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<div class="tw-text-base-primary tw-text-[16px] md:tw-text-[18px]">
{{ $t("userProfile.setting") }}
class="tw-border tw-border-t tw-border-solid tw-border-neutrals-200 tw-mb-[34px] tw-w-full md:tw-mb-[26px] xl:tw-mb-[20px]">
<button class="tw-flex tw-flex-row tw-items-center tw-pl-[13px] tw-mb-[7px] xl:tw-mb-[12px]" @click="logout">
<img src="~/assets/svg/logout.svg" class="tw-mr-[10px] md:tw-mr-[20px] xl:tw-mr-[10px]" alt="" />
<div class="tw-text-error-default tw-text-[16px] md:tw-text-[18px]">
{{ $t("userProfile.logout") }}
export default {
name: "userSidebar",
props: {
userData: {
type: Object,
firstName: {
type: String,
lastName: {
type: String,
data() {
return {};
mounted() { },
watch: {},
methods: {
logout() {
if (window.innerWidth < 1024) {
} else {
<style lang="scss" scoped>
:deep() {
.nuxt-link-active {
.sideBarIcon>path {
fill: #f48800 !important;
>div {
color: #f48800 !important;