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<h2>Privacy Policy</h2>
<div class="t12 tw-text-neutrals-600 tw-font-normal tw-self-stretch tw-flex-grow-0">
<span>Showeasy Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “ShowEasy”,“we/our/us”) is committed to protecting and
your privacy. We endeavor to comply with all applicable laws on privacy protection and personal data
This Privacy Policy (hereinafter referred to as this "Policy") illustrates how we collect, process, use
protect personal information.
Please read this Policy carefully. If you do not accept this Policy, please do not register as a ShowEasy
member or submit any personal information to us. If you are not an adult in accordance with the laws of
country, please make sure that your guardians have read this Policy and that you register as a ShowEasy
or submit your personal information to us with the consent of your guardians.
If you have any question, comment or would like to exercise your rights with respect to this Policy,
feel free to contact us at <span class="tw-text-primary-1"></span> .
<h4 class="tw-font-bold">1. Scope of this Policy</h4>
1.1 This Policy applies to all the personal information of ShowEasy members, potential
customers or partners and those that are collected by us through the ShowEasy website ( and
ShowEasy mobile device application (app).
1.2 Please note that if you link to any other domain or app that is not part of the ShowEasy website or
we may not be able to continue to maintain the security of your personal information. You are advised to
read the privacy policy of that domain or app before linking to any other domain or app.
<h4 class="tw-font-bold">2. How Do We Collect Personal Information/What Personal Information Do We Collect</h4>
<strong>2.1 Personal information provided by you</strong><br />
We will obtain personal information that you have entered on the ShowEasy website or app, or provide
telephone, letter, email, communication software or other means, including:
<div class="tw-ml-[8px]">
a. Membership<br />
Membership data is your personal information including identification, characteristics, account number
password. You can choose whether to update the membership data or not. If you do not choose to update
basic data, we will not be able to automatically insert your data by the system when you place orders.
However, we recommend that you update your password regularly to keep your account safe.
b. Order<br />
• Customer/recipient/traveler/contact data
When you place an order, depending on the type of products you purchase, you may need to provide the
personal information of different individuals, including identification and characteristics, etc. (for
example, you may need to provide your passport name and passport number when purchasing foreign tour
products, or the recipient's name and address when you purchase pre-mailed physical tickets). You may
choose whether to update the data to the membership data.
• Payment and financial data
Credit card information (card number, expiry date and security code) and other payment method
c. Business partners<br />
If you are interested in becoming our business partner, we need to obtain your personal information,
• Basic data and contact information such as identification, characteristics and working situation
• Proof data for qualification review
• Financial account data for payment
d. Participants in activities<br />
When you participate in various activities held by us (such as filling in questionnaires, lucky draw
other survey or marketing activities), we need to obtain your personal information, such as
and characteristics, depending on the contents of the activities.
e. Customer service<br />
When you make inquiries, feedback or complaints to us through various contact methods, we need to
your basic data and contact data such as identification and characteristics. When we communicate over
phone, we may record the whole conversation.
<strong>2.2 Obtained from a third-party service provider</strong>
<div class="tw-ml-[8px]">
a. When you register as a member of a third-party service provider (e.g., Facebook,
Google…etc.), we will obtain your data(such as name, photo, email address and any information you choose
to provide) and UID according to your settings at the third-party service provider.<br />
b. We will also obtain relevant data from third-party service providers about your interactions with
ShowEasy on their websites or apps(such as your likes or comments on ShowEasy Facebook page).
<strong>2.3 Automatic collection via online behaviors</strong><br />
When you use the ShowEasy website or app, we will use cookies or similar technology to obtain your
information and record your online behaviors, such as:
<div class="tw-ml-[8px]">
a. IP address.<br />
b. Your stay, browsing or clicking on the ShowEasy website or app page.<br />
c. Traffic data.<br />
d. The webpage you visited before linking to the ShowEasy website.<br />
See the About Cookie for more information.<br />
<strong>2.4 Provided by business partners</strong>
If you participate in marketing activities jointly organized by us and our third-party business
partners, we
may obtain your personal information (such as prize winners' data) from the business partners to the
<strong>2.5 Obtained through a subsidiary or branch</strong>
We may also obtain your personal information from our subsidiary or branch, in your location, and add
data to our database to the extent necessary.
<h4 class="tw-font-bold">3. Why Do We Collect Personal Information/How Do We Use Personal Information</h4>
<strong>3.1 Membership management</strong><br />
When you register as a member of ShowEasy, we will create a membership profile for you so that we can
all membership data. You can do the following in the “Account Settings”:
<div class="tw-ml-[8px]">
a. Update basic data to help you automatically insert the required information when placing orders.<br />
b. Update the password to maintain the security of your account.
<strong>3.2 Order management</strong>
<div class="tw-ml-[8px]">
a. After you place an order, we will collect the personal information of the
customer/recipient/traveler/contact person depending on the products you purchase in order for us to
process and fulfill your order.
b. If you want to cancel the order or apply for refund, we may also need additional personal information
for processing the refund and qualification review.
<strong>3.3 Business partner management</strong><br />
To establish/fulfill our contractual relationships with our business partners: We will review the proof
provided by you, and after the contractual relationship is established, we will contact you for the
business contacts and payments.
<strong>3.4 Activity management</strong>
<div class="tw-ml-[8px]">
a. When you participate in any of our activities (such as questionnaires, lucky draws,
etc.), we may contact you to communicate the contents of the activities, or disclose the data to the
extent necessary (such as the accounts of prize winners).<br />
b. When you win the prize, if necessary, we will send the prize to you via your email address or physical
address.<br />
c. If your prize amount reaches the legal threshold, we also need to obtain the necessary personal
information from you to declare in accordance with the law.<br />
d. We will also recommend our products to you from time to time.
<strong>3.5 Customer service</strong><br />
When you make inquiries, feedback or complaints to us, we will use your contact information to keep you
updated of the status, or provide your data to our supplier or business partner (such as payment service
provider flow or logistics provider) based upon the specific needs in order to assist the handling of the
matter. If any dispute arises or is likely to occur, we will also use the communication records between
the parties (such as emails) as evidence.
<strong>3.6 Marketing</strong><br />
If you are a member of ShowEasy or our business partner, or you have ordered any products from us,
participated in our activities, inquired about product information (as a potential customer), we will use
your contact information to recommend the latest exhibitions, discount information, other newsletters or
product information you may be interested in, or deliver advertisement to you on third-party platforms
(such as Facebook).
<strong>3.7 Survey, statistics and analysis</strong>
<div class="tw-ml-[8px]">
a. We will survey your comments on the products from time to time.<br />
b. We will analyze users’ behaviors on the ShowEasy website and app to optimize our performance and
service and improve our product planning.<br />
c. We will analyze the data you left through your online activities (such as products you search and
browsing or clicking behaviors, etc.) or your participation in various activities (such as questionnaires
you fill out and lucky draws you participate, etc.) to evaluate products you may be interested in.<br />
d. ShowEasy will collect statistics and analyze the collected data to evaluate customer willingness to
purchase products and the items which customers like, develop marketing strategies, improve service
quality, predict the future trend of hot selling products, or recommend suitable products.
<strong>3.8 Exercise of rights/fulfillment of statutory obligations</strong>
<div class="tw-ml-[8px]">
a. In case of any consumer disputes, non-performance of contract, infringement or criminal
acts, we will use personal information to the extent necessary to make a legal request or defense, such as
providing the data to the competent authority or judicial authority.<br />
b. If required by law, ShowEasy will also provide your personal information to the competent authority or
judicial authority in order to fulfill our statutory obligations.
<strong>3.9 In the event any of the following occurs, we may also use your personal information for other
<div class="tw-ml-[8px]">
a. With consent of the parties.<br />
b. Expressly required by law.<br />
c. Where it is necessary for protecting public interest, such as when we think that your actions may be
illegal, we may provide personal information to the judicial authority.<br />
d. Where it is to prevent harm to life, body, freedom or property of the parties.<br />
e. Where it is to prevent material harm to the rights and interests of others.<br />
f. Where it is beneficial to the rights and interests of the parties.
<h4 class="tw-font-bold">4. Who Obtains Personal Information/Why is Personal Information Obtained Within the following scope, to the extent necessary, personal information may be obtained by third parties:
4.1 Where we use the cloud service providers to store personal information in cloud space.
4.2 In order to complete the transaction, the payment service provider (for processing the payment) or the
logistics provider (for sending or receiving products, such as collecting your passport to arrange a tour)
we cooperate with may obtain your personal information.
4.3 Where we provide personal information required for the order to the supplier according to your
specific order requirements. Please note that the supplier receiving the data may, if necessary, contact you or the
contact person to collect additional personal information needed for the products or to communicate with
you about the products. The supplier may also provide your order data to others in order to complete your
purchase. Please also read the supplier's privacy policy.
4.4 Where we provide the order data to ShowEasy's partner in your location.
4.5 If you participate in marketing activities jointly organized by us and our third-party business
partner,we may provide your personal information (such as the prize winner's information) to the business partner
to the extent necessary.
<h4 class="tw-font-bold">5. Personal Information S5torage and Cross-border Transmission</h4>
5.1 ShowEasy uses the cloud space of a trusted cloud storage service provider to store your
personal information, and we may transfer your data to data recipients located in other countries and
regions (such as where suppliers of local tours or tickets are located) according to your order
5.2 The personal information protection laws of the location where the data recipient is located may
differ from those of your location, but we will do our best to take reasonable measures to ensure that your
personal information are effectively secured.
<h4 class="tw-font-bold">6. Use of Personal Information /Retention Period</h4>
ShowEasy will continue to use your personal information while the aforementioned collection
purpose still exists. Where the purpose of the collection ceases, we will no longer keep the data in a way
that will identify you, unless otherwise required by law.
<h4 class="tw-font-bold">7. How Do We Protect Personal Information</h4>
7.1 ShowEasy is committed to protecting the security of your personal information. We take
appropriate administrative and technical measures to ensure the legality of our collection, processing and
use of personal information, and to prevent personal information from being tampered with, damaged, lost,
leaked or otherwise infringed.
7.2 We will take reasonable steps with our suppliers to ensure the security of your personal information
in order to maintain the confidentiality, integrity and availability of personal information.
7.3 We will also carefully select the business partners we instruct to collect, process or use personal
information, and supervise the security of personal information by contractual and other reasonable means.
7.4 However, you need to understand that no 100% security maintenance measures over the internet are 100%
secure, so we cannot guarantee the absolute security of your personal information.
<h4 class="tw-font-bold">8. The Rights You May Exercise through Us</h4>
You may exercise the following rights with respect to your personal information throughShowEasy.
<strong>8.1 Access to your personal information, including the right to make an inquiry of or to request to
review or make a copy of your personal information. Unless any of the following occurs, we will not refuse
the exercise of your rights:
a. Impairing national security, diplomatic and military confidentiality, overall economic
interests or other vital national interests.<br />
b. Obstructing the performance of statutory obligations imposed by competent authorities.<br />
c. Impairing significant interests of ShowEasy or a third party.
<strong>8.2 Supplement or correction (Depending on the situation, you may need to provide appropriate explanations)</strong>
<strong>8.3 Requesting to stop collecting, processing or using personal information or requesting to delete personal information.</strong>
<strong>8.4 Requesting to stop using personal information for marketing purposes</strong><br />
When we use your personal information to market any product to you (for example, by sending an
information email about the products), you may reject the marketing activity.
<strong>8.5 The way for Right Exercise</strong><br />
You may login to access, supplement and correct your personal information, or you may contact ShowEasy
customer service mailbox at to exercise the above-mentioned rights. You may also file
a complaint about the dispute related to your personal information with the competent authority where
ShowEasy is located.
<h4 class="tw-font-bold">9. About Cookie</h4>
We use cookie to collect the personal information of website visitors and app users. Please
refer to the Cookie Policy for the privacy policy of cookie.
<h4 class="tw-font-bold">10. Personal Information of Minors</h4>
10.1 If you are not an adult in accordance with the laws of your location, please have your
guardians read and accept this Policy, and your guardians should agree to register you as our member or
submit your personal information to us.
10.2 If the data you fill in contains the personal information of a minor when placing an order, you
should represent and warrant that his/her guardians agree you to provide such minor’s data to us.
<h4 class="tw-font-bold">11. Change of this Policy</h4>
11.1 ShowEasy may update this Policy in the future. You are advised to pay attention to the
latest version of this Policy. In the event of a major update, we will notify you proactively in an
appropriate manner (such as sending email, bouncing window notification, app notification, etc.).
11.2 Where you are not willing to accept our updated policies to collect, process and use your personal
information, please contact us at
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Showeasy Co., Ltd. (下稱「ShowEasy」或「我們」)尊重並承諾保護您的個人隱私。<br />
<h4 class="tw-font-bold">1. 隱私權保護政策的適用範圍</h4>
1.1 本政策適用於ShowEasy會員、潛在消費者或合作夥伴,以及經由ShowEasy網站(及ShowEasy行動裝置應用程式(app)蒐集的個人資料。
1.2 如果您連結至不屬於ShowEasy網站之其他網域,我們將無法繼續維護您的個人資料安全,建議您在連結至其他網域前,先行閱讀該網域的隱私權保護政策。
<h4 class="tw-font-bold">2. 我們所蒐集的資料及蒐集的方式</h4>
<strong>2.1 由您主動提供</strong><br />
<div class="tw-ml-[8px]">
a. 會員資料<br />
b. 訂單資料<br />
• 訂購人/收件人/旅客/聯絡人資料
• 付款金融資料
c. 合作夥伴資料<br />
• 識別類、特徵類、工作情形類等基本資料與聯繫資料
• 供審查資格的佐證資料
• 供給付款項的金融帳戶資料
d. 活動參加者資料<br />
e. 客服詢問者資料<br />
<strong>2.2 由第三方服務提供者取得</strong>
<div class="tw-ml-[8px]">
a. 當您以第三方服務提供者(Facebook、Google等)的帳號註冊成為會員時,我們會根據您在該第三方服務提供者的設定而取得您的資料(例如姓名、圖片、電子郵件信箱等您選擇提供的任何資料)以及UID。<br />
b. 我們也會自第三方服務提供者獲得您在其網站或app上與ShowEasy互動的相關資料(例如您在ShowEasy的Facebook粉絲專頁按讚或留言的內容)。
<strong>2.3 經由線上行為自動蒐集</strong><br />
<div class="tw-ml-[8px]">
a. IP位址。<br />
b. 您在ShowEasy網站或app頁面的停留時間、瀏覽或點擊紀錄。<br />
c. 流量資料。<br />
d. 您連結至ShowEasy網站前的瀏覽網頁。更多資訊詳見Cookie政策。 <br />
<strong>2.4 由合作業者提供</strong>
<strong>2.5 經由子公司或分公司取得</strong>
<h4 class="tw-font-bold">3. 我們為什麼蒐集個人資料/ 如何使用個人資料</h4>
<strong>3.1 會員管理</strong><br />
<div class="tw-ml-[8px]">
a. 更新基本資料,可方便您在訂購商品時自動帶入該商品所需的必要資料。<br />
b. 更新密碼,以維護您的帳號安全。
<strong>3.2 訂單管理</strong>
<div class="tw-ml-[8px]">
a. 當您購買商品後,我們將依商品需求蒐集訂購人/收件人/旅客/聯絡人的個人資料,作為履行契約之用。
b. 若欲取消訂單/申請退費時,我們也可能需要其他個人資料作為退回款項及資格審查之用。
<strong>3.3 合作夥伴管理</strong><br />
<strong>3.4 活動管理</strong>
<div class="tw-ml-[8px]">
a. 當您參加我們的各項活動時(例如問卷調查、抽獎等),我們可能會與您聯繫溝通活動內容,或於必要範圍內公開資料(例如得獎者帳號)。 <br />
b. 當您獲獎時,如有必要,我們將以您的電子郵件信箱或收件地址來寄送獎品。 <br />
c. 如您獲得的獎品金額達到法定門檻,我們依法需向您取得必要的個人資料向主管機關申報。 <br />
d. 我們也會不定期向您推薦我們的商品資訊。
<strong>3.5 客戶服務</strong><br />
<strong>3.6 商品行銷</strong><br />
<strong>3.7 調查、統計與分析</strong>
<div class="tw-ml-[8px]">
a. 我們會不定期向您調查對商品的意見。<br />
b. 我們會分析ShowEasy網站及app使用者的使用行為,以優化我們的效能與服務,以及改善我們的商品規劃。 <br />
c. 我們會分析您的線上行為(例如搜尋的商品、瀏覽或點擊的行為等)或參加各項活動(例如填寫的問卷或抽獎等)所留下的資料,以評估您可能有興趣的商品。<br />
d. ShowEasy會統計、分析蒐集到的資料,作為評估購買商品意願、顧客喜愛之商品項目、市場行銷策略研擬、提升服務品質、預測未來熱賣商品動向,或是推薦適合商品之用。
<strong>3.8 權利行使/履行法定義務</strong>
<div class="tw-ml-[8px]">
a. 如遇有消費爭議、債務不履行、侵權行為、犯罪行為等情形時,我們為了提出法律上的請求或防禦,將於必要範圍內依法使用個人資料,例如將資料提供主管機關或司法機關。<br />
b. 如法律有規定時,ShowEasy為了履行法定義務,也會將您的個人資料提供主管機關或司法機關。
<strong>3.9 有下列情形時,我們也可能為了其他目的依法使用個人資料:</strong>
<div class="tw-ml-[8px]">
a. 取得當事人的同意。<br />
b. 法律明文規定。
c. 為增進公共利益所必要,例如當我們評估您的行為可能有違法之虞時,將個人資料提供給司法機關。
d. 為免除當事人之生命、身體、自由或財產上之危險。
e. 為防止他人權益之重大危害。
f. 有利於當事人權益。
<h4 class="tw-font-bold">4. 誰會取得個人資料/為什麼取得個人資料
4.1 我們使用雲端服務提供者的雲端空間儲存個人資料。
4.2 為完成交易而由我們配合的金流業者(付款處理)或物流業者(商品寄送或收件,例如向您收取護照以代辦行程)取得您的必要個人資料。
4.3 依您購買商品的具體需求,將該訂單所需的必要個人資料提供給供應商。請留意,取得資料的供應商可能會在必要情形下與您或聯絡人聯繫,以向您蒐集訂購該商品所需的其他個人資料或所溝通的商品資訊;供應商也可能將您的訂單資料提供他人以完成您購買的商品內容。請詳閱該供應商的隱私權保護政策。
4.4 將訂單資料提供給ShowEasy於您所在地的合作夥伴。
4.5 如您參加我們與第三方業者共同舉辦的行銷活動,我們將可能於必要範圍內提供您的個人資料(例如得獎者資料)給合作業者。
<h4 class="tw-font-bold">5. 個人資料儲存與跨境傳輸</h4>
5.1 ShowEasy使用值得信賴的雲端儲存服務提供者的雲端空間儲存個人資料,並根據您訂購之商品所需,我們可能會將您的資料傳輸給位於其他國家、地區的資料接受者(例如當地行程、票券供應商)。
5.2 資料接受者所在地的個人資料保護法律可能與您所在地的法律具有落差,但我們會盡最大努力採取合理措施確保您的個人資料獲得有效的安全維護。
<h4 class="tw-font-bold">6. 個人資料利用/保存期限</h4>
<h4 class="tw-font-bold">7. 我們如何保護個人資料</h4>
7.1 ShowEasy致力於保護個人資料的安全,我們採取適當的管理上及技術上措施確保合法蒐集、處理及利用個人資料,並避免個人資料遭到竄改、毀損、滅失、洩漏或其他侵害。
7.2 我們會對供應商採取合理步驟確保個人資料的安全,以維護個人資料的機密性、完整性與可得性。
7.3 我們也會慎選受我們指示蒐集、處理或利用個人資料的業者,並以契約及其他合理方式監督個人資料安全的落實。
7.4 您需瞭解在網路環境下尚不存在完全安全的維護措施,因此我們無法保證您的個人資料絕對的安全性。
<h4 class="tw-font-bold">8. 您可向我們行使的權利</h4>
a. 妨害國家安全、外交及軍事機密、整體經濟利益或其他國家重大利益。<br />
b. 妨害公務機關執行法定職務。<br />
c. 妨害該蒐集機關或第三人之重大利益。
<strong>8.2 補充或更正(視具體情形,可能需要您提出適當的說明)</strong>
<strong>8.3 要求停止蒐集、處理、利用或要求刪除</strong>
<strong>8.4 要求停止利用個人資料行銷</strong><br />
<strong>8.5 權利行使方式</strong><br />
<h4 class="tw-font-bold">9. 關於Cookie</h4>
<h4 class="tw-font-bold">10. 未成年人的個人資料</h4>
10.1 如您依您的所在國法律尚未成年,請由您的法定代理人閱讀並接受本政策,並應由法定代理人同意您註冊成為我們的會員或向我們提交個人資料。
10.2 如您訂購商品所填寫的資料包含未成年人的個人資料時,您應擔保其法定代理人同意您提供該未成年人的資料給我們。
<h4 class="tw-font-bold">11. 本政策變更</h4>
11.1 ShowEasy於日後可能更新本政策,建議您隨時留意本政策的最新版本。如遇有重大更新時,我們將以適當方式向您主動通知(例如寄送電子郵件、彈跳視窗通知、app推播通知等)。
11.2 若您不願接受我們依更新的政策條款蒐集、處理、利用您的個人資料,請立即洽客服信箱info@showeasy.com與我們聯繫。
<v-card color="transparent" width="648" flat>
<div class="t12 tw-text-neutrals-400" style="text-align: end;letter-spacing: 0.02em;line-height: 18px;">
{{ $t('Effective Date: 01 January, 2022') }}
{{ $t('Version: 1.0') }}
export default {
auth: false,
data() {
return {
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