<template> <div class="tw-px-[15px] tw-my-[60px] md:tw-px-[60px] xl:tw-max-w-screen-xl xl:tw-mx-auto xl:tw-grid xl:tw-grid-cols-1"> <section class="section section-one"></section> <section class="section section-two tw-w-full xl:tw-max-w-[822px] xl:tw-mx-auto xl:tw-mt-[40px]"> <PaymentStatus :status="status"></PaymentStatus> <DoneTotalPrice :subTotal="totalPrice" :orderStatus="orderStatus"></DoneTotalPrice> </section> <section class="section section-three tw-w-full tw-mt-[60px] xl:tw-max-w-[822px] xl:tw-mx-auto"> <h2 class="t18 title-icon-left tw-text-black tw-mb-[15px]"> {{ $t("Complete payment") }} </h2> <div class="notice tw-body-3 tw-text-black tw-mb-[20px] tw-hidden xl:tw-block"> {{ $t( "Please enter your info carefully. Once submitted it cannot be changed." ) }} </div> <ChooseMethod></ChooseMethod> <div class="element tw-flex tw-justify-center tw-items-center xl:tw-justify-end tw-mt-[30px]"> <a class="tw-transition tw-btn-md tw-no-underline tw-text-neutrals-0 tw-bg-primary-1 tw-px-[30px] tw-py-[9.5px] tw-rounded-2xl hover:tw-bg-primary-2" href="#"> {{ $t("Repay") }} </a> </div> </section> </div> </template> <script> import StepInfo from "@/components/service/StepInfo"; import BookingInfoItem from "@/components/service/BookingInfoItem"; import PurchaserInfo from "@/components/service/PurchaserInfo"; import ChooseMethod from "@/components/service/ChooseMethod"; import PriceInfo from "@/components/service/PriceInfo"; import TotalPrice from "@/components/service/TotalPrice"; import DoneTotalPrice from "@/components/service/DoneTotalPrice"; import PaymentStatus from "@/components/service/PaymentStatus"; import WireTransferInfo from "@/components/service/WireTransferInfo"; import DoneBookingDetails from "@/components/service/DoneBookingDetails"; export default { name: "service", layout: "service", auth: false, components: { StepInfo, BookingInfoItem, PurchaserInfo, ChooseMethod, PriceInfo, TotalPrice, DoneTotalPrice, PaymentStatus, WireTransferInfo, DoneBookingDetails, }, data() { return { step: "3", subTotal: 5510, methoodType: "Credit Card", //Credit Card,Remittance
status: "failed", serviceId: "", orderStatus: {}, totalPrice: 0, demo: [ { title: "Taipei Popular Sightseeing Private Car Charter: Jiufen, Pingxi, and North Coast (Chinese/English/Korean)", detail: "[Pick Up Service, Taipei City, Standard Car for 4 people] x 1", date: "2022.09.20-2022.09.24 (Local time)", quantity: 1, total: 3500, }, ], bankAccountInfo: { bankName: "E. SUN COMMERCIAL BANK, LTD., TAIPEI, TAIWAN", SWIFTCode: "ESUNTWTP", BankAddress: "No. 66-1,Sanchong Rd.,Nangang Dist., Taipei City 115602 , Taiwan", AccountNumber: "1182-879-079298", AccountName: "SHOWEASY CO., LTD", }, }; }, async created() { await this.getStatus(); }, mounted() { }, methods: { async getStatus() { await this.$axios .get( `/order/${this.$route.params.id}?jwt=${this.$auth.$storage.getUniversal("jwt").token }`
) .then((result) => { console.log(result) this.serviceId = result.data[0].service_id; this.orderStatus = result.data[0]; this.methoodType = result.data[0].order_payment[0].payment_type; this.orderStatus.order_item.forEach((item) => { this.totalPrice += Math.round(item.price * item.quantity * 100) / 100; }) return result.data; }) .catch((err) => { console.log(err); }); }, }, }; </script> <style lang="scss" scoped> .print { &::before { content: ""; display: inline-block; position: relative; background-image: url("~/assets/svg/print.svg"); background-position: center; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-size: cover; width: 20px; height: 20px; margin-right: 14px; } } </style>