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Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
512 lines
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512 lines
23 KiB
"English": "英文",
"Chinese": "中文",
"Submit": "送出",
"Search": "搜尋",
"Blog": "展覽攻略",
"Log in/Sign up": "登入/註冊",
"Exhibition": "展覽",
"Service": "服務",
"All Services": "所有服務",
"Hot Exhibitions": "重點展覽",
"Highlight Exhibitions": "重點展覽",
"Focus Exhibitions": "焦點展覽",
"Trending Services": "熱門服務",
"Trending Destination Services": "熱門服務地區",
"Featured Exhibition Themes": "精選展覽主題",
"Explore more": "查看更多",
"Press": "媒體報導",
"Recruitment": "加入我們",
"Our Partner": "我們的合作夥伴",
"For Exhibitor・Visitor": "給參展商・觀展者",
"For Partner": "給合作夥伴",
"Become Partner": "成為合作夥伴",
"Partner Login": "合作夥伴登入",
"Terms of Use": "服務條款",
"Terms & Conditions": "使用者條款",
"Follow Us": "關注我們",
"Contact Us": "聯繫我們",
"ShowEasy": "ShowEasy",
"News": "最新消息",
"About Us": "關於我們",
"FAQ": "常見問題",
"Help": "幫助中心",
"Four reasons for choosing ShowEasy": "選擇 ShowEasy 的 4 大理由",
"ShowEasy is an online exhibition service business platform, where you can find exhibition information and related services from around the world.": "ShowEasy 是個線上會展服務商務平台,在這裡,你可以找到來自全球的會展資訊以及相關服務。",
"For Exhibitor.Visitor": "給參展商.觀展者",
"Privacy Policy": "隱私權政策",
"Cookie Policy": "Cookie 政策",
"We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. We also use cookies to ensure we show you advertising that is relevant to you.": "我們將使用 cookie 等資訊以確保我們的網站能為您提供最佳體驗,同時衡量您最感興趣的網站區域,提供更個人化的功能。",
"Learn More": "了解更多",
"Learn more": "了解更多",
"Got it": "了解",
"Where are you going?": "想去哪裡呢?",
"History": "歷史紀錄",
"Location": "地點",
"locations": "地點",
"Exhibition Categories": "展覽類別",
"Categories": "母類別",
"Subcategories": "子類別",
"Find Exhibition categories ...": "搜尋展覽類別...",
"Find Country/City ...": "找國家/城市...",
"Find Country": "找國家",
"Find categories": "搜尋類別",
"See more": "查看更多",
"See less": "收合內容",
"Date": "日期",
"Select date": "選擇日期",
"Select Dates": "選擇日期",
"Select": "選擇",
"All Time": "全部日期",
"you need to select two dates": "你必須選擇兩個日期區間",
"Clear": "清除",
"Apply": "新增",
"Quick Ranges": "快速選取範圍",
"This month": "本月",
"Next month": "次月",
"This year": "今年",
"Next year": "明年",
"Download all information": "下載全部資料",
"Results": "項搜尋結果",
"Sort By": "排序根據",
"Rating": "評分",
"Ratings": "評分",
"Date: Newest to oldest": "日期: 從新到舊",
"Select Exhibition Categories": "選擇展覽類別",
"Select Location": "選擇地點",
"Filter": "篩選器",
"Taiwan": "台灣",
"Abroad": "國外",
"Japan": "日本",
"Italy": "義大利",
"Partnership": "合作夥伴",
"ShowEasy Advantage": "ShowEasy 的優勢",
"Explore More": "查看更多",
"reviews": "則評價",
"Official Website": "官方網站",
"Share with friends": "分享給朋友",
"Follow Event": "收藏展覽",
"Intro": "展覽簡介",
"Frequency": "展會週期",
"International Visitor Number :": "國際觀展人數",
"Visitor Number :": "參觀者數量",
"Exhibitor Number :": "參展商數量",
"Event Space :": "展場地點",
"Organizer Name :": "主辦商名稱",
"Highlight Review": "重點回顧",
"Related Services": "相關服務",
"Photo & Video Gallery": "影像專區",
"Venue": "會場資訊",
"Exhibit Profile": "展品簡介",
"Detailed Description": "展覽詳細資訊",
"Reviews": "評論",
"You might like ...": "你可能會喜歡...",
"Coming Soon in day": "倒數 {days} 天",
"in days": "{days} 天",
"Verify your email": "驗證您的電子信箱",
"Thank you for signing up": "感謝您的註冊.",
"Not a member?": "還不是會員嗎?",
"Remember me": "記住我",
"Forgot Password?": "忘記密碼?",
"Sign up with Google": " 使用Google註冊",
"Sign up with Facebook": "使用Facebook註冊",
"Sign Up": "註冊",
"Your email has been verified": "您的信箱已確認",
"Explore with ShowEasy": "和ShowEasy 一同探索",
"Go to ShowEasy in sec": "幾秒後前往 Showeasy",
"Reset Password": "重設密碼",
"Password Reset": "密碼重設",
"Confirm Password": "確認密碼",
"Congrats! Your password has been successfully reset": "恭喜! 您的密碼已成功重設",
"Login": "登入",
"Welcome back! Please enter your details": "歡迎回來! 請輸入你的會員資料",
"Sign up with Email": "以電子信箱註冊",
"Sign up": "註冊",
"Login with Google": "以Google帳號登入",
"Login with Facebook": "以Facebook的帳號登入",
"Email": "電子信箱",
"Welcome to ShowEasy!": "歡迎來到 ShowEasy!",
"Already have an account?": "已經有帳號?",
"Password": "密碼",
"We've sent a verification email to": "我們已經寄出確認信到",
"Please click the link within to activate your account.": "請按以下連結以開通您的帳號 ",
"Resend verification email": "重新寄送確認信",
"Forgot Password": "忘記密碼",
"Dont worry! It happens. Please enter the address associated with your account.": "別擔心! 這是常有的事,請輸入與您的帳戶相關的地址",
"First Name": "名字",
"Last Name": "姓氏",
"At least 8 characters, an upper-case letter, and a number": "須至少8個字數,包含一個英文大寫、小寫及數字",
"Subscribe to ShowEasy’s newsletter": "立即訂閱ShowEasy的電子報",
". Please click the link within to activate your account.": ". 請點擊郵件中連結來啟用您的帳戶",
"By signing up,": "註冊表示",
"you agree to the": "你已同意",
"and": "及",
"or": "或",
"Wrong email": "錯誤的email",
"Required.": "此為必填欄位",
"The username or password entered is incorrect": "帳號或密碼輸入錯誤",
"Service exception": "服務異常",
"Awesome !": "太好了 !",
"Successfully updated.": "已成功更新.",
"Error": "錯誤",
"Same email has been created already.": "此Email已被註冊",
"Passwords must be 8-20 characters with at least 1 number, 1 lower case letter and 1 upper case letter": "密碼長度須介於8-20個字元,且至少包含一個數字及大、小寫英文字母",
"Invalid email": "請輸入有效的電子信箱",
"Old password": "舊密碼",
"New password": "新密碼",
"Confirm password": "確認密碼",
"save": "儲存",
"country code": "國家代碼",
"phone number": "電話號碼",
"Phone": "電話號碼",
"What are you looking for?": "你想找什麼呢?",
"Looking ?": "尋找?",
"Your password and confirmation password do not match": "此欄位與您輸入的密碼不符",
"Please upload an image under 2MB.": "請上傳低於 2MB 的圖片。",
"Oops !": "糟了 !",
"Our Vision & Mission": "我們的使命 ",
"To create a simpler, more efficient, and more innovative event<br />experience for business connect to the world.": "創造一個更簡單、有效率且嶄新的參展體驗,讓你的企業與世界連結! ",
"Who is ShowEasy?": "關於ShowEasy ",
"ShowEasy is an online tradeshow integrated platform that you can find<br />the worldwide tradeshow information and related services.": "ShowEasy是個線上會展服務商務平台,<br />在這裡,可以找到來自全球的會展資訊以及相關服務。 ",
"With more than 20 years of experiences in the event industry, we know how frustrating and time-consuming it is when preparing and attending for a tradeshow.": "在會展界服務超過20年,我們非常了解準備跟參加展覽是一件多麼精疲力竭的事。",
"How to choose a proper tradeshow?": "有哪些展覽適合我參展?",
"How to find creditable and trustworthy suppliers?": "哪裡可以找到值得信賴的供應商?",
"How to ship my exhibits safely to the venue?": "我該怎麼將展品安全的運送到展場?",
"Where to stay during the event?": "參展時,住哪個飯店最方便?",
"Where to visit after the show?": "參展完的free time我可以去哪玩?有哪裡值得去看看?",
"For those with these questions in mind and got tired of being lost…": "快這些問題聽起來很耳熟? 是你?是你朋友?",
"We hear you, ShowEasy hears you.": "還是聽過其他人有一樣的問題嗎? ",
"We are here to help!": "沒事兒~不用再煩惱了! ShowEasy 在此提供一切你所需要的服務! ",
"Enjoy a Well-organized, Efficient, and Productive event journey.": "快跟著我們一起享受一場輕鬆又有效率的會展旅程吧!",
"Start with ShowEasy now!": "現在就開始ShowEasy的旅程吧!",
"Terms&Conditions": "使用者條款",
"Effective Date: 01 January, 2022": "日期:2022年1月1日",
"Version: 1.0": "版本:第1.0版 ",
"Passport Number": "護照號碼",
"Contact Info": "聯絡資訊",
"will be removed in your list": "將被刪除",
"How Can We Help You?": "我們該如何協助您?",
"Got a question? We’re here to answer!": "有任何疑問, 我們竭誠為您解答!",
"If you don’t see your question here, please contact us.": "如果找不到相關問題,請與我們聯繫",
"My Bookings": "我的訂單",
"Enter exhibitions, booking number ...": "輸入展名或訂單號碼",
"All Categories": "全部訂單",
"Go To Pay": "前往付款",
"Write a Review": "留下評論",
"Upload Remittance Slip": "上傳匯款單",
"booking": {
"All": "全部",
"Unpaid": "未付款",
"Failure": "付款失敗",
"Expired": "付款過期",
"Processing": "訂單處理中",
"Completed": "訂單完成",
"Cancelled": "訂單取消",
"Awaiting Confirmation": "訂單確認中",
"Paid": "已付款",
"Confirming": "付款確認中",
"Partial Payment": "部分付款",
"Confirmed": "訂單已確認",
"Refunded": "已退款"
"service": {
"All": "所有服務"
"region": {
"All": "全部地點"
"country": {
"All": "所有國家"
"city": {
"All": "全部城市"
"exhibitionContent": {
"exhibitionContent.grossSpace": "展會面積",
"exhibitionContent.foreignVisitorNumber": "國外參觀者數量"
"Select option": "請選擇",
"Select Options": "選擇方案",
"Package Options": "方案選項",
"Select date and package options": "選擇日期和選項",
"Select the exhibition you want to attend, and add the storage and delivery service of exhibits or truck pickup service": "選擇欲參加的展覽,並新增展品保管及運送服務或卡車提貨服務",
"Select Date": "選擇日期",
"Package Type": "方案類型",
"-hours confirmation": "小時內確認",
"Use code APP5OFF for 10% off": "使用折扣碼APP5OFF享有9折優惠",
"Specification": "規格",
"Additional Services": "加購服務",
"Service Details": "服務說明",
"Cancellation Policy": "取消政策",
"Cancellation": "取消政策",
"Clear all": "清除",
"Book Now": "立即訂購",
"Choose booking": "選擇方案",
"Enter info & Pay": "填寫資料&付款",
"Done": "完成",
"Booking Info": "訂單內容",
"Please enter your info carefully. Once submitted it cannot be changed.": "請確認資訊是否填寫正確,資料一旦送出不可更改",
"Package Detail": "方案詳細內容",
"Service Date": "服務日期",
"Quantity": "數量",
"(Tax included)": "(含稅)",
"Subtotal": "小計",
"Discount": "折扣",
"Taxes": "稅金",
"Total Amount": "總金額",
"Booking Details": "訂單內容",
"Departure Time": "出發時間",
"Promo code": "優惠碼",
"Complete Payment": "完成付款",
"Purchaser Info": "帳單資訊",
"Choose payment method": "選擇付款方式",
"Next": "下一步",
"Pay now": "立即付款",
"Card number": "卡片號碼",
"Credit card": "信用卡",
"Expiration date": "到期日期",
"Security code": "安全碼",
"Remittance": "銀行匯款",
"Payment Success!": "付款成功!",
"Payment Failed!": "付款失敗!",
"Thanks for your booking!": "感謝你的訂購!",
"be careful! The order has not yet been established. The order will only be established after the partner confirms it!": "注意!訂單尚未成立,經合作夥伴確認後訂單才會成立!",
"Thank you for your order. We have informed our partners;": "謝謝你的訂購,我們已通知合作夥伴;",
"If the order is established, it will be notified by email as soon as possible. Please pay attention again!": "若訂單成立的話,會再盡快以 Email 通知,再請留意!",
"Order completed!": "訂購完成!",
"Subscription failed!": "訂購失敗!",
"Unable to authorize payment. Pleaser try another credit card.": "信用卡付款授權失敗,請使用其他信用卡",
"Declined code": "錯誤代碼",
"Print this page": "列印此頁",
"Bank account info": "銀行帳戶資訊",
"Bank name": "銀行名稱",
"SWIFT Code": "銀行國際代碼",
"Bank Address": "銀行地址",
"Account Number": "帳戶號碼",
"Account Name": "帳戶名稱",
"Total": "小計:",
"Price": "價格",
"Popularity": "熱門度",
"Popular search": "熱門搜尋",
"Price (Low to High)": "價格(低到高)",
"Recently Added": "最近上架",
"Find country/city ...": "尋找國家/城市 ...",
"Find category/subcategory ...": "尋找母類別/子類別 ...",
"Find Categories...": "尋找類別 ...",
"userProfile": {
"Title": "稱謂",
"allStatus": "所有狀態",
"profile": "個人資訊",
"account": "帳號",
"editPersonalInfo": "編輯個人資訊",
"addPersonalInfo": "新增個人資訊",
"editContactInfo": "編輯聯絡資訊",
"addContactInfo": "新增聯絡資訊",
"personalMail": "聯絡信箱",
"crop": "裁剪",
"cropReset": "重設",
"savedExhibitions": "收藏展覽",
"savedServices": "收藏服務",
"companyInfo": "公司資訊",
"editCompanyInfo": "編輯公司資訊",
"addCompanyInfo": "新增公司資訊",
"setting": "設定",
"logout": "登出",
"personalInfo": "個人資訊",
"uploadPicture": "上傳圖片",
"title": "稱謂",
"firstName": "名字",
"lastName": "姓氏",
"contactEmail": "聯絡Email",
"phone": "電話號碼",
"birthday": "生日",
"countryAndRegion": "國家/地區",
"preferLanguage": "語言偏好設定",
"saveButton": "儲存",
"companyName": "公司名稱",
"taxNumber": "統一編號",
"companyAddress": "地址",
"companyCity": "城市",
"stateAndProvince": "州別/省份",
"companyCountry": "國家",
"zipAndPostalCode": "ZIP/郵政區碼",
"companyDialogClear": "清除",
"companyDialogAdd": "新增",
"noCompany": "尚無公司資訊",
"addNewCompany": "新增公司",
"settingEmail": "變更 Email",
"manageSSO": "管理登入方式",
"SSOLink": "綁定",
"SSOUnLink": "取消綁定",
"unLinkOK": "關閉視窗",
"resetPassword": "重設密碼",
"oldPassword": "舊密碼",
"newPassword": "新密碼",
"confirmPassword": "確認密碼",
"add": "新增",
"save": "儲存",
"clear": "清除",
"cancel": "取消",
"delete": "刪除帳號",
"keep": "保留帳號",
"deleteAccount": "刪除帳號",
"deleteCompanyInfo": "刪除公司資訊",
"deleteMessage": "這則訊息將會被移除",
"deleteCompanyCancel": "取消",
"deleteCompanyConfirm": "確認",
"savedExhibitionsFilter": "篩選",
"savedExhibitionsCountryFilter": "所有國家",
"noSavedExhibitions": "還沒有收藏的展覽 ...",
"addNewSavedExhibitions": "和ShowEasy 一同探索",
"allCountries": "所有國家",
"passwordsHint": "密碼須介於8-20個字元之間,其中至少包含1個數字、1個小寫英文字母,以及1個大寫字母",
"unLinkText": "你先前以 Google 帳號進行註冊,若你要取消綁定,請先綁定 Facebook 帳號或是以「電子信箱」作為新的註冊方式。",
"deleteText": "對於你的離開我們感到十分遺憾......若你決定要永久刪除ShowEasy帳號,請點擊下方「刪除帳號」按鈕。"
"exhibition": {
"All": "All",
"Recommended": "ShowEasy精選",
"ShowDate": "依展期",
"ExhibitorCount": "參展商數量",
"VisitorCount": "參觀者數量",
"Show Status": "展覽狀態",
"Postponed": "已延期",
"Cancelled": "已取消",
"Upcoming": "即將到來",
"Ongoing": "展覽進行中",
"Finished": "已結束"
"Onsite Service": "台灣展館服務",
"Select Exhibition": "選擇展覽",
"Select an extension": "選擇展期",
"Exhibition Name": "展覽名稱",
"Select exhibition hall service": "選擇展館服務",
"Package": "包裝",
"Size (cm)": "尺寸(公分)",
"Weight (kg)": "重量(公斤)",
"Service Type": "服務類型",
"Multiple choices": "可多選",
"New exhibit specifications": "新增展品規格",
"Select truck pickup service": "選擇卡車提貨服務",
"Pick up the goods at the designated place and transport them to the exhibition hall": "至指定地點提貨,並運送至展館",
"Fill in the picking information": "填寫提貨資訊",
"Place of delivery": "提貨地點",
"Date of delivery": "提貨日期",
"Time of delivery": "送達時間",
"Delivered to the exhibition hall on the same day": "當日送達至展場",
"Delivered to the exhibition site next day": "隔日送達至展場",
"Must pay extra pressing fee": "須另支付壓車費",
"Unified Number": "統一編號",
"Company Name": "公司名稱",
"Company Address": "公司地址",
"Company City": "城市",
"State or Province": "州/市",
"Country": "國家",
"Postal Code": "郵遞區號",
"Mobilization date": "進場日期",
"Mobilization time": "進場時間",
"Exit date": "退場日期",
"Exit time": "退場時間",
"Booth No": "攤位號碼",
"Site contact person": "現場聯絡人",
"Site contact mobile phone": "現場聯絡手機",
"remark": "備注",
"Select quantity": "選擇數量",
"Storage service of exhibits in the exhibition hall, and assistance in transportation to the designated booth": "展館內的展品保管服務,同時協助運送至指定攤位",
"The number of lift tailgate trucks": "其中的升降尾門卡車數量",
"E-mail for contact": "聯絡用電子信箱",
"Contact Email": "聯絡用電子信箱",
"Country/Region": "國家",
"Update personal info in your account": "同步更新至會員資訊",
"New pickup service": "新增提貨服務",
"Ordering person": "訂購人資訊",
"Ordering information": "訂購資訊",
"Please choose to log in or sign up as a member":"請選擇是否登入會員或註冊會員",
"Please confirm whether the information is filled in correctly. Once the information is sent, it cannot be changed": "請確認資訊是否填寫正確,資料一旦送出不可更改",
"Contact information": "聯絡人資訊",
"Ordering details": "訂購細節",
"Individual": "個人",
"Company": "公司",
"Length": "長",
"Width": "寬",
"Height": "高",
"Weight": "重量",
"Price (NT $, tax included)": "價格(新台幣,含稅)",
"Maximum load": "最大載重",
"Car size": "車廂尺寸",
"Ton truck": "噸卡車",
"Total:": "金額:(小計)",
"Ton lift tailgate truck": "噸升降尾門卡車",
"Exhibition hall services": "展館服務",
"More than tons to": "噸以上至",
"Less than tons": "噸以下",
"NTD/piece": "元/每件",
"NTD/ton": "元/每噸",
"Booking Date:": "訂購日期: ",
"Service Date:": "進場日期: ",
"......etc": "......等",
"Awaiting Confirmation": "訂單確認中",
"Unpaid": "未付款",
"Failure": "付款失敗",
"Expired": "付款過期",
"Processing": "訂單處理中",
"PaidConfirming": "付款確認中",
"Completed": "訂單完成",
"Cancelled": "訂單取消",
"Paid": "已付款",
"Confirming": "付款確認中",
"Partial Payment": "部分付款",
"Confirmed": "訂單已確認",
"Refunded": "已退款",
"Service Description": "費用説明",
"Search exhibitions or services...": "探索全球展覽、服務",
"Explore global exhibitions": "探索全球展覽",
"Search exhibition services": "找尋展覽服務",
"U.S. Dollar": "美元",
"New Taiwan Dollar": "新台幣",
"Awesome!": "太棒了!",
"Your password has been updated successfully.": "你的新密碼已經更新成功!",
"Check your email": "確認您的信箱",
"We've sent a password reset link to": "我們寄送了重設密碼連結至",
"Please tap the link inside that email to continue.": "請點擊信箱內的連結來完成重設密碼",
"OK": "好",
"Reactivate your account": "重啟帳號",
"Welcome back!": "歡迎回來",
"Looks like your account has been deactivated.": "看來您的帳號曾經註銷過。",
"Would you like to reactivate this account?": "請問要重啟帳號嗎?",
"Reactivate my account": "重起我的帳號",
"Oops! Seems like you haven't verified your email,please click the button below to resend a verification email.": "糟了! 看來你還沒完成會員認證,請點擊按鈕寄送驗證信至您的信箱。",
"Upload your file": "上傳檔案",
"JPG, PNG, PDF are allowed": "請上傳 JPG,PNG 或 PDF 格式的檔案",
"Drag and drop or browse to choose a file": "點擊並選擇檔案",
"Upload Successfully": "檔案已上傳成功!",
"1 of 1 uploaded": "1/1 已完成上傳",
"Cancel": "取消",
"Upload up to 1 file": "最多只能上傳一個檔案",
"View Details": "查看詳情",
"Copy": "複製",
"Cancel Booking": "取消訂單",
"Remittance only": "僅提供銀行匯款",
"Are you sure you want to cancel the booking?": "是否確定要取消訂單?",
"ShowEasy customer service will contact you for the cancellation process,please wait patiently.": "ShowEasy 客服將主動與你聯繫,並進行後續的取消作業,再麻煩耐心等候,謝謝。",
"Other Details": "更多細節",
"Notice Details": "備註",
"Notice": "備註",
"Payment Details": "付款詳細資訊",
"Banking Details": "銀行帳戶資訊",
"Add Contact": "新增聯絡資訊",
"Remind": "提醒",
"Your goods are of special size. Please contact ShowEasy service personnel (02) 2725-5000": "您的貨物為特殊尺寸,請洽詢ShowEasy服務人員(02)2725-5000",
"Please upload your remittance slip as soon as the bill has been transferred.": "請在付款後盡快上傳你的匯款單據",
"Payment Method": "付款方式",
"Payment Terms": "付款條件",
"Payment Date": "付款日期",
"Bank account info:": "銀行帳戶資訊",
"This Booking is Unpaid": "尚未付款",
"Remittance Image": "匯款證明單",
"Upload Remittance Slip Again": "再次上傳匯款單",
"Are you sure you want to cancel this booking?": "您確定要取消此筆訂單嗎?",
"Yes": "是",