOLE,
  89. slogan: '',
  90. subslogan: '',
  91. populars: {
  92. search: [],
  93. service: []
  94. },
  95. // servicesSearchs: [],
  96. // servicesLocations: [],
  97. // serviceKeywords: [],
  98. exhibitionsSearchs: [],
  99. exhibitionsLocations: [{
  100. id: '1',
  101. region: 'Taiwan',
  102. countries: [{
  103. id: '2',
  104. country: 'USA',
  105. cities: [{
  106. id: '3',
  107. city: 'Japan'
  108. }]
  109. }]
  110. }],
  111. exhibitionsCategories: [
  112. ],
  113. exhibitionsKeywords: [],
  114. banner: '',
  115. ads: [
  116. {
  117. id: 'banner_1',
  118. image: require('/assets/img/banner/banner_1.png'),
  119. url: '/service?taiwan=taiwan'
  120. },
  121. {
  122. id: 'banner_2',
  123. image: require('/assets/img/banner/banner_2.png'),
  124. url: ''
  125. },
  126. {
  127. id: 'banner_5',
  128. image: require('/assets/img/banner/banner_5.png'),
  129. url: ''
  130. }
  131. ],
  132. advertisementList: [{
  133. image: require('/assets/img/Frame.jpg'),
  134. url: '/exhibition/2a3e37c2-195c-4ab6-8ee8-663f0b00451d'
  135. },{
  136. image: require('/assets/img/Frame.jpg'),
  137. url: '/exhibition/2a3e37c2-195c-4ab6-8ee8-663f0b00451d'
  138. },{
  139. image: require('/assets/img/Frame.jpg'),
  140. url: '/exhibition/2a3e37c2-195c-4ab6-8ee8-663f0b00451d'
  141. }
  142. ],
  143. focusExhibitionlist1: [],
  144. focusExhibitionlist2: [],
  145. services: [{
  146. id: '1',
  147. name: 'VISA Application (Vietnam)',
  148. price: '35',
  149. region: '0',
  150. country: '0',
  151. subcategory: 'VISA',
  152. rating: '5.4',
  153. reviews: '344',
  154. preview_image: require('~/assets/img/bookingInfoTest.png'),
  155. payment_currency: 'NTD',
  156. },{
  157. id: '1',
  158. name: 'VISA Application (Vietnam)',
  159. price: '35',
  160. region: '0',
  161. country: '0',
  162. subcategory: 'VISA',
  163. rating: '5.4',
  164. reviews: '344',
  165. preview_image: require('~/assets/img/bookingInfoTest.png'),
  166. payment_currency: 'NTD',
  167. },{
  168. id: '1',
  169. name: 'VISA Application (Vietnam)',
  170. price: '35',
  171. region: '0',
  172. country: '0',
  173. subcategory: 'VISA',
  174. rating: '5.4',
  175. reviews: '344',
  176. preview_image: require('~/assets/img/bookingInfoTest.png'),
  177. payment_currency: 'NTD',
  178. },{
  179. id: '1',
  180. name: 'VISA Application (Vietnam)',
  181. price: '35',
  182. region: '0',
  183. country: '0',
  184. subcategory: 'VISA',
  185. rating: '5.4',
  186. reviews: '344',
  187. preview_image: require('~/assets/img/bookingInfoTest.png'),
  188. payment_currency: 'NTD',
  189. }],
  190. reasons:[{
  191. name: '一站可查全球展會',
  192. content: '全球上千場展覽,透過關鍵字或類別查詢,時間、地點、展館、主辦單位…等,資料為您備齊。',
  193. url: 'javascript:void(0);',
  194. image: require('~/assets/img/search-field.png')
  195. },{
  196. name: '網羅辦展所需服務',
  197. content: '展品運輸、展館服務…等服務,我們一一為您網羅,ShowEasy 讓您線上查詢、預約,輕鬆管理您的訂單。',
  198. url: 'javascript:void(0);',
  199. image: require('~/assets/img/shopping-bag.png')
  200. },{
  201. name: '嚴選供應商品質保障',
  202. content: 'ShowEasy 擁有嚴謹的供應商審核制度,憑藉展會業資深團隊深厚的經驗,為您所訂購的服務品質查核。',
  203. url: 'javascript:void(0);',
  204. image: require('~/assets/img/medal.png')
  205. },{
  206. name: '展會服務數位化',
  207. content: 'ShowEasy 將展會產業鏈數位化,達到查找服務便利、訂購流程簡便、線上即時下單的效益。',
  208. url: 'javascript:void(0);',
  209. image: require('~/assets/img/mac-os.png')
  210. }],
  211. themes: [{
  212. name: '',
  213. url: '/',
  214. image: require('~/assets/img/thems/Exhibiton-Themes-01.png')
  215. },{
  216. name: '',
  217. url: '/',
  218. image: require('/assets/img/thems/Exhibiton-Themes-02.png')
  219. },{
  220. name: '',
  221. url: '/',
  222. image: require('/assets/img/thems/Exhibiton-Themes-03.png')
  223. },{
  224. name: '',
  225. url: '/',
  226. image: require('/assets/img/thems/Exhibiton-Themes-04.png')
  227. }],
  228. themesTitle: '',
  229. serviceThemes: [{
  230. name: '',
  231. image: require('/assets/img/thems/Frame33.png')
  232. },{
  233. name: '',
  234. image: require('/assets/img/thems/Frame34.png')
  235. },{
  236. name: '',
  237. image: require('/assets/img/thems/Frame35.png')
  238. },{
  239. name: '',
  240. image: require('/assets/img/thems/Frame36.png')
  241. },{
  242. name: '',
  243. image: require('/assets/img/thems/Frame37.png')
  244. }],
  245. serviceThemesTitle: '',
  246. countries: [
  247. ],
  248. cards: [
  249. ],
  250. categories: [
  251. ],
  252. partnershiplist: [{
  253. image: require('/assets/img/partnership/A_best_world.png')
  254. },{
  255. image: require('/assets/img/partnership/Brilliant.png')
  256. },{
  257. image: require('/assets/img/partnership/DJB_logo.jpg')
  258. },{
  259. image: require('/assets/img/partnership/euro_logo.png')
  260. },{
  261. image: require('/assets/img/partnership/fullon.jpg')
  262. },{
  263. image: require('/assets/img/partnership/hanselogo.png')
  264. },{
  265. image: require('/assets/img/partnership/nanrunglogo.png')
  266. },{
  267. image: require('/assets/img/partnership/PILATUS.png')
  268. },{
  269. image: require('/assets/img/partnership/Shilin_Flower_ArtLOGO.png')
  270. },{
  271. image: require('/assets/img/partnership/starpubliclogo.png')
  272. },{
  273. image: require('/assets/img/partnership/Tripool.png')
  274. },{
  275. image: require('/assets/img/partnership/Xinfeng_Logo.png')
  276. }],
  277. strategyList:[{
  278. title: '海外參展大補帖 — 申請展覽補助',
  279. url:'',
  280. date: 'June 14, 2021',
  281. content: '疫情的侵略,全世界會展產業都停滯,參展商也很難在收入銳減的的情況下參加國際展,但你知道嗎,其實有方法可以減少負擔的參與國際展覽呦',
  282. },{
  283. title: '【與誰同行?】 展覽選好了、報名好了 老闆該派誰去? 我們該怎麼準備呢?',
  284. url:'',
  285. date: 'June 14, 2021',
  286. content: '講到「參展」,我們第一個會想到怎麼裝潢攤位、擺設商品,或者是怎麼將我們的展品運到展場。但是,你有想到其實工作人員的安排也是一件很重要的事嗎?',
  287. },{
  288. title: '如何挑選合適的攤位面積?',
  289. url:'',
  290. date: 'June 14, 2021',
  291. content: '臺灣是外銷出口大國,在各種行銷方法中,「參加國際展覽」是接觸海外買主、開發潛在客戶的重要渠道,但報名參展時,很多的製造商或品牌商對於自己的',
  292. }
  293. ]
  294. };
  295. },
  296. props: ["langChange"],
  297. name: "IndexPage",
  298. auth: false,
  299. head: {
  300. title: "ShowEasy-we make your show easy!",
  301. },
  302. components: {
  303. Hero,
  304. // AdBanner,
  305. centerMode,
  306. ChoiceReason,
  307. FocusExhibition,
  308. // newHighlightExhibitions,
  309. // TrendingService,
  310. // FeaturedExhibitonThemes,
  311. // TrendingDestinationServices,
  312. OtherInfo,
  313. Partnership,
  314. BottomInfo,
  315. CookieUnderModal,
  316. ExhibitionStrategy,
  317. Advertisement,
  318. },
  319. async created() {
  320. // this.getBanner();
  321. await this.getBaseInfo();
  322. await this.getCategories();
  323. await this.getLocations();
  324. await this.getPopular();
  325. await this.getCategoryExhibition1();
  326. await this.getCategoryExhibition2();
  327. await this.getPopularCountry();
  328. await this.getPopularCategory();
  329. // await this.getServiceKeywords();
  330. // await this.getExhibitionsKeywords();
  331. // await this.getServiceHistory();
  332. // await this.getExhibitionsHistory();
  333. // await this.getServiceLocations();
  334. // await this.getExhibitionsLocations();
  335. // await this.getExhibitionsCategories();
  336. // await this.getExhibitionsCollections();
  337. // await this.getExhibitionsTheme();
  338. // await this.getServiceTheme();
  339. // await this.getPartnership();
  340. if (this.$auth.loggedIn) {
  341. this.$store.dispatch("updatePicture");
  342. }
  343. },
  344. watch: {
  345. currency: {
  346. handler: function () {
  347. // 首頁已沒有服務方案展示
  348. // await this.getServices();
  349. },
  350. },
  351. },
  352. computed: {
  353. currency() {
  354. return this.$store.getters.getCurrency;
  355. },
  356. },
  357. methods: {
  358. // getBanner() {
  359. // this.$axios
  360. // .get(`/trending/api/index/banner?Lang=${this.$i18n.localeProperties["langQuery"]}`)
  361. // .then((response) => {
  362. // if(response && && &&{
  363. // let data =
  364. // if(data.length>0){
  365. // let arr = [];
  366. // for(let i=0;i<data.length;i++){
  367. // let target = {};
  368. // target.image = data[i];
  369. // arr.push(target);
  370. // }
  371. // = arr;
  372. // }
  373. // }
  374. // })
  375. // .catch((error) =>
  376. // console.log(error)
  377. // );
  378. // },
  379. async getBaseInfo(){
  380. await this.$axios
  381. .get(`/trending/api/index/baseInfo?Lang=${this.$i18n.localeProperties["langQuery"]}`)
  382. .then((response) => {
  383. if(response && && &&{
  384. let data =
  385. if(data){
  386. this.slogan = data.Slogan;
  387. this.subslogan = data.SubSlogan;
  388. this.banner = data.Image;
  389. if(data.PopularSearchs){
  390. if(data.PopularSearchs.indexOf(',') !=-1){
  391. = data.PopularSearchs.split(',');
  392. }else{
  394. }
  395. }
  396. if(data.ProductNames){
  397. if(data.ProductNames.indexOf(',') !=-1){
  398. this.populars.service = data.ProductNames.split(',');
  399. }else{
  400. this.populars.service.push(data.ProductNames);
  401. }
  402. }
  403. }
  404. }
  405. })
  406. .catch((error) =>
  407. console.log(error)
  408. );
  409. },
  410. async getPopularCountry() {
  411. await this.$axios
  412. .get(`/trending/api/Exhibition/PopularCountry?Lang=${this.$i18n.localeProperties["langQuery"]}&Count=10`)
  413. .then((response) => {
  414. if(response && && &&{
  415. let data =
  416. if(data.length>0){
  417. let arr = [];
  418. for(let i=0;i<data.length;i++){
  419. let target = {};
  420. = data[i].CountryName;
  421. = data[i].CountryID;
  422. target.url = "/exhibition?country=" + data[i].CountryID;
  423. arr.push(target);
  424. }
  425. this.countries = arr;
  426. }
  427. }
  428. })
  429. .catch((error) =>
  430. console.log(error)
  431. );
  432. },
  433. async getCategories() {
  434. await this.$axios
  435. .get(`/trending/api/Exhibition/Categories?Lang=${this.$i18n.localeProperties["langQuery"]}`)
  436. .then((response) => {
  437. if(response && && &&{
  438. let data =
  439. if(data.length>0){
  440. this.exhibitionsCategories = data;
  441. }
  442. }
  443. })
  444. .catch((error) =>
  445. console.log(error)
  446. );
  447. },
  448. async getLocations() {
  449. await this.$axios
  450. .get(`/trending/api/Exhibition/Locations?Lang=${this.$i18n.localeProperties["langQuery"]}`)
  451. .then((response) => {
  452. if(response && && &&{
  453. let data =
  454. if(data){
  455. this.exhibitionsLocations = data;
  456. }
  457. }
  458. })
  459. .catch((error) =>
  460. console.log(error)
  461. );
  462. },
  463. async getPopular() {
  464. await this.$axios
  465. .get(`/trending/api/Exhibition/Popular?Lang=${this.$i18n.localeProperties["langQuery"]}&Count=10`)
  466. .then((response) => {
  467. if(response && && &&{
  468. let data =
  469. if(data.length>0){
  470. let arr = [];
  471. for(let i=0;i<data.length;i++){
  472. let target = {};
  473. = data[i].ExhibitionName;
  474. = data[i].ExhibitionID;
  475. target.url = "/exhibition/" + data[i].ExhibitionID;
  476. arr.push(target);
  477. }
  478. = arr;
  479. }
  480. }
  481. })
  482. .catch((error) =>
  483. console.log(error)
  484. );
  485. },
  486. async getCategoryExhibition1() {
  487. await this.$axios
  488. .get(`/trending/api/Exhibition/CategoryExhibition?Lang=${this.$i18n.localeProperties["langQuery"]}&IncludeCountryIDs=['995384cd-f908-48ad-96a9-0e150e9b0eac']&ExcludeCountryIDs`)
  489. .then((response) => {
  490. if(response && && &&{
  491. let data =
  492. if(data.length>0){
  493. this.focusExhibitionlist1 = data;
  494. // let arr = [];
  495. // for(let i=0;i<data.length;i++){
  496. // let target = {};
  497. // = data[i].ExhibitionName;
  498. // = data[i].ExhibitionID;
  499. // target.url = "/exhibition/" + data[i].ExhibitionID;
  500. // arr.push(target);
  501. // }
  502. // = arr;
  503. }
  504. }
  505. })
  506. .catch((error) =>
  507. console.log(error)
  508. );
  509. },
  510. async getCategoryExhibition2() {
  511. await this.$axios
  512. .get(`/trending/api/Exhibition/CategoryExhibition?Lang=${this.$i18n.localeProperties["langQuery"]}&IncludeCountryIDs&ExcludeCountryIDs=['995384cd-f908-48ad-96a9-0e150e9b0eac']`)
  513. .then((response) => {
  514. if(response && && &&{
  515. let data =
  516. if(data.length>0){
  517. this.focusExhibitionlist2 = data;
  518. // let arr = [];
  519. // for(let i=0;i<data.length;i++){
  520. // let target = {};
  521. // = data[i].ExhibitionName;
  522. // = data[i].ExhibitionID;
  523. // target.url = "/exhibition/" + data[i].ExhibitionID;
  524. // arr.push(target);
  525. // }
  526. // = arr;
  527. }
  528. }
  529. })
  530. .catch((error) =>
  531. console.log(error)
  532. );
  533. },
  534. async getPopularCategory() {
  535. await this.$axios
  536. .get(`/trending/api/Exhibition/PopularCategory?Lang=${this.$i18n.localeProperties["langQuery"]}&Count=10`)
  537. .then((response) => {
  538. if(response && && &&{
  539. let data =
  540. if(data.length>0){
  541. let arr = [];
  542. for(let i=0;i<data.length;i++){
  543. let target = {};
  544. = data[i].CategoryName;
  545. = data[i].CategoryID;
  546. target.url = "/exhibition?category=" + data[i].CategoryID;
  547. arr.push(target);
  548. }
  549. this.categories = arr;
  550. }
  551. }
  552. })
  553. .catch((error) =>
  554. console.log(error)
  555. );
  556. },
  557. }
  558. };
  559. </script>
  560. <style lang="scss" scoped>
  561. </style>