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<div class="long-text d-flex flex-column align-center px-8">
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<div v-if="$i18n.locale == 'en'">
<h2>Cookie Policy</h2>
<div class="t14 tw-text-neutrals-600">
ShowEasy uses cookies to record and track the online activity of our website users. When you visit our
at and its domain, we will store a cookie in your device (browser).
<h4>1. What is a cookie?</h4>
A cookie is a small text file that we store in your browser to record information about your online
activities, such as the information about your login, connection, shopping, language settings, browsing
history, etc.
<h4>2. What are the types of cookies?</h4>
2.1 By storage period
<div class="tw-ml-[8px]">
a. Working cookie:they disappear when you close your browser.<br />
b. On-going cookie:they disappear when you close your browser.
2.2 By setting source
<div class="tw-ml-[8px]">
a. First-party cookie:they are set by us or by the vendor we use.<br />
b. Third-party cookie:they are set by a third party (different domain) other than our website.
<h4>3. Which cookies do we use and for what purpose?</h4>
3.1 Essential cookie
Essential cookies are necessary for the operation of the website to allow you to use various features or
services on the website, or to help us detect and prevent fraud while maintaining the security of the
website, such as verifying your login information, recording your login information so that you do not have
to log in repeatedly when you browse the website again, recording your shopping information, saving your
connection information, remembering your language preferences, etc. Therefore, you will not be able to
refuse to use it in our website settings. If you turn off the acceptance of the cookies setting in your
browser, you may not be able to use certain features or services of the website properly.
3.2 Performance and analysis for cookie
he performance and analysis of cookies helps us to enhance our services and users' online experience, such
as calculating and analyzing information on website traffic sources, popular pages, conversion rates,
click-through rates, and other information that can be aggregated in an anonymous manner for market
research. If you refuse to accept such cookies, we will not be able to use your online activity as the
subject for our analysis.
3.3 Ad tracking cookie
Ad tracking cookies are set by us or by our advertising partners (advertising agency, advertisers). Such
cookies can be used to create a profile of you to analyze your preferences and to deliver advertisements to
you on our website or other media that are relevant to your interests. Advertising partners do not receive
directly identifiable information about you from us, but instead track your online activity with the unique
identifier of your browser or connected device. If you refuse to accept such cookies, the advertisements you
receive may not be relevant to your interests.
<h4>4. How can you manage your consent?</h4>
You can refer to the following link to manage your browser's cookie settings according to
your browser type and version. You can also manage your browser's cookie settings by searching for the
latest information provided by your browser manufacturer.
<li class="tw-text-complementary-1 tw-mt-[20px] tw-body-3">
.<a href="" target="_blank" style="color: inherit;">Google
Chrome</a><br />
href="" target="_blank"
style="color: inherit;">Microsoft Internet Explorer</a><br />
href="" target="_blank"
style="color: inherit;">Mozilla Firefox</a><br />
.<a href="" target="_blank" style="color: inherit;">Apple</a>
<div v-if="$i18n.locale == 'zh-tw'">
<h2>Cookie 政策</h2>
<div class="t14 tw-text-neutrals-600">
<h4>1. Cookie是什麼?</h4>
<h4>2. Cookie的種類有哪些?</h4>
2.1 依儲存期間區分
<div class="tw-ml-[8px]">
a. 工作階段cookie:當您關閉瀏覽器後即消失。<br />
b. 持續性cookie:持續儲存於您的瀏覽器到您刪除為止。
2.2 依設置來源區分
<div class="tw-ml-[8px]">
a. 第一方cookie:由我們或經我們使用的廠商所設置。<br />
b. 第三方cookie:由我們網站以外的第三人(不同網域)所設置。
<h4>3. 我們使用哪些cookie?目的是什麼?</h4>
3.1 必要cookie
3.2 效能與分析cookie
3.3 廣告追蹤cookie
<h4>4. 如何管理設定?</h4>
<li class="tw-text-complementary-1 tw-mt-[20px] tw-body-3">
.<a href="" style="color: inherit;" target="_blank">Google
Chrome</a><br />
style="color: inherit;" target="_blank">Microsoft Internet Explorer</a><br />
style="color: inherit;" target="_blank">Mozilla Firefox</a><br />
.<a href="" style="color: inherit;" target="_blank">Apple</a>
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<div class="t12 tw-text-end" style="letter-spacing: 0.02em;line-height: 18px;color: #9C9C9C;">
{{ $t('Effective Date: 01 January, 2022') }}
{{ $t('Version: 1.0') }}
export default {
auth: false,
data() {
return {
language: this.$i18n.locale,
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